Ragnaros Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Ragnaros. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Ragnaros's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Ragnaros's Talent Build
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Ragnaros's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Blast Wave Build
RecommendedRagnaros's Blast Wave Build can deal a high amount of burst damage and provides a fair amount of survivability and mobility during team fights.
The burst damage comes from Blistering Attacks at Level 7
Engulfing Flame at Level 1,
amplified by
Blast Echo at Level 16.
The additional survivability while fighting enemy Heroes
comes from Tempered Flame at Level 13,
in synergy with
Engulfing Flame at Level 1,
Blast Echo at Level 16.
Hybrid Build
AdvancedRagnaros's Hybrid Build can deal a high amount of burst damage and provides a great amount of self-sustain while laning.
The burst damage comes from Blistering Attacks at Level 7,
Giant Scorcher at Level 16, and
Sulfuras Smash.
The additional survivability, especially while laning,
comes from Sulfuras Hungers
at Level 1 that, after completing its Quest, will allow you to get more healing
while hitting a full wave of Minions using
Empower Sulfuras.
Empower Sulfuras Build
SituationalRagnaros's Empower Sulfuras Build can deal a high amount of sustain damage against team with multiple melee Heroes and provides a great amount of self-sustain while laning.
The additional survivability, especially while laning but not only,
comes from Sulfuras Hungers
at Level 1 that, after completing its Quest, will allow you to get more healing
while hitting a full wave of Minions using
Empower Sulfuras.
Living Meteor Build
SituationalRagnaros's Living Meteor Build is a decent alternative to other Builds for when you cannot afford to step up in melee range as it allows you to safely poke enemy Heroes from the distance.
The majority of your damage will come from the combination of
Shifting Meteor at Level 1 after completing its Quest,
Molten Power at Level 7,
Meteor Bomb at Level 16.
ARAM Build
ARAMRagnaros's ARAM Build can deal a high amount of burst damage and provides a fair amount of survivability and mobility during team fights.
The burst damage comes from Blistering Attacks at Level 7
Engulfing Flame at Level 1,
amplified by
Blast Echo at Level 16.
The additional survivability while fighting enemy Heroes
comes from Tempered Flame at Level 13,
in synergy with
Engulfing Flame at Level 1,
Blast Echo at Level 16.
Level 1 Talents for Ragnaros

Quest: Every time Empower Sulfuras kills a Minion, its damage is increased by 1, up to 25.
Reward: After killing 25 Minions, increase its damage by an additional 100.
Sulfuras Hungers is a good Quest-based Talent that adds a hefty amount of damage to
Empower Sulfuras, which, in turn, increases
your waveclear and survivability.
Contrary to the damage coming from other sources, the bonus damage provided
by Sulfuras Hungers does not scale, meaning that
it will stay the same for the whole game. As a consequence, quickly completing
the Quest will result in a significant boost during the early game
that will slowly fall off while transitioning into the late game.
In order to complete the Quest, you must drastically reduce the Health of
enemy Minions by using Living Meteor and Basic Attacks,
so that
Empower Sulfuras will be enough to finish them off.
Using your Basic Attack on the Wizard Minion in the middle of the wave
of Minions will result into
Empower Sulfuras hitting all of them.

Each time an enemy is hit by the same Living Meteor, they take 6% increased damage from it.
Quest: Hit 75 Heroes with Living Meteor.
Reward: After hitting 75 Heroes with Living Meteor, its duration is increased to 2.25 seconds, and it can be reactivated to change its direction once per use.
Shifting Meteor is a decent Quest-based Talent that
Living Meteor by increasing its damage as soon as
you pick it. Upon completing its Quest, this Talent provides a hefty
30% duration increase to
Living Meteor, which translate into an equivalent
range and damage potential increase.
Although the damage increase is notable,
the true power of this Talent lies in the ability to redirect Living Meteor,
making the Ability much more difficult for opponents to
Thanks to its redirect effect, Shifting Meteor synergizes with other
Living Meteor-based Talents:
Molten Power at Level 7,
Meteor Bomb at Level 16.

Increase Blast Wave's damage by 75% and its radius by 15%.
Engulfing Flame is a good Talent that heavily increases
the damage of
Blast Wave and slightly increases its radius.
Thanks to the additional damage provided, Engulfing Flame
has strong synergy with
Tempered Flame at Level 13
Blast Echo at Level 16.
Level 4 Talents for Ragnaros

When Living Meteor hits an enemy Hero, gain a charge of Spell Armor, reducing damage from the next enemy ability by 50%.
Stores up to 2 charges.
Fire Ward provides you with an excellent way of mitigating Ability-based
damage that scales directly with how many Heroes—and for how long—you
can successfully hit with
Living Meteor.

Blast Wave slows enemies hit by 40% for 2 seconds.
Slow Burn is Ragnaros's only form of
crowd control besides his
Sulfuras Smash Heroic Ability, making it quite unique in this aspect.
The Slow it applies
is particularly useful for keeping opponents within the area of
effect of Living Meteor, or simply for keeping them around for
Basic Attacks and subsequent
Empower Sulfuras hits.

- Cooldown: 30 seconds
Quest: Gathering a Regeneration Globe increases Ragnaros' Health Regeneration by 1.25 per second, up to 18.75.
Reward: After gathering 15 Regeneration Globes, activate Catching Fire to gain 25 Armor for 3 seconds, reducing damage taken by 25%.
Catching Fire is a good Quest-based Talent that provides you with a respectable amount
of self-sustain. The activated effect is
particularly useful against burst
damage, but takes longer to kick in than the
Fire Ward alternative.
Level 7 Talents for Ragnaros

If Empower Sulfuras hits at least 2 enemy Heroes, refund 10 Mana and its cooldown recharges 100% faster for 4 seconds.
Hand of Ragnaros is a good Talent that provides a significant amount of
cooldown reduction to
Empower Sulfuras, the area of effect nature
of which makes it particularly effective against team compositions featuring
multiple melee Heroes.
With Hand of Ragnaros, you should see to always try and hit as many Heroes as possible so as to always trigger the cooldown reduction effect to greatly increase your sustain damage and survivability.

If Living Meteor hits enemy Heroes at least 5 times, reduce its cooldown by 7 seconds, and refund 30 Mana.
Molten Power is a good Talent that, when hitting enemy Heroes
5 times with a single cast of
Living Meteor,
refunds 30 Mana and reduces its cooldown by 7 seconds, so you will be able to cast it again within 4 seconds.
When going for Molten Power, your goal becomes
to hit at least 2 enemy Heroes with most of your casts of
Living Meteor,
better if with the help of a fully stacked
Shifting Meteor at Level 1.

Every 10 seconds, Ragnaros's next Basic Attack against a Hero deals 60% bonus damage. Hitting enemies with Basic Abilities reduces this cooldown by 1 second.
Blistering Attacks focuses on improving Ragnaros's single-target
damage output against Heroes. Making the best out of this Talent may be tricky,
as it requires you to change the way in which you use your Abilities. In
general, however, the goal becomes to alternate between delivering Basic
Attacks against Heroes and using Abilities in a way that they hit as many
targets as possible to significantly reduce the cooldown of Blistering Attacks.
While the bonus damage coming from Blistering Attacks only works on enemy Heroes,
any enemy unit can be used for the purpose of reducing its cooldown.
Living Meteor is particularly good for the task because it
delivers quick packets of damage in an area of effect. All of Ragnaros's
Abilities, however, deal damage in an area of effect, meaning that hitting a
Minion wave is generally enough to reset the cooldown of Blistering Attacks.
Level 10 Talents for Ragnaros
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

- Mana: 70
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Hurl Sulfuras at the target area, landing after 0.75 seconds, dealing 250 (+4% per level) damage. Enemies in the center take 594 (+4% per level) damage instead and are Stunned for 0.5 seconds.
Sulfuras Smash is a situational Heroic Ability that
deals a huge amount of burst damage and also Stuns,
with increased effectiveness at its center.
You should pick this Heroic Ability when the strategy of your team revolves around bursting down a single Hero. If your team has access to some crowd control effects, you can easily land it from the distance as a follow up to them.
Slow Burn at Level 4 can be used right before
Sulfuras Smash to Slow
enemy Heroes who are in melee range, increasing your chances to him them
with your most powerful Ability.

- Mana: 80
- Cooldown: 120 seconds
Release a wave of lava from Ragnaros's Core that travels down the targeted lane, dealing 240 (+4% per level) damage per second to non-Structure enemies in its path and instantly killing enemy Minions. Damage increased by 100% versus Heroes.
Lava Wave is a good Heroic Ability
that can heavily reduce the siege power of the enemy team
by killing all their Minions when they attempt to take down your Structures and allows
Ragnaros to soak Experience without actually being near enemy Minions.
We find this Heroic Ability particularly interesting on bigger Maps (such as Blackheart's Bay) because it indirectly gives global value to your team.
Avoid picking this Heroic Ability on Towers of Doom, though, because the lanes are so short that you will not be able to soak as many waves of Minions as usual with it. You can find more details in our Lava Wave Timings guide.
Level 13 Talents for Ragnaros

Empower Sulfuras heals for an additional 45% of damage dealt to Heroes over 2 seconds.
Cauterize Wounds significantly increases your combat survivability, especially
when coupled with the cooldown reduction to
Empower Sulfuras.

When Blast Wave damages an enemy Hero, gain a Shield equal to 100% of the damage dealt for 3 seconds.
Tempered Flame has the potential of granting you an impressive Shield,
for some welcome survivability against burst damage. The caveat is that you must
see to have
Blast Wave detonate near as many opposing
Heroes as possible, however, do not expose youself to do so because taking more
damage than the Shiled being generated will result in a loss of value.
Tempered Flame synergises with multiple Blast Wave-based Talents:
Engulfing Flame at Level 1 that increases its damage,
Blast Echo at Level 16 that duplicates its effect.

When Ragnaros is Stunned, he gains 40 Armor for 3 seconds, reducing damage taken by 40%.
This effect has a 15 second cooldown.
Resilient Flame provides an impressive amount of survivability when matched
up against team compositions featuring Stuns.
Level 16 Talents for Ragnaros

Empower Sulfuras burns enemy Heroes for 9% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds. This additional damage does not heal Ragnaros.
Giant Scorcher is a good Talent specifically designed to punish
team compositions featuring multiple Heroes with high maximum Health (such as Azmodan),
by dealing percent-based damage to them.
This Talent synergises well with Hand of Ragnaros,
but only if you can manage to hit multiple enemy Heroes at the same time
and thus trigger its cooldown reduction effect.

Living Meteor explodes at the end of its path, dealing 220 (+4% per level) damage. Enemies at its center take 30% increased damage.
Meteor Bomb adds a considerable amount of damage
Living Meteor, especially if you manage to hit enemy Heores
with the center of the explosion.
This damage, however, only happens when Living Meteor ends,
making it really hard to get value from this Talent without the help of
Shifting Meteor at Level 1 that gives you
the ability to redirect
Living Meteor.

After Blast Wave explodes, another Blast Wave is created on Ragnaros.
Blast Echo repeats the effect of
Blast Wave, which
doubles the benefits of
Tempered Flame and
Engulfing Flame,
granted you self-cast
Blast Wave.
This Talent can be exploited to double the
duration of the Movement Speed increase provided by Blast Wave,
or to manually apply it to an ally and then automatically get it on Ragnaros.
The extra Movement Speed increase is useful for positioning to ensure that the second Blast Wave hits enemy Heroes as well as to push forward or retreat when necessary.
Level 20 Talents for Ragnaros

Sulfuras Smash Slows enemies by 50% for 2.5 seconds, and the Stun duration of enemies hit in the center is increased by 1 second.
Flames of Sulfuron is a weak Talent which makes
Sulfuras Smash
apply a longer Stun than usual and a Slow.
We do not recommend picking this Talent because it cannot compete with the other options
in the same Tier. If you want to make Sulfuras Smash stronger,
you should go for
Heroic Difficulty instead.

Lava Wave gains an additional charge and its cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
Lava Surge is a good Talent that gives you a second
charge of
Lava Wave
and reduces its cooldown by a good amount.
Pick this Talent when you want to boost your macro when your team has fewer Keeps than the enemy team and you need to constantly destroy enemy Catapults or when you want to pressure the enemy Core with your own Catapults.

Molten Core has 25% increased Health and Damage, and its cooldown is reduced by 50 seconds.
Heroic Difficulty's Health increase incidentally
Molten Core's
duration, on top of the large damage
increase the Talent also provides. The massive cooldown reduction also permits a
much more liberal use of the Ability.
Combined together, these powerful effects make it more difficult for the enemy team to end the game against Ragnaros or, even better, greatly help his team to end the game at the first chance they get.
After picking Heroic Difficulty,
Sulfuras Smash
deals 25% more damage when being cast during
Molten Core,
making it the best Level 20 choice when playing for burst damage.

- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Ragnaros submerges below, entering Stasis and healing for 600 (+4% per level) Health over 3 seconds.
Submerge is your answer to being the target of your opponents' undesired
attention. The Stasis effect provided by this Talent is long enough to avoid
many dangerous Abilities, and may even be used as a tool to draw important
cooldowns, only to see them go to waste.
The healing effect it provides is respectable as well, and may help you fight back upon emerging. Remember that your cooldowns continue to progress as you are Submerged, perhaps allowing for another round of Abilities in an otherwise dire situation.
- 21 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
- 29 Aug. 2021: Builds rearranged.
- 06 Jul. 2021: Description for Level 20 Talents improved.
- 11 Apr. 2021: Builds updated.
- 24 Mar. 2021: Builds updated.
- 12 Mar. 2021: Builds fixed.
- 03 Mar. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 20 Jan. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 24 Nov. 2020: Talent Build partially revised to match new standards.
- Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
- New layout to improve readability.
- 22 Sep. 2020: Builds updated.
- 19 Jul. 2020: Talents reviewed and updated; Sulfuras Smash recommended.
- 11 Oct. 2019: Talent builds and recommendations reviewed and updated.
- 14 Jan. 2018: Updated Sulfuras, Blast, and Meteor builds.
- 12 Aug. 2017: Updated Talents and builds to reflect the August 8 patch and metagame changes.
- 26 Jun. 2017: Updated the amount of bonus damage from Sulfuras Hungers to 120.
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Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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