Sgt. Hammer Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Sgt. Hammer. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Sgt. Hammer's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Sgt. Hammer's Talent Build
Level | Choices |
1 |
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Sgt. Hammer's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Standard Build
RecommendedThis standard build focuses on enhancing Siege Mode
to maximize Sgt. Hammer's damage from high distance.
At Level 4, Regenerative Bio-Steel is the recommended choice.
When it is paired with
Advanced Artillery its healing becomes
extremely hard to deal with, as she can quickly heal most of the poke damage dealt to her.
However, against several displacements, or crowd controls,
Siege Tactics might be a better choice.
At Level 16
Giant Killer is the standard Talent, but
Mechanical Know-how is a good choice if you need more
Level 1 Talents for Sgt. Hammer

Gain Stealth when entering Siege Mode or after not taking or dealing damage for 3 seconds while in Siege Mode. Basic Attacks while Stealthed deal 125% more damage.
Remaining stationary for at least 1.5 seconds while Stealthed grants Invisible.

Increase Siege Mode's splash damage to 60% of Basic Attack damage, and increase its splash radius by 25%.

- Charges: 3
- Recharge Time: 80 seconds
Activate to increase Basic Attack damage dealt by 30% for 5 seconds. Hitting enemy Heroes or Structures with Basic Attacks while in Siege Mode reduces the cooldown of Maelstrom Rounds by 5 seconds.
Stores up to 3 charges.
Ambush is a good Talent that can be used in several ways.
Differently from
Advanced Artillery that is focused on
sustained area of effect damage, Ambush is completely focused
on increasing single-target burst damage.
Advanced Artillery, unlikes its alternatives, provides no
meaningful damage where it comes to single-target damage.
However, the extra splash damage will eventually be higher than Ambush's added damage.
Advanced Artillery shines in long fights and when you are defending Mercenary Camps
or Zerg Waves on Braxis Holdout.
Maelstrom Rounds can in theory provide more sustain damage
Ambush after four Basic Attacks once activated.
In practice however, Maelstrom Rounds inevitably ends up having a very long
Cooldown and being difficult to use as it will be hard to reset it in the
late game. Still, it is the only Talent that does not require
Sgt. Hammer to be in
Siege Mode to work, being a
good choice if you cannot reliably enter in that mode.
Level 4 Talents for Sgt. Hammer

Reduce Concussive Blast's cooldown by 4 seconds, its Mana cost by 40, and when cast create an impassable wall in front of Sgt. Hammer for 4 seconds.

Using Neosteel Plating while in Siege Mode grants Unstoppable for 2 seconds, as long as she remains in Siege Mode.

Basic Attacks while in Siege Mode heal for 10% of the damage dealt.
Barricade provides a defensive option against melee Heroes
that can also be used to deny or hinder initiations. Barricade is particularly
powerful in tight spaces, where it can outright block escape or engagement
paths. Just make sure not to block off your allies, or yourself.
Siege Tactics provides a much-needed self-defense mechanism against long-range
crowd control and displacement Abilities such as
Phase Prism
and Stitches's
Hook. This is a good Talent if the enemy
team could get you out of position with these Abilities.
Regenerative Bio-Steel is Sgt. Hammer's only source
of self-sustain. This Talent is excellent in most games,
as it covers one of Sgt. Hammer's main weaknesses, poke damage.
Further, Regenerative Bio-Steel lets you heal
off Minion waves very quickly while in
Siege Mode due to the Splash damage effect.
Level 7 Talents for Sgt. Hammer

Spider Mines detonate 3 times over 3 seconds. Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes grant 5 Mana and reduce the cooldown of Spider Mines by 1.5 seconds. Increase this bonus to 2.5 seconds while in Siege Mode.

Sgt. Hammer can move at 50% Movement Speed while in Siege Mode.

While in Siege Mode, Basic Attack range is increased by 1 every 1 seconds, up to 3.
Pulse Detonation Core potentially triples
Spider Mines's
damage output and Slow amount, making them a significant threat
that forces a response, which is generally to move away. Spider Mines then
become an excellent defensive tool, particularly against melee Heroes. Further,
this triple detonation also functions in PvE, making the
Talent Sgt. Hammer's only effective way of claiming Mercenary Camps. Structures,
too, can be damaged heavily in this manner. However, since this Talent is in the same tier
Hover Siege Mode, it should be picked cautiously, as you
have to give up your only mobility tool during
Siege Mode.
Hover Siege Mode makes
Siege Mode significantly more versatile; the
ability to reposition without completely unsieging allows Sgt. Hammer to
continue threatening opponens where it would otherwise be impossible without
spending a few seconds. Note that Hover Siege Mode's low Movement Speed still leaves
Sgt. Hammer open to several dangerous Abilities.
Graduating Range represents a 27% increase to
Sgt. Hammer's range that must be built up over 4.5 seconds. If you are able to stand
still for several seconds, the extra range provided by it will be very oppressive.
However, it is important to remember that it competes with
Hover Siege Mode, your only mobility tool during
Siege Mode.
For this reason, we only recommend this Talent if the enemy team
does not have dangerous skillshots for you to dodge with
Hover Siege Mode.
Level 10 Talents for Sgt. Hammer

- Mana: 100
- Cooldown: 70 seconds
Fire a missile across the battlefield, dealing 500 (+3% per level) damage to non-Structure enemies in its path.

- Mana: 35
- Cooldown: 6 seconds
Deals 164 (+4% per level) damage on impact, and leaves a napalm area that deals 50 (+4% per level) damage per second. Lasts for 4 seconds.
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
Blunt Force Gun's main point of appeal
are its global range and relatively high
burst area of effect damage. Although it can theoretically be used to "snipe"
opponents from across the battlefield, Blunt Force Gun's relatively slow speed
makes this difficult to pull off. Instead, it is generally used during team
fights, where you can often hit 3 or more targets for a very respectable
amount of burst damage.
Napalm Strike's main point of appeal is
its high area of effect sustain
damage output. Although its damage is not nearly as high as that of
Blunt Force Gun, Napalm Strike's very short 6-second cooldown makes
it much more versatile than its counterpart. Indeed, this Ability can and should
be used indiscriminately against any enemy in sight, though it is particularly
effective against Minions and Structures, as most of Napalm Strike's damage
comes from its damage over time effect.
Level 13 Talents for Sgt. Hammer

Moving while Thrusters is active leaves a trail of up to 5 Spider Mines. Additionally, increase the Slow of Spider Mines by 15%.

While in Siege Mode, Concussive Blasts's damage and knockback distance are increased by 75%.

While in Siege Mode, hitting Heroes with Basic Attacks reduces the cooldown of Thrusters by 5 seconds.
Tactical Mine Deployment makes Sgt. Hammer notoriously difficult to
chase down. Further, it allows
Thrusters to be used offensively, as
Spider Mines this Talent summons
also benefit from
Pulse Detonation Core.
Note that Tactical Mine Deployment summons up to five Mines, and that you must
be moving for these Mines to be summoned.
Entrenched does little to meaningfully
Concussive Blast's usefulness,
as the baseline range and knockback distance are generally enough to fulfill the
Ability's defensive purpose.
Hyper-Cooling Engines is an excellent Talent. Normally, you
would not be able to keep attacking after using your
but with this Talent, Thrusters' cooldown will be refreshed in 5 Basic Attacks, allowing
Sgt. Hammer to be constantly participating in teamfights.
Level 16 Talents for Sgt. Hammer

Neosteel Plating grants 20% maximum Health as a Shield for 2 seconds and increases Basic Attack damage by 30% for 5 seconds.

Attacking a Hero that is slowed, rooted, or stunned increases your Basic Attack damage by 30% for 3 seconds.

Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes deal bonus damage equal to 1.5% of the Hero's maximum Health.
Mechanical Know-how is the only Talent at this tier that
increases your resistance. It does not add as much DPS as its counterparts, but
considering it will let Sgt. Hammer to stay for a longer time in a fight, it might
make her eventually deal more damage. Pick this Talent if you are getting focused in
teamfights and need this extra Shield.
Executioner provides the highest situational damage output increase
out of the Talent choices available at this tier. It does, however, require you
to have a way of triggering its effects. Although
Spider Mines can do
that, teaming up with Heroes that feature multiple sources of crowd control
such as Arthas is an excellent way of benefitting from Executioner.
Giant Killer provides the most reliable damage increase at this Tier. It is
particularly effective against team compositions that feature two or more Tanks,
though it should not be underestimated against all targets.
Level 20 Talents for Sgt. Hammer

Blunt Force Gun's missile orbits the planet every 5 seconds. Only the last missile fired orbits.

Napalm Strike's range is increased by 75% and its impact does 50% more damage.

Upon detonating, Spider Mines reduce the Armor of enemy Heroes hit by 10, up to 50, for 4 seconds.

Hitting enemy Heroes with Basic Attacks while in Siege Mode grants 10% Attack Speed for 5 seconds, up to 60%.
Orbital BFG is a notorious late-game way for Sgt. Hammer to completely
shut down a given Lane. On its own, Orbital BFG can make it difficult to destroy
Keeps through traditional pushing, as it completely
destroys Minions. Furthermore, Orbital BFG is highly disruptive for team fights
centered around a given area, such as a Boss Camps, or Objective.
Advanced Lava Strike turns
Napalm Strike into one of the best poking
Abilities in the game. The range increase allows you to threaten Objectives
from great safety, although Napalm Strike remains a great tool to use
on-Cooldown againt anything in sight.
Shrapnel Mines competes with powerful options that define Sgt. Hammer's
late-game playstyle. In its current state, it simply does too little to be
worth considering seriously.
Ultra Capacitors provides a reasonable
sustained damage increase against Heroes,
granted you are able to remain in
Siege Mode for a long period of time
and manage to repeatedly deliver Basic Attacks. This Talent is the main option for this tier,
as it adds much more damage than the other options.
- 05 Jun. 2022: Talents and Builds updated to reflect meta development.
- 15 Apr. 2022: Updated Graduating Range's description after recent balance patch.
- 26 Mar. 2021: Updated Talent recommendations.
- 05 Nov. 2020: Talents and Builds updated after recent balance patch.
- 01 Nov. 2020: Talents and Builds updated.
- 05 Apr. 2020: Description and recommendation updated for Hover Siege Mode.
- 15 Feb. 2020: Talents reviewed following February 12 patch changes.
- 27 Jan. 2020: Guide reviewed following January 22 balance patch. No changes to Talent recommendations.
- 11 Oct. 2019: Talent builds and recommendations reviewed and updated.
- 28 Jul. 2018: Talents updated to reflect July 25 balance patch changes.
- 14 Jan. 2018: Updated Siege build.
- 01 Dec. 2017: Added Talent discussions.
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Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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