Forge Guard Warpath Forged Minions Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.1.7)

Last updated on Mar 11, 2025 at 00:30 by GhazzyTV and Lavender

Welcome to our Last Epoch Forge Guard Warpath Forged Minions build guide for the Sentinel class. Here you will learn everything about the Forge Guard play style, passives, skills, strengths, and weaknesses to conquer the world of Eterra.


Build Introduction

The Forged Minions Forge Guard build combines the iconic spin-to-win playstyle with Forge Guard's signature Forged Minions to bring your enemies to their knees. Shred the defenses of your foes with Warpath while your molten army of Forged Minions take care of everything for you!

Strengths icon Strengths
  • +Relaxed playstyle; easily played with one hand
  • +High mobility
  • +Setup can be done prior to entering combat
  • +On-demand healing for yourself and minions
Weaknesses icon Weaknesses
  • -Dependent on Minions for damage
  • -Must stay within melee range to keep ailments on enemies
  • -Minions must be controlled manually to live during certain attack patterns

Skill Selection

This build focuses around Forged Weapons (Forge Strike Icon Forge Strike) and Manifest Armor Icon Manifest Armor to deal damage. Almost the entirety of the build is based around channeling Warpath Icon Warpath, as this will periodically summon Forged Weapons for you. Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave is taken as a way to buff our minions and debuff enemies. To round the build out, we use Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands as our traversal skill and it is automated off our melee attacks to heal ourselves and our minions at the same time.

Manifest Armor Icon
Rebuke Icon
Warpath Icon
Void Cleave Icon
Healing Hands Icon
Skill row background

Class and Skill Passive Trees

Class Passives Skill Passives
Sentinel Forge Guard Paladin
Warpath Forge Strike Manifest Armor Void Cleave Healing Hands

Sentinel Last Epoch Our base class is Sentinel, which fills the role of a knight in Last Epoch. Upon finishing Act 1 in the campaign, your character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery. Each base class has three possible Masteries to choose from. For Sentinel, you can choose between Passive Trees for Paladin, Forge Guard, and Void Knight. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive points in the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive points in the Mastery Trees.

Forge Guard is the Advanced Class used for this build, and also where the majority of our Passive Points will come from. The Forge Guard Tree will focus around picking nodes that increase our Minion Damage, Attunement, and allows us to summon extra Forged Weapons. A similar amount of Passive Points will come from Paladin, focusing mainly on increasing healing potential and Attunement, but also rounding out our Resistances. Void Knight is not used for this build.


Sentinel Passive Points

  • 8 points in Juggernaut: Strength and Resistances.
  • 5 points in Armour Clad: 10% damage reduction if within melee range.
  • 1 point in Fearless: Pathing node.
  • 1 point in Stalwart: Easy 3% Block Chance.
  • 5 points in Valiant Charge: Additive Health and cooldown reduction for Movement skills.

Forge Guard Last Epoch Our base class is Sentinel, which fills the role of a knight in Last Epoch. Upon finishing Act 1 in the campaign, your character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery. Each base class has three possible Masteries to choose from. For Sentinel, you can choose between Passive Trees for Paladin, Forge Guard, and Void Knight. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive points in the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive points in the Mastery Trees.

Forge Guard is the Advanced Class used for this build, and also where the majority of our Passive Points will come from. The Forge Guard Tree will focus around picking nodes that increase our Minion Damage, Attunement, and allows us to summon extra Forged Weapons. A similar amount of Passive Points will come from Paladin, focusing mainly on increasing healing potential and Attunement, but also rounding out our Resistances. Void Knight is not used for this build.


Forge Guard Passive Points

  • 10 points in Battle Hardened: Substantial survivability boost while being attacked.
  • 3 points in Unflinching: Prevents your minions from being stunned.
  • 10 points in Guardian: Taken for the additive Health.
  • 5 points in Hammer and Anvil: Adds 100% chance for minions to shred armor.
  • 8 points in Iron Attunement: Scales minion damage, armor and our Attunement.
  • 10 points in Folded Steel: A substantial boost to minion power. A single point in this provides an extra two Forged Minions to summon.
  • 6 points in Might: Strength boost.
  • 4 points in Infinite Bulwark: Potions will now heal your minions.
  • 5 points in Liquid Iron: This is important, as it reduces how much damage is dealt to us by DoTs, and will help us survive when we need to heal our Minions.
  • 1 point in Flawless Defender: Useless for us, taking for pathing.
  • 1 point in Walls of Solarum: Another easy 3% Block Chance.

Paladin Last Epoch Our base class is Sentinel, which fills the role of a knight in Last Epoch. Upon finishing Act 1 in the campaign, your character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery. Each base class has three possible Masteries to choose from. For Sentinel, you can choose between Passive Trees for Paladin, Forge Guard, and Void Knight. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive points in the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive points in the Mastery Trees.

Forge Guard is the Advanced Class used for this build, and also where the majority of our Passive Points will come from. The Forge Guard Tree will focus around picking nodes that increase our Minion Damage, Attunement, and allows us to summon extra Forged Weapons. A similar amount of Passive Points will come from Paladin, focusing mainly on increasing healing potential and Attunement, but also rounding out our Resistances. Void Knight is not used for this build.


Paladin Passive Points

  • 8 points in Defiance: Rounds our Resistances out, provides extra Attunement for minions.
  • 5 points in Valor: Picked up specifically Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands and the additive Health.
  • 7 points in Blinding Light: Endurance and the chance to Blind enemies on hit with Warpath Icon Warpath.
  • 10 point in Dedication: Taken for the Attunement.


Warpath Icon Warpath is the MVP of this build. For starters, Warpath is creating our Forged Minions for us, completely removing the need to manually cast Forge Strike Icon Forge Strike. With Moving Forge, you will very comfortably be able to cap on Forged Weapons, that being 12 of them. On top of this, it provides us a way to shred Armor and Fire Resistance from mobs simply by existing within melee range. Mana is generated through Dark Nexus, to enable unrestrained usage of Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave.


Order of Skill Points

  • 5 points in Unchained: Reduction in Mana cost.
  • 2 points in Molten Path: Adds a small chance to Shred Armor.
  • 2 points in Way of the Executioner: Pathing node.
  • 1 point in Forgemaster Stance: This is what allows us to summon Forged Weapons.
  • 5 points in Moving Forge: Increases summon frequency, and it's how we manage to summon 12 swords at once.
  • 1 point in Iron Reach: Pathing node.
  • 2 points in Whirling Steel: Pathing node.
  • 1 point in Battlemaster's Blade: Pathing node.
  • 1 points in Dark Nexus: The whole point of the previous nodes, this allows Warpath to generate Mana for us every three seconds.
  • 3 points in Quicksilver Wind: Boosts Movement Speed while channeling by 30%. This is extremely important as you climb Corruption.
  • 5 points in Juggernaut Stance: A massive 20% Block Chance and 500 Block Effectiveness while channeling Warpath.

Forge Strike

Forge Strike Icon Forge Strike will never be used manually. Instead, the nodes we select are all used to buff the Forged Minions created by Warpath Icon Warpath. This skill does not need to be placed on your hotbar, and instead, you can place Rebuke Icon Rebuke as a way to have an emergency button when you can't avoid lethal damage. This reduces damage by 80% while channeled. Realistically, there's not too many nodes that actually affect the Forged Weapons themselves, so we're a bit limited on what we can actually do here.


Order of Skill Points

  • 4 points in Forged by Fire: +40 Fire Damage.
  • 4 points in Well Forged Weapons: Adds a whopping four Forged Weapons to our arsenal.
  • 1 point in Forgemaster: Adds a chance to summon an axe instead of a sword, increasing cleave.
  • 4 points in Lightforge: Increases Forged Weapons Attack Speed.
  • 5 points in Heavy Strike: Increases Forged Weapon damage.
  • 5 points in Engines of War: Forged Weapons have an additional 40% area for their attacks.
  • 3 points in Arcane Welding: 75 Ward is gained when summoning. These points are free, so no reason not to take them as long as your Sword Catcher Icon Sword Catcher allows you to.

Manifest Armor

Manifest Armor Icon Manifest Armor summons a set of possessed armor to fight by our side. This guy can do a lot, but for the simplicity of this build, we'll only be focusing on what's relevant. The Manifest Armor will apply Ignite stacks, as well as fill is as our body guard when fighting against boss mobs. This thing is pretty tanky, however, you may need to micro-manage his movement slightly. While our Forged Weapons will just continue to summon for free, Manifest Armor costs Mana and the AI will not move him out of harms way. Make sure your minion command button is mapped somewhere easy to reach.

Manifest Armor Icon Manifest Armor has a lot of nodes which mimic (and even boost the effect of) your own gear, so keep this in mind early on while gearing, if your Manifested Armor is feeling a bit weak it may be because of the gear your own character is wearing.

This build has added the ability for Manifest Armor Icon Manifest Armor to use Whirlwind Strike, giving him a bit of AoE damage on a 10 second cooldown. On top of this, the minion has a chance to taunt nearby enemies every second, keeping us safe from mobs in the process.


Order of Skill Points

  • 4 points in Iron Grasp: Adds stats from our gloves to the Manifest Armor.
  • 4 points in Redistributed Steel: Weakens the Armor, but provides a large boost in damage.
  • 1 point in Titan Sword: Your Armor gains a sword, which scales with the stats of your own weapon.
  • 4 points in Platemail: The Armor mimics our own chest piece at a rate of 160%.
  • 1 point in Force of Impact: With the Champion Regalia we've grabbed, this adds up to an extra 86 base damage to the Armor's attacks.
  • 3 points in Great Helm: The Armor mimics our helment at a rate of 180%.
  • 1 point in Whirlwind: Manifest Armor will now attack with an AoE spin attack.
  • 1 point in Warstomp: Adds the ability for the Minion to taunt.
  • 5 points in Burning Armor: Manifest Armor gains additional flat damage and all Fire Damage deals 50% more.

Void Cleave

Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave acts as a firestarter for this build, pun intended. While it can, and should, be used to hit enemies with, it has a more important purpose. It provides a substantial boost to any minion hit by it by adding Ignite Chance and Fire Damage to your allies. On top of this, Void Cleave inflicts Critical Vulnerability to enemies hit, opening them up to devastating attacks from all Forged Minions.

Void Cleave can be used while channeling Warpath Icon Warpath. It will disrupt the channel briefly, but then continue, so long as the button for Warpath is held down the entire time. Be wary if you're low on Mana, as Warpath won't start up while at negative.


Order of Skill Points

  • 1 point in Riftflame: Taken for pathing.
  • 1 point in Hellish Chasm: Converts all of Void Cleave's damage to Fire.
  • 5 points in Molten Blades: One of the nodes required to turn Void Cleave into a minion buffing action.
  • 1 point in Scorching Path: The other node required to turn Void Cleave into a minion buffing action. However, this one forces you to actually hit the minions themselves with Void Cleave and not just make contact with the enemy. Ideally, you hit both, as Void Cleave will apply boosted stacks of Armor Shred to foes.
  • 3 points in Dark Pathway: 30% cooldown reduction.
  • 2 points in Abyssal Walker: Taken to give Void Cleave a bit of movement.
  • 5 points in Into the Depths: Increases the Area in which Void Cleave hits.
  • 1 point in Precognition: Taken mainly for traversing the tree, but it also ensures the attack will always hit enemies.
  • 3 points in Rift Maker: Each use of Void Cleave will inflict three stacks of Critical Vulnerability.
  • 3 points in Armor Sunderer: Adds enhanced stacks of Armor Shred on hit.
  • 1 point in Nether Charge: Increases Mana cost by 10, but also allows an extra charge of Void Cleave itself.

Healing Hands

Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands solves a lot of problems for this build. It acts as both the sustain and the traversal skill for the build. One of the biggest weaknesses of Forge Guard Minion builds is the fact that any sort of prolonged exposure to DoT/Channeled boss abilities will likely kill them. And while they still will if left to their own devices, Healing Hands offers a way for us to combat the damage being dealt to them while still keeping damage output high.

This skill will proc off melee hits, but specifically all Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave hits and the initial hit of Warpath Icon Warpath. While Warpath is a bit of a problem child for Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands automation, it works well with this setup because we're constantly starting and stopping the channel in order to buff our Minions. The healing off these two melee attacks is reduced quite a bit, so if you need a bigger heal, manually cast Healing Hands and utilize it as a traversal skill. You are immune to damage while doing this, making it a safe way to either get out of danger or leap back to your Forged army in order to heal them.


Order of Skill Points

  • 4 points in Cleric's Hammer: Automates Healing Hands off Melee hits.
  • 1 point in Rahyeh's Chariot: Turns manual usage of Healing Hands into a Traversal skill.
  • 1 point in Sun Shroud: Immune to damage while moving with Healing Hands.
  • 1 point in Cloud Voyager: As long as you heal a single minion, most of the cooldown on Healing Hands is removed.
  • 1 point in Divine Barrier: Grants Ward per Attunement on heal.
  • 2 points in Prayer of the Fallen: Increased Healing Effectiveness.
  • 3 points in Blessed Parish: Increases the Heal Area and reduces Mana cost on use.
  • 1 point in Purity of Thought: Reduced Mana cost.
  • 4 points in Urgent Healing: Adds 80 healing to the initial heal.

Build Mechanics and Playstyle

This version of Forged Minion is very much the typical "spin-to-win" playstyle most people are used to in a standard ARPG. It's been given a unique spin on things with the addition of Forged Minions, requiring a few extra choices to make rather than just avoiding AoEs and watching your enemies crumble.

Prior to engaging in combat, especially in Empowered Monoliths, we highly suggest you summon all 12 Forged Weapons and your Manifest Armor. Running into combat without these is a sure-fire way to die nearly immediately. Once they're summoned, just spin towards your enemies and enhance your Minions with Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave. Since we're able to generate Mana while channeling Warpath Icon Warpath, we are fully capable of maintaining our Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave whenever applicable without running dry. This is made possible through a full reduction in cost to Warpath Icon Warpath (Unchained) and by taking Dark Nexus.

Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands has multi-use in this build, acting as both the sustain and the Traversal skill for the build. It works phenominally with the set up we have, providing us a way to heal the Manifest Armor Icon Manifest Armor with every Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave. Manually using Healing Hands will move us to the target location, and while moving we are essentially invincible. This is fantastic support, as we can move to our Minions on the fly to keep them topped up while in combat, regardless of how far away from use they are.


Enhancing Your Minions

Manifest Armor Last Epoch Forged Weapons and Manifest Armor have very specific ways they are boosted through the use of our gear. While Forged Weapons dismantle enemies through sheer numbers, the Manifest Armor acts as a bulwark of strength, demolishing all in his path on his own. Combined, these two types of minions will carry you through all current content in the game.


Manifest Armor

The Manifest Armor is slightly more interesting than Forged Weapons, as this minion is capable of copying the stats on your gear at an increased rate. This means we'll be adding extra Critical Chance, Critical Multiplier, and flat Fire Damage to this metal construct. On top of this, he's also capable of using a move called Whirlwind Strike. While this move is somewhat thematic to go alongside our own spinning, added damage is applied at 300% to this attack and chunks enemies extremely hard.


Forged Weapons

With Patch 1.1, a new ring was introduced into the loot pool; Phantom Grip Icon Phantom Grip. Even removing Forge Guard and the minions from the equation, these rings are already strong for the flat Critical Strike Chance they provide to all builds. However, as an added bonus, this ring also allows your Forged Weapons to benefit off your gloves. And yes, these effects stack. Off nothing but doubled Phantom Grips, your Forged Weapons will gain 200% of the effect your gloves provide you.


Equipment and Gear Affixes

A loot filter made specifically for the gear table above may be copied by pressing the button below. Once in the Loot Filter portion of the in-game menu, choose the "Paste Clipboard Contents" option to import the code.

Copy Loot Filter to Clipboard
Press the Copy 📋 button to copy the following text to your clipboard

For a look into the full list of recommended items, please use the build planner linked here for any questions you might have. Any specific gear drops will be discussed below.



While this build is very simple, and technically can be played without a single unique, we've included several that we felt should be required, just to ensure you're able to climb the Monolith properly. All of these items are very easy to get, with Julra's Obsession Icon Julra's Obsession being the outlier, as it is only obtainable from Temporal Sanctum and requires a specific tier.

  • Phantom Grip Icon Phantom Grip – The Age of Winter
    • This ring is very strong, especially early on (it is able to be equipped at low levels) making it a clear choice. So much so, we want two of them! Flat Crit, additional skill points, and the boosted effect from gloves makes this a very attractive item.
  • Sword Catcher Icon Sword Catcher – Reign of Dragons
    • This Unique Axe is great for minion builds. Parrying means you will grant Frenzy to a minion at random, but the real kicker here is the +levels to Melee Skills. These are important for Warpath Icon Warpath, but mostly unused for Forge Strike Icon Forge Strike due to the forced split in its tree between the actual melee nodes and the minion nodes.
  • Death Rattle Icon Death Rattle – The Age of Winter
    • This amulet is taken specifically to bolster the Critical Multiplier of our Forged Minions. Be mindful of the roll on Minions taking Increased Damage. 30% extra damage taken is quite a lot, so you will likely want to farm one of these until you get one closer to 10%. Until then, run a Turqoise Amulet.
  • Suloron's Step Icon Suloron's Step – Spirits of Fire
    • These boots are taken in order to drastically boost the critical strike damage for the Manifest Armor. While the boots provide you with 100% Critical Multiplier, they provide the Manifest Armor with a whopping 240% Critical Multiplier! Do keep in mind, this will destroy yours and your Manifest Armors Physical Resistance. If you take a look at the planner, we've added Physical Resistance to the helmet. This should cover the Physical Resistance loss completely on the Manifest Armor because of the 180% effect from helmet stats through Great Helm.
  • Julra's Obsession Icon Julra's Obsession – Temporal Sanctum (T3/T4)
    • These gloves, without LP, are almost useless. However, by adding Melee Attack Speed and Critical Strike Chance in conjunction with Phantom Grip Icon Phantom Grip, this allows your Forged Minions to go absolutely berserk. You will likely want to get these gloves as soon as you can comfortably kill Tier 3 Julra, as they won't drop below that difficulty.


Idol slots are gained through the campaign, unlocking small bonuses and unique affixes for the player to discover and augment their builds with. The Idol screen consists of a grid system for the player to fill out with different sized Idols, eventually filling in every part of the grid. As the Idol shape increases (1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, etc.) the stronger an affix you might find for your build.

The Idol slots used for this build are probably the most accessible portion of the build. Grab as many Stout Lagonian Idols as you can with double Health affixes. For the few remaining slots available, fill them with Small Lagonian Idols with Armor and Shared Fire Damage.



Blessings are permanent buffs that are applied to your character. These come in two different powers, Standard and Grand. Grand blessings are significantly stronger than the Standard Blessings. In total, there are 10 Blessing Slots, one for each Monolith Timeline. When you complete a Monolith and defeat the final boss you will be awarded a choice of three blessing with a random value.

Blessing Name Affix Timeline
Grand Memory of Light Icon Grand Memory of Light Health The Black Sun
Grand Light of the Moon Icon Grand Light of the Moon Increased Mana Ending the Storm
Grand Breath of Cinders Icon Grand Breath of Cinders Chance to Shred Fire Resistance on Hit Spirits of Fire
Bulwark of the Tundra Icon Bulwark of the Tundra Increased Armor The Age of Winter
Grand Virtue of Command Icon Grand Virtue of Command All Minion Resistances Reign of Dragons


  • 11 Mar. 2025: Updated for Patch 1.1.7.
  • 13 Mar. 2024: Build Planner added.
  • 01 Mar. 2024: Updated for 1.0. Removed Sigils of Hope, added Healing Hands.
  • 26 Jan. 2024: Build rework. Build now focuses more on minion damage as well as their survivability.
  • 12 Jan. 2024: Loot Filter added.
  • 15 Oct. 2023: Guide Added.
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