Paladin Reen's Skeleton Slayer Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.1)

Last updated Today at 00:00 by GhazzyTV and Lavender

Welcome to our Last Epoch Paladin Reen's Skeleton Slayer build guide for the Sentinel class. Here you will learn everything about the Paladin play style, passives, skills, strengths, and weaknesses to conquer the world of Eterra.


Build Introduction

From September 19th until October 20th, 2024, Last Epoch players will get to enjoy the first mid-cycle event, the Imperial Uprising! This build was made specifically to deal with the increased spawn rate of Undead, but also does a fantastic job of eliminating Void enemies as well. Give the Emperor something to Fear as you hack and slash away at his army of the dead.

Strengths icon Strengths
  • +Extremely high Ignite and Critical damage
  • +Multiple self-healing options, some not requiring a target
  • +Immunity while using traversal skill
  • +Zero requirement to track Mana usage
Weaknesses icon Weaknesses
  • -Uniques required for most functionality mentioned to work
  • -Event build! If you come across this page beyond the time period of the event, you may need to alter certain things for build efficacy to remain the same
  • -Melee build, requires you to be within melee range to deal respectable damage

Skill Selection

This build is a melee-hybrid between Ignite and massive Critical Strike damage through the Unique Sword, Eye of Reen Icon Eye of Reen. In order to deliver the damage, this build will utilize Rive Icon Rive as the main source of damage and automate Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands on each hit. Healing Hands is working double time for this build, as it is also the movement skill of choice, enabling us moments of invulnerability when needed. Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope and Holy Aura Icon Holy Aura will both provide passive buffs to our character, improving Critical Strike, Fire Damage, Ignite, and our defensive capability. To finish the build off and provide even further automation, Shield Throw Icon Shield Throw will be taken and proc'd through the Unique Shield, Sigeon's Reprisal Icon Sigeon's Reprisal. This will grant us Haste and apply stacks of Ignite and Fire Shred whenever we block an enemy's attack.

Sigils Of Hope Icon
Shield Throw Icon
Rive Icon
Healing Hands Icon
Holy Aura Icon
Skill row background

Class and Skill Passive Trees

Class Passives Skill Passives
Sentinel Forge Guard Paladin
Rive Healing Hands Holy Aura Sigils Of Hope Shield Throw

Our base class is Sentinel, which fills the role of a knight in Last Epoch. Upon finishing Act 1in the campaign, your character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery. Each base class has three possible Masteries to choose from. For Sentinel, you can choose between Passive Trees for Paladin, Forge Guard, and Void Knight. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

Paladin is the Advanced Class used for this build, and also where the majority of our Passive Points will come from. The Paladin Tree will focus around picking nodes that increase Fire Damage, provide increases in Strength, and give us access to Divine Bolt Icon Divine Bolt, a Fire projectile used to apply Ignite and Frailty while mapping. Forge Guard is specialized into to grab large Armor increased, a bonus to Attack Speed, and allow Shield Throw Icon Shield Throw to shred Fire Resistance.


Sentinel Passive Points

Sentinel Passive Tree
  • 8 points in Juggernaut: Strength base and Resistance gains.
  • 1 point in Fearless: Taken for pathing.
  • 5 points in Armour Clad: Reduces the damage you take from nearby enemies by 10%.
  • 1 point in Stalwart: A single point increased our Block Chance by 3%.
  • 5 points in Time and Faith: This node not only allows us to ignore our Mana completely, but also heals us for a substantial amount upon every use of Rive Icon Rive. Even if you hit nothing, you will be healed, making this extremely useful.

Our base class is Sentinel, which fills the role of a knight in Last Epoch. Upon finishing Act 1in the campaign, your character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery. Each base class has three possible Masteries to choose from. For Sentinel, you can choose between Passive Trees for Paladin, Forge Guard, and Void Knight. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

Paladin is the Advanced Class used for this build, and also where the majority of our Passive Points will come from. The Paladin Tree will focus around picking nodes that increase Fire Damage, provide increases in Strength, and give us access to Divine Bolt Icon Divine Bolt, a Fire projectile used to apply Ignite and Frailty while mapping. Forge Guard is specialized into to grab large Armor increased, a bonus to Attack Speed, and allow Shield Throw Icon Shield Throw to shred Fire Resistance.


Forge Guard Passive Points

Forge Guard Passive Tree
  • 5 points in Weapons Master: Strength base and a bonus to Attack Speed if using a sword.
  • 10 points in Battle Hardened: Massive boost to Armor and Physical Resistance. Since a portion of our Necrotic and Void mitigation (Decayed Skull Icon Decayed Skull) comes from Physical Resistance, this node is extremely important for survival.
  • 3 points in Steel Aegis: Block Effectiveness alongside an extra 3% Block Chance.
  • 1 point in Peltast: Pathing node.
  • 5 points in Shield Breaker: The Mana Cost increase can be ignored here; Every time Shield Throw Icon Shield Throw hits an enemy, it will shred a whopping 5 stacks of Fire and Physical Resistance off the enemy. This means the ailment will cap fairly easily depending on the amount of enemies you're hitting. This is fully automated based on your block chance (Sigeon's Reprisal Icon Sigeon's Reprisal), so there is zero reason to think of this after you've spec'd into it.

Our base class is Sentinel, which fills the role of a knight in Last Epoch. Upon finishing Act 1in the campaign, your character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery. Each base class has three possible Masteries to choose from. For Sentinel, you can choose between Passive Trees for Paladin, Forge Guard, and Void Knight. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

Paladin is the Advanced Class used for this build, and also where the majority of our Passive Points will come from. The Paladin Tree will focus around picking nodes that increase Fire Damage, provide increases in Strength, and give us access to Divine Bolt Icon Divine Bolt, a Fire projectile used to apply Ignite and Frailty while mapping. Forge Guard is specialized into to grab large Armor increased, a bonus to Attack Speed, and allow Shield Throw Icon Shield Throw to shred Fire Resistance.


Paladin Passive Points

Sentinel Passive Tree
  • 5 points in Honour: A large amount of Block Effectiveness and 2% extra Block Chance.
  • 8 points in Conviction: Increased Fire Damage and Fire Penetration.
  • 10 points in Phoenix Strike: 120% Melee Ignite Chance.
  • 1 point in Divine Bolt: Melee attacks will now trigger Divine Bolt Icon Divine Bolts, which apply On-Hit effects. For this build, it is specifically Ignite and Frailty. However, these do also neutralize enemies with certain modifiers, such as enemies who deal lethal damage if they have not been damaged yet.
  • 5 points in Shared Divinity: You now cast more Divine Bolt Icon Divine Bolts, but have a reduced chance of activating them.
  • 8 points in Rahyeh's Strength: Strength base and increased Fire Damage if you hit with a melee attack recently.
  • 7 points in Holy Icon: Necrotic Resistance and Health.
  • 1 point in Sanctuary Guardian: Pathing node mainly.
  • 1 point in Shield Wall: 5% Block Chance and 10 Health gained per Block. Probably the highest value single-point node in the build.
  • 12 points in Reverence of Duality: Increased Health, Damage, and Mana.
  • 4 points in Righteous Firebrand: This will activate constantly through Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope, adding 8 Melee Fire Damage to Rive Icon Rive hits.
  • 7 points in Sword of Rahyeh: Similar to the previous node, except this adds 105% chance to Ignite on Melee Hit instead.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.



Warpath Passive Tree

Our main source of damage, Rive Icon Rive is the skill we will be spamming the vast majority of the time. Near everything else in the build is automated, allowing for smooth gameplay. The focus here is to maximize our Critical Strike Chance, Ignite Chance, and improve our Melee Attack Speed as much as possible in order to take advantage of the Unique Sword, Eye of Reen Icon Eye of Reen as much as we can.


Order of Skill Points

  • 4 points in Flurry: The first and second attack in Rive gain 32% Attack Speed.
  • 3 points in Sever: The first attack in Rive gains 150% chance to Ignite.
  • 3 points in Twisting Fangs: The second attack in Rive gains 150% chance to Ignite.
  • 4 points in Concentration: Substantially increased the base Crit Rate on Rive.
  • 1 point in Iron Reach: The second strike of Rive now has 25% larger area.
  • 1 point in Challenge: The second strike now pulls enemies towards you, making melee range less of a weakness. Something to keep in mind, this will occasionally have an adverse effect on larger bosses (Undead Dragon). If you're having trouble on certain parts of the game because a large enemy is moving around, remove the point from here and add it back in later.
  • 1 point in Rending: Pathing node.
  • 1 point in Cadence: Begins to remove the third strike from Rive's rotation.
  • 1 point in Double Slash: Completely removes the third strike from Rive, resulting in faster hits, more Ignite, and more pulling of enemies. Synergizes well with the Eye of Reen Icon Eye of Reen.
  • 3 points in Savagery: While this build is very Ignite-focused, it's hard to ignore the high Critical Strike Chance and Critical Multiplier. Therefore, this node is taken in order to add some much appreciated Hit Damage to the build, and allowing the Eye of Reen Icon Eye of Reen to scale better with Rive.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Healing Hands

Healing Hands Passive Tree

Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands serves as the backbone for the build. This Swiss Army Knife of a skill acts as a damage dealer, a form of healing and mitigation, and our mobility tool all at the same time. Some lesser used nodes are also taken in the spirit of the Imperial Uprising event that lasts until October 20th, 2024. Once the event is over, these points can either be kept in the same spot, or moved accordingly based upon how you perceive their usefulness.


Order of Skill Points

  • 4 points in Cleric's Hammer: Rive Icon Rive will activate Healing Hands on every hit.
  • 1 point in Rahyeh's Chariot: Converts the manually casted version of Healing Hands into a traversal skill.
  • 1 point in Sun Shroud: While moving with Healing Hands, you are immune to damage. This is nearly mandatory, as certain mechanics are just easier to deal with. Namely, Lagon's eye beam.
  • 1 point in Searing Light: Hits with Healing Hands now deal Fire Damage.
  • 2 points in Cleric's Wrath: Mandatory, but does gain benefit from both Holy Aura Icon Holy Aura and Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope.
  • 2 points in Virtue of Patience: Increases damage, healing, and the area for Healing Hands.
  • 1 point in Seraph Blade: Healing Hands is now a melee attack, including the traversal variation. This executes the melee animation when you finish moving with the skill.
  • 1 point in Bane of Evil: Traversal node mostly.
  • 1 point in Turn Undead: You now Fear Undead enemies when Healing Hands hits them, while dealing more damage to them and taking less damage from Necrotic sources.
  • 1 point in Halted Scourge: Almost identical to the previous node, except Void-focused and rather than Fear, it immobolizes Void enemies.
  • 1 point in Purity of Thought: Reduced Mana cost.
  • 1 point in Divine Catalyst: Allows Healing Hands to proc Divine Bolts on its own when using it manually. In this case, as a traversal skill.
  • 3 points in Blessed Parish: Further Mana cost reduction and increased area of effect.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Holy Aura

Holy Aura Passive Tree

A staple in near-all Paladin builds, Holy Aura Icon Holy Aura is a mix of several strong passive buffs that double in efficacy temporarily when the skill is pressed. This build will utilize a few different Fire-Damage enhancing nodes, bump up Melee Attack Speed and Critical Strike Chance, and allow us to add an extra hit component to our Melee attacks through Flame Burst.


Order of Skill Points

  • 3 points in Rahyeh's Devotion: Small boost to Ignite Chance.
  • 2 points in Rahyeh's Fury: Additional Fire Penetration.
  • 5 points in Burning Blows: Increased Global Fire Damage.
  • 3 points in Fanaticism: Extra Attack Speed.
  • 4 points in True Strike: Increased Critical Strike Chance.
  • 1 point in Flame Burst: Allows our melee attacks to trigger Flame Burst Icon Flame Burst. This is used to apply more instances of Ignite.
  • 2 points in Inner Flame: Taken for the 50% increase to area to Flame Burst.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Sigils of Hope

Sigils of Hope Passive Tree

Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope is very much a set and forget option in this build. They will go off automatically, and naturally reach the cap (4) through the Unique Ring, Orian's Sun Seal Icon Orian's Sun Seal The benefit provided by each Sigil can't be underrated, as they provide a substantial amount of Fire/Ignite damage, and also bolster our Endurance Threshold by 300 Health.


Order of Skill Points

  • 5 points in Empowering Sigils: 25% Increased Global Damage per Sigil.
  • 2 points in Decree of Flame: Adds 2 Fire Damage per Sigil.
  • 5 points in Burning Sign: 30% Ignite Chance per Sigil.
  • 5 points in Iron Sigils: 75 Endurance Threshold per Sigil.
  • 4 points in Enduring Hope: Adds 8 seconds to Sigil duration.
  • 1 point in Tetragram: Allows for an additional Sigil.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill shine in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Shield Throw

Shield Throw Passive Tree

While manual use of Shield Throw Icon Shield Throw is an option, and even sometimes ideal, you will not need to rely on manual button pressing for this skill to be useful. Instead, Sigeon's Reprisal Icon Sigeon's Reprisal presents the opportunity for some automation, releasing Shield Throw at a rate based on the Unique's effect when you block an attack. Enemies hit by this will be assaulted by Ignite stacks and have their Fire and Physical Resistances shred to pieces. Additionally, your character will gain Haste for a couple seconds when this happens, helping us to speed through maps. This is very much a mobbing skill, and less of a bossing skill, though any multi-target boss fights (Fire Shaman) may see you gaining some use from the ricochet.


Order of Skill Points

  • 2 points in Ricochet: Allows Shield Throw to ricochet an extra two times.
  • 1 point in Eruption: Shield Throw now casts Lava Burst on hit, dealing AoE Spell Damage. This will not apply shred stacks.
  • 2 points in Forceful Breaking: Lava Burst deals damage in a 60% larger area.
  • 1 point in Molten Shield: Converts Shield Throw to Fire, but also converts Stun Chance to Ignite Chance.
  • 3 points in Molten Toss: 75% more Fire Damage modifier.
  • 4 points in Burning Crusade: The reason we want Lava Burst; Shield Throw and Lava Burst both have gain 100% Ignite Chance.
  • 4 points in Fleet of Foot: Gain 2 seconds of Haste when Shield Throw is released.
  • 1 point in Heavy Shield: Mostly a pathing node.
  • 4 points in Crippling Throw: With the earlier convert, this provides 100% Ignite Chance and 100% Slow Chance to Shield Throw hits.
Image courtesy of Last Epoch Tools

Build Mechanics and Playstyle

The thought behind this build was to create something fun and fast for the upcoming Imperial Uprising event. Paladin, alongside it's access to Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands, seemed like the perfect choice for this goal. Stacking immense amounts of Ignite, Critical Multiplier, and Attack Speed, enemies will fall to the wayside under the onsalught from your fiery blade. To further push the limits of this build under the unique event modifiers and overall theme of Patch 1.1, the build focuses on dealing damage to and mitigating damage from Undead and Void enemies.The rotation on this build was purposely made simple so anyone could play it, and makes for an amazing setup for new players trying the game for the first time, or returning players giving the game another chance since the release of Patch 1.0.

Offensively, the build is centered around the major buffs coming from the Unique Sword, Eye of Reen Icon Eye of Reen. Prior to getting this sword, the build plays fine, however an effort should be made to acquire it as soon as possible to reap the benefits. The build was tested from level 1 to ensure that if players wanted to, they could start and finish using the same guide. However, keep in mind, the advertised Paladin Leveling Guide located in the top menu will still be more efficient. Extreme amounts of Melee Attack Speed, coupled with near 100% Melee Critical Strike Chance will provide your character with a ton of Critical Strike Multiplier and Increased Fire Damage Over Time stacks from Eye of Reen, resulting in an explosive flurry of damage, shredding any enemy within arm's reach.

Our choice in Unique Boots, the Fiery Dragon Shoes Icon Fiery Dragon Shoes, further compounds the Ignite Damage this build is capable of dishing out. Most of the time, as long as the trail has been activated, you can ignore lower Health mobs and just let them follow behind you, burning up as they do so. To round things out and provide even more damage scaling events, Sigeon's Reprisal Icon Sigeon's Reprisal is added to the build. This allows for the automation of Shield Throw Icon Shield Throw on blocks, ripping the Fire and Physical Resistance off enemies. Shield Throw can also be manually casted, giving you a ranged option for dealing damage. Even though the build isn't scaled for Throwing Damage, Shield Throw deals a surprising amount on its own to less threatening mobs and can help avoid unfavorable situations where you can be overwhelmed.

Defensively, this build relies on several interactions to keep healthy. The first, mentioned earlier in the Sentinel Tree, is Time and Faith. Every time you use Rive Icon Rive, you will heal 10% of your missing Health. When you consider how fast we will be attacking, its a substantial amount of Health returned. You do not need to attack an enemy for this to happen! On top of this, Rive is automating a melee-variant of Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands, providing more healing on each hit, both as a set amount of Health and as a Heal over Time. With good rolls on gear, the build sports 80% or more Block Chance. Coupled with more than 50% mitigation on blocks, this adds a massive amount of effective HP. Further expanding our defensives, Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope will raise our Endurance Threshold by another 300 Health. This is a completely passive bonus and will not require any action from the player other than requiring you to wear the Unique Ring Orian's Sun Seal Icon Orian's Sun Seal.

Make a note, you really want to dodge any affixes that add Critical Strike Avoidance; Fiery Dragon Shoes Icon Fiery Dragon Shoes rely on crits to activate the fire trail, but also negate most critical damage anyway. As soon as you equip these boots, you can pretty much ignore any need to scale Critical Damage defenses.


Equipment and Gear Affixes

For this build, we will be focusing on several main affixes for each piece of non-unique gear, as well as working towards acquiring the specific uniques needed to make this build operate correctly. Our equipment will focus on these specific affixes for the Implicits and Modifier stats.

Gear Slot Implicits Modifiers
One-handed Sword Eye of Reen Icon Eye of Reen Legendary Potential
Melee Critical Strike Chance
Melee Attack Speed
Shield Sigeon's Reprisal Icon Sigeon's Reprisal Legendary Potential
Block Chance
Block Effectiveness
Helmet Decayed Skull Icon Decayed Skull Legendary Potential
Increased Fire Damage, Increased Ignite Duration
Increased Health
Amulet Physical Resistance
Necrotic Resistance
Fire Penetration
Increased Critical Strike Chance

Health, Stun Avoidance
Chest Armor
Armor Mitigation also applies to Damage Over Time
Increased Fire Damage, Increased Ignite Duration
+2 Levels to Rive, Increased Melee Damage

Increased Health
Belt Increased Movement Speed Prefixes
Increased Elemental Damage Over Time
Increased Fire Damage

Hybrid Health
Gloves Armor
Void Resistance
Increased Melee Attack Speed

Block Chance, Block Effectiveness
Ring Orian's Sun Seal Icon Orian's Sun Seal Legendary Potential
Increased Elemental Damage Over Time
Gloves Increased Movement Speed Prefixes
Increased Elemental Damage Over Time

Feet Fiery Dragon Shoes Icon Fiery Dragon Shoes Legendary Potential
Increased Movement Speed
Hybrid Health
Relic Increased Fire Damage
Increased Healing Effectiveness
Increased Elemental Damage Over Time

Chance to Apply Frailty

A loot filter made specifically for the gear table above may be copied by pressing the button below. Once in the Loot Filter portion of the in-game menu, choose the "Paste Clipboard Contents" option to import the code.

Copy Loot Filter to Clipboard
Press the Copy 📋 button to copy the following text to your clipboard


This build requires several Uniques to even function, but then has a few that were included simply to boost performance. Explanations for each item have been included below.


Eye of Reen

Eye of Reen Icon Eye of Reen: Truly the star of the show, this weapon will scale our Ignite and Critical Multiplier through the roof. High Critical Strike Chance is required to reap the full benefits of this sword, so it's encouraged you slam these into Nemesis eggs every chance you get for a chance to get the Legendary Potential modifiers that have been recommended.


Sigeon's Reprisal

Sigeon's Reprisal Icon Sigeon's Reprisal: While this shield doesn't operate very well on its own, using it as a supportive option for the build worked better than anticipated. This is how Shield Throw Icon Shield Throw will be automated. These drop fairly frequently, and have a high chance of Legendary Potential. You really want one of these that further increase your Blocking stats to increase the likelihood that Shield Throw procs, especially when mapping.


Orian's Sun Seal

Orian's Sun Seal Icon Orian's Sun Seal: An amazing ring, this will automate Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope and free up a few skill points that would normally go into removing the cast from pressing the button. Instead, a single ring ensures you will always have four Sigils active, granting increases to Ignite Damage and Endurance.


Fiery Dragon Shoes

Fiery Dragon Shoes Icon Fiery Dragon Shoes: Pretty big gains on Movement Speed and Fire Penetration related to ignite. These boots allow us to create a fire trail behind us that inflicts further Ignite stacks to enemies dumb enough to stand in it. These boots also cover our defensive scaling in relation to Critical Strikes, a huge bonus.


Decayed Skull

Decayed Skull Icon Decayed Skull: This is very specifically for the current Patch theme and mid-cycle event. With Harbingers focusing on Void Damage, and the Imperial Uprising focusing on Undead enemies, this helmet will come in clutch. It should be noted, if you're dealing with enemies that don't deal either of those damage types, it may be worth the effort of carrying a second, Exalted helmet in your inventory for a quick swap. Especially prior to getting some Legendary Potential on the Decayed Skull.



Idol slots are gained through the campaign, unlocking small bonuses and unique affixes for the player to discover and augment their builds with. The Idol screen consists of a grid system for the player to fill out with different sized Idols, eventually filling in every part of the grid. As the Idol shape increases (1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, etc.) the stronger an affix you might find for your build.

Prioritize four Large Rahyeh Idols with Chance to apply Ignite on Hit and Block Effectiveness as affixes. All remaining slots should be filled with missing Resistances and Health modifiers.



Blessings are permanent buffs that are applied to your character. These come in two different powers, Standard and Grand. Grand blessings are significantly stronger than the Standard Blessings. In total, there are 10 Blessing Slots, one for each Monolith Timeline. When you complete a Monolith and defeat the final boss you will be awarded a choice of three blessing with a random value.

Blessing Name Affix Timeline
Grand Flames of the Black Sun Icon Grand Flames of the Black Sun Chance to apply Ignite on Hit The Black Sun
Grand Persistance of Will Icon Grand Persistance of Will Poison Resistance Reign of Dragons
Grand Body of Obsidian Icon Grand Body of Obsidian Armor Spirits of Fire
Grand Bones of Eternity Icon Grand Bones of Eternity Block Chance, Block Effectiveness The Age of Winter
Grand Crash of the Waves Icon Grand Crash of the Waves Increased Stun Chance Ending the Storm


  • 19 Sep. 2024: Guide Added.
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