Zul'jin Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Zul'jin. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Zul'jin's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Zul'jin's Talent Build
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Zul'jin's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Twin Cleave Build
RecommendedThe Twin Cleave Build relies on the
AoE poke damage provided by
Zul'jin's Twin Cleave. When running this build, completing the final portion of
"You Want Axe?" is imperative. The completion of this Quest by landing 150
Basic Attacks on enemy Heroes literally doubles the effectiveness of Twin
Cleave as the blades begin to revolve twice.
Arcanite Axes is integral to the build, as it will
endlessly increase the amount of damage the blades deal as the Match goes on.
A single combo of a fully Talented cast of Twin Cleave
combined with
Guillotine can easily delete squishier
members of the enemy backline such as
Ranged Assassins or
This is the standard build of Zul'jin and should be picked in most games.
Grievous Build
SituationalThe Grievous Throw build focuses on high damage output on
a single target.
Boneslicer and
Vicious Assault
synergize well and reward Zul'jin greatly should he have more attack speed through his trait, this also
means that
Taz'dingo! becomes close to mandatory for the build to shine.
After level 16, Zul'jin completely negates enemy armor, countering certain enemy heroes such as Garrosh or Uther.
Basic Attack Build
SituationalThe Basic Attack Build focuses on maximizing the effectiveness of Zul'jin's
core mechanic Berserker, and the insanely high
single-target damage output he is able to maintain with his Basic Attacks. The
combination of
Ferocity, and
Taz'dingo! will
cause Zul'jin to tear through his opponents as both his Attack Speed and Attack
Damage will be phenomenal for Taz'dingo's entire duration should he become the
target of the enemy focus.
Amani Resilience provides Zul'jin with a much needed
boost of survivability for when the Unkillable effect of Taz'dingo wears off.
The Basic Attack build should only be used if you have a team composition
consisting of crowd-control allowing you to Basic Attack enemy heroes down.
Level 1 Talents for Zul'jin

Grievous Throw now pierces through all enemies hit and restores 15 Mana per Hero hit. Additionally, Grievous Throw's mark is no longer removed by Basic Attacks.

While Zul'jin is below 75% Health, he gains 10% Spell Power. While he is below 50% Health, his Basic Attack damage is increased by 15% and Basic Attacks against Heroes grant an additional stack of You Want Axe?.

Quest: Zul'jin's first Takedown against each enemy Hero permanently increases his damage dealt by 2%.
Reward: After getting Takedowns on every enemy Hero, Basic Attack range is increased by 1.1.
Boneslicer vastly improves the performance of
Grievous Throw by not only allowing it to now strike
any target within its cast range, but also by preventing the Grievous Throw
debuff from dropping off of a target after 3 Basic Attacks. Additionally,
Boneslicer gives Zul'jin moderate return on Mana and
waveclear potential, something he tends to lack as a
single target damage dealer.
Recklessness will vastly increase Zul'jin's burst
potential when running a Twin Cleave Build.
Recklessness's bonus damage combined with
Amani Rage
allows Zul'jin to open up with devastating Ability combos without ever
having to actually take damage from the enemy team. The Heroic Ability
Guillotine empowered by Recklessness will deal
absolutely insane amounts of damage to any Hero caught within the impact,
especially when upgraded at Level 20 with
Recklessness should only be picked if you know you are unable to complete
Headhunter reasonably quickly, for example if the enemy team has an Abathur.
Once completed, Headhunter grants Zul'jin an
impressive amount of bonus damage and attack range. The Quest even grants
incremental amounts of bonus damage for each new enemy Hero killed, making it
useful even before its completion. It is important to note that the bonus
damage granted to Zul'jin applies to both Basic Attacks and Abilities. This
implies that Headhunter is a viable Talent for a Basic Attack Build
or Twin Cleave Build. The increased
Basic Attack range of Headhunter does indeed stack with the bonus attack range
of "You Want Axe?", potentially giving Zul'jin an insane amount of reach.
Level 4 Talents for Zul'jin

Increase Regeneration's healing by 25%. If Regeneration fully finishes, restore 10% of Zul'jin's maximum Mana.

- Cooldown: 10 seconds
Activate to remove Roots and Slows.
Passive: Lower the cooldown and Mana cost of Regeneration by 40%.

Lower the cooldown of Amani Rage by 10 seconds and gain 15 Armor while regenerating Health from it.
All of Zul'jin's Level 4 Talents provide him with some means of defensive utility; whether it be through self-sustain or damage mitigation. Each one of these Talents will serve Zul'jin in a unique manner. Which Talent to choose will most likely be determined by the compositions of each team and what form of utility Zul'jin will benefit most from in each individual Match.
Troll's Blood provides Zul'jin with improved staying power and
self-sustain. This Talent serves well on
Maps that require long standoffs over important Objectives such as
Nukes on Warhead Junction. Troll's Blood also can make up for team
compositions that lack a dedicated Healer to help keep
Zul'jin topped off. Troll's Blood also happens to synergize very well with
Forest Medicine at Level 20, which allows the benefits
of Troll's Blood to be utilized mid-combat.
Although the cooldown and Mana cost reduction provided by Voodoo Shuffle are nice,
the true strength of this Talent lies in its Slow and Root removal. For a
Hero like Zul'jin, who lacks any sort of gap closer,
being able to escape from a potentially deadly situation by negating a Root or
Slow is invaluable. Voodoo Shuffle ONLY
removes Roots and Slows, so attempting
to avoid being struck by any other form of crowd-control will
prove ineffective. This Talent can however single handily save Zul'jin's life
when matched up against certain Heroes who rely on Roots and Slows to tie up
their targets. Notable examples include Arthas (
Howling Blast),
Deckard (
Scroll Of Sealing), Jaina (every Ability, though
Ring of Frost), Kel'Thuzad (
Frost Nova),
Malfurion (
Entangling Roots),
Thrall (
Feral Spirit), and Xul (
Bone Prison).
If Zul'jin is facing a team that lacks any sort of reliable
Root or Slow effects,
alternative choices will prove more useful than Voodoo Shuffle.
Amani Hide provides Zul'jin with on-demand Armor through
Amani Rage. This Talent also allows you
to use Amani Rage more often, resulting in more on-demand
Attack Speed to help out with the early game stacks of "You want Axe?".
Level 7 Talents for Zul'jin

Increase the duration of Grievous Throw's mark by 3 seconds and its damage bonus by 45%.

Quest: Twin Cleave's damage is permanently increased by 0.75 every time it hits a Hero.

Increases the Attack Speed bonus of Berserker by 40%.
Much like Boneslicer at Level 1,
Vicious Assault greatly increases the performance of
Grievous Throw giving you a higher window of
Grievous Mark while also increasing the damage taken.
The two Talents synergize well and should always be picked together
should you go for the Grievous Throw Build.
Arcanite Axes is a mandatory Talent when
building around
Twin Cleave. The stacking damage component of Arcanite
Axes is why Zul'jin's primary concern in the early game should always be
completing the "You Want Axe?" Quest as quickly as possible. The sooner "you
Want Axe?" is completed, the sooner Twin Cleave will travel two rotations every
cast and ultimately generate more and more damage bonus from Arcanite Axes.
Ferocity increases the bonus Attack Speed of
Berserker by a total of 40%, allowing Zul'jin's bonus
Attack Speed when remaining at 1% Health to cap at 139% instead of 99%. This
40% Attack Speed is huge for his Basic Attack damage, especially when Zul'jin
is able to utilize it completely while hovering at low Health during
Level 10 Talents for Zul'jin

- Mana: 75
- Cooldown: 90 seconds
For the next 4 seconds, Zul'jin is Unkillable, and cannot be reduced to less than 1 Health. Taz'dingo!.

- Mana: 70
- Cooldown: 40 seconds
Zul'jin launches a massive axe into the air that drops on the targeted area, dealing 330 (+4% per level) damage plus bonus damage the lower his Health is.
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
Taz'dingo! is an incredibly powerful Ability that
causes Zul'jin to go full "Raid Boss" on his enemies for an entire 4 second
duration. While Taz'dingo is active, Zul'jin is completely Unkillable and his
Health is unable to be reduced below 1. This Ability synergizes phenomenally
well with Zul'jin's Trait
Berserker, as he can benefit
from almost 100% increased Attack Speed for Taz'dingo's entire duration without
fear of being killed. Although Zul'jin will get the most value from casting
Taz'dingo! at low Health, it may sometimes be a wiser
play to cast Taz'dingo preemptively to avoid enemy Ability combos that would
otherwise result in certain death. More so, in worst case scenarios, Taz'dingo
may be used defensively to allow Zul'gin enough time to escape when caught out
unprepared by the enemy team, particularly in the late game when a single death
can easily result in a loss for his team.
Guillotine provides Zul'jin some of the strongest
single Ability damage in the game as its damage will be increased dramatically
should Zul'jin be low on Health when it is cast. Although the target area of
its cast is relatively small, Guillotine can be upgraded at Level 20 with
Buzzsaw to have a pretty sizable
area of effect allowing it to easily strike
multiple enemy Heroes. There is a slight delay in the time from when Guillotine
is cast to when it will strike so enemy movement will need to be traced and the
Ability will need to be cast accordingly. Guillotine is best used in unison
with some form of hard crowd-control, as to ensure
it will strike its intended target(s).
Although both Guillotine and
Taz'dingo! are great Heroic Abilities, the Build
path Zul'jin has decided on will most likely dictate which option to select.
Taz'dingo! works particularly well with a Basic Attacks Build, while Guillotine
aligns with multiple Talents that are also an integral components
for a Twin Cleave Build. The playstyle of each Build
(Basic Attacks Build's sustain damage and
Twin Cleave Build's burst potential) also
derive the most value from each respective Heroic Ability option.
Level 13 Talents for Zul'jin

Increase the Slow amount of each Twin Cleave axe by 10% and its duration by 0.5 seconds.

Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes grant Zul'jin 6% Movement Speed for 2 seconds, up to 30%.

- Cooldown: 40 seconds
Throw a net forward, Rooting the first enemy Hero hit for 1.5 seconds. If no Heroes are hit, Ensnare's cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds.
Much like the defensive utility options available at Level 4, all of Zul'jin's Level 13 Talents provide some means of movement utility. Again, which Talent to choose will most likely be determined by the compositions of each team and what form of utility Zul'jin will benefit from most in each individual Match.
Assuming a target is hit with both axes, Lacerate's
10% increase in Slow per ax doubles Twin Cleave's effectiveness as a source of
crowd-control. This will result in enemies being
Slowed for a total amount of 50% (25% for each axe).
The Slow granted via
Lacerate will also help the second rotation of Twin Cleave to more easily
strike the target again, as they will be less able to flee from its path. This
moderate Slow makes for great team-wide peel, as the
area of effect component of Twin Cleave will allow it to easily
strike more than one Hero. Compared to Eye of Zul'jin and Ensnare,
Lacerate is not used much, due to the two other Talents providing
more benefits for Zul'jin than Lacerate does.
Eye of Zul'jin is probably going to end up as the most
common choice for Zul'jin.
Movement speed plays an integral role in the success of any Basic Attack dependent character,
and Zul'jin is no exception. Regardless of how much damage Zul'jin can put out,
it will always go to waste should his desired target be able to
kite him, or in turn catch him while he is the one trying
to do the kiting. Eye of Zul'jin can be used both offensively and defensively,
allowing him to both pursue or disengage from enemy Heroes. This Talent is
incredibly important in effectively using Zul'jin to his full potential and
should never be underestimated.
Ensnare is a viable alternative to
Lacerate and
Eye of Zul'jin should
Zul'jin find himself being regularly dove on by one of
more members of the enemy team. Ensnare is a situational pick that is best
served when Zul'jin seems to be lacking reliable peel
from his allied frontline. Ensnare will only Root
enemy Heroes, so have no fear of casting the net even if there is an enemy
Minion, Mercenary, etc., blocking Zul'jin's line-of-sight.
Level 16 Talents for Zul'jin

Zul'jin's Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes marked with Grievous Throw ignore Armor and deal an additional 2% of maximum Health as damage.

If an enemy is hit by both Twin Cleave axes at the same time, they take an additional 100 (+4% per level) damage and count as 5 Hero hits for You Want Axe?.

When Zul'jin kills an enemy, his Attack Speed is increased by 5%, up to 40%, for 12 seconds. Basic Attacks refresh the duration.
Hero Takedowns instantly grant 40% Attack Speed.
No Mercy! is a completely situational Talent that
should ONLY be considered when Zul'jin is pursuing the Grievous Throw Build and
matched up against an enemy Hero that relies heavily on Armor to mitigate
damage, such as Garrosh or
Uther. Even then, No Mercy only really
works when Zul'jin is able to reliably apply the
Grievous Throw debuff to his desired target.
Wrong Place Wrong Time can lead to massive bursts of
damage when running the Twin Cleave Build. Wrong Place
Wrong Time works best when Zul'jin has an ally utilizing a reliable form of
movement impairing crowd-control, as to ensure an
enemy Hero will be struck when locked up in the path of Twin Blades apex. In
order for a target to be hit by both axes at the same time they will need to be
in one of two very specific points along Twin Cleave's flight path. This is
either directly where Zul'jin casts the Ability, or at the point where the two
axes cross paths furthest from Zul'jin. The double rotation granted by "You
Want Axe?" generates additional opportunities to proc the bonus damage of Wrong
Place Wrong Time as well.
Let the Killing Begin is by far the best Talent
available to Zul'jin when navigating the Basic Attack Build. The bonus Attack
Speed coming from this Talent is incredibly easy to acquire and
maintain, as stacks can be generated via killing enemy Minions and the
12-second duration is quite generous. Also, the fact that Zul'jin will
immediately reach 40% increased Attack Speed upon killing an enemy Hero will
allow him to further snowball teamfights or potentially give him a much needed
edge when turning the tides on a losing one. It is important to note that
Basic Attacks alone will refresh this Talent's duration, therefore as long as Zul'jin
is able to get off one Basic Attack every 12 seconds he will be able to
maintain the 40% increased Attack Speed indefinitely. This is why Zul'jin
should always try to farm stacks for this Talent before heading to important
Objectives or teamfights, however keep in mind that farming stacks
will rarely be worth showing up late to Objectives!
Level 20 Talents for Zul'jin

Increase Taz'dingo's duration by 1 second. Upon expiring, Zul'jin heals for 50% of the damage he dealt during Taz'dingo.

After impact, Guillotine continues forward, dealing 75% damage to enemies hit. If a Hero is killed by Guillotine, Zul'jin is instantly healed to full.

Regeneration is no longer Channeled, and cannot be interrupted.

Basic Attacks bounce to a nearby enemy for 50% damage, prioritizing enemy Heroes.
Amani Resilience is a great tool that will help
Zul'jin survive longer during
Taz'dingo! as well as
after it ends. This is important since it is not uncommon for him to be at a
VERY low amount of Health upon Taz'dingo's expiration. Keep in mind that
Zul'jin will heal for all the damage he does during Taz'dingo, not just the
Basic Attack damage (although Basic Attacks will most likely be his highest
source of damage assuming he is benefiting from all of his damage and attack
speed buffs at low Health). On some occasions, although Amani Resilience will
provide some self-sustain to Zul'jin, it might be a
wiser call to flee a losing situation altogether even with low Health, as
Zul'jin can still be easily picked off despite the amount of Health he will
have returned to him once Taz'dingo ends.
Buzzsaw greatly increases the
area of effect of Guillotine and will allow Zul'jin to
easily hit multiple enemy Heroes with the Ability. Keep in mind that Buzzsaw
will ALWAYS travel in the direction directly opposite from where Zul'jin had
cast Guillotine, as it cannot have its path redirected unlike some other
Abilities in the game. Large targets (such as bosses, forts, keeps) can be
struck by Guillotine's initial strike and then again by the path of the
Buzzsaw. Make sure to target the initial impact on the spot of a target's
hitbox closest to Zul'jin to ensure the Buzzsaw will travel through the
remaining part of the hitbox and strike the target two times. Although
Guillotine instantly heals Zul'jin to full Health upon killing a Hero, it may
not always be the best call to rely solely on this feature just in case the
Ability either misses or the damage is mitigated by some enemy Abilities such as
Divine Shield.
Forest Medicine is a phenomenal source of late game
sustain and should not be immediately shrugged off for one of Zul'jin's Heroic
Ability upgrades. If Zul'jin finds himself in consistent danger of being
dove on by a threatening enemy, especially in the late
game, being able to survive an attack via Forest Medicine can make all the
difference. Forest Medicine allows
Regeneration to be
used mid-combat, even while moving, taking damage, and casting Abilities.
Forest Medicine become particularly potent when combined with the effects of
Troll's Blood or
Voodoo Shuffle from Level 4. Ultimately the selection of
this Talent will come down Zul'jin's greatest priority during the late game,
which may happen to be different each match.
A Surprise For Ya is a great Talent and really the only
pure DPS boost Talent that Zul'jin has at level 20. This Talent synergizes
great with both the
Berserker quest
Headhunter if you have completed them. It is,
however, very situational as it
will not have any value if you face a team that is mostly spread, i.e., a
ranged DPS-heavy team, therefore it is recommended to pick this if the enemy
team clumps up in teamfights and you do not feel like you need the
survivability from the other Talents. The most important thing to think about
when picking this Talent is whether you have a team composition that protects
you and you have mostly felt safe during the game. Dying is a harder DPS loss
than not picking this Talent!
- 11 Feb. 2025: Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 02 Mar. 2021: Guide has been updated with a new build and talents updated.
- 20 Jan. 2021: Guide has been reviewed up talents have been updated.
- 21 Aug. 2020: Guide has been updated for the addition of A Surprise For Ya.
- 02 Jul. 2020: Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 23 Oct. 2019: Updated Amani Hide talent.
- 04 Sep. 2019: Guide has been reviewed for latest patch and no changes are needed.
- 24 Jun. 2019: Talent descriptions and recommendations have been updated in accordance with meta.
- 30 Jun. 2018: Talents and recommendations updated following the June 27 balance patch.
- 13 Dec. 2017: Made updates for the latest balance patch.
- Level 4 Talent Amani Rage has had the Armor Bonus reduced from 10 to 5 and the Health Regeneration duration increased from 6 to 10 seconds.
- Level 7 Talent Arcanite Axes no longer reduce the cooldown of Twin Cleave.
- Level 13 Talent Lacerate has had the Slow amount reduced from 15% to 10%.
- 02 Nov. 2017: Updated the guide following the most recent balance patch, with the following changes being notable.
- Level 7 Talent Ferocity has had its Passive Attack speed bonus increased from 35 to 40%.
- Level 7 Talent Vicious Assault (Q) has had its damage bonus increased from 30 to 35%.
- Level 16 Talents Wrong Place Wrong Time and Let the Killing Begin are now correctly labeled Recommended and Situational respectively.
- 17 Oct. 2017: Talents page updated for Zul'jin's rework in Junkrat's patch.
- 06 Oct. 2017: Level 4 Talent Let The Killing Begin has had its duration reduced from 15 to 12 Seconds. Level 16 Talent Ferocity has had its Bonus Attack Speed reduced from 40% to 35%.
- 01 Sep. 2017: Level 1 Talent Boneslicer has had the bonus damage increased from 20 to 30%.
- 11 May 2017: Level 13 Talent Voodoo Shuffle has been changed from "Situational" to "Recommended". Its cooldown change has been noted and discussed.
- 06 Jan. 2017: Added talent discussions.
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Outofmilk is an avid Heroes of the Storm player, and has been playing this game since the first wave of Alpha invites. He currently plays around the Grandmaster / high Master area and is now here to share his knowledge with you.
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