Falconer Explosive Dive Bomb Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.1)

Last updated on Feb 19, 2024 at 00:00 by Enzee

Welcome to our Last Epoch Falconer Explosive Dive Bomb build guide for the Rogue class. Here you will learn everything about the Falconer play style, passives, skills, strengths, and weaknesses to conquer the world of Eterra.


Build Introduction

Have you ever wanted to have a nuclear bomb as a pet? If so, this is the build for you! Your falcon will destroy swaths of enemies, and stun the biggest of foes due to its massive damage output. Your faithful companion will clear the battlefield with hate and disconent leaving trails of corpses anywhere he flies. This plays extremely fast, and is a functionally active type of playstyle. You cannot face tank, but, who needs to tank when everything is dead?

Note for 1.1: Although 1.1 brought nerfs to the build, it was not enough to make this build unusable. All the changes just brought the build down to a lower millions of DPS, instead of 10's of Millions. This change was warranted.

Strengths icon Strengths
  • +Massive burst damage
  • +Very fast clear
  • +Interactive playstyle
Weaknesses icon Weaknesses
  • -Heavy gear requirements
  • -Requires Mana management
  • -High Corruption requires double exalted rolls on gear

Skill Selection

Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb is the massive damage output skill in this build, using Shift Icon Shift to move around the battlefield quickly. There is automation in the build, and with that, unscaled Smoke Bomb Icon Smoke Bomb can be placed in the bar for generic defensive purposes. Falconry Icon Falconry can be casted anywhere you cursor is pointing, so can Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb for that matter. Shurikens Icon Shurikens are used when we Shift to buff Armor values, but also act as a source of critical strike, which helps reduce the cooldown of the Falcon's skills.

The build uses Explosive Trap Icon Explosive Trap for a few reasons; the most important reason is to help cooldown our falcons skills. With the node Free Lofting Bird, each detonation will recover the cooldown of the falcons skills by 4%. The second reason is whenever a trap detonates, the falcon with gain 15% Physical and Elemental Penetration. Sky Signal allows this to stack unlimited amounts of times in the 3 second duration. Finally, we gain a significant defensive buff with Smoke Traps, which allow us to gain stacks of Dusk Shroud to help protect us.

Explosive Trap Icon
Smoke Bomb Icon
Dive Bomb Icon
Shift Icon
Falconry Icon
Skill row background

Class and Skill Passive Trees

Class Passives Skill Passives
Rogue Falconer Bladedancer
Explosive Trap Dive Bomb Falconry Shurikens Shift

Our base class is the Rogue, which acts as a generic brawler and marksman. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Rogue, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Bladedancer, Falconer and Marksman. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Rogue Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For this Explosive Trap Dive Bomb build, we will be picking Falconer as our advanced class. We will utilize the majority of our Passive Points in the Falconer Passive Tree. Our Passive Points will be targeting defenses and massive increases for Falconry Icon Falconry and Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb by adding Throwing Damage and base Critical Strike for our Falcon. Each of the Passive Trees and their points are broken down below.


Rogue Passive Points

Rogue Passive Tree
  • 8 points into Swift Assassin: Increased attack speed and added physical damage.
  • 3 points into Steady Hand: Dexterity and Base Health.
  • 1 point into Guile: Traversal node.
  • 5 points into Evasion: 25% Damage reduction while moving and 25% increased dodge rating.
  • 5 points into Agility: 25% chance to get haste on hit and increased damage per % of movespeed.

Our base class is the Rogue, which acts as a generic brawler and marksman. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Rogue, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Bladedancer, Falconer and Marksman. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Rogue Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For this Explosive Trap Dive Bomb build, we will be picking Falconer as our advanced class. We will utilize the majority of our Passive Points in the Falconer Passive Tree. Our Passive Points will be targeting defenses and massive increases for our Falconry Icon Falconry skill and Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb by targeting added throwing damage and base critical strike for our Falcon. Each of the Passive Trees and their points are broken down below.


Falconer Passive Points

Falconer Passive Tree
  • 5 points into Handler: +5% base Crit Chance to our Falcon.
  • 5 poinst into Raptor's Wings: 10% chance to gain Haste when you or the Falcon hits and enemy.
  • 2 points into Wilderness Scout: Base health and Dodge Rating.
  • 5 points into Outlander's Tenacity: Gain 15% of maximum Health as Endurance.
  • 5 points into Agile Hunt: Adds base Dexterity and gives our Falcon 1 Throwing Damage per 4 Dex
  • 3 points into Peltast: Throw speed increase.
  • 6 points into Tactician: Adds base damage to the falcon.
  • 5 points into Stamina of the Rover: Increased dodge rating and mana regeneration.
  • 6 points into Avian Hurl: Gives 50% of our added trowing damage as melee and throwing damage, to the falcon.
  • 1 point into Coordinated Fade: Allows us to gain silver shroud when we use our spam skill. (should be Explosive Trap Icon Explosive Trap)
  • 1 point into Intuitive Connection: Allows Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb and Falconry Icon Falconry to be casted instantly.
  • 6 points into Needle Like Precision: Critical Strike chance and Multiplier for the player and the falcon.
  • 7 points into Finesse Them: Converts a portion our Critical Stike Avoidance to Critical Strike Multiplier for the falcon.
  • 6 points into Evasion Tactics: Adds dexterity, increases armor, and increases dodge rating.
  • 3 points into Relentless Talons: Falcons damage, now heals us for a .1% per dexterity we have.
  • 6 points into Stymphalian Feathers: Gives us 6 points of armor per 2 dexterity. Additionaly, we increase Armor by 2% per enemy attacked by our falcon in the last 4 seconds. (This effect can stack)
  • 6 points into Tailwind: We have 6% damage reduction, 6% movespeed and 6% increased dodge rating. The value is doubled if the falcon has hit an enemy.

Our base class is the Rogue, which acts as a generic brawler and marksman. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Rogue, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Bladedancer, Falconer and Marksman. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Rogue Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For this Explosive Trap Dive Bomb build, we will be picking Falconer as our advanced class. We will utilize the majority of our Passive Points in the Falconer Passive Tree. Our Passive Points will be targeting defenses and massive increases for Falconry Icon Falconry and Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb by targeting added Throwing Damage and base Critical Strike for our Falcon. Each of the Passive Trees and their points are broken down below.


Bladedancer Passive Points

Bladedancer Passive Tree
  • 5 points into Pursuit: Increased our Movement Speed.
  • 8 points into Once: Adds Throwing Damage and Dodge Rating if hit recently.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Explosive Trap

Explosive Trap Passive Tree

Explosive Trap Icon Explosive Trap is the our main enabler for the Falcon. Although our damage is minimal, it is used to generate damage for the Falcon, and shave time from the cooldown of the Falcon's skills. Additionally, this also gives us a defensive layer with Dusk Shroud.


Order of Skill Points

  • 2 points into Minefield: Allows more mines to be placed.
  • 4 points into Jelkhor's Blueprint: Increased Throwing Speed, and reduces cost of Mana.
  • 2 points into Subtle Sabotage: Reduces the Mana cost of mines.
  • 1 point into Sky Signal: Gives the falcon 15% Penetration.
  • 1 point into Free Lofting Bird: Upon explosion, the Falcon's skills are reduced in cooldown.
  • 1 point into Smoke Traps: We gain silver shroud when throw mines.
  • 1 point into Tinkerer's Design: Increased the area of the detonation and triggering of mines.
  • 1 points into Coldsnap Mines: Traversal node.
  • 1 points into Trapas: We throw a unconverted mine when ever we throw a converted mine.
  • 1 points into Static Mines: Adds another converted mine, maximizing amount of mines thrown in a single cast.
  • 3 points into Trap Sprinkler: We gain a 30% chance to drop a fresh mine when the thrown one explodes
  • 1 point into Automated Bombardment: We now have 100% chance to drop a fresh mine when the throw one explodes.
  • 1 point into Trapuchet: Mines will now be trown a in a large AOE from the Trap Sprinkler node.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Dive Bomb

Dive Bomb Passive Tree

Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb will be the start and end of most fights. It deals massive amounts of damage, but be sure to throw enough Explosive Trap Icon Explosive Trap's to crit before you use Dive Bomb in order to ensure the buff effects from Talons of Valor Icon Talons of Valor.


Order of Skill Points

  • 4 points into Rushing Wings: Adds more damage and makes the dive animation faster.
  • 4 points in Devastating Dive: Adds more damage and increases the Stun duration.
  • 4 points in Rush of the Hunt: Increases the cooldown recovery of the skill.
  • 4 points into Focused Hunter: Adds more damage and reduces the Mana cost.
  • 3 points in United Assault: Reduces the cooldown when you use a throwing attack that hits an enemy.
  • 3 points in Hindering Beak Strike: Slows enemies on landing, and increases the area of effect of the dive.
  • 2 points in Featherfall: The Falcon now performs a throwing attack before diving.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.



Falconry Passive Tree

Falconry Icon Falconry will be used cohessively inbetween uses of Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb. There should not be much time before either Falconry Icon Falconry or Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb is off of cooldown thanks to Explosive Trap Icon Explosive Trap. Make sure you are using this skill on bosses or large packs to soften them up. The falcon will also attack generically, with auto attacks and pelt enemies with hard hitting feather knives when not being summoned with Dive Bomb or Falconry.


Order of Skill Points

  • 1 points into Falconer's Journey: Your Falcon will do 1% more damage per level you are, and 1% per Dexterity.
  • 3 points into Side by Side: When you hit an enemy with a throwing attack, the skill reduces its cooldown.
  • 4 points into Avian Stamina: The active portion of the ability, hits additional times.
  • 1 point into Hunter's Spoils: You gain Health and Mana when your Falcon kills an enemy or hits a Boss or Rare enemy.
  • 2 points into Bird of Prey: Falcon strikes now instantly kill an enemy at 16% or less health.
  • 2 points into The Blood Dance: When your Falcon kills an enemy, it will hit two more enemies.
  • 1 point into Trained to Hunt: Your highest increased global damage now applies to the Falcon at 75% its value.
  • 1 point into Go For the Eyes!: Your highest Critical Strike Chance will now be applied to the falcon at 75% its value.
  • 1 point into Exposed Weakness: When you use a Throwing Attack and critically strike, your Falcon will gain your Critical Multiplier at 25% of its value. (This effect can stack twice per 2 seconds).
  • 3 point into Is it a bird?: The Falcon has 12% more damage, the value is doubled for the active skill.
  • 1 point into Feather Knives: Your Falcon will throw knives at enemies at random, automatically.
  • 3 points into Sky Chaser: Significantly increases the rate at which the Falcon will throw Feather Knives.
  • 1 point into Agile Prey: The Falcon will do more damage to moving enemies.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.



Shurikens Passive Tree

Shurikens Icon Shurikens is automated from Shift Icon Shift and will not to be on the bar, nor casted manually. They will passively add Armor and give us a high probability to critically strike enemies that are near to us. Thus decreasing the cooldown of both Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb or Falconry Icon Falconry.


Order of Skill Points

  • 3 points into Alacrity: Traversal node.
  • 1 point into Fan of Blades: Traversal node.
  • 1 point into Blade Shield: This causes the Shurikens to circle the player.
  • 3 points into Bladed Armor: 30% increased Armor per Shuriken circling you.
  • 3 points into Floating Blades: Increases the duration of the Blade Shield effect.
  • 4 points into Ethereal Blades: Gives Shurikens 100% pierce chance, so they do not disipate when they hit an enemy.
  • 4 points into Jagged Edges: This gives Shurikens a +4% base Critical Strike Chance, helping us reach crit more enemies, and reducing the cooldown for both Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb and Falconry Icon Falconry.
  • 1 point into Scintillant Steel: Reduces Mana cost of Shurikens.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.



Shift Passive Tree

Shift Icon Shift will be our movement skill that keeps us moving quickly around the battlefield. It automates Shurikens Icon Shurikens and is essential to topping up our life in between engagements.


Order of Skill Points

  • 2 point into Shadow Recuperation: Heals for 30 Health when we Shift.
  • 5 point into Sleight of Hand: We throw Shurikens Icon Shurikens when we Shift.
  • 3 points into Velocity: Reduces the cooldown and Mana cost of Shift.
  • 3 points into Momentum: Gain 50% increased Movement Speed after we Shift.
  • 4 points into Swift Recovery: We gain Mana when we Shift, even more when we are below half HP.
  • 1 points into Shadowslip: We are invulnerable while in the animation of Shift.
  • 2 points into Elusive: We gain significant dodge rating, after we shift.
Image courtesy of Last Epoch Tools

Build Mechanics and Playstyle

The playstyle for this Falconer is not one of a traditional minion build. We scale Armor, Endurance, and partially scale Dodge. We constantly will be "in the thick of it" however, our faithful falcon will be their to tear their eyes out the drop of a hat. We will spam Explosive Trap Icon Explosive Trap, but be weary of Mana costs. Being out of Mana is a sure way to be found dead, leaving our companion alone in Eterra.

Movement Speed is not an issue in the build, and it would not be uncommon to be constantly moving in the 80% to 90% movement speed. You may be even faster with the correct gear and even faster after using Shift Icon Shift. Alternate the useage of Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb and Falconry Icon Falconry, while throwing Explosive Trap Icon Explosive Trap's in order to keep the cooldown low. While Mana should not be an issue in less than optimal gear, getting -mana cost and Throwing Damage on our rings in T7 values is an absolute must. While shifting, our Shurikens Icon Shurikens will be giving us Armor and critiing enemies, keeping our CD's down for our Falcon. Our unscaled Smoke Bomb Icon Smoke Bomb will help us out in a jam, to escape by boosting our movement speeds, and blinding enemies.


Equipment and Gear Affixes

For this build, we will be focusing on several main affixes for each piece of non-unique gear, as well as working towards acquiring the specific Uniques needed to make this build operate correctly. Our equipment will focus on these specific affixes for the Implicits and Modifier stats.

Gear Slot Implicits Modifiers
Bow Talons of Valor Icon Talons of Valor Legendary Potential
Increased Critical Strike Chance, Increased Bow Attack Speed
Minion Melee Damage, Minion Bow Damage
Quiver Physical Resistance
Necrotic Resistance
Increased Critical Strike Chance

SuffixesNeeded resistances
Helmet Armor
+# Melee and Throwing Damage for your Falcon
Increased Damage with Dive Bomb/Increased Area with Dive Bomb

Increased Armor
Increased Health
Chest Woven Flesh Icon Woven Flesh Legendary Potential
Increased Health
Increased Health
Amulet Death Rattle Icon Death Rattle Legendary Potential
Throwing Damage
Increased Minion Damage
Belt Poison Resistance
Cold Resistance
Throwing Damage
Increased Minion Damage

Critical Strike Avoidance
Hybrid Health
Ring Increased Critical Strike Chance Prefixes
Throwing Damage/-# Throwing Cost Mana

Critical Strike Avoidance
Endurance % or Needed Resistances
Ring Increased Critical Strike Chance Prefixes
Throwing Damage/-# Throwing Cost Mana

Critical Strike Avoidance
Endurance % or Needed Resistances
Gloves Increased Critical Strike Chance
Increased Critical Strike Chance
Throwing Damage

Critical Strike Avoidance
Hybrid Health
Feet Movement Speed
Fire Resistance
Increased Movement Speed

Hybrid Health
Critical Strike Avoidance
Bonus:Experimental # Seconds of Haste after you use a Traversal Skill
Relic Health Gain on Crit
#% Increased Critical Strike Chance
Increased Critical Strike Chance
Throwing Damage

+# Endurance
+ Health

A loot filter made specifically for the gear table above may be copied by pressing the button below. Once in the Loot Filter portion of the in-game menu, choose the "Paste Clipboard Contents" option to import the code.

Copy Loot Filter to Clipboard
Press the Copy 📋 button to copy the following text to your clipboard


This build requires the Talons of Valor Icon Talons of Valor, Woven Flesh Icon Woven Flesh and Death Rattle Icon Death Rattle in order to run smoothly.


Talons of Valor

Talons of Valor Icon Talons of Valor: This unique serves multiple purposes. First it is the primary cooldown reduction trigger that allows us to continually call on the Falcon to destroy the map. For each Critical Strike you land, the abilities recover 25% of their remaining cooldowns with a 1 second cooldown for each trigger. This will also give the Falcon +25 to its base Melee Damage when you land a crit for 4 seconds (does not stack). This bow will also give us +4 to Dive Bomb Icon Dive Bomb, Falconry Icon Falconry and Aerial Assault Icon Aerial Assault, with the latter skill not used in this build. The Target farm this item in "Fall of the Outcasts". If Found with Legendary Potential, it would be best rolled with Added Critical Strike Chance and Minion Melee/Minion Bow Damage.


Woven Flesh

Woven Flesh Icon Woven Flesh: This is a massive increase to our Falcon's damage output. It will add 100% Critical Strike Avoidance. In this build, we stack considerable amount of Critical Avoidance in order to gain massive Critical Multipliers from the Finesse Them node, which gives the Falcon a portion of your Critical Strike Avoidance as Critical Strike Multiplier. Target farm for this item would the Abomination boss, in the Monolith Timeline "Fall of the Outcasts". If found with Legendary Potential, we would prefer increased Health and Health or Dexterity.


Death Rattle

Death Rattle Icon Death Rattle: Adds up to 65% (down from 100% in 0.9.2) Critical Strike Multiplier to our Falcon. Min/Max'ing this build would put the falcon at over 500% Critical Strike Multiplier. If found with Legendary Potential, it would be best rolled with Added Throwing Damage and Increased Minion Damage or Critical Strike Multiplier.



Idol slots are gained through the campaign, unlocking small bonuses and unique affixes for the player to discover and augment their builds with. The Idol screen consists of a grid system for the player to fill out with different sized idols, eventually filling in every part of the grid. As the Idol shape increases (1x1, 1x2,1x3, 1x4, etc.) the stronger an affix you might find for your build.

Four 3x1 Large Shadow Idols with Increased Health and Increased Damage while weilding a bow (or Elemental Resistances/Ward on Shift are good if you need to cap defenses). We then use 4 Stout Idols with Increased Critical Strike Chance Prefix, and flat Health as the suffix. Be sure to use these to fix resistances if needed.



Blessings are permanent buffs that are applied to your character. These come in two different powers, Standard and Grand. Grand blessings are significantly stronger than the Standard Blessings. In total, there are 10 Blessing Slots, one for each Monolith Timeline. When you complete a Monolith and defeat the final boss you will be awarded a choice of three blessing with a random value.

Blessing Name Affix Timeline
Grand Echo of Solarum Icon Grand Echo of Solarum +% Void Resistancez The Black Sun
Grand Bastion of Divinity Icon Grand Bastion of Divinity +% Lightning Resistance Ending the Storm
Grand Survival of Might Icon Grand Survival of Might +% Critical Strike Avoidance Reign of Dragons
Grand Resolve of Grael Icon Grand Resolve of Grael +% Physical Resistance The Age of Winter
Grand Spirit of Command Icon Grand Spirit of Command +% Increased Minion Damage Spirits of Fire

All remaining Blessings can and should be used to fill in gaps in Resistances or to bolster other aspects of our defensive layering, depending on what gear drops you have gotten.



  • 16 Jul. 2024: Updated for 1.1. Loss in overall DPS in 1.1 Patch (Not enough to impeded playing).
  • 08 Mar. 2024: Loot filter added, and updated for 1.0.1
  • 19 Feb. 2024: Guide added.
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