Rogue Overview for Last Epoch (Patch 1.1)

Last updated Today at 00:00 by Enzee

Unrivaled in bow and blade, the Rogue strikes out from the shadows to find a higher purpose for her deadly talents.


Introduction to Rogue

"Unrivaled in bow and blade, the Rogue strikes out from the shadows to find a higher purpose for her deadly talents."

Rogue Class Icon Last Epoch

Rogue takes the role of stealthy melee or bow-user in Last Epoch. Currently with only two Masteries (Falconer is on the way!), players can opt between taking on the roll of either a deadly assassin, dual weilding melee weapons similar to a stealthy ninja, or a bow-user with deadly aim, picking foes off from afar with precision. Regardless of which sub-class you decide to play, both offer unique gameplay while still keeping within the archetype you think of when you hear the word Rogue.


Sentinel Skills

Regardless of the Mastery you choose to spec into, Rogue comes with a handful of skills that can be used by both. These skills are either unlocked by player level, or by placing Passive Points into the Sentinel Skill Tree.



Description A bow or melee attack that performs three rapid strikes. The last strike can be cancelled by moving.
Scaling Tags Physical, Melee, Bow Attack, Area, Dexterity
Possible Damage Types Physical
Base Cooldown N/A
Base Mana Cost 0 Mana


Description Throw three shurikens in a cone.
Scaling Tags Physical, Throwing, Dexterity
Possible Damage Types Physical, Lightning
Base Cooldown N/A
Base Mana Cost 3 Mana


Description Dash a short fixed distance in the target direction.
Scaling Tags Movement, Traversal, Dexterity
Possible Damage Types N/A
Base Cooldown 3.5 seconds
Base Mana Cost 25 Mana

Acid Flask

Description Throw a flask of acid that explodes on impact, poisoning enemies and reducing their armor.
Scaling Tags Physical, Poison, Throwing, Area, Dexterity
Possible Damage Types Physical, Fire, Poison
Base Cooldown N/A
Base Mana Cost 10 Mana


Description An extended melee stab or piercing bow attack that has a 30% chance to inflict bleed on hit. Bleeds inflicted by Puncture have 30% increased duration.
Scaling Tags Physical, Melee, Bow Attack, Dexterity
Possible Damage Types Physical
Base Cooldown N/A
Base Mana Cost 0 Mana

Cinder Strike

Description Melee or bow combo with three attacks. The first attack also creates a fiery explosion, damaging nearby enemies.
Scaling Tags Physical, Fire, Melee, Bow Attack, Area, Dexterity
Possible Damage Types Physical, Fire
Base Cooldown N/A
Base Mana Cost 0 Mana

Umbral Blades

Description A combo ability that throws two blades, then four blades, then recalls all the blades in the ground back to you, hitting enemies along the way. An enemy can be hit by multiple blades from the same throw and by multiple blades from the recall. Shadows using Umbral Blades always throw a single Shadow Blade that deals 300% more damage and has 100% increased radius. Only the first part of the combo costs Mana.
Scaling Tags Physical, Throwing, Dexterity
Possible Damage Types Physical, Fire, Cold
Base Cooldown N/A
Base Mana Cost 12 Mana

Smoke Bomb

Description Drop a Smoke Bomb at your feet that blinds enemies and grants you haste while you remain inside. The SMoke Bomb grows in size over its duration. Lasts for 4 seconds.
Scaling Tags Throwing, Area
Possible Damage Types N/A
Base Cooldown 10 seconds
Base Mana Cost 21 Mana


Description Throw a device to create a Decoy that taunts enemies around it for 2.5 seconds before exploding.
Scaling Tags Fire, Throwing, Area, Dexterity
Possible Damage Types Fire, Cold
Base Cooldown 14 seconds
Base Mana Cost 40 Mana


Description Summons a ballista that fires bolts at nearby enemies.
Scaling Tags Minion, Dexterity
Possible Damage Types Physical
Base Cooldown N/A
Base Mana Cost 44 Mana


  • 30 Nov. 2023: Guide added.
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