Holy Priest Healing Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.1.0)
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Holy Priest, depending on the type of damage your group is receiving. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your healing output and your mana efficiency. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Holy Priest rotation.
Holy Priest Rotation Priority
Welcome to our Holy Priest Rotation section. Here you will learn everything you need to know about properly healing as a Holy Priest in Raiding and Mythic+ scenarios.
Healing is primarily based on your ability to react to the damage that the group takes, and as such, there is no set rotation. Rather, you must understand what spells are best suited to the different situations that can occur during an encounter. Be sure to use the Spell List / Glossary page if you encounter any spells or talents you are unfamiliar with.
Anywhere you see the
icon on this page, this means it is the recommended choice.
Holy Priest Rotation
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Holy Priest Raid Rotation
Raid healing is primarily focused on group healing and priority triage on targets that may be in danger of death. The next section outlines the priority you should follow in raids. You should not cast a spell that will mostly overheal, so keep this in mind as you work through the priority list and skip an item if there is likely to be significant overheal.
Holy Word: Sanctify when a cluster of your raid is injured.
Holy Word: Serenity on an injured ally.
Prayer of Mending on cooldown, usually on melee.
Smite an enemy when no healing is required.
Your general goal while healing is casting as many short-cooldown spell as possible. Holy Word: Serenity,
Holy Word: Sanctify and
Prayer of Mending despite all having a cooldown, should be thought of as rotational spells and cast almost as
soon as they are available.
Some tips for utilising your chosen talents:
For more information on using your major cooldowns Apotheosis,
Divine Hymn and
Symbol of Hope
effectively, see the cooldowns section below.
Holy Priest Mythic+ Rotation
Dungeon healing is primarily focused on casting your short-cooldown
spells regularly, and using Flash Heal to heal multiple allies at once
through the
Trail of Light talent. A lot of your decision-making will be
based on incoming damage and the cooldowns you have available. It is better to
use your cooldowns early and often rather than save them for unknown future
Below is the priority you should follow in dungeons. You should not cast a spell that will result in mostly overhealing; keep this in mind as you work through the priority list and skip an item if there is likely to be significant overhealing.
Holy Word: Sanctify when a cluster of your group is injured.
Holy Word: Serenity on an injured ally.
Prayer of Mending on cooldown, usually on melee.
Holy Fire an enemy when no healing is required.
Shadow Word: Pain an enemy when no healing is required, and the enemy will not die in 16 seconds.
Smite an enemy when no healing is required.
Holy Priest Damage Rotation
When your focus is raid healing, your only damage spell should be Smite. Smite costs very little Mana,
and it has a chance to generate
Surge of Light procs which are not only a healing increase, but also assist
with movement. If an encounter demands damage over healing, and you find Mana isn't a problem then you can go ahead
and use the full damage rotation.
Dealing with damage while in dungeons is often overlooked by healers. While any additional damage is beneficial
to your group; it should not come at the cost of keeping your group alive, which is your main priority.
Smite is your main damage dealing ability costs very little Mana and can proc the
Surge of Light
Damage spell priority for 4+ targets:
Holy Fire
Holy Word: Chastise (if you do not need the incapacitate/stun for cc)
Damage spell priority for 1-3 targets:
Holy Fire
Holy Word: Chastise (if you do not need the incapacitate/stun for cc)
Shadow Word: Pain (if the target will survive for the full duration)
Tier Set Rotational Changes
While the set bonus doesn't change how you play, it rewards playing well. The more you are in Apotheosis
and the more Holy Words you cast during Apotheosis, the more benefit you will get from Tier. There is no need to track
Insurance! or
Bankroll, they will both passively increase your healing so long as you execute
your rotational priority well.
Simplified Holy Priest Rotation for Beginners
Holy's rotation may be overwhelming at first glance due to the number of spells in the priority list. If you are new, you may benefit from visiting our Quick Guide page to get started fast.
Understanding Holy Priest Mechanics
In the below sections are several explanations on exactly how some of the core components of how Holy works. It dives into the underlying mechanics of major cooldowns and rotational abilities to get a better understanding of exactly why you are pressing each button.
Holy Priest Major Cooldowns
Holy Priest Major Cooldowns
Apotheosis is a major cooldown you want to be pressing as often as possible. There are several talents
that improve Apotheosis:
Eternal Sanctity with good gameplay can over double the duration of Apotheosis.
Divinity improves the burst healing of Apotheosis making it more potent and increasing your mobility.
Answered Prayers generates procs of Apotheosis, which will extend Apotheosis if it is already active. **
Divine Image has no direct interactions, but more Holy Words make Divine Image a more effective talent.
Perfected Form increases healing done while Apotheosis is active.
Sustained Potency is great at granting an extra few seconds of Apotheosis uptime per minute.
Of particular note is Eternal Sanctity which causes Holy Words to extend the duration of
Apotheosis. Because Apotheosis also increases the Holy Word cooldown reduction gained from casting
abilities, it amplifies the priority of some spells during Apotheosis to help get Holy Words back off cooldown
Prayer of Mending - When talented into
Voice of Harmony,
Epiphany and
Answered Prayers, Prayer of Mending becomes a high priority cast. Due to the number of Holy Word casts during Apotheosis, resets on Prayer of Mending cooldowns are frequent. Prayer of Mending not only reduces the cooldown of
Holy Word: Serenity, but also increases the uptime of Apotheosis through Answered Prayers.
Flash Heal - When talented into
Energy Cycle and with a
Surge of Light proc, Flash Heal is a high priority due to the additional cooldown reduction.
Halo - Due to
Manifested Power, Halo either just before, or during Apotheosis is important for the additional
Surge of Light procs. This is in addition to the extra healing from
Resonant Energy.
Renew - When talented into
Empowered Renew, the additional cooldown reduction from Renew makes it a high priority.
While not always possible due to how things line up, an ideal usage of Apotheosis with Archon would look like:
Halo - to start generating
Surge of Light procs and start stacking
Resonant Energy.
Apotheosis - with 1 charge of each Holy Word available.
Power Infusion - if you don't need to use it at a specific time.
Holy Word: Chastise - to extend Apotheosis and spawn
Divine Image.
Holy Word: Sanctify - to get it off cooldown to maximise casts
Holy Word: Serenity - to get it off cooldown to maximise casts
- Resume normal rotation.
**Note: It should be noted that when Answered Prayers procs and grants you the
Apotheosis buff,
if you cast
Apotheosis during this buff, the duration will not extend. Instead, when you press
Apotheosis the duration is set to 20-seconds.
Divine Hymn
Divine Hymn is a major cooldown that heals all nearby allies, pulsating healing as it channels. It is
best used when your group is taking a large amount of damage and you need to heal everyone quickly. Keep in mind
that the spell is channelled, so you cannot perform other actions while casting it.
When raiding, your raid leader will generally assign you to use this spell at a certain time in the fight to counter a heavy burst of damage. If this is the case, make sure your spell is available at that time. Otherwise, you should simply try to find a moment when using this spell is beneficial. Most often, this will happen during a period of very intense raid damage.
When playing as Archon and talented into
Gales of Song and
Answered Prayers, you should
aim to press
Halo immediately after your
Divine Hymn if
Apotheosis triggers. This is to
maximise the effect of various talents that increase healing done around Halo, Apotheosis and
Surge of Light.
While doing Mythic+ dungeons, Divine Hymn is a commonly used just before damage hits your group, as the
healing it does isn't strong enough to completely counter the highest AoE damage abilities. This is typically timed
so the last second or two of Divine Hymn is while your group is taking damage. That way you fully stack up the
Divine Hymn buff on all of your allies, but are still able to triage heal anyone near death.
Symbol of Hope
Symbol of Hope is a unique cooldown that provides all healers in your raid with Mana when you channel it.
It also reduces the remaining cooldown on a defensive ability for all targets. You can view a full list of all of
the defensive spells that Symbol of Hope reduces
The amount of Mana gained by each target is dependent on how much Mana they are missing, so this ability is often best used toward the end of encounters. Exceptions to this are when you are asked to use it earlier to help members of your group have their cooldowns available again much sooner.
If you are unsure of when to use it, a general rule of thumb is to use it once early when your mana drops below 80%, then again either when your remaining Mana is below 20% or the boss' remaining hitpoints are below 20%.
Guardian Spirit
Guardian Spirit is one of the most useful tools you can bring to a raid. Using it places a buff on the
target, which lasts for 10 seconds and increases all healing received by the target by 60%. If the target receives a
killing blow during this time, they will not die and instead be healed for 40% of their maximum health, consuming
the Guardian Spirit effect.
While you can use this on any raid member who is about to die and whom you have no other means of saving, it is by far better used on a tank that is about to take a large amount of damage. You should make sure to communicate with the tank and other healers to ensure that you do not use multiple powerful cooldowns at the same time.
You can also use this spell to allow tanks (or other players) to survive an ability that should have otherwise have been avoided, either as part of your raid's strategy or to recover from a mistake.
Keep in mind that your raid leader may assign you to use this spell for a specific event in the encounter.
Shadowfiend is primarily used for the mana return. You should look to use Shadowfiend when you are
around 80% mana and then on cooldown from there. The only time it makes sense to hold Shadowfiend for 5-10 seconds
is if you are talented into
Essence Devourer and your group is all at full health.
Holy Priest Mechanics Deep Dive
Holy Priest Mechanics
Holy Words
Heal and
Flash Heal have a passive ability that reduces the
remaining cooldown of
Holy Word: Serenity by 6 seconds.
Prayer of Healing reduces the remaining cooldown of
Holy Word: Sanctify by 6 seconds, and
Renew reduces the remaining
cooldown of Holy Word: Sanctify by 2 seconds.
Smite reduces the
remaining cooldown of
Holy Word: Chastise by 4 seconds.
When talented into Voice of Harmony, more abilities grant cooldown
reduction to Holy Words.
Halo and
Divine Star -
Holy Word: Sanctify
Prayer of Mending and
Power Word: Life -
Holy Word: Serenity
Holy Fire -
Holy Word: Chastise
While you do not need to actively manage this mechanic in any way, it is very important that you are aware of its existence and that you constantly monitor the remaining cooldowns of your Holy Words so that you can use them as soon as they become available.
Mastery: Echo of Light
Mastery: Echo of Light is a passive ability that causes your direct healing spells to leave a heal over time
effect on the target. This effect lasts for 4 seconds and heals for a percentage of the original heal. The amount
healed is increased by your Mastery stat. Successive applications of this HoT stack and will extend the duration of
the HoT for a short period. Mastery healing is never lost be successive casts on the same target, the additional
casts just make the Echo of Light healing ticks stronger.
There is no benefit in tracking this buff, as there are no interactions with it worth cluttering your UI with the buff.
The talent Prismatic Echoes slightly increases the healing Mastery does, while also increasing the
healing done by
Divine Image
When talented into Divine Image, your playstyle shouldn't really change whether or not you have a Naaru
active. You still want to emphasize casting whatever suits your current situation, and the Naaru will mirror that
appropriately. The only exception to this is
Holy Word: Chastise, which can be used right before periods of
intense healing to provide an added burst.
Divine Word
Divine Word will typically be used with
Holy Word: Sanctify for the AoE healing. If playing
Oracle the
Holy Word: Serenity buff pairs really well alongside
Premonition of Piety to
increase the amount of overhealing that spills over to allies.
Premonition is the main ability for the
Oracle tree. There are 3 buffs it can provide you,
and each should be considered when deciding what to cast next.
Premonition of Insight - Your priority for Insight should be to cast
Prayer of Mending as much as possible.
Premonition of Piety - Piety should be paired with
Divine Hymn or
Apotheosis where possible to maximise healing done. In the event neither of these are available, you can spam yourself with single-target overhealing utilising
Guardian Spirit and
Prophet's Will to heal nearby allies.
Premonition of Solace - Typically used on a tank to get the most out of the absorb shield it leaves behind. This can also be used on debuff targets or allies near death in a similar fashion to
Guardian Spirit.
Other Talents
Lightweaver is fairly simple to use. The goal is to alternate between
Flash Heal and
Heal or
Prayer of Healing, utilizing the buff that
Flash Heal generates to buff the
Heal or
Prayer of Healing casts. Ideally, you shouldn't be casting
Heal or
Prayer of Healing without having the
Lightweaver buff active. Also, be mindful of the
Trail of Light talent when using
Heal to try and spread your trail back and forth between targets
that need ongoing healing with your
Flash Heal and
Heal casts.
Miracle Worker
Miracle Worker provides you with an additional charge of both
Holy Word: Serenity and
Holy Word: Sanctify. When playing with Miracle Worker, you still want to avoid capping at 2 charges to
maximize the cooldown reduction provided by casting your other spells. Exceptions to this are when there is large
amounts of damage upcoming in the very near future, in which case it can be beneficial to sit on 2 charges for a
very short period of time.
Your first obvious aim when using Lightwell should be to use it as often as possible in order to get the
most value out of it. When deciding if you should cast it, think ahead to where the raid may be moving and if the
raid will be taking considerable damage. Ensure the raid is in range to utilise the healing from Lightwell before it
expires. Finally, Lightwell will despawn when you move further than 100 yards from it, so consider this too, before
placing it down.
Epiphany has a lot of potential that is often missed by many Holy Priests. Ensuring you have a good way
to track when
Prayer of Mending is ready is essential to maximising the value of the talent. Having a good
Weakaura that tracks Prayer of Mending is a fantastic way to minimise missed procs.
You can further maximise the value of Epiphany by trying to avoid casting two holy words
Holy Word: Serenity or
Holy Word: Sanctify) back-to-back when you get an Epiphany proc, and casting
Prayer of Mending instead of a Holy Word won't put someone in danger of death.
Further Talent Reading
For more information on the synergy between various talents, as well as deciding which talents you can change around and why, check out the Holy Priest Talents page.
The content on this page is purely PvE-related. If you are looking for PvP Rotation tips, please visit our PvP page below.
Addons and Macros for Holy Priest Rotation
Check out our Addons and Macros page below for recommendations to get the most out of your Holy Priest!
- 26 Feb. 2025: Improved talent descriptions.
- 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
- 10 Sep. 2024: Streamlined some of the rotation advice.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 29 Mar. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.6 talent changes.
- 17 Mar. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
- 13 Nov. 2023: Season 3 Tier set clarifications.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated with Patch 10.2 changes.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.7.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
- 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Priest Guides
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This guide has been written by Niphyr, a generally knowledgeable, long-time healing Priest and theorycrafter. You can follow him on Twitter.
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