Valeera Build Guide “The pleasure is mine.”
Welcome to our guide for Valeera, a Melee Assassin in Heroes of the Storm. Within these pages, you will find everything required to understand how best to play this hero, in both different map styles and team compositions.
Valeera's Overview
Valeera is a Melee Assassin who uses Stealth and a
unique Combo Point system to deal devastating amounts of burst damage to her enemies.
Combo Points are generated every time Valeera strikes an enemy Hero with one of her
Basic Abilities, which can then be spent on a powerful finishing move called
Eviscerate. Unlike other Stealth based Heroes, Valeera is able
to activate
Vanish at will, allowing her to regularly shift
back and forth between the shadows to trick and deceive her opponents. When Stealthed,
Valeera has access to a whole new set of Abilities commonly referred to as "openers",
as these Abilities are used to break Valeera from stealth and be the opening sequence
to her unrelenting Ability combo.
Each one of Valeera's three openers providers her with a different bonus;
Ambush can be used for instantaneous pure damage,
Cheap Shot for hard crowd-control
in the form of a Stun, and
Garrote for damage-over-time
and a crippling Silence. It is important for players to recognize which opener will best
suit Valeera's needs at that exact moment, and being able to recognize this is an integral
step in pursuing mastery of Valeera's kit.
Valeera's Strengths and Weaknesses
Very high skill ceiling
Anti-Assassin, can take down high priority targets deep within the backline
Exceptional at roaming and ganking
Diverse kit with lots of utility
Potential for various playstyles
Strong crowd control
High HP pool
Dependent on Level 4 and 7 Talents
Weak PvE
Particularly susceptible to heavy crowd-control
Very hard learning curve
Incredibly weak when revealed
Suffers against coordinated teams
Valeera's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Sinister Strike Build
RecommendedValeera's Sinister Strike Build focuses on Talents that
cause Sinister Strike to become one of Valeera's
primary sources of burst damage.
Relentless Strikes
at Level 4 will allow Valeera to cast Sinister strike more regularly and
Mutilate at Level 7 will vastly increase Sinister Strike's
overall damage. When
Seal Fate
is used in conjunction with Mutilate, Valeera will be able to deal
a very large amount of instantaneous burst damage when leaping onto a
target effected by a Silence, Root,
or Stun (which conveniently can be
provided through
Cheap Shot or
Limpanjo Build
SituationalValeera's Limpanjo Build is dedicated to Limpanjo, a well-known multiple Grand Master Valeera
main from Europe, who was kind enough to share his input on our Valeera Build Guide.
The Build itself is quite similar to the Sinister Strike Build with
few exceptions. At Level 1, Combat Readiness can be picked
to provide very strong
protection against enemy Basic Attacks, which allows Valeera to be played more safely both
as a Melee Assassin in the 4-man
capable to gank or as an Offlaner.
At Level 13 and 16, the Build takes a unique path. There, the focus lies on taking
down individual (and preferably) isolated targets by opening Valeera's combo with
Ambush. Thanks to
Death From Above,
Valeera is able to close the distance to her target nicely while also reducing the cooldown on
Vanish, which in return allows her to strike from the shadows
again more quickly.
Assassinate works great with previous
burst damage Talents, most importantly,
Mutilate at Level 7,
as it lowers her targets Armor even further and deals extra damage as well.
Valeera's Synergies and Counters
Valeera peforms best with Heroes who have a reliable source of crowd-control, high burst damage, or both. Besides those, Garrosh and E.T.C. are good partners, because they can easily displace an enemy for Valeera to silence and kill. Furthermore, Abathur is a great pick with her. He will turn Valeera into an even more dangerous roamer, capable of killing targets anywhere before they leave silence.
Valeera is countered by Heroes who are able to easily break her from Stealth, as this will prevent her from being able to cast any of her opener abilities. She also is very susceptible to crowd-control as her overextended positioning within the enemy backline will often cause her to be quickly taken down once rendered immobile.
Valeera's Maps

Valeera is best suited for larger maps with multiple Objective locations, as she will be able to roam around the Battleground looking for vulnerable enemy Heroes. Due to her limited waveclear and overall PvE potential she tends to suffer on maps where clearing large amounts of enemy Minions or Mercenaries is of high priority.
Valeera's Tips and Tricks
- Only use
Blade Flurry for PvE purposes or if you started a combo with
Ambush, or you will run out of energy very quickly.
- The Unrevealable portion of
Vanish allows Valeera to pass through other units, and may be used mid-fight to trick enemies with new positioning.
- Do not hesitate to use
Sinister Strike to dodge powerful enemy skillshots or even to disengage from a losing fight.
- Resist the temptation to use
Cheap Shot to lock down enemies. This ability is mainly used for the blind. It is better to use
Garrote to crowd control.
- Try to use
Eviscerate when 3 Combo Points are available to maximize its damage output.
- The Silence portion of
Garrote can be used to interrupt an enemy's channeled ability.
- Do not be afraid to use
Cloak of Shadows liberally, as the cooldown is rather short for a Heroic Ability. In 1v1 scenarios, Cloak of Shadows should be used just as
Garrote's silence ends, so enemies cannot interrupt your damage with abilities.
Valeera's Role in the Current Meta
Valeera is a great counter-pick against low-Health, high-priority targets; particularly Assassins known for their massive damage output such as Valla or Kael'thas. Valeera's damage and utility works best as a followup, first allowing her team to initiate before heading into the mix herself. She pairs excellently with Heroes who provide reliable crowd-control alongside high burst damage. When attempting to enter combat, it is incredibly important for Valeera to avoid all damage (particularly area of effect), as this will break her from Stealth and ruin her chance to get off an opener Ability.
Due to her relatively weak PvE and her strong ganking potential, Valeera should spend most of the match roaming between lanes, looking for overextended enemy Heroes to pick off. Despite the fact that Valeera's true potential is best unfolded when she is able to roam and rotate between lanes, she is a respectable solo laner and can be played there if no other options are available for your team.
- 05 Jun. 2022 (talents page): Smoke Bomb's relevance updated to reflect meta development.
- 05 Jun. 2022 (this page): Builds updated updated to reflect meta development.
- 20 Jan. 2021 (talents page): Talents updated for the latest balance patch.
- 20 Jan. 2021 (abilities page): Smoke Bomb description updated.
- 20 Jan. 2021 (this page): Guide updated for the latest balance patch.
- 25 May 2020 (this page): Updated Limpanjo Build.
- 01 May 2020 (abilities page): Applied small additions to be more informative on how to use Abilities.
- 01 May 2020 (this page): Updated whole guide to better reflect current meta.
- 08 Apr. 2020 (talents page): Updated Builds and Talents to reflect current meta.
- 16 Dec. 2019 (this page): Added the current Anomaly (Experience Globes) to the guide.
- 14 Jul. 2019 (talents page): Completely overhauled and updated Valeera's talents and builds in accordance with the recent Balance Update.
- 14 Jul. 2019 (abilities page): Applied some minor updates to Valeera's ability section.
- 14 Jul. 2019 (this page): Updated Valeera's intro section.
- 15 Dec. 2017 (talents page): Talents and their discussions have been updated for the latest balance patch.
- 15 Dec. 2017 (this page): Guide has been updated to reflect latest balance patch, detailing Stealth rework (Vanish Build has been removed).
- 26 Apr. 2017 (talents page): Removed Cold Blood from Level 20 Talent options; Talent Builds previously containing Cold Blood have been adjusted accordingly.
- 14 Apr. 2017 (talents page): Adjusted Crippling Poison's duration from 3 to 5 seconds and the talent is now deemed situational (was not recommended before).
- 14 Apr. 2017 (abilities page): Adjusted Cloak of Shadows's cooldown duration from 25 to 15 seconds.
- 04 Feb. 2017 (talents page): Added Vanish talent build and added talent discussions.
- 04 Feb. 2017 (this page): Added Vanish talent build.
- 25 Jan. 2017 (this page): Guide added.
More Melee Assassin Guides
Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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