Valeera Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Valeera. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Valeera's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Valeera's Talent Build
Level | Choices |
1 |
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Valeera's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Sinister Strike Build
RecommendedValeera's Sinister Strike Build focuses on Talents that
cause Sinister Strike to become one of Valeera's
primary sources of burst damage.
Relentless Strikes
at Level 4 will allow Valeera to cast Sinister strike more regularly and
Mutilate at Level 7 will vastly increase Sinister Strike's
overall damage. When
Seal Fate
is used in conjunction with Mutilate, Valeera will be able to deal
a very large amount of instantaneous burst damage when leaping onto a
target effected by a Silence, Root,
or Stun (which conveniently can be
provided through
Cheap Shot or
Limpanjo Build
SituationalValeera's Limpanjo Build is dedicated to Limpanjo, a well-known multiple Grand Master Valeera
main from Europe, who was kind enough to share his input on our Valeera Build Guide.
The Build itself is quite similar to the Sinister Strike Build with
few exceptions. At Level 1, Combat Readiness can be picked
to provide very strong
protection against enemy Basic Attacks, which allows Valeera to be played more safely both
as a Melee Assassin in the 4-man
capable to gank or as an Offlaner.
At Level 13 and 16, the Build takes a unique path. There, the focus lies on taking
down individual (and preferably) isolated targets by opening Valeera's combo with
Ambush. Thanks to
Death From Above,
Valeera is able to close the distance to her target nicely while also reducing the cooldown on
Vanish, which in return allows her to strike from the shadows
again more quickly.
Assassinate works great with previous
burst damage Talents, most importantly,
Mutilate at Level 7,
as it lowers her targets Armor even further and deals extra damage as well.
Level 1 Talents for Valeera

Valeera regenerates an additional 3 Energy per second.
Reward: After Gathering 20 Regen Globes, increase Valeera's maximum Energy to 120.

After teleporting with Ambush, Cheap Shot, or Garrote, regenerate 10 Energy per second for 5 seconds.

Each Combo Point spent grants 75 Physical Armor against the next enemy Hero Basic Attack, reducing its damage by 75%. Stores up to 3 charges.

- Cooldown: 15 seconds
Activate to make Valeera's next damaging Ability and subsequent Abilities within 4 seconds Slow targets by 20% for 4 seconds.
Activating Crippling Poison does not break Stealth.
Vigor and all the other Talents that add energy are
wasted in Valeera. With
Relentless Strikes, and as long
as Valeera does not use
Blade Flurry in
fights, she will not run out of energy. We do not recommend this Talent.
Subtlety's active Energy regeneration
is usually not enough to make a noticeable difference during team fights and as such
remains an underwhelming Talent.
Combat Readiness can be a useful Talent
option should Valeera find herself matched up against multiple Basic
Attack damage dependent Heroes, or play the early stages of the game as
an Offlaner.
Crippling Poison adds an additional source
of crowd-control to Valeera's kit, which helps
her chase down squishy targets in the backline. This Talent is essential when
going for
Mutilate, since it will enable you to keep
hitting your target, ignoring the reduced mobility from it.
Level 4 Talents for Valeera

Reduces the Energy cost of Sinister Strike by 10.

Valeera's Basic Attacks deal 40% additional damage to enemies affected by Garrote.

Ambush, Cheap Shot, and Garrote grant 15% Movement Speed for 3 seconds and award 2 Combo Points.

- Cooldown: 15 seconds
Activate to make Valeera's next damaging Ability and subsequent Abilities within 4 seconds reduce enemy healing received by 50% for 4 seconds.
Activating Wound Poison does not break Stealth.
Relentless Strikes greatly reduces Valeera's Energy Cost
Sinister Strike. This grants her more uses of
Sinister Strike
Eviscerate in a fight, increasing her damage output
throughout the game.
Hemorrhage is too situational to become a
recommended Talent. The requirement of constantly attacking targets affected
Garrote is too specific in many situations to
justify picking this Talent.
Initiative gives all of Valeera's openers an
additional combo point. While this sounds good at first, it becomes a futile Talent
relatively quickly, since Valeera's primary source of damage is
Sinister Strike
and not
Wound Poison's effect is too situational to make
it a better choice than
Relentless Strikes, which greatly empowers
Valeera's damage output throughout the game.
Level 7 Talents for Valeera

Sinister Strike now hits with both blades, dealing 125% additional damage, but its range is reduced by 1.

Quest: Each time Blade Flurry damages an enemy Hero, its damage increases by 6, up to 90.
Reward: After damaging 15 Heroes with Blade Flurry, permanently reduce its Energy cost by 20.

Eviscerating an enemy with 3 Combo Points grants 150% Attack Speed. Lasts 3 seconds or 3 Basic Attacks.
Passive: Basic Attacks restore 2 Energy.
Mutilate is an important Talent and marks Valeera's first
significant power spike, as it really ramps up her single-target damage significantly and
works very well together with
Relentless Strikes
at Level 4.
Fatal Finesse adds
area of effect damage to Valeera's kit. However,
the damage it provides is relatively insignificant and also weakens Valeera's
main purpose, which is single-target
burst damage. Thus, we do not recommend picking this Talent.
Slice and Dice's damage is significantly lower than
Mutilate's, which
is why we consider it the inferior choice between the two.
Level 10 Talents for Valeera

- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Create a cloud of smoke. While in the smoke, Valeera is Unrevealable, can pass through other units, and gains 60 Armor, reducing damage taken by 60%. Valeera can continue to attack and use abilities without being revealed. Lasts 5 seconds.
Using this Ability does not break Stealth.

- Cooldown: 15 seconds
Valeera is enveloped in a Cloak of Shadows, which immediately removes all damage over time effects from her. For 1.5 seconds, she becomes Unstoppable and gains 75 Spell Armor, reducing Ability Damage taken by 75%.
Using this Ability does not break Stealth.
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
Smoke Bomb is the first option of Valeera's two
defensive Heroic Abilities. When Valeera activates Smoke Bomb, she is able
to stand within its area-of-effect to become Unrevealable, unaffected by Unit
Collision, and much harder to kill with a 60% reduction in damage taken. Being
"Unrevealable" means that Valeera will remain not only untargetable but
completely invisible to her opponents while under its effect. This implies that
enemy Heroes will not be able to strike Valeera with Basic Attacks or targeted
Abilities. Smoke Bomb is incredibly strong against Assassins
who rely heavily on Basic Attacks as their primary source of damage. Smoke Bomb
is a phenomenal Ability which allows Valeera to dart back and forth within a
crowd picking off any unfortunate Hero who remains within its presence. Make
sure to always cast Smoke Bomb within close proximity to team fights to ensure
that enemies will not be able to simply walk away from the area and completely
negate the Ability altogether. Valeera may also cast
Vanish during Smoke Bomb and simply walk away from
its area-of-effect. This will trick many players into thinking that Valeera is
still within the smoke and will cause them to wait for her to appear after its
Cloak of Shadows is Valeera's second Heroic Ability
choice and much like
Smoke Bomb provides her with a
nice amount of defensive utility. Cloak of Shadows may be heavily considered
if Valeera finds herself matched up against a
crowd-control heavy team composition, as that
tends to be one of her greatest weaknesses. The 15-second cooldown of Cloak of
Shadows is surprisingly low for a Heroic Ability and makes it a rather strong
choice. Because of this, Valeera should not be afraid to use Cloak of
Shadows anytime she fears mortal danger is imminent when caught in the midst of
hard crowd-control or heavy Spell Damage.
Level 13 Talents for Valeera

Teleporting with Ambush reduces the cooldown of Vanish by 4 seconds.

Increase the duration of Cheap Shot's Blind by 2.5 seconds.

Using Garrote on a Hero reduces their Spell Power by 40% for 6 seconds.
DISCLAIMER: every Talent in this tier provides Valeera with some sort of bonus utility to her kit. Each one of these Talents is beneficial in its own way and the specific Map and team compositions will greatly determine which is best for each given match.
Death From Above's reduced cooldown of
Vanish allows Valeera to use her Stealth more quickly
in between skirmishes, which also means she can use her openers more frequently.
All these factors make Death From Above a considerable choice.
Blind is probably the most situational of all of
Valeera's Level 13 Talents. This Talent should only ever be considered should
the teams primary target of focus rely heavily on Basic Attacks to function
(such as The Butcher).
Strangle is similar to
Blind in that it is always situational depending on
Valeera's matchup. Strangle is most useful against
Assassins who utilize heavy-hitting Basic Abilities to
deal damage, so Mages like Jaina.
Level 16 Talents for Valeera

Sinister Strike deals 50% additional damage and generates an additional Combo Point when used against Silenced, Rooted, or Stunned enemy Heroes.

Ambush deals 50% additional damage and reduces the target's Armor by an additional 10 if no other enemy Heroes are within 4 range of the victim.

- Cooldown: 20 seconds
Activate to instantly restore 100 Energy.
Activating Thistle Tea does not break Stealth.
Seal Fate is an integral component to the maximize
Sinister Strike's damage potential,
as it not only increases the amount of damage it deals but also lowers the
Energy cost needed to execute a 3 Combo Point
Assassinate provides Valeera with great burst
damage against targets in the backline, as long as they remain isolated from allies. We recommend
this Talent if the enemy team has a relatively weak frontline and several squishy targets in
the backline that lack escape mechanisms.
Thistle Tea's extra energy is only useful if Valeera wants
to use
Blade Flurry in her combo. However, the extra damage provided by
the other options at this tier are greater than Blade Flurry's damage.
Level 20 Talents for Valeera

While in the Smoke Bomb, Valeera regenerates an additional 40 Energy per second.

Whenever Valeera uses Vanish, she also gains Cloak of Shadows.

Increase Garrote's damage over time by 100%. Valeera's Basic Attacks refresh the duration of Garrote.

Increases Valeera's Movement Speed while Vanished by an additional 20%.
The additional Movement Speed bonus of Elusiveness
allows Valeera to position much faster during team fights after casting
Vanish. The speed of Valeera while under the effect
of Elusiveness is actually 10% faster than that while mounted. Because of this,
from Level 20 and on, Valeera should always move around the battlefield Stealthed
rather than mounted, as she will be able to rotate faster. Elusiveness is also
very powerful when when attempting to peel away from an enemy Hero or when
pursuing one who happens to be fleeing Valeera.
At this point in the match, Adrenaline Rush feels
somewhat redundant and does not seem to help Valeera too much in one specific
area. Other Talents may have already been selected to ease the burden of
Energy management and in terms of Utility, Adrenaline Rush feels outclassed by
the Movement Speed bonus of
Enveloping Shadows is a situational Talent which
should be considered if (at this point in the match), Valeera constantly finds
herself being picked off and burst down very quickly. Using
Vanish will grant Valeera a free cast of
Cloak of Shadows which greatly increases her mobility
and survivability. Keep in mind that a single death after Level 20 can often
times result in a loss; something to consider if Valeera is having trouble
staying up in fights.
Rupture can be a wortwhile investment if additional
damage is needed. While
Elusiveness' bonus Movement Speed
is very potent, the additional damage over time, especially on targets that lack escape mechanisms,
can definitely help secure kills.
- 05 Jun. 2022: Smoke Bomb's relevance updated to reflect meta development.
- 20 Jan. 2021: Talents updated for the latest balance patch.
- 08 Apr. 2020: Updated Builds and Talents to reflect current meta.
- 14 Jul. 2019: Completely overhauled and updated Valeera's talents and builds in accordance with the recent Balance Update.
- 15 Dec. 2017: Talents and their discussions have been updated for the latest balance patch.
- 26 Apr. 2017: Removed Cold Blood from Level 20 Talent options; Talent Builds previously containing Cold Blood have been adjusted accordingly.
- 14 Apr. 2017: Adjusted Crippling Poison's duration from 3 to 5 seconds and the talent is now deemed situational (was not recommended before).
- 04 Feb. 2017: Added Vanish talent build and added talent discussions.
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Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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