Xul Build Guide “All who oppose me: Beware!”
Welcome to our guide for Xul, a Bruiser in Heroes of the Storm. Within these pages, you will find everything required to understand how best to play this hero, in both different map styles and team compositions.
Xul's Overview
Xul is a high damage Bruiser that abuses his strong
AoE damage from his abilities to quickly clear
any minion wave, which then allows him to create many Skeletal Warriors thanks to
Raise Skeleton, letting him become a major threat to towers
and, by extension, making the wave much harder to clear.
Xul also excels against melee compositions, given he can easily land
Cursed Strikes into many targets, reducing their attack speed
and making him really hard to deal without crowd control.
Xul's Strengths and Weaknesses
Exceptional waveclear
Excellent AoE damage
Decent self-sustain thanks to
Bone Armor and
Harvest Vitality
Mortal Wound counters healing abilities
Good crowd control for team to follow up thanks to
Bone Prison
Able to apply lots of debuffs on attack speed, damage, healing and armor
Very susceptible to crowd control
Weak against compositions featuring many ranged or poke-centric heroes
Really hard to play when facing counters
Susceptible to gank attempts
Requires good positioning
Xul's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Scythe Build
RecommendedThe Scythe Build offers plenty of AoE damage thanks to the additional Scythes offered by
Echoes of Death at Level 13. Due to
Mortal Wound at Level 20, this build becomes particularly
powerful against double Healer composition who rely on a lot of healing. Unfortunately
The Scythe Build is very dependent on
Decrepify, which comes
a bit too late and might not be a good choice if your team is looking for
early-game fights.
Cursed Strikes Build
SituationalXul's Cursed Strikes Build gives Xul much survivability thanks to
Harvest Vitality's sustain, while
Weaken provides
considerable resistance by reducing enemy damage dealt. Since this build
requires you to be constantly hitting many enemies with
Cursed Strikes, it excels against
melee-heavy compositions with little crowd control.
This build is the most effective at capturing or clearing Mercenaries, considering Xul
will have Cursed Strikes up nearly all the time, with very high Attack Speed.
Backlash can be replaced with
Shade when facing
many Basic Attacks-reliant Heroes, like Raynor or Illidan.
Poison Nova and
Skeletal Mages are useful,
though it is recommended to go with Poison Nova when facing many melee Heroes. Skeletal Mages
will perform well when you need some kind of crowd control
to reach the targets you are looking for.
Bone Prison Build
SituationalXul's Bone Prison Build has much more burst than the other options. It is a
great choice if the opposing team has lots of crowd control,
ranged Heroes, or burst damage, since you will not be able to get much value out of
Cursed Strikes.
Backlash can be replaced with
Shade when facing
many Basic Attack-reliant Heroes, like Raynor,
Illidan, or
If you are having trouble facing the opposing laner, we recommend changing both the
Level 4 and 7 Talents into Grim Scythe and
Harvest Vitality
respectively, since they will give you much more self-sustain while clearing waves, without
crippling your burst capabilities.
Xul's Synergies and Counters
Xul sinergizes very well with Heroes that are able to protect him while he receives burst
damage or crowd control like Medivh. He also excels with good
follow up for Bone Prison, like
Tyrande with
Lunar Flare,
Falstad with
Hinterland Blast
or Li-Ming with all her Abilities.
Due to not having mobility,
Xul suffers a lot from displacement effects
or crowd control in general,
making Heroes such as E.T.C.
huge threats, while Johanna is able to Blind
him during Cursed Strikes, reducing his effectiveness.
Xul also struggles against Heroes with long range or with high burst damage that allows
them to follow up the crowd control, like Jaina
and Sgt. Hammer.
Xul's Maps

Xul shines in maps with nearby lanes, as he will be able to easily abuse his waveclear and Skeletal Warriors, making him excellent on Blackheart's Bay, Tomb of the Spider Queen, and Infernal Shrines. He will also be decent on big maps where the Objective will be very time consuming, allowing him to get a great experience lead through split-pushing, like in Sky Temple, Garden of Terror, or Cursed Hollow. However, Xul does not perform as well in 2-lane maps, given he cannot abuse his fast waveclear to spawn skeletons and go to another lane, which he normally would in a bigger map.
Xul's Tips and Tricks
Cursed Strikes is one of the best waveclear Abilities in the game, so you should always be attempting to clear a wave and instantly Mount up and rotate to another lane, getting maximum value out of
Raise Skeleton.
- Since Xul does not have a strong early game, sometimes it is better to (in some maps) avoid fighting for the first Objective (Infernal Shrines and Cursed Hollow can be good examples), and instead proceed to the opposite lane in order to split-push between the other 2 lanes. A good practice is to warn your team before doing this, given they will be having a numerical disadvantage in the fight, and will have to play it safe.
- Keep in mind Xul has limited mobility, so during fights it is a good idea to wait for your tank to engage, or for enemy heroes to spend their crowd control before going in, given you will struggle to enter and escape fights.
- A good way to use
Bone Prison is on a tank just after they spent their defensive skills, a Johanna without
Iron Skin or an Anub'arak without
Burrow Charge often turn out to be an easy kill, given they will be rooted in the same place for 2 seconds.
- Since
Bone Prison has a tiny range, it is recommended to always stay mounted so you can easily find a way to engage your desired target.
Xul's Role in the Current Meta
Each minion wave spawns every 30 seconds (starting from 00:00); this has the
same cooldown as Bone Armor, which allows you to ignore the
enemy Bruiser every time you step up to clear the wave. Thanks to this, Xul will
always be ahead of his enemies, enabling him to move towards the closest lane to
either gank or clear it.
Since Xul is slightly dependent on talents to be really impactful in fights, it
is better to focus on clearing waves between two lanes during the early game.
After you get your main talent for the build ( Harvest Vitality
for Cursed Strikes Build,
Amplify Damage for Bone Prison Build, and
Decrepify for Spectral Scythe Build) start looking for
fights—Xul will be extremely good in them.
- 16 Apr. 2021 (talents page): Updated Talent recommendations.
- 16 Apr. 2021 (this page): Updated Builds.
- 26 Mar. 2021 (talents page): Updated Talent recommendations.
- 17 Feb. 2021 (talents page): Updated Trag'Oul's Essence's discussion.
- 17 Feb. 2021 (this page): Updated Scythe Build.
- 17 Jul. 2020 (talents page): Talent section reviewed; no changes are necessary.
- 17 Jul. 2020 (abilities page): Abilities section updated following the 2.51.1 patch.
- 16 Jul. 2020 (this page): Guide reviewed after recent balance patch and no changes are necessary.
- 18 Mar. 2020 (talents page): Updated Xul's talents accordingly to his rework.
- 18 Mar. 2020 (this page): Updated guide for Xul's rework.
- 20 Nov. 2019 (talents page): Updated Xul's talents and removed the Skeleton Build, as we no longer consider it viable enough.
- 16 Jul. 2017 (talents page): Updated Xul's talent descriptions.
- 14 Jul. 2017 (talents page): Corpse Explosion changed from Not Recommended to Recommended.
- 11 Jul. 2017 (this page): Updated guide for Stukov's patch and moved to new guide format.
More Bruiser Guides
Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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