Rexxar Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Rexxar. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Rexxar's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Rexxar's Talent Build
Level | Choices |
1 | ✓ ? ? |
4 | ? ✓ ? ✘︎ |
7 | ? ? ✓ |
10 | ? ✓ |
13 | ? ✓ ? |
16 | ? ? ✓ |
20 | ✘︎ ✓ ? ? |
Rexxar's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Charge Build
RecommendedRexxar's Charge Build focuses on improving Misha to get the most value out of this Hero without exposing too much as Rexxar.
Aspect of the Beast at Level 7 can potentially double your crowd control and has synergy with Dire Beast at Level 13, a Talent that that makes Misha scary if ignored by the enemy team.
Choose this Build when you expect that the enemy team will not give you a lot of space to safely Basic Attack as Rexxar for multiple seconds and/or when you want to increase the amount of peeling tools at your disposal, either to increase your own survivability or to help allied Heroes.
Spirit Swoop Build
SituationalRexxar's Spirit Swoop Build focuses on improving Rexxar to make him as strong as possible regardless of Misha being alive.
The additional crowd control provided by Crippling Talons at Level 7—occasionally replaced with either Taking Flight or even Aspect of the Beast—helps both Rexxar and Misha to land more Basic Attacks on enemy Heroes so that you can get more value from Aspect of the Hawk at Level 13.
Choose this Build when the enemy team cannot punish Rexxar for staying within 5.5 range to Basic Attack for multiple seconds and/or when you want to heavily boost your damage output to punish diving Heroes with their own medicine.
ARAM Build
ARAMRexxar's ARAM Build focuses on improving Rexxar to make him as strong as possible regardless of Misha being alive.
The additional crowd control provided by Crippling Talons at Level 7—occasionally replaced with either Taking Flight—helps both Rexxar and Misha to land more Basic Attacks on enemy Heroes so that you can get more value from Aspect of the Hawk at Level 13.
Level 1 Talents for Rexxar
Increases Spirit Swoop's damage by 150% to Minions.
Bird of Prey is a strong Talent that offers good waveclear, something that has high value for Rexxar because he is being played as Offlaner.
Increases Misha's basic attack damage to Minions and Mercenaries by 150%, and Misha gains 50 Armor against Minions and Mercenaries, reducing damage taken by 50%.
Easy Prey is a decent Talent that increases Misha's damage and Armor against both Minions and Mercenaries.
In theory this is a useful Talent because it allows you to clear Mercenary Camps all by yourself. In practice Mercenary Camps should be captured by the rest of the team because the Offlaner should soak as much Experience as possible during the early game and also because there is always a chance that the enemy team tries to invade the Mercenary Camp that you are working on.
If you want to play this Talent anyways because you do not expect your team to take care of Mercenary Camps, feel free to pick it but only go for Mercenary Camps if there are no enemy Minions in your lane, if Misha can capture it while you are soaking because the Mercenary Camp is really close to the lane, or ask for an allied Hero to cover your lane while you are away.
- Cooldown: 20 seconds
Fire a flare at an area, revealing it for 20 seconds.
Flare is a situational Talent that has some use when the enemy team has a dangerous ganker Hero, however, you can generally play safer without having to spend a Talent for it.
Use it on cooldown around the most dangerous zone of your lane and completely deny any enemy attempt to surprise you. This trick is particularly effective against Heroes with Stealth (for example Nova).
Due to its low cooldown, it can also be cast to give vision in bushes, which helps your teammates avoid dangerous facechecking, or around corners of impassable terrain.
Level 4 Talents for Rexxar
Misha's Basic Attacks heal her for 4.5% of her maximum Health.
Hungry Bear's self-sustain makes Misha strong enough to easily dominate early one-on-one lanes and also allows her to tank Mercenary Camps quite easily.
Quest: Gathering a Regeneration Globe increases Rexxar and Misha's Health Regeneration by 1 per second, up to 25 per second.
Reward: After gathering 25 Globes, Rexxar and Misha gain 15 Armor.
Hunter-Gatherer is a solid all-round Talent that gives Armor to both Rexxar and Misha, a recommended choice to increase Rexxar's survivability in late-game team fights.
Every 6 seconds, Rexxar and Misha gain 75 Physical Armor against the next enemy Hero Basic Attack, reducing the damage taken by 75%.
Stores up to 2 charges. Both Rexxar and Misha have their own charges.
Grizzled Fortitude can occasionally be picked as a defensive Talent against Offlaners that rely heavily on dealing damage with Basic Attacks, especially if they will focus Rexxar more often than Misha because this is the only Talent that helps with that in the early game.
Rexxar and Misha gain 2 Maximum Health every second Rexxar remains alive. These bonuses are lost on Rexxar's death.
Animal Husbandry is a high-risk high-reward choice that should be avoided. Thanks to his time-based scaling, Rexxar and Misha can gain more Health for the late game as long as Rexxar manages to survive (similar to Devil's Due on Diablo).
To make this Talent less risky, it is crucial to be aware of potential ganks at any give time. Furthermore, defensive Talents like Feign Death at Level 16 or Hardened Skin at Level 20 can help Rexxar to stay alive and keep stacking Animal Husbandry.
Avoid picking this Talent because it can easily become a dead Talent in the late game.
Level 7 Talents for Rexxar
Increases Spirit Swoop's slow amount to 50% and its duration to 3.5 seconds.
Crippling Talons is a good Talent that empowers the Slow provided by Spirit Swoop and increases its duration as well.
We find this Talent particularly useful when the enemy team can easily get rid of Misha, a move that will force you to play without Misha-related Talents (like Aspect of the Beast).
Increases Spirit Swoop's range by 20%. If Spirit Swoop hits an enemy Hero, the Mana cost is refunded and its cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds.
Taking Flight is a situational Talent that can be picked when you need poke damage in order to win the offlane against some Heroes (Leoric comes to mind).
The cooldown reduction, albeit not that high, can be useful to slightly increase the waveclear provided by Bird of Prey at Level 1 and/or the uptime of Aspect of the Hawk at Level 13.
Misha's Basic Attacks lower the cooldown of Misha, Charge! by 1 second.
Aspect of the Beast is a strong Talent that allows you to cast Misha, Charge! more often if Misha is allowed to stick on enemy Heroes and to execute multiple Basic Attacks on them.
We find the additional crowd control provided by this Talent great during team fights as it can be used for doing multiple things, defensively and/or offensively.
Pick this Talent when you want more tools to interrupt enemy Abilities, more crowd control, or more peeling.
Level 10 Talents for Rexxar
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
- Mana: 75
- Cooldown: 50 seconds
Increases Misha's Basic Attack damage by 200% for 12 seconds.
Bestial Wrath is a decent Heroic Ability that empowers Misha's Basic Attacks, something that can be used to add more damage on the focused enemy Hero.
Go for this Talent only when you need more damage to win the offlane on Maps where that is important (such as Braxis Holdout) or when your team does not have enough damage to secure kills because of a bad draft.
- Mana: 75
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Release a herd of boars that track down all enemy Heroes in a direction, dealing 110 (+4% per level) damage, revealing, and slowing enemies by 40% for 5 seconds.
Unleash the Boars is a strong Heroic Ability which provides a powerful Slow that will help your team to engage, to hunt down fleeing enemies, and to reveal nearby Stealthed Heroes.
Level 13 Talents for Rexxar
When Spirit Swoop hits an enemy Hero, Rexxar gains 125% Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Misha's Basic Attacks increase the duration of this buff by 0.75 seconds.
Aspect of the Hawk provides Rexxar with a significant amount of Attack Speed, which increases his overall combat performance quite a bit.
Considering that it is a bit risky to play compared to Dire Beast, go for this Talent only when the enemy team has a high mobility Hero that you will not be able to escape from anyways—so you better attack him with huge damage instead—or when you are not scared of being engaged by the enemies.
We find this Talent particularly useful when the enemy team can easily get rid of Misha, a move that will force you to play without Misha-related Talents (like Dire Beast).
Rexxar and Misha's Basic Attacks increase the damage of the next Misha, Charge! by 15%, stacking up to a 150% bonus.
Dire Beast can inflict great burst damage, which is why we recommend picking this Talent. Remember that you can stack it on Minions before a team fight happens so that Misha will not need to stack it on enemy Heroes, a trick that can occasionally make the difference between a won or lost team fight.
Misha deals 28 (+4% per level) damage per second to nearby enemies.
Wildfire Bear is a small damage boost for clearing Minions and killing Heroes, something that is not really worth spending a Talent on. Besides that, it is capable of revealing invisible enemies and untargetable objects (for example Creep Tumor by Zagara) on the battlefield as soon as Misha gets near them.
Level 16 Talents for Rexxar
Rexxar's Basic Attacks increase both his and Misha's Movement Speed by 25% for 2 seconds.
Thrill of the Hunt's bonus Movement Speed works incredibly well with Misha's ability to Stun retreating targets, while it also allows Rexxar to escape more easily himself.
Activate to slow the Attack Speed by 50% and Movement Speed by 20% of Heroes and Summons near Rexxar and Misha for 2.5 seconds.
Passive: Heroes and Summons that attack Rexxar or Misha have their Attack Speed slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds.
Primal Intimidation offers a good amount of protection against enemy Heroes that rely on Basic Attacks as their primary damage source (such as Raynor), but you rarely want this Talent over Feign Death.
- Cooldown: 35 seconds
Rexxar fakes his death, becoming Invulnerable and untargetable for 5 seconds. During this time you control Misha.
Feign Death puts Rexxar in Stasis, which makes it an ideal tool to dodge enemy Abilities. It is good to know that Rexxar can still control Misha while this Talent is active.
Level 20 Talents for Rexxar
Increases the duration of Bestial Wrath by 50% and Misha's Basic Attacks heal Rexxar for 50% of her damage dealt during Bestial Wrath.
Spirit Bond fails to have a major impact during team fights. While increased duration on Bestial Wrath is quite useful, the life steal is barely noticeable because Misha will not be able to attack a lot at this stage of the game, especially if team fights are short.
Unleash the Boars deals 50% more damage and roots for 1.5 seconds.
Kill Command is always a great Talent because the Root effect makes for an efficient tool to initiate team fights, something that is extremely valuable in the late game.
Rexxar's Basic Attacks deal 10% more damage, and Misha's Basic Attacks slow the target by 20% for 1.25 seconds.
Frenzy of Kalimdor provides a Slow effect and a damage boost. It is your preferred choice for when you take Bestial Wrath at Level 10.
Another good strategy is to pick this Talent instead of Kill Command when your team decides to go for the Core to end the game and Unleash the Boars is on cooldown because it increases your damage per second on the Core.
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Rexxar and Misha gain 75 Armor for 4 seconds, reducing damage taken by 75%.
Hardened Skin adds a lot of Armor to Rexxar and Misha, but it is not advised to waste this Tier for a defensive Talent—unless the enemy team is just bursting you down to win each and every team fight—because the Root provided by Kill Command is just too strong to pass, the damage and utility provided by Frenzy of Kalimdor is more useful as well, and you probably have Feign Death to stay alive.
- 21 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
- 28 Feb. 2021: Builds updated.
- 25 Feb. 2021: New layout.
- 26 Mar. 2020: Talent Build fully revised to match new standards.
- Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
- Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
- 29 Jul. 2019: Reviewed the Talents page.
- 19 Apr. 2019: Updated Rexxar's talents and talent order according to the latest Balance Update.
- 18 Mar. 2019: Updated Rexxar's talents and builds in accordance with the recent Balance Updates.
- 06 Jul. 2017: Updated Flare's description.
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Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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