Sylvanas Abilities and Strategy
Welcome to our Abilities page for Sylvanas. Here, we give you an overview of every ability in Sylvanas's kit. For each of them, we explain what it does, how to best use it, and how it works in combination with Sylvanas's other abilities. We also give you strategy tips to play Sylvanas efficiently.
Sylvanas's Tips and Tricks
Withering Fire is extremely cheap; use it as often as possible if there are no enemy Heroes around.
- Use
Shadow Dagger whenever it is available, but see to have it affect as many enemies as possible.
- Without
Festering Wounds,
Haunting Wave should almost exclusively be used only for its mobility, as it deals minimal damage.
- Hold on to
Wailing Arrow until you can hit many opponents or for when you need to prevent a Hero from saving another.
- Use
Mind Control to move a key target away from their team, and into yours.
Black Arrows allows you to push down Structures without Minions; exploit this especially with allies and vehicles.
Black Arrows (Trait)
Although we typically list Hero Abilities in order, Sylvanas's Trait is quite unique in that it heavily impacts the way that she is played. As such, we list it first and not last, as we usually do with other Heroes.

- Cooldown: 40 seconds
Activate to cause all Basic Attacks and Abilities to Stun Minions, non-Elite Mercenaries, and Structures for 3 seconds. Lasts for 10 seconds. _
Banshee's Curse
Basic Attacks infect enemies with Banshee's Curse for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. Deal 25% more damage to enemies with 3 stacks.
Black Arrows is split into two parts: an active component,
Black Arrows itself, and a passive effect, known as Banshee's Curse, which will
be discussed further below.
Black Arrows provides Sylvanas with a unique form of sieging. The ability to disable Structures for up to 13 seconds has several important implications. First and foremost, it makes Sylvanas a threatening pusher who is able to rapidly raze Towers, Forts, and Keeps with little assistance from allies. Stunning Structures increases the survivability of friendly Minions and Mercenaries, which ultimately lets them inflict more damage than they normally would. This forces the opposing team to always have one Hero dedicated to defending against Sylvanas.
While Black Arrows is a powerful split-pushing tool on its own, it becomes even stronger as your pushing power increases. In other words, as additional allied Heroes, Map Objectives, or Mercenaries join you, Black Arrows's power increases proportionally. One often overlooked advantage of disabling Structures is that of allowing for tower diving. You can often surprise and safely kill opponents who expect to be protected by Structures that way.
Black Arrows also allows you and your team to siege and destroy Structures when you would normally be unable to do so, such as when Minions are not available to absorb attacks. This allows you to capitalize on opponents being too out of position to defend in time or simply dead better than any other Hero.
As a trick, Black Arrows can Stun several Structures simultaneously by switching one's Basic Attack target with every shot to spread the Ability's effect without having to use Abilities.
Banshee's Curse (Trait)
Banshee's Curse is an entirely passive effect that is baked into
Black Arrows. To maximize its impact, aim to keep
enemies afflicted with 3 Banshee's Curse Stacks as much as possible. All
builds either enhance this effect or increase the speed of its application,
making it crucial to understand when to use specific abilities based on your chosen talents.
Your ability usage strategy should adapt to your talent choices:
- With
Might of the Banshee Queen (Level 1) or
Withering Barrage (Level 20), initiate fights with
Withering Fire. Both talents facilitate applying 3 stacks quickly. Additionally,
Might of the Banshee Queen will enhance your burst damage even more against fully-stacked targets.
- With
Festering Wounds, prioritize using
Haunting Wave earlier to apply stacks quickly.
- With
Remorseless, focus on only attacking enemies with 3 stacks to maximize damage output and efficiently spread the effect to nearby foes.
- With
Cold Embrace, cast
Shadow Dagger on crowd controlled enemies immediately. This armor reduction amplifies your team's damage output, making sure the chosen target dies quickly.
It should be noted that Banshee's Curse does work against Minions, Mercenaries, and Structures even if it does not have a stacking indicator as it does for Heroes.
Withering Fire

- Mana: 25
- Cooldown: 8 seconds
Shoot the closest enemy up to 5 times over 1.5 seconds for 39 (+4% per level) damage, prioritizing Heroes. Cooldown is reset on getting a Takedown.
Withering Fire prioritizes targets in a unique way. It will
first target the closest nearby enemy Hero, and, if none exists, it will target
the closest non-Heroic enemy (Minion, Mercenary, or Structure). The Ability's
current target is shown by a purple marker. While this "automatic"
targeting makes Withering Fire easy to use, the target chosen by the
Ability can be poor if you are not positioned properly. Focusing a priority
target can be particularly difficult if they are hiding behind another Hero.
This also applies to Minions, as you will generally want to be targeting those
with the lowest Health because of
Unstable Poison.
As with all other Abilities, Withering Fire deals 25% more damage to target
affected by three stacks of Banshee's Curse. Unless you have chosen
Might of the Banshee Queen or
Withering Barrage,
it is better to conserve its Cooldown until
stacks have been generated. Further, remember that Hero takedowns instantly
refresh Withering Fire's Cooldown.
Shadow Dagger

- Mana: 50
- Cooldown: 11 seconds
Throw a dagger at a target enemy that deals 30 (+4% per level) damage and an additional 150 (+4% per level) damage over 2.5 seconds. Damage dealt by Sylvanas to the initial target spreads Shadow Dagger to all nearby enemies.
Shadow Dagger can simply be thought of as a damage-over-time Ability
that "spreads" once from the initial target to nearby enemies when this target
is damaged by Sylvanas. As such, you need to make it a priority to hit any target
you have hit with Shadow Dagger. This does not have to be done instantly
however, as your target may be far from additional target.
Unlike Withering Fire, Shadow Dagger should generally be used whenever it is available
if you are able to trigger its spread. Since it deals most of its damage over
time, delivering a few quick Basic Attacks can trigger Banshee's Curse in time
to increase the Ability's damage for most of its duration.
Shadow Dagger is also a fantastic way of applying Black Arrows
to multiple targets, and since the duration of Shadow Dagger is 2.5 seconds,
targets affected by Shadow Dagger will have Black Arrow applied to them for a
total of 5.5 seconds. This makes Shadow Dagger (in combination with
Unstable Poison) one of the best
waveclearing Abilities around.
Haunting Wave

- Mana: 75
- Cooldown: 11 seconds
Send forth a wave of banshees dealing 114 (+4% per level) damage to all targets. Reactivate to teleport to the banshees' location.
Haunting Wave is an extremely important Ability. Although
it does damage, it should be used almost exclusively as a gap-closer.
This is due to its high Mana cost, long Cooldown, and being Sylvanas' only
escape mechanism.
Since Haunting Wave travels at a set speed, it can take some time before it reaches the appropriate destination for you to reactivate Haunting Wave and teleport to its location. Therefore, you will want to use Haunting Wave proactively (because of the delay) so that you have time to reactivate it to teleport to your intended location, whether trying to escape or occasionally catch up to a fleeing opponent.
It is worth repeating that you should try and use Haunting Wave as a means of mobility, and only if it is absolutely needed, as you are vulnerable without it. Although Haunting Wave can be used to chase a Hero, its relatively low speed makes it difficult, although not impossible, to catch up to them. Haunting Wave's slow travel speed can sometimes be beneficial, however. If you are being chased and cannot cast Haunting Wave over a wall, you can cast Haunting Wave in one direction and then run in another direction. This forces your enemy to decide between chasing you or chase Haunting Wave and where you could possibly teleport to. If they chase you, teleport away; if they chase your Haunting Wave, keep running.
Wailing Arrow
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 100
- Cooldown: 90 seconds
Shoot an arrow that can be reactivated to deal 228 (+4% per level) damage and Silence enemies in an area for 2.5 seconds. The arrow detonates automatically if it reaches maximum range.
Wailing Arrow is recognized as one of the strongest Heroic Abilities in the game. It deals a large amount of damage instantly in a relatively large area and from a long range, but more importantly, silences all affected targets for a significant duration. This means that you should not be using Wailing Arrow solely for its damage, unless it is to secure one or more kills in a late-game situation. Ideally, it should be used as a follow-up if you are the aggressor to prevent opponents from healing or escaping. In a defensive situation, Wailing Arrow can make it more difficult for opponents to follow up on their own initiation. It also has more niche uses, such as interrupting a number of key channeled Heroic Abilities.
Mind Control
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 50
- Cooldown: 40 seconds
After 0.25 seconds, fire a missile that Mind Controls the first enemy Hero hit. Heroes hit are Silenced, Slowed by 30%, have 3 stacks of Banshee's Curse applied to them, and are forced to walk towards Sylvanas for 1.75 seconds.
Mind Control is a very potent crowd control Ability
that revolves around picking off an enemy target, most notably squishy ranged
Assassins and Healers, and isolating them
from the rest of their teammates. Similarly to
Wailing Arrow, Mind Control
can be used at key moments to prevent escapes or support by targeting a Healer.
As a skillshot with a relatively slow projectile speed, Mind Control
is liable to miss without practice, particularly against nimble targets.
- 29 Jan. 2025: Guide update to ensure meta relevance.
- 19 Dec. 2018: Updated for the latest rework.
More Ranged Assassin Guides
Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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