Bladedancer Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.1)

Last updated on Jul 06, 2024 at 01:30 by Enzee

This is the perfect leveling guide for new players wanting to start with Bladedancer! This page will cover everything and anything you could need to know about leveling the class, including which skills to use, what stats to prioritize, and what uniques are useful early in the game.



This Bladedancer mastery leveling guide is setup to help you blast your way through the campaign and into early monoliths. We have taken more all-purpose passives that should work with very generic gear, but still make the experience as easy as possible for your playthrough.

This is a melee build using Puncture Icon Puncture and Shadow Cascade Icon Shadow Cascade (that auto-casts when we Shift Icon Shift) to trigger Shadow Daggers Icon Shadow Daggers constantly on our enemies. If you are unfamiliar with Rogue skills, this is a very potent skill for doing damage. Many busted Rogue builds have utilized Shadow Daggers Icon Shadow Daggers in one form or another. The new patch has buffed a node in the Puncture Icon Puncture tree, where it can now apply two stacks of shadow daggers every hit, causing the damage to trigger every other hit on its own. This is incredibly powerful, and when combined with Shift Icon Shift and Shadow Cascade Icon Shadow Cascade, to apply extra stacks, it makes for a very speedy and high damage build.

The one downside to most Rogue builds, is their lack of survivability at base level. We have put a focus on defensive nodes in the passive trees, giving us lots of Dodge and Glancing Blows (35% less damage taken) chance, as well as a healthy amount of leech and on-hit life gain. Additionally, both Smoke Bomb Icon Smoke Bomb and Shift Icon Shift skill trees have nodes with a focus on defense. All of these combined make this build far more defense oriented than an average Rogue build. That said, Rogue builds are generally for players who like to go fast. Attack fast, move fast, and dodge fast!

Puncture Icon
Shift Icon
Shadow Cascade Icon
Smoke Bomb Icon
Shurikens Icon
Skill row background

Bladedancer Leveling Passive Trees

Class Passives Skill Passives
Rogue Bladedancer Marksman
Puncture Shift Shadow Cascade Smoke Bomb Shurikens

Rogue Passive Tree

Rogue Passive Tree

Our base class is the Rogue, which acts as either a melee or ranged assassin, high damage and mobility. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Primalist, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Bladedancer, Falconer and Marksman. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing at least 20 Passive Points into the Rogue, you'll then have the option to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For our initial 20 points into Rogue, we are focused on getting some damage, the ability to dual wield, and some on-hit life and mana gains. This is the suggested passives to take:

  • 8 points into Swift Assassin: Attack Speed and flat Physical Damage.
  • 1 point into Twin Blade: Allows you to dual wield, equipping a Sword or Dagger in your offhand.
  • 1 point into Guile: Flat Dodge rating and Poison Resist.
  • 5 points into Dodge and Parry: Flat Dodge and Chance to receive a Glancing Blow (take 35% less damage on the hit).
  • 4 points into Sapping Strikes: Gain health and mana on hit when you use a skill costing 0 mana, which is Puncture Icon Puncture for us.
  • 1 point into Evasion: Increased Dodge Rating and less Damage Taken while moving. This is our 20th point, to unlock the mastery tree.

Bladedancer Passive Tree

Bladedancer Passive Tree

Our base class is the Rogue, which acts as either a melee or ranged assassin, high damage and mobility. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Primalist, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Bladedancer, Falconer and Marksman. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing at least 20 Passive Points into the Rogue, you'll then have the option to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

Bladedancer is our chosen Mastery, and where we will spend the majority of our passive points. There are all kinds of great benefits for us in this tree, including some much needed defensive bonuses as well as lots of offensive ones. We will be trying to max out our Glancing Blows chance, as this helps to even out the damage you take. As opposed to maxing out Dodge, which can be great until it isn't, causing a big spike of damage. We still get a fair amount of Dodge, we're just trying to level it with other defensives to prevent random spikes of damage that could oneshot us.

The suggested passives are as follows:

  • 8 points into Cloak of Shadows: Added Dexterity and Glancing Blow Chance.
  • 5 points into Pursuit: Increased Melee/Throwing damage and 8% move speed from the 5 point bonus.
  • 8 points into Once: Flat Melee/Throwing Physical Damage and added Dodge Rating if you've been hit recently.
  • 8 points into Shroud of Dusk: Added Flat Health and a Chance to gain a Dusk Shroud if you've been hit recently. Each Dusk Shroud adds 50 dodge rating and 5% chance to receive a Glancing Blow.
  • 5 point into Veil of Night: Increased Melee Attack Speed and 30% chance to gain a Dusk Shroud when you hit an enemy.
  • 5 points into Blood Dance: Melee Damage Leeched as Health and increased Health Leech Rate.
  • 1 point into Argent Veil: Grants a stack of Silver Shroud when you fall below 70% health, which gives a 100% chance to dodge next attack and gives 100 ward per stack when it's expended. 15 second cooldown.
  • 5 points into Flash of Steel: Increased Damage while Dual Wielding as well as Increased Melee/Throwing Attack Speed from the 5 point bonus.
  • 1 point into Asuvon's Pact: Flat Dodge Rating and Increased Damage while at Full Health.
  • 3 points into Perfection: Grants stacks of Perfection when you hit an enemy, that fall off when you are hit, granting 10% increased damage per stack. We only spend 3 points, as it's hard to get more than 6 stacks consistently without being hit by something.
  • 5 points into Confidence: Grants Armour and Dodge Rating per stack of Perfection (from previous node).
  • 5 points into Critical Eye: Increased Critical Chance and grants a chance to inflict Critical Vulnerability on the enemy, increasing their chance to be crit by 5% and per stack .
  • 1 point into Exuberance: Increased Damage at Full Health and Grants 2 stacks of Perfection per Melee Attack at Full Health.
  • 5 points into Hooked Blades: Armour Shred Chance and Increased Armour Shred Effect.

Marksman Passive Tree

Marksman Passive Tree

Our base class is the Rogue, which acts as either a melee or ranged assassin, high damage and mobility. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Primalist, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Bladedancer, Falconer and Marksman. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing at least 20 Passive Points into the Rogue, you'll then have the option to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

We are only putting 5 points into the Marksman tree, mostly for quality of life with the Haste proc that we get from Focus Fire whenever we use Evade. The Dexterity and Dodge Rating Debuff are solid bonuses though. You can put these points into the tree whenever you want, but we'd recommend doing it somewhat early, before level 30, as it will speed up your leveling a bit with the extra movement speed.

  • 5 points into Focus Fire
Shift Passive Tree


Our primary skill, the one that we will use the most often. Puncture Icon Puncture can be used from ranged or melee, and while we have chosen Melee for this build, it would not take much to do it as a Ranged build instead and it should work very similarly.

The Death's Imprint is the main node that makes Puncture Icon Puncture very strong for leveling, allowing you to apply 2 stacks of Shadow Daggers Icon Shadow Daggers on each direct use, which then causes the damage on every other hit (as it has to reach 4 stacks to 'explode'). We also eventually take Debilitation, but not until we have solid sources of various ailments on our other skills. Notably, bleed, poison, armor shred, slow and frailty. Here are the suggested nodes to take:

  • 2 points into Splinter: Physical Resist Shred Chance.
  • 2 points into Cross Forward: Increased Melee Range for Puncture Icon Puncture.
  • 2 points into Shatter: Armour Shred Chance and increased Armour Shred Effect.
  • 2 points into Death's Imprint: Gives a 200% chance (stacks per application) to apply Shadow Daggers Icon Shadow Daggers.
  • 2 points into Perforate: Adds a 40% Bleed Chance.
  • 2 points into Press The Attack: Grants Frenzy for 2 seconds on hitting at least one enemy.
  • 3 points into Toxic Delivery: Grants a 60% chance to Poison.
Shift Passive Tree


Shift Icon Shift is our Traversal skill that doubles as an offensive skill, with its ability to trigger Shadow Cascade Icon Shadow Cascade, which will proc more Shadow Daggers Icon Shadow Daggers effects. We also gain a Shadow which will cast Shadow Cascade Icon Shadow Cascade from its location, doubling the amount of Shadow Daggers Icon Shadow Daggers that are being applied. These are the suggested passives for the skill tree:

  • 2 points into Shadow Recuperation: Heals you when you use Shift Icon Shift.
  • 3 points into Swift Recovery: Mana gain on use, that is tripled if below Half Health when used.
  • 1 point into Shadowslip: Makes you Invulnerable while using Shift Icon Shift. Great for avoiding high damage abilities if you can time it decently.
  • 2 points into Momentum: Increased Movement speed for 1 second after use.
  • 1 point into Lasting Presence: Leaves behind a Shadow.
  • 1 point into Dancing Shadows: Automatically uses Shadow Cascade Icon Shadow Cascade when you use Shift Icon Shift. This when the build really starts to feel fast, and when you should start using Shift Icon Shift on cooldown with enemies around.
  • 1 point into Unseen Strike: Causes Shift Icon Shift to do damage to enemies along its path.
  • 4 points into Consumed by Shadow: Adds a 16% Kill Threshold, instantly killing any enemies under that health. Great for finishing bosses off.
  • 5 points into Sleight of Hand: Automatically casts Shurikens Icon Shurikens on use.
Cinder Strike Passive Tree

Shadow Cascade

While we won't directly cast this, and you could even put Decoy Icon Decoy on your bar instead of Shadow Cascade Icon Shadow Cascade, it does a lot of damage whenever we use Shift Icon Shift. Once we have some points into the skill, it will throw daggers out in every direction, dealing damage and applying Shadow Daggers Icon Shadow Daggers to every enemy hit. For many packs of weaker enemies, a single Shift Icon Shift may clear the whole screen by itself.

This is the suggested order for allocating the passives:

  • 2 points into Shadow Torrent: Adds damage per active Shadow.
  • 1 point into Battle Trance: Increased chance to Dodge during use.
  • 1 point into Crushing Darkness: 30% more damage, but not longer scales with Attack Speed.
  • 4 points into Dagger Dance: Shadow Cascade Icon Shadow Cascade now also throws 4 Daggers out on use.
  • 1 point into Porcupine's Wrath: The daggers from previous node deal 90% more damage and throws 3 more daggers. No longer does a melee attack.
  • 1 point into Shadow Elegance: The daggers now inflict Shadow Daggers Icon Shadow Daggers from your casts and have a 20% chance when used by Shadows. This node is when the damage will really amp up, especially in combination with the Shadow Daggers being procced from Puncture Icon Puncture.
  • 1 point into Flow State: 15% more damage per Sword or Dagger you have equipped.
  • 4 points into Incapacitate: Gives a 100% chance to apply Frailty.
  • 2 points into Shadow Flourish: Gives 70% increased Physical Damage for 4 seconds when you hit at least 4 enemies.
  • 3 points into Maiming: Applies a Slow for 3 seconds on hit. This and the frailty node are important for Debilitation to boost the Puncture damage on tougher enemies, as well as debuffing enemies as a defensive layer.
Smoke Bomb Passive Tree

Smoke Bomb

At base, Smoke Bomb Icon Smoke Bomb is already a decent defensive skill, as it Blinds enemies inside it. We double down on this and go 'full defense' for the ablity. You will want to use this on Bosses or any time you get a bit overwhelmed, as it will provide a lot of defense for you while you are in it.

This is the passives we have chosen:

  • 1 point into Shrouded in Darkness: Gain stacks of Dusk Shroud for 2 seconds while you are in your Smoke Bomb Icon Smoke Bomb. Increasing the chance to dodge or receive a Glancing Blow.
  • 4 points into Rapid Concealment: Increased the frequency you receive Dusk Shroud stacks inside the Smoke Bomb.
  • 2 points into Generosity: Increased Area of Effect.
  • 1 point into Concealed in Carnage: Gives you a stack of Crimson Shroud on kill while inside your Smoke Bomb, granting you increased Bleed Chance and less Damage Over Time Taken per stack.
  • 4 points into Enfeeblement: The initial burst applies Frailty to enemies for 4 seconds.
  • 2 points into Moonlight Bomb: Grants you a Silver Shroud, giving you a 100% chance to dodge the next hit, and also gain Ward per stack when the stack is expended.
  • 1 point into Cleansing Steam: The initial burst Cleanses Negative Ailments off you.
  • 1 point into Thick Smoke: Applies Slow to enemies inside each second.
  • 4 points into Lingering Fumes: Increased Duration.
Shurikens Passive Tree

Shurikens Skill Tree

The last skill we specialize in, but it adds some defenses in the form of Armour once you get the Bladed Armor node, and some extra damage for any enemy that gets close. It also automatically casts whenever we use Shift Icon Shift, once you have gotten the Sleight of Hand node.

These are the suggested passives:

  • 3 points into Alacrity: Increased Attack Speed.
  • 1 point into Fan of Blades: 2 additional Shurikens thrown.
  • 1 point into Blade Shield: Shurikens are summoned around you, in a rotating shield for 3 seconds, instead of thrown out.
  • 3 points into Bladed Armor: 30% Armor per Shuriken rotating you.
  • 3 points into Floating Blades: Blade Shield lasts longer.
  • 4 points into Ethereal Blades: 100% Pierce Chance for Shurikens. Combined with the rotating passives above, this will prevent the shurikens from disappearing when they hit something.
  • 4 points into Toxic Tips: Grants a poison chance to your Shurikens.
  • 1 point into Flip of a Coin: Chance to gain 4 additional Shurikens.
Image courtesy of Last Epoch Tools

Mechanics and Playstyle

Early on, you will simply be using Puncture Icon Puncture on everything in melee. As you get higher in level, and get the required passives in each tree, the basic rotation for this build is to Shift Icon Shift into, or out of, a group of enemies. This automates Shadow Cascade Icon Shadow Cascade and also leaves a Shadow behind. Eventually, it will also cast Shurikens Icon Shurikens for you, causing them to rotate around you, damaging enemies that get close.

On bosses, or anytime you feel like your getting overwhelmed, throw down a Smoke Bomb Icon Smoke Bomb for extra defenses while you stay inside it. Additionally, while it's not a skill we specialize in, you may wish to put Decoy Icon Decoy on your bars instead of Shadow Cascade Icon Shadow Cascade to get the enemies attention fixated on it, buying you a bit of breathing room.


Gearing and Affixes

We aren't going to recommend any specific items, as it will largely depend on what you find as you level through the campaign and early monoliths. That said, there are some certain modifiers that are better than others, and we'll seek to outline which you'd prefer to have if given the choice. As always, you'll want to cap your resistances eventually. Early on, you'll want physical resistance (this applies to melee attacks) first, then elemental resistances and finally Void, Poison and Necrotic, as these last three aren't dangerous damage sources until later in the campaign. For our build specifically, we also want health, armour, dodge rating, melee leech and life gain on hit for more defense. For offense, we want some base critical strike chance, physical penetration, flat added damage, critical strike multiplier, melee attack speed, flat throwing damage (it applies to Shadow Daggers Icon Shadow Daggers) and increased physical/melee damage.

Attributes Offensive Defensive
Base Critical Chance
Physical Penetration
Flat Damage
Critical Strike Multiplier
Melee Attack Speed
Dodge Rating
Hybrid Health
Melee Damage Leech

Useful Uniques

Nothing in this build requires any Uniques whatsoever. However, there are some Uniques you should keep an eye out for, both for this build or just in general for leveling alts. If this is your first character, or you have started fresh on the new cycle, keep your eyes peeled for any of these. If this is not your first character, you may already have some of them in your Stash.

While you probably won't find Arboreal Circuit Icon Arboreal Circuit early enough, if you happen to get lucky and find this in the first 10 levels, it can be great to use simply for the movement speed. More likely, you'll come across this later, and hopefully with Legendary Potential on it, so you can create a nice early ring to give to your future characters at level 1.

Another unique useable from level 1 is the Lessons of the Metropolis Icon Lessons of the Metropolis boots. These provide some great movement speed, which is always nice for speeding up the leveling process, as well as some other nice bonuses to Dodge, Dexterity and less Damage Taken while moving.

Another great leveling unique, is the Bleeding Heart Icon Bleeding Heart. This amulet comes from an early quest and grants us some Health Leech at early levels.

Font of the Erased Icon Font of the Erased is a very solid ring option, that has the chance to be quite good if the Weaver's Will mods roll well. Even at the base level, this is a solid ring to get some early Elemental Resists as well as %Health, %Mana and Mana Spent Gained as Ward for increased survivability.

In fact, almost all of the 'of the Erased' Weaver's Will items are generally good to use early on, even if the random mods rolled don't end up being very useful to you. These include Communion of the Erased Icon Communion of the Erased, Knowledge of an Erased Mage Icon Knowledge of an Erased Mage, Advent of the Erased Icon Advent of the Erased and Swaddling of the Erased Icon Swaddling of the Erased.

If you find a Humming Bee Icon Humming Bee early on, it will likely be your best weapon option for a while unless you find a Rainbow Edge Icon Rainbow Edge, which will be a solid weapon to use through your 30s and 40s.

One of the best unique belts for Physical builds is the Thorn Slinger Icon Thorn Slinger with its extra skill point for all physical skills (which counts for all of our skills except Smoke Bomb Icon Smoke Bomb), as well as bleed chance, movement speed and extra potion slots.



Idol slots are gained through the campaign, unlocking small bonuses and unique affixes for the player to discover and augment their builds with. The Idol screen consists of a grid system for the player to fill out with different sized idols, eventually filling in every part of the grid. As the Idol shape increases (1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, etc.) the stronger an affix you might find for your build.

While leveing, Idols are a great way to balance your resists around your gear. Therefore, the main affix you will look for is resistances that you need to help hit the cap at any given time. We recommend holding onto any 1x1 or 1x2 idols with resists, so you have more options when you upgrade other gear. In rough order of importance, the target Affixes we want to look for in our Idols are:

  • Resistances
  • %Health
  • Flat Health
  • Chance to Shred Armor
  • Increased Armor Shred Effect

Progressing to Endgame

This build will carry you all the way to the start of the Monolith, where you will need to decide on an Endgame build to follow. Below are some endgame builds available for Bladedancers.



  • 06 Jul. 2024: Guide updated for 1.1, changed to Puncture and Shadow Daggers based with recent buffs.
  • 30 Nov. 2023: Guide added.
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