Tracer Talents

Last updated on Mar 08, 2025 at 04:40 by Derenash 16 comments
General Information

Welcome to our Talents page for Tracer. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Tracer's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.


Tracer's Talent Build

Level Choices
1 One-Two Punch Parting Gift ? Tracer Rounds ?
4 Leeching Rounds ? Pulse Generator Is That a Health Pack?! ?
7 Sleight of Hand ? Focus Fire ✘︎ Locked and Loaded
10 Sticky Bomb ? Quantum Spike ? Pulse Rounds
13 Untouchable ? Jumper Telefrag ✘︎
16 Bullet Spray ? Heavy Handed Ricochet
20 Chrono Triggers ? Get Stuffed! Total Recall ✘︎ Composition B ✘︎

Tracer's Talent Build Cheatsheet

Burst Build

Level 1 One-Two Punch Icon Parting Gift Icon ?
Level 4 Pulse Generator Icon Is That a Health Pack?! Icon ?
Level 7 Locked and Loaded Icon Sleight of Hand Icon ?
Level 10 Sticky Bomb Icon Quantum Spike Icon ? Pulse Rounds Icon ?
Level 13 Jumper Icon
Level 16 Heavy Handed Icon Bullet Spray Icon ?
Level 20 Get Stuffed! Icon

Tracer's Burst Build is a good template to use while approaching each game. Because Tracer must typically deal sustain damage until she can go in for a kill, her effectiveness scales with the amount of time that she can safely remain within Basic Attack range. While Talents like Jumper Icon Jumper and Pulse Generator Icon Pulse Generator facilitate her playstyle around that, your Level 1 and Level 16 Talents are great for having more burst damage to execute the target.

One-Two Punch Icon One-Two Punch greatly increases Tracer's damage outside of team fights, but you will not be able to use melee that often during a team fight for an Objective. However, Parting Gift Icon Parting Gift is a good choice at that Level, as it adds a more consistent burst damage on an immobilized target, because you do not need to wait for the cooldowns between Melee Icon Melee charges.

Basic Attacks Build

Level 1 Tracer Rounds Icon
Level 4 Pulse Generator Icon Leeching Rounds Icon ?
Level 7 Locked and Loaded Icon Sleight of Hand Icon ?
Level 10 Pulse Rounds Icon
Level 13 Untouchable Icon Jumper Icon ?
Level 16 Ricochet Icon
Level 20 Get Stuffed! Icon Chrono Triggers Icon ?

Differently from Burst Build, this build is focused on constantly attacking the opposing frontline, while dealing the maximum possible damage without risking yourself. This Build is recommended if the opposing team has many stuns or polymorphs that can shut you down during your dive.


Level 1 Talents for Tracer

Tracer One-Two Punch
One-Two Punch (Level 1) Tracer

Reduce the cooldown of Melee by 1 second and it gains an additional charge.

Tracer Parting Gift ?
Parting Gift (Level 1) Tracer

Recall leaves behind 6 bombs that deal 240 (+4% per level) damage each to different targets. Heroes hit with these bombs are slowed by 50% for 0.75 seconds and grant 7% Pulse Bomb charge.

Tracer Tracer Rounds ?
Tracer Rounds (Level 1) Tracer

Increase Basic Attack range by 10%. Basic Attacks against Heroes reveal a small area around them for 3 seconds.



One-Two Punch Icon One-Two Punch will greatly increase Tracer's single-target damage and bomb generation speed. This Talent is recommended when playing Tracer as ganker, since the extra damage from Melee will be crucial to secure a kill. However, be aware that the charges have a 3-second cooldown between them, so it is good to use the first one instantly when ganking, to then use the second charge, finishing the target.

Parting Gift Icon Parting Gift adds damage to Recall Icon Recall, which otherwise deals no damage. 6 bombs that Slow and charge Pulse Bomb will be created when Recall Icon Recall is used. It is recommended to use a blink behind the target before recalling, making sure one of the bombs will hit. This Talent is considerably harder to use than One-Two Punch Icon One-Two Punch is. However, it can be a great pick if your team has good single target burst damage, as the damage can be done instantly, without needing to wait the 3 seconds cooldown between Melee Icon Melees.

Tracer Rounds Icon Tracer Rounds can be useful when chasing enemies into bushes, or around corners. When you would normally lose vision of your target and be unable to continue attacking, this Talent allows you to continue your assault. Besides the extra vision, it will also increase Tracer's Basic Attack range, allowing her to kite enemies easier. We recommend going for Tracer Rounds when you are playing against a composition with good crowd control, since they will punish dives attempts. The extra range will be necessary to play safe in those situations.


Level 4 Talents for Tracer

Tracer Leeching Rounds ?
Leeching Rounds (Level 4) Tracer

Increase the healing from Basic Attacks by up to 200%, based on the amount of health Tracer is missing.

Tracer Pulse Generator
Pulse Generator (Level 4) Tracer

Successfully sticking a Pulse Bomb to an enemy Hero heals Tracer for 18% of her maximum Health over 1.5 seconds and refunds a charge of Blink.

Tracer Is That a Health Pack?! ?
Is That a Health Pack?! (Level 4) Tracer

Collecting a Regeneration Globe instantly heals Tracer for 10% of her maximum Health and reduces the cooldown of Healing Fountain by 15 seconds.

Drinking from a Healing Fountain instantly heals for 20% of Tracer's maximum Health.



Leeching Rounds Icon Leeching Rounds slightly improves your self-sustain based on how much Health you are missing. In a fight, this Talent has the potential to heal Tracer more than any other Talent in this tier. However, Tracer is a very squishy Hero, and to use Leeching Rounds effectively, you should be constantly hitting enemies when you are low on Health. Therefore, we only recommend this Talent if the enemy composition cannot easily burst you down.

Pulse Generator Icon Pulse Generator is a great Talent that provides two benefits. While the healing it offers can help you survive or make slightly better trades against enemies, the extra Blink Icon Blink charge is what makes this Talent truly valuable. This additional Blink can be used to go deeper, to reposition in battle, or to retreat if necessary. This is the standard Talent for this tier due to the flexibility and usefulness that comes primarily from the extra mobility.

Is That a Health Pack?! Icon Is That a Health Pack?! provides the most healing of all talents in this tier when you are not in combat. However, it adds almost nothing to team fights. Despite its strong healing potential, we consider this Talent to be very situational, and we only recommend it if your healer does not have a good way to heal you out of combat, such as with Uther or Auriel.


Level 7 Talents for Tracer

Tracer Sleight of Hand ?
Sleight of Hand (Level 7) Tracer

Reduces Reload time by 50%. This equals 20% more damage per second.

Tracer Focus Fire ✘︎
Focus Fire (Level 7) Tracer

If an entire ammo magazine is unloaded on an enemy, the last bullet will deal 80 (+4% per level) bonus damage. This is equal to 35% of the total magazine.

Tracer Locked and Loaded
Locked and Loaded (Level 7) Tracer

Reactivate Reload within the last 50% of its cast time to increase Tracer's Basic Attack damage by 40% for that magazine.



Sleight of Hand Icon Sleight of Hand increases your damage per second unconditionally. It does not require planning or good timing, it just works. It is a great Talent to take if you are just learning Tracer, or if you are a seasoned Tracer player facing a difficult matchup.

Focus Fire Icon Focus Fire does not benefit from Ricochet Icon Ricochet. It only works if you spend all your magazine in a single target, and still deals less damage than Locked and Loaded Icon Locked and Loaded. If you are not comfortable going Locked and Loaded, it is still better to go for Sleight of Hand instead, since it will have synergy with Ricochet Icon Ricochet, Pulse Generator Icon Pulse Generator, and Pulse Bomb Icon Pulse Bomb.

Locked and Loaded Icon Locked and Loaded is the hardest Talent to use effectively in this tier, but has the highest potential damage bonus. This Talent further increases her mechanical difficulty, while increasing your damage if you can reliably land the timed Reload. Bonus damage from Locked and Loaded are also applied to Ricochet Icon Ricochet. Take this Talent if you are up to the challenge. While adjusting to this Talent, try "priming" it on Minions and holding the bonus damage for an enemy Hero. This will allow you to practice the Reload timing, and will guarantee the 40% bonus damage for the first magazine used against a Hero.


Level 10 Talents for Tracer

Tracer Sticky Bomb ?
Sticky Bomb (Level 10) Tracer

Increases Pulse Bomb's radius by 50% and enemies hit are Slowed by 70% for 3 seconds.

Tracer Quantum Spike ?
Quantum Spike (Level 10) Tracer

Pulse Bomb deals an additional 6% of maximum Health as damage to Heroes.

Tracer Pulse Rounds
Pulse Rounds (Level 10) Tracer

Increases Pulse Bomb's range and charge rate from Basic Attacks against Heroes by 100%.



In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given upgrade for your Heroic Ability. If you want to read how it works in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use it, check it out in the Abilities and Strategy page.

Sticky Bomb Icon Sticky Bomb transforms Pulse Bomb into a better follow-up Ability. Sticky Bomb is strong with combo oriented team compositions. It can be a choice if you are coordinated with another Hero such as a Diablo with Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse or a Fenix with Planet Cracker Icon Planet Cracker to combo with you.

Quantum Spike Icon Quantum Spike deals increased damage to targets based on their maximum Health. This allows Tracer to deal more damage with each Pulse Bomb Icon Pulse Bomb. While it has a greater effect on Heroes with large Health pools, the extra percent-based damage adds burst damage to all takedown attempts. This Heroic will usually help you secure takedowns faster than the others, and will be a great option in games where you need to focus a squishy backline.

Pulse Rounds Icon Pulse Rounds greatly increases the range and charge rate of Pulse Bomb Icon Pulse Bomb. This, in turn, increases the frequency with which Pulse Bomb may be cast, and the number of positions from which you can stick it to enemy Heroes. This Talent has great synergy with Pulse Generator Icon Pulse Generator, since it will add much more Blinks and better self-sustain for Tracer. We recommend going for this Talent if you got Pulse Generator.


Level 13 Talents for Tracer

Tracer Untouchable ?
Untouchable (Level 13) Tracer

Passive: After Blinking, gain 20% Movement Speed for 1.25 seconds.

Quest: Takedowns increase Tracer's Basic Attack damage by 5%, up to 25%. These bonuses are lost on death.

Tracer Jumper
Jumper (Level 13) Tracer

Passive: When Blink has no charges remaining, its cooldown refreshes 150% faster.

Casting Blink grants Tracer a Shield equal to 6% of her maximum Health for 3 seconds. This Shield stacks up to 3 times.

Tracer Telefrag ✘︎
Telefrag (Level 13) Tracer

Passive: Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes reduce the cooldown of Recall by 0.1875 seconds.

When Tracer arrives at her Recall location she becomes Unkillable for 1 second and nearby enemies take 175 (+4% per level) damage and are knocked back.



Untouchable Icon Untouchable is a situational Talent that may be good in games where Tracer cannot be easily bursted down and she is the main source of damage in your composition. In these scenarios, it should be paired with Ricochet Icon Ricochet and Tracer Rounds Icon Tracer Rounds to maximize her damage output and safety. The extra movement speed can become significant when fully stacked, though it still cannot fully compare to the reliability of extra Blink Icon Blink charges provided by Jumper Icon Jumper.

Jumper Icon Jumper significantly reduces Blink Icon Blink's cooldown when no charges are available. This Talent excels in situations where tracer wants to constantly harass their enemies, since it gives her a Blink charges whenever she needs it. With good sustain damage and extra mobility, she can be a great nuisance to enemy frontline. We recommend Jumper in every game, unless you are very confident on your abilities and need the extra Attack Damage from Untouchable Icon Untouchable.

Telefrag Icon Telefrag is an underwhelming Talent, since Tracer wants to only use Recall Icon Recall when it is extremely necessary, instead of spamming it. The damage, unkillable status, and knockback effect provided by the Talent will be useless in most games, because Tracer will be recalling towards a safe position, far from enemies.


Level 16 Talents for Tracer

Tracer Bullet Spray ?
Bullet Spray (Level 16) Tracer

Increases the radius of Melee by 30%, and causes it to damage all enemies in range.

Tracer Heavy Handed
Heavy Handed (Level 16) Tracer

Heroes hit by Melee have their Armor reduced by 15 for 4 seconds.

Tracer Ricochet
Ricochet (Level 16) Tracer

Tracer's Basic Attacks have a 60% chance to hit another nearby enemy, prioritizing Heroes.



Bullet Spray Icon Bullet Spray slightly increases Tracer's area of effect damage in team fights, and gives her more waveclear. Only take this Talent together with One-Two Punch Icon One-Two Punch, and if enemies cannot punish you for staying in melee range, or you will not be able to get value from it. However, be aware that Tracer's sustain damage in late game without Ricochet Icon Ricochet will be considerably lower than it could be.

Heavy Handed Icon Heavy Handed will increase all the subsequent damage after Melee for 4 seconds. Since this Armor reduction is only applied after Melee, it will not increase Pulse Bomb Icon Pulse Bomb's damage when it gets exploded earlier with Get Stuffed! Icon Get Stuffed!. It is also decent against targets with high Armor, like Garrosh, since it will greatly increase the damage dealt by your whole team.

Ricochet Icon Ricochet will greatly increase your damage in fights. Tracer will be most of the time abusing her high mobility, by positioning herself at the edge of the fight while hitting the enemy frontline. So, even though Ricochet's damage is random, it will be effective, since you will be damaging the opposing backline while being far away from them. This is the standard Talent for this tier, since it is essential to increase Tracer's sustain damage in the fight. However, be aware that you will have a hard time hitting Forts and Keeps with it, since the ricochet can easily bounce towards an enemy Hero, making these dangerous Structures focus you.


Level 20 Talents for Tracer

Tracer Chrono Triggers ?
Chrono Triggers (Level 20) Tracer

Casting Blink causes Basic Attacks to not consume ammo for 1 second.

Tracer Get Stuffed!
Get Stuffed! (Level 20) Tracer

Increases Melee's Pulse Bomb charge against Heroes from 10% to 20%. Hitting an enemy with Melee who is stuck with a Pulse Bomb causes the bomb to instantly explode and knock the target away.

Tracer Total Recall ✘︎
Total Recall (Level 20) Tracer

Recall heals Tracer equal to the amount of Health she lost during that time.

Tracer Composition B ✘︎
Composition B (Level 20) Tracer

Successfully sticking a Pulse Bomb to an enemy Hero also drops another one at their feet that deals 50% damage and explodes slightly earlier.



Chrono Triggers Icon Chrono Triggers slightly increase Tracer's damage over time, but gets better the more Attack Speed she has. For this reason we recommend going for it if you have Abathur with Adrenal Overload Icon Adrenal Overload, Lt. Morales with Stim Drone Icon Stim Drone or Rehgar with Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust to empower you. It also requires Jumper Icon Jumper at Level 13, since blinks will be constantly available with it.

Get Stuffed! Icon Get Stuffed! increases Pulse Bomb charge rate, and can be used for peeling or to push an enemy towards your team. You will have an instantaneous strong burst damage; Turning Tracer into a real threat. With this Talent, do not be afraid to use your bombs to peel or harass someone, since it will be available again in 6-10 seconds.

Total Recall Icon Total Recall returns all recently lost Health when Recall is activated, effectively making it a burst heal. Unfortunately, since Tracer gets healing from many other ways, this Talent is not necessary. Chrono Triggers Icon Chrono Triggers and Get Stuffed! Icon Get Stuffed! will be better options.

Composition B Icon Composition B can be strong on combo oriented teams, and pairs well with Sticky Bomb Icon Sticky Bomb. But again, Get Stuffed! Icon Get Stuffed! should not be skipped for small and unreliable damage.



  • 08 Mar. 2025: Updated Talent descriptions after recent Balance patch.
  • 09 Feb. 2022: Updated Level 1 Talent descriptions after recent Balance patch.
  • 30 Jan. 2021: Updated Chrono Triggers and Untouchable's descriptions and recommendations.
  • 03 Mar. 2021: Updated Talents and Builds after recent Balance patch.
  • 28 Nov. 2020: Updated Talents and Builds to reflect current meta.
  • 08 Jul. 2020: Updated Heavy Handed discussion.
  • 04 Jun. 2020: Updated Talents and Builds to reflect June 3rd balance patch.
  • 24 May 2020: Updated Talent recommendations.
  • 07 May 2020: Updated Talents and Builds accordingly to May 6th balance patch.
  • 25 Mar. 2020: Updated Talent discussion and build to current meta.
  • 17 Oct. 2019: Updated Talent discussion and recommended build to reflect current meta.
  • 27 Mar. 2018: Updated Talent discussion to reflect balance changes in Fenix patch.
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