Rexxar Build Guide “The beasts obey me!”
Welcome to our guide for Rexxar, a Bruiser in Heroes of the Storm. Within these pages, you will find everything required to understand how best to play this hero, in both different map styles and team compositions.
Rexxar's Overview
Rexxar is a Bruiser followed by his bear companion, named Misha, who fights alongside him and offers him support in various ways throughout the game. Compared to most other Heroes, playing Rexxar is a unique experience since you have to control both him and Misha at the same time.
Rexxar's Strengths and Weaknesses
Hard to gank if played properly
Misha can hold Capture Points for Objectives
Good crowd control
Rexxar's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Charge Build
RecommendedRexxar's Charge Build focuses on improving Misha to get the most value out of this Hero without exposing too much as Rexxar.
Aspect of the Beast at Level 7
can potentially double your crowd control
and has synergy with
Dire Beast at Level 13,
a Talent that that makes Misha scary if ignored by the enemy team.
Choose this Build when you expect that the enemy team will not give you a lot of space to safely Basic Attack as Rexxar for multiple seconds and/or when you want to increase the amount of peeling tools at your disposal, either to increase your own survivability or to help allied Heroes.
Spirit Swoop Build
SituationalRexxar's Spirit Swoop Build focuses on improving Rexxar to make him as strong as possible regardless of Misha being alive.
The additional crowd control provided
by Crippling Talons at Level 7—occasionally replaced with either
Taking Flight or even
Aspect of the Beast—helps
both Rexxar and Misha to land more Basic Attacks on enemy Heroes
so that you can get more value from
Aspect of the Hawk at Level 13.
Choose this Build when the enemy team cannot punish Rexxar for staying within 5.5 range to Basic Attack for multiple seconds and/or when you want to heavily boost your damage output to punish diving Heroes with their own medicine.
ARAM Build
ARAMRexxar's ARAM Build focuses on improving Rexxar to make him as strong as possible regardless of Misha being alive.
The additional crowd control provided
by Crippling Talons at Level 7—occasionally replaced with either
Taking Flight—helps
both Rexxar and Misha to land more Basic Attacks on enemy Heroes
so that you can get more value from
Aspect of the Hawk at Level 13.
Rexxar's Synergies and Counters
Rexxar pairs very well with Heroes who add additional
crowd control to combine with
Misha, Charge! in no particular order
(such as Johanna that can group enemy Heroes for you
or Malfurion that can make your engage last longer).
Mages will easily benefit from the
additional crowd control provided by Misha, Charge! and
Unleash the Boars to a lesser extent (like
Jaina that deals way more damage if her target is standing still or
it is being Slowed down more than she can do on her own).
Rexxar does not need to fear many Heroes, as he is an excellent Offlaner and a solid team fighter during most periods of the game.
The only solid counter in the solo lane is Qhira because she has enough gap-closer to reach Rexxar behind Misha, damage to pressure Misha to death or kill Rexxar, and self-sustain to make good trades when attacking the opponent.
In team fights he also suffers from Heroes who can dive on him and dodge his crowd control thanks to their high mobility (such as Zeratul).
Rexxar's Maps

Rexxar excels on Maps like Braxis Holdout, Dragon Shire, or Tomb of the Spider Queen where he can fulfill the role of an Offlaner while the rest of his team takes care of the rest of the Map. He does not suffer on any particular Map.
Rexxar's Tips and Tricks
- Considering his unique design, it is advised to familiarize with the unique way to control Misha by spending some minutes in Try Mode before playing a match as Rexxar.
- Use [Alt + D] to self-cast
Misha, Focus! and quickly call Misha to your side.
- Misha can be an excellent tool to intercept enemy Abilities that were originally aimed at Rexxar or a vulnerable ally.
Rexxar's Role in the Current Meta
Rexxar is currently one of the best Offlaners in the game because Misha can pick up Experience Globes instead of him. He is also able to double soak well enough.
His strong crowd control makes him a valuable asset during team fights as well, both for engaging and for peeling.
Rexxar requires good micro management in order to unfold his maximum potential
and, as such, he sometimes can feel quite overwhelming to newer players. Controlling
Misha with Misha, Focus!
feels challenging at first, however, once the initial learning curve
has been overcome, Rexxar's strong chasing and kiting capabilities and the ability
to Stun multiple foes at the same time make him a force to be reckoned with.
- 21 Sep. 2023 (talents page): ARAM Build added.
- 21 Sep. 2023 (this page): ARAM Build added.
- 28 Feb. 2021 (talents page): Builds updated.
- 28 Feb. 2021 (abilities page): New layout.
- 28 Feb. 2021 (this page): Builds updated.
- 25 Feb. 2021 (talents page): New layout.
- 26 Mar. 2020 (talents page): Talent Build fully revised to match new standards.
- Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
- Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
- 26 Mar. 2020 (abilities page): Ability and Strategy fully revised to match new standards.
- Tips and Tricks modified to add important tips that were missing and to remove obvious ones that were not worth mentioning.
- Ability Descriptions modified to better explain how to use Abilities effectively.
- 26 Mar. 2020 (this page): Introduction fully revised to match new standards.
- Overview rewritten to better describe the Hero.
- Strengths and Weaknesses modified to give a better idea about the Hero when being played right.
- Talent Build Cheatsheet updated to reflect the current metagame.
- Synergies and Counters modified to mention notable Heroes that were missing and to remove misleading Heroes that were listed.
- Maps modified to focus on the main aspects of the Hero when evaluating a Map.
- Tips and Tricks modified to list important tips that were missing before and to delete more obvious ones.
- Role in the Current Meta modified to reflect the current metagame and to remove the unnecessary part about the now fixed Experience Globes.
- 16 Dec. 2019 (this page): Added the current Anomaly (Experience Globes) to the guide.
- 29 Jul. 2019 (talents page): Reviewed the Talents page.
- 29 Jul. 2019 (abilities page): Added some minor updates to Rexxar's Abilities.
- 29 Jul. 2019 (this page): Updated information on the Introduction page.
- 19 Apr. 2019 (talents page): Updated Rexxar's talents and talent order according to the latest Balance Update.
- 18 Mar. 2019 (talents page): Updated Rexxar's talents and builds in accordance with the recent Balance Updates.
- 18 Mar. 2019 (this page): Updated Rexxar's introduction.
- 06 Jul. 2017 (talents page): Updated Flare's description.
- 26 Jan. 2017 (this page): Moved guide to the new format and updated it for Valeera's patch.
More Bruiser Guides
Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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