Volskaya Foundry Map Guide

Last updated on Dec 14, 2024 at 13:19 by Elitesparkle

Welcome to our strategy guide for Volskaya Foundry, a Map in Heroes of the Storm. On this page, you will find everything required to understand how it is designed and how to play it.

Volskaya Foundry Map Guide Banner Image


Volskaya Foundry is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Overwatch universe. The signature Objective of this Map is a Capture Point that rewards a Triglav Protector. The team who wins the Objective can pilot the Triglav Protector, a massive Vehicle with 2 seats that can be used to deal damage to enemy Structures and to Shield allied Heroes.


Draft Strategy


Lane Assignments

Here you can find one or more formations that are viable on this Map. Keep in mind that positions in lane are not strict and will often change based on the situation.


Formation 4-1

The go-to formation for Volskaya Foundry is 4-1:

  • 4 Heroes rotate between the middle and the top lane;
  • 1 Hero, the Offlaner, covers the bottom lane.

Map Strategy

  • At 1:00 minutes or whenever available, start clearing the allied Fortification Camp and capture it as soon as possible. Do not forget to pick up the Turret! If you are quick enough, you can get a second Turret at the beginning of the first Objective phase.
  • After that, whenever your team has an advantage or you believe that the enemy team is still busy clearing the enemy Fortification Camp, you can capture the neutral Support Camp near the top lane. Do not forget to pick the Biotic Emitter!
  • At 2:15 minutes or several seconds before the next Objective phase, start clearing the allied Siege Camp and capture it slightly before the Capture Point activates. To make this Mercenary Camp join the lane behind allied Minions, capture it at 2:45 minutes or 15 seconds after a wave of Minions spawned.
  • At 3:00 minutes or whenever the Objective phase starts, make sure to have a durable Hero on the Capture Point. Keep control of it for as much as possible without dying and retreat if needed. Then, whenever your team gets an advantage, try to push out enemy Heroes and win the Objective. In the early game, the Offlaner should keep soaking.
  • If your team wins the Objective, the first Triglav Protector of the game should preferably be used to destroy Structures in the top lane (in preparation for the second Objective phase), the second one should be used to destroy a Fort, and the following ones should be used to destroy a Keep and eventually go Core. In the early game, the Offlaner should keep soaking.
  • If your team loses the Objective, you can either deal damage to the Triglav Protector or dive past it to kill squishy enemy Heroes. In the early game, the Offlaner should keep soaking.

Mercenary Camps

As shown in the image below, Volskaya Foundry has a total of 5 Mercenary Camps:

  • 2 allied/enemy Siege Camps and 1 neutral Support Camp in the top lane;
  • 2 allied/enemy Fortification Camps in the bottom lane.

Mercenary Camps on Volskaya Foundry disappear from the battlefield once the Triglav Protector has been spawned and reappear only after the Triglav Protector has been killed.

Mercenary Camps indicated with a red icon are immune to Bribe effects.


Siege Camp

This type of Mercenary Camp features 3 Assault Troopers. Once captured, it spawns the same units fighting for your team in the corresponding lane. When possible, push with them to get more value.

Spawn Respawn
1:00 minute 3:00 minutes after its last capture

Assault Troopers are ranged units that can attack enemies from the distance but lack area of effect damage to quickly clear enemy Minions. Once captured, they are capable of damaging enemy Structures without getting in their range.


Fortification Camp

This type of Mercenary Camp features 1 Mechanic and 1 Turret. Once captured, it leaves a Turret on the ground that can be collected by allied or enemy Heroes. Always kill the Mechanic first because he can repair the Turret while below 80% Health.

Spawn Respawn
1:00 minute 2:30 minutes after its last capture

Turrets are consumable items that, when put on the ground, deal damage to an enemy within range, prioritizing Heroes and dealing double damage to Minions. Since they count as Mercenaries, you can empower them with some Talents (such as Mercenary Queen Icon Mercenary Queen by Sylvanas) and weaken them with some other Talents (for example Amateur Opponent Icon Amateur Opponent by Artanis).

Turret [F]
  • Item

Place a Turret that rapidly attacks nearby enemies for 45 (+2 per minute) damage every 0.5 seconds. Turret lasts for 45 seconds, or until destroyed.


Support Camp

This type of Mercenary Camp features 1 Support Mech. Once captured, it leaves a Biotic Emitter on the ground that can be collected by allied or enemy Heroes.

Spawn Respawn
1:00 minute 3:00 minutes after its last capture

Biotic Emitters are consumable items that, when put on the ground, restore Health and Mana of allied Heroes in range. Do not position them too forward, otherwise they will quickly get destroyed by enemy Heroes.

Biotic Emitter
Biotic Emitter [F]
  • Item

Create a Biotic Emitter that restores 40% of nearby allied Heroes' maximum Health and Mana. Biotic Emitter lasts for 10 seconds, or until destroyed.


Map Objective

The signature Objective on Volskaya Foundry is a Capture Point that rewards a Triglav Protector to the team who gets 100% progress first. The winners can pilot the Triglav Protector, a massive Vehicle with 2 seats that can be used to deal damage to enemy Structures and to Shield allied Heroes. Vehicles are Unstoppable. Capture Points will activate 6 seconds after a Hero steps on them, then they will give 2% per second over 50 seconds, pausing when abandoned and not giving the final reward if contested.

Spawn Respawn
3:00 minutes 3:00 minutes after the Triglav Protector dies
Volskaya Foundry Objective 1
Capture Points
Control points activate occasionally. Stand within them to capture them. Fully capturing a point grants you control of a giant mech.
Volskaya Foundry Objective 2
Control the Protector
The Triglav Protector mech is controlled by two players: one pilot and one gunner. Work together!
Volskaya Foundry Objective 3
Destroy Everything
The Protector's abilities deal incredible damage to structures and Heroes alike. Use it to lay waste to your enemy.

Once claimed, the Triglav Protector lasts for 50 seconds plus 3 seconds for each minute of Game Time that has passed. Each of the 2 players controlling the Triglav Protector has access to a different set of Abilities (similarly to Cho'Gall). While both seats are occupied, both the pilot's and gunner's Abilities recharge 25% faster and Energy regeneration is increased by 25%.

The first player to enter in the Triglav Protector will become the pilot, able to decide where to go, whereas the second one will become the gunner. If only the gunner seat is already taken (because the previous pilot decided to exit) then the next player entering in the Triglav Protector will become the pilot.


Triglav Protector

The following Abilities can be used by the player who is in the Triglav Protector's pilot seat. Whoever enters first in a newly spawned Triglav Protector will be the pilot.



Charge should ideally not be used on Heroes because it deals less damage to them. Use it to clear Minions or damage enemy Structures in order to get more value from it.

Charge [Q] Triglav Protector
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds

Charge a target and deal 160 (+14 per minute) damage in an area. Non-Heroes take 200% increased damage.


Rocket Fist

Rocket Fist should either be used to instantly kill enemy Minions or to disable enemy Structures that are dealing damage to the Triglav Protector or allied Heroes.

Rocket Fist
Rocket Fist [W] Triglav Protector
  • Cooldown: 14 seconds

Launch a Rocket Fist that deals 150 (+15 per minute) damage to the first Hero or Structure in its path. The rocket pushes away Heroes for 1.5 seconds and disables Structures for 4 seconds. Minions on its path are instantly killed.


Shield Emitter

Shield Emitter should be used to save allied Heroes from incoming damage and/or to reduce damage taken, especially when in range of enemy Structures that are not disabled by Rocket Fist.

Shield Emitter
Shield Emitter [E] Triglav Protector
  • Cooldown: 16 seconds

Gain 25 Armor for 3 seconds and give nearby allied Heroes a Shield that absorbs 500 (+50 per minute) damage over 3 seconds.


Triglav Gunner

The following Abilities can be used by the player that is in the Triglav Protector's gunner seat. Whoever enters second in a newly spawned Triglav Protector will be the gunner.


Particle Cannon

Particle Cannon should generally be used to clear enemy Minions, however, it can also be used to damage enemy Heroes or Structures.

Particle Cannon
Particle Cannon [Q] Triglav Gunner
  • Cooldown: 4 seconds

Start extending the range of the Particle Cannon. Reactivate to fire, dealing 190 (+19 per minute) damage in the targe area.


Gatling Cannon

Gatling Cannon should ideally be used to hit enemy Heroes, however, it can also be used on enemy Structures for less damage.

To maximize cooldown usage, you should not be using Gatling Cannon when Particle Cannon and Scorching Laser are ready to use again.

To maximize Energy usage, you should be using Gatling Cannon when having maximum Energy or close to maximum Energy.

Gatling Cannon
Gatling Cannon [W] Triglav Gunner

Toggle to fire missiles at the cursor's location. Each missile deals 38 (+3.8 per minute) damage but drains 1 Energy. Reactivate to stop firing. Deals 50% less damage to Structures.


Scorching Laser

Scorching Laser should generally be used to damage enemy Structures, however, it can also be used on enemy Heroes who cannot move for about 1 second due to crowd control effects.

Scorching Laser
Scorching Laser [E] Triglav Gunner
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds

Vector Targeting

Draw a line on the ground, dealing 60 (+6 per minute)damage. After 1 second, it explodes for 380 (+38 per minute) damage.

How to use Vehicles

Vehicles have two resources: Health and duration. If they time out with high Health, it means you played too safe. If they get destroyed while there is still a lot of duration remaining, it means you played too aggressive. As a general rule, you want to keep the percentage values of Health and duration balanced.

When pushing with a won Objective, you should still avoid being caught alone and not fight when outnumbered, especially when going for Keeps. If your Vehicle gets destroyed deep in the enemy territory, you will not be able to reach a safe area before getting killed unless you have a lot of mobility.

In the early game, when multiple enemy Forts are still up, Vehicles can also be used as a distraction, not just for pushing directly. While they clear enemy Minions and threaten enemy Structures, the rest of the team can push in another lane. The enemy team will have to split for defending multiple lanes at the same time.


Core Ability

Every 6 seconds, the Core shoots 3 Rocket Fists at nearby enemy Heroes, dealing 150 damage and Knocking them back.


Win Conditions

To win the game on Volskaya Foundry, you should count on any of the following win conditions:

Try to store Turrets and Biotic Emitters for the late game.


Tips and Tricks

  • Use the first Healing Fountain (2-minute cooldown) at or before 1:00 minute because the first Objective on this Map activates at 3:00 minutes, so you will have it back in time for that.
  • Global Heroes should ideally take care of the lane that is farther away from the next Objective location, so that they can use their global tool to quickly join their team during the next Objective phase.
  • We recommend to let a non-Healer pick the Biotic Emitter, so that it can be used to heal the Healer if they happen to be under crowd control or to heal your team when your Healer is dead.
  • The pilot slot of the Triglav Protector should be filled with a squishy Hero because leaving them outside while durable Heroes (usually with crowd control usable to peel) are inside would make your backline vulnerable to dive.
  • The gunner slot of the Triglav Protector can be left empty, so that whoever is in danger can enter in it to protect themselves from enemy damage. Damage does not interrupt the channel to enter in it! Alternatively, fill it with another squishy Hero.
  • When piloting the Triglav Protector, you should generally use Rocket Fist to instantly kill enemy Minions or to disable enemy Structures, Charge to reach and damage enemy Structures, and Shield Emitter to protect allied Heroes from incoming damage.
  • When being the gunner in the Triglav Protector, you should generally use Particle Cannon to clear Minions or damage enemy Structures, Gatling Cannon to damage enemy Heroes, and Scorching Laser to damage enemy Structures.
  • Heroes with percent damage (such as Drain Hope Icon Drain Hope by Leoric) are the best for defending from enemy Vehicles. In case that is your Offlaner and it is still early game, you may want to send someone else to soak in the lane they left. Remember that Cursed Bullet Icon Cursed Bullet by Greymane and Sleep Dart Icon Sleep Dart by Ana cannot hit Vehicles.
  • If your team has a Hero with a powerful Quest that requires hitting enemy Heroes (for example Berserker Icon Berserker on Zul'jin), you could let the enemy team get an early game Triglav Protector to easily get Quest stacks while defending from it.
  • If your team is doing fine, you can store Turrets and Biotic Emitters for the late game instead of using them in the early game. If you are going to die, however, place them on the ground before they kill you and steal them.
  • At high level of play it is common to completely ignore the Objective area and get value elsewhere by pushing because the Triglav Protector takes too much time to be unlocked and can be defended without much difficulty, sometimes after diving and killing whoever is outside of it.


  • 14 Dec. 2024: Guide rewieved for the latest Balance Update.
  • 08 Nov. 2024: Guide created.
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