Forge Guard Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.1)
This is the perfect leveling guide for new players wanting to start with Forge Guard! This page will cover everything and anything you could need to know about leveling the class, including which skills to use, what stats to prioritize, and what uniques are useful early in the game.
Build Introduction
With the changes of Patch 1.1, Forge Guard has some shiny new passive nodes to take
advantage of. Due to this, the Forge Guard leveling build we suggest has changed to
what is currently on the page. This build is a melee-focused brawler, taking advantage
of early, well-scaling nodes within Rive in order to deal obscene amounts of damage.
This build will utilize the iconic Forged Minions that Forge Guard is used for primarily
in order to provide screen clear and apply ailments to enemies. This build would function
well without the extra minion help, however their addition puts this leveling build
over the edge, enabling players to very quickly reach endgame with no opposition.
Defensively, this build relies on Healing Hands in order to provide sustain
Sigils Of Hope to increase our Endurance Threshold and provide emergency healing
if needed.
It is not a mistake that the suggested hotbar has Rive on it three times;
This build can and should be played with only three skills.
Forge Strike is only
taken in order to buff our Forged Minions, and
Healing Hands will always be automated and
never manually casted.

Forge Guard Leveling Passive Trees
Sentinel Passive Tree

Sentinel is used primarily to provide a defensive boost to our character. Early Fire and Void Resistance (Juggernaut) is extremely helpful, as most enemies in starting zones will use these types of attacks. Armour Clad is great for this build considering we will want to be up close and personal with mobs while in combat. Overwhelm is taken in order to add an early base to our Melee Damage, however the Stun Chance will help more than you think later on for late main story bosses.
Plan to only invest 20 points in this tree, as that's the minimum requirement needed to unlock the mastery passive trees.
This build will not utilize Void Knight passives at all. Instead, we prioritize almost every point into Forge Guard, with a couple points into Paladin for the Attunement gain and Penetration.
Forge Guard Passive Tree

Forge Guard now has access to Point Bounses in its Passive Tree. We will be taking advantage of most of these in order to bolster our own melee damage as well as the capabilities of our Forged Weapons.
- Start with 5 points into Weapons Master. This build will want to use a Mace, but if you have been unable to find one that scales the affixes you need, a two-handed sword would also work.
- Follow this will 10 points into Fresh from the Forge. The Point Bonus won't do anything for us, however
this adds 10 Fire and Physical Melee Damage to
- 5 points should then be placed into Champion of the Forge. This build uses a two-handed weapon, so we gain Critical Chance and Multiplier with this.
- Stop here and begin to place points into Paladin!
- At this point, the decision is up to you on where to place points. If you feel squishy, place 8 points into
Iron Attunement. If your defensives are fine, instead place 5 points into Hammer and Anvil. Whichever
node you avoided, just do that one next. The Point Bonus off Hammer and Anvil will be possible to proc at Level 50 when
we gain access to
Sigils Of Hope.
- 10 points should be placed into Folded Steel. A single point will add two extra Forged Weapons to our summons, but this node increases their damage considerably.
- Finish this build off with 5 points into Might. This will add some much needed Health to the build to provide a bit of tankiness for your Monolith journey.
At the point of reaching level 70, and you've finished all quests, you should have a total of 20 points into Sentinel 48 points into Forge Guard, and 15 points into Paladin.
This build will not utilize Void Knight passives at all. Instead, we prioritize almost every point into Forge Guard, with a couple points into Paladin for the Attunement gain and Penetration.
Paladin Passive Tree

Paladin is used for three reasons:
- We need access to both
Healing Hands and
Sigils Of Hope, which means we need at minimum 15 points in this Passive Tree.
- To facilitate this, start by placing 8 points into Defiance. This gives us Attunement and adds to our base Fire Damage with
- Finish off Paladin with 7 points in Conviction. This provides a ton of Physical and Fire Penetration for our
Rive damage.
Once you've placed all your points into Paladin head back to Forge Guard to finish out.

Rive is our main source of damage in this build. The scaling nodes chosen for Rive specifically
aim to abuse the leveling system and provide massive damage bumps that may or may not scale as well into the endgame.
This will require a two-handed weapon, and preferably a Mace. Point allocation is as follows:
- Start with a single point into Champion. We will come back to this shortly.
- Proceed with 4 points into Bound Weapon. This will facilitate Forged Minion creation when killing mobs or hitting bosses.
- A single point (the max) should be placed into Foe Cleaver. This is a huge node, doubling any modifier on your weapon that adds or increases damage from your two-handed weapon, as well as any and all ailments.
- Head back to Champion and add two more points into it, stopping at 3/5.
- Add a point into Weapon Specialist. This will provide Rive one Fire Melee Damage per Attunement. Attunement is also the stat that scales Forged Weapons, creating synergy within the build.
- We will turn our attention to the right side of the tree from here by placing 5 points into Flurry. More Attack Speed on bosses means more chances to summon Forged Weapons.
- 1 point into Iron Reach. While this is definitely useful, this is mostly used as a way to path to the next node.
- Take the point in Challenge as this will help you group mobs together to assist AoE damage. This isn't just a benefit for you; it will also help your Forged Weapons cleave.
- Finish Rive off with 4 points into Concentration. This provides a huge flat boost to Critical Strike Chance with Rive.

Lunge is our main mobility skill for the build, enabling us to move across the map, using
mobs as leap stones. Aside from mobility, Lunging through enemies will provide us with extra Fire Penetration
for a short period of time.
- Start the Lunge tree by taking 3 points in Warrior's Renewal. This is taken in order to minimize cooldown time between killing mobs.
- 2 points should then be placed into Ambuscade. This is purely to reach Double Strike, which should then get the singular point placed into it. This adds a charge to Lunge, allowing you to use it twice without waiting for the cooldown to come back.
- 2 points into Dawn Charge. Purely pathing, albeit useful for sustain when mapping.
- 1 point into Blade Stream. This is important (also unavoidable) in order to pull the Penetration off the skill.
- 2 points in both Visceral Path and Rough Cuts are purely for pathing.
- Torchbearer should have a point placed into it. This will convert Lunge into a Fire-based skill and add a neat animation to it when used.
- 1 point into Broadside, however this is purely for pathing.
- The final 5 points should be placed into Crusader's Fury. For every enemy you pass through, you will gain 10% Fire (converted) Penetration.
Forge Strike

Forge Strike is a bit of a weird skill; you will never actually use it. However, this is the main way we will scale
Forged Weapons, making it an obvious gain for the build. The pathing for this is almost set in stone, since there are limited nodes
to take for Forged Weapons in this tree.
- A high priority should be placed on starting on the right side of the tree. Immediately place 4 points into Forged by Fire in order to add a hefty base to your Weapons.
- 4 points into Well Forged Weapons should then be prioritized, as this adds 4 Forged Minions to your summon limit while significantly increasing their duration.
- Place the singular point into Forgemaster in order to add Forged Axes to your summon pool. These summons are far more powerful than the normal swords you'll summon.
- Next taken should be 4 points into Lightforge. While the Forged Weapons will deal a decent amount of damage on their own, we mostly want them in order to apply ailments. Thus, Attack Speed is a high priority.
- 5 points should be allocated into Heavy Strike. This provides a massive damage boost and increased chance to Stun enemies.
- With only 2 points left, place them into Engines of War in order to assist in map clear speed.
Healing Hands

While Healing Hands was taken purposely for self-sustain, Seraph Blade will deal a
decent amount of damage on its own. Don't be surprised if
Lunge starts one-shotting enemies due to the
proc of Healing Hands.
- Prioritise 4 points into Cleric's Hammer. This will proc Healing Hands off both
Rive and
- The single point into Searing Light will turn Healing Hands into a healing and damage spell, dealing Fire Damage to enemies that are hit.
- Both Cleric's Wrath and Virtue of Patience should get maxed out with 2 points each. This provides a large damage boost for the next node we'll be taking.
- Seraph Blade is how we properly weaponize this skill. This forces Healing Hands to scale with Melee Damage.
- The next two nodes, Purity of Thought and Blessed Parish, are taken at max in order to reduce Healing Hands to zero Mana cost.
- 2 points are taken in Prayer of the Fallen and is mainly for pathing into the final node, Urgent Healing. This adds 80 Health to the heal provided by each hit on Healing Hands.
Sigils of Hope

Sigils Of Hope is mainly used to provide Endurance Threshold and Fire Damage to ourselves and every Forged Minion we have summoned.
With a max summon count of 12 and 4 max Sigils active, this adds a large amount of base damage to our minions.
- Since this is the last skill we will grab at level 50, the start of your pathing is majorly up to you. Pathing to the left towards Empowering Sigils (4 points) and into the next node, Decree of Flame (3 points), will give this build a substantial boost to damage. Likewise, pathing to the right into Iron Sigils (5 points) and Enduring Hope (5 points) will provide mostly a defensive boost to the build. Make the call yourself depending on how maps are feeling for you at the time of allocation.
- Regardless of your initial pathing, the next node you want is Tetragram. This increases the Sigil limit to 4.
- The last two points should be spent on Faith and Fervor in order to provide some emergency healing and Haste to the build.
Damage Rotation
Up to level 70 (and likely beyond, if you continue to use it) this build hits like a truck. With the addition of the Nemesis system,
getting a great two-handed weapon is easier than ever. Rive takes advantage of this, enabling you to deal thousands of damage
in a single hit very early in the leveling experience. Rive is your main source of damage, and also your way of summoning Forged Weapons.
It may seem sporadic on how often you summon Forged Weapons early on, but by the time you're in the 20s and 30s your summon count will
stay consistent. This build is quite easy to use;
Lunge to a mob group, kill whats there, and move on. Low effort, but extremely efficient
with the new Forge Guard buffs.
Gearing and Affixes
This build very specifically wants a two-handed Mace in order to operate. Do whatever you can to add flat or increased Melee Damage onto a Mace and that is all you need to start crushing enemies. Early on, a two-handed sword will work fine, but by the time you hit level 20 or so, you will want to ensure you're using a Mace.
Below are the attributes you want to aim for above all others.
Attributes | Offensive | Defensive |
Strength Attunement |
Added Melee Fire Damage Increased Melee Damage Increased Attack Speed |
Armor Resistances Health |
Useful Uniques
Two new Uniques were added with Harbingers of Ruin, and both can be used at a very low level and create a situation where this build goes even further above and beyond what it already does.
Phantom Grip is a new Unique Ring that significantly buffs the potential of your Forged Minions by adding flat Necrotic Damage to their base
and allowing them to copy the stats on your gloves. Not only that, but this ring adds base Critical Hit Rate to you and your minions, something
not previously possible with a ring. This is a random drop, and based off personal experience has a high drop rate from both enemies and Nemesis early on.
A more rare item, but certainly not any less powerful, is the Unique Ring Orian's Sun Seal. This ring automates
Sigils Of Hope for you... arguably the worst part
of Sigils was the necessity to cast it yourself. This removes that limitation, reduces the Mana cost of the skill, increases the duration of Sigils and adds 2 skill points to Sigils.
This is a great pick-up and should be used above nearly any other ring you could possibly find while leveling.
There are many other useful Unique items you can find while leveling. Most things with Movement Speed or Swiftness will be worth equipping. The ones listed above very spefically alter this build in major ways, which is why they are listed.
Progressing to Endgame
This build will carry you all the way to the start of the Monolith, where you will need to decide on an Endgame build to follow. We have several options available for Forge Guard.
- 06 Jul. 2024: Updated for Patch 1.1. Warpath Minion leveling removed in favor of a Rive-based Forged Minion build.
- 23 Feb. 2024: Updated for Patch 1.0.
- 30 Nov. 2023: Guide added.

GhazzyTV is a professional content creator that knows all about theory crafting builds in Path of Exile and Last Epoch and has been teaching players how to build their characters for over 9 years. He is a huge Blizzard fan with thousands of hours invested into Diablo 3 and 4 and is a frequent World of Warcraft Classic player. His builds will be helpful content for new players and veterans alike. You can find his PoE Vault Guide Hub here and his LE Guide Hub here. You can follow him on Twitch, YouTube or Twitter.
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