Shaman Avalanche Endgame Build for Last Epoch
Welcome to our Last Epoch Shaman Avalanche build guide for the Primalist class. Here you will learn everything about the Shaman play style, passives, skills, strengths, and weaknesses to conquer the world of Eterra.
Build Introduction
Build not viable for 1.1 currently, due to changes to Avalanche itself and the tree, will be updated soon
A warrior of ice and snow, control the elements and freeze your opponents to death as you charge across the Monolith. This build is a running machine, nothing will slow it down as it sprints through the map, dropping avalanches and boulders on top of your enemies. This endgame build speeds through the Monolith without a problem; if you want to farm gear quickly, this one is for you!
Fast clear speed
Fun to play
Large AoE
Heavy Mana usage
Multiple skills to use for optimal play
Skill Selection
We use the crushing weight of Avalanche to cover our enemies in ice and
rock as we rush pass them. This build utilizes
Fury Leap
Warcry to create a non-stop rush of movement, cleansing us of any
crowd control effects. Our companion,
Summon Spriggan, keeps us buffed and we
constantly generate
Maelstroms to damage anything that comes near us. Overall,
this build flows together nicely and is an amazing speed farmer.

Class and Skill Passive Trees
Our base class is the Primalist, which acts as a generic caster, brawler, or companion summoner. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Primalist, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Beastmaster, Shaman and Druid. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Primalist Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.
For this Avalance build, we will be picking Shaman as our advanced class. We will utilize the majority of our
Passive Points in the Shaman Passive Tree. Our Passive Points will be targeting augments for our Avalanche and
Maelstrom damage,
while boosting our survivability. Each of the Passive Trees and their points are broken down below.
Primalist Passive Points

- 8 points into Natural Attunement: Increases our Attunement and Resistances.
- 5 points into Hunter's Restoration: Increases our health and gains health on hit.
- 6 points into Wisdom of the Wild: Increases our spell damage and minion spell damage.
- 1 point into Gift of the Wilderness: Flat health and minion % health. This is simply our 20th point in the tree, necessary to unlock the other trees. Alternatively, you could put it into Tempest Bond.
Our base class is the Primalist, which acts as a generic caster, brawler, or companion summoner. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Primalist, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Beastmaster, Shaman and Druid. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Primalist Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.
For this build, we will be picking Shaman as our advanced class. We will utilize the majority of our
Passive Points in the Shaman Passive Tree. Our Passive Points will be targeting augments for our Avalanche and
Maelstrom damage,
while boosting our survivability. Each of the Passive Trees and their points are broken down below.
Beastmaster Passive Points

- 8 points into Ursine Strength: Gain Strength and Damage Reduction.
- 4 points into Boar Heart: Grants us Aspect of the Boar on hit, which reduces damage we take.
- 3 points into Call of the Pack: Increases our Health and Companion Health.
- 5 points into Porcine Constitution: Increases the Damage Reduction and grants Health regen to Aspect of the Boar.
Our base class is the Primalist, which acts as a generic caster, brawler, or companion summoner. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Primalist, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Beastmaster, Shaman and Druid. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Primalist Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.
For this build, we will be picking Shaman as our advanced class. We will utilize the majority of our
Passive Points in the Shaman Passive Tree. Our Passive Points will be targeting augments for our Avalanche and
Maelstrom damage,
while boosting our survivability. Each of the Passive Trees and their points are broken down below.
Druid Passive Points

- 7 points into Chitinous Plating: Increases our Endurance and Armor.
- 1 point into Blessed Springs: Increases Cold damage and Healing for us and our Minion.
- 7 points into Druidic Prowess: Increases our base stats.
- 5 points into River Spirits: Increases our Cold damage and Freeze Rate Multiplier for us and our Minion. Adds a chance to inflict Frostbite for yourself and Minions.
- 3 points into Bush Stalker: Increased Critical Chance and gives us a heal on crits.
Our base class is the Primalist, which acts as a generic caster, brawler, or companion summoner. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Primalist, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Beastmaster, Shaman and Druid. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Primalist Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.
For this build, we will be picking Shaman as our advanced class. We will utilize the majority of our
Passive Points in the Shaman Passive Tree. Our Passive Points will be targeting augments for our Avalanche and
Maelstrom damage,
while boosting our survivability. Each of the Passive Trees and their points are broken down below.
Shaman Passive Points

- 8 points into Shamanic Infusion: Increases our Attunement and Penetration.
- 5 points into Sky Warrior: Increased damage for us and minion, as well as cooldown recovery for Fury Leap.
- 5 points into Lagonian Wrath: Flat damage and chance to cast Storm Bolt when hit.
- 6 points into Earthen Supremacy: Grants us Attunement points and Stun Avoidance, also grants a stun chance for
- 2 points into Wind Bringer: Increases our Physical and Cold Damage.
- 5 points into Shattered Heavens: Increases our Cold Damage.
- 8 points into Rune of Awe: Increases our Spell damage and Companion Spell Damage.
- 5 points into Elemental Shrines: Increases our Attunement and Mana Regen.
- 6 points into Swirling Maelstrom: Grants us a chance to cast
Maelstrom when hit and increases our Health and Mana.
In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own personal preferences, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.

Avalanche is the shining star of the build. We completely change the properties of this channeling
skill to not only follow the player where ever they go, but we convert it into a pure Cold Damage skill to
Freeze everything in our path.
Order of Skill Points
- 1 point into Mountain Peak: Avalanche will fall around you.
- 1 point into Precision: Avalanche can now be targeted at a location.
- 1 point into Wild Path: Avalanche is no longer channeled. (This was removed in patch 1.1. The points will be reallocated when the build is updated for launch.)
- 3 points into Unyielding Storm: Increases Avalanche's duration.
- 1 point into Hailstorm: Avalanche now follows the player.
- 3 points into Explosive Impact: Increases our Area of Effect with the skill.
- 1 point into Mountain's Fury: Increases our Boulder impact area.
- 1 point into Frost: Converts the skill to deal Cold Damage.
- 4 points into Intensity: Increases fall speed of the boulders.
- 4 points into Snow Storm: Increases how often we generate a new boulder, effectively increasing cast speed.
- 4 points into Harsh Winter: Avalanche now deals more damage.
If you haven't obtained enough extra levels on your gear yet, you can trim points evenly from the last 3 skills in the list.
In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own personal preferences, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.
Summon Spriggan

A powerful Companion who supports our character with a multi-functional aura. We have
setup our Summon Spriggan to equip a Healing Aura, increases our damage, increases
our Critical Strike Chance, and adds a significant amount of Dodge to our build. This is one companion
you don't want to go anywhere without.
Order of Skill Points
- 3 points into Aura of Life: Companion gains Healing Aura.
- 3 points into Aura of Kinship: Adds Spell Damage to Companion's Aura.
- 4 points into Aura of Retribution: Adds Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Avoidance to Companion's Aura.
- 1 point into Aura of Loyalty: Doubles healing of the Companion's passive Aura for itself.
- 1 point into Aura of Evasion: Adds Dodge to your Companion's Aura based on Attunement.
- 5 points into Arboreal Vitality: Increases Companion's Health.
- 3 points into Warding Bark: Increases Companion's Armor and Physical Resistance.
In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own personal preferences, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.

Maelstrom offers us Cold Damage increases and grants us buffs for
Frenzy, Haste, and Dodge. This skill also damages
enemies with constant Cold Damage and Freezes
enemies when struck by
Maelstrom. This is one of the best skills to use
with an auto-cast trigger, and several have been included in this build.
Order of Skill Points
- 4 points into Whirlpool: Increases
Maelstrom's duration.
- 2 points into Turmoil: Increases our Area of Effect.
- 3 points into Beneath The Waves: Grants stacks of Lagon's Slumber buff, which converts into more Maelstrom stacks when we cast it.
- 5 points into Turbulence: Increases damage for
- 4 points into Calm: Increases Mana Efficiency. If you have enough Mana Regen on gear, but not enough Maelstrom Levels yet, you can trim 2 points here.
- 1 point into Windswept: Grants Haste.
- 1 point into Windfury: Grants Frenzy.
- 4 points into Gathering Storm: Give us a chance to cast
Maelstrom whenever we kill an enemy, keeping our stack count high automatically. (This was removed in patch 1.1. The points will be reallocated when the build is updated for launch.)
If you haven't obtained the 5 levels for Maelstrom yet, you can trim 2 points from Calm and 1 point from Turmoil, Turbulence and Gathering Storm
In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own personal preferences, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.
Fury Leap

This is not only our main traversal skill, but it also helps to protect us and offers a number of boosts to the build. Frenzied Onslaught grants Frenzy to increase our Cast Speed, Warrior's Entrance grants a decent damage buff when we land, finally, Wings of Endurance and Battle Bloom keep us free from any crowd control effects and healed up.
Order of Skill Points
- 4 points into Panther Strike: Increases our damage and lowers cooldown.
- 1 point into Heorot's Protection: Makes you immune while leaping.
- 5 points into Warrior's Entrance: Grants a damage buff upon landing.
- 1 point into Frenzied Onslaught: Adds a Frenzy buff to the skill.
- 2 points into Wings of Endurance: Adds health recovery when you land.
- 1 point into Battle Bloom: Cleanses ailments on landing.
- 2 points into Crushing Impact: Increased Stun chance and duration
- 4 points into Regain Stamina: Gives us a chance to reset Fury Leap's cooldown when we kill an enemy.
In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.

This skill buffs our Critical Stats and adds extra healing/cleansing so we never
have to slow down. Using this skill on rotation will keep the buff up for the
majority of the time, and help our Avalanche's power up. This is also a great
source of
Maelstrom stacks, with each
Warcry granting four stacks on each cast.
Order of Skill Points
- 1 point into Juggernaut: Makes us invulnerable after Warcry.
- 1 point into Breath of Eterra: Adds a heal when we use the skill.
- 4 points into Whirlpool: Automatically casts stacks of
Maelstrom for us when we use
- 1 point into Purging Shout: Cleanses ailments when skill is cast.
- 2 points into Deep Roar: Increases our Area of Effect.
- 1 point into Jormun's Wrath: Converts this skill to Cold and Freezes enemies.
- 5 points into Frost Claw: Increases our Cold Damage.
- 1 point into Bringer of Winter: Increases our Critical Strike Chance and Chance to Chill.
- 1 point into Frigid Breath: Increases damage enemies take while frozen.
- 4 points into Battle Cry: Increases our Critical Strike Chance.
- 1 point into Ferocity: Chance for our crits to cast an extra Warcry while it's on cooldown.
Can trim points from Frost Claw or Battle Cry if you don't have the mods on gear yet.
Build Mechanics and Playstyle
This build is made to run! Avalanche's skill tree is designed to be a cast-and-run
style of gameplay. It automatically follows you through the map,
Freezing enemies in your path and dealing massive damage. On top of that,
we have
Maelstrom stacks triggering from
Warcry, the Beneath The Waves
passive and our relic, which grants a chance to cast Maelstrom every 5 seconds. This adds up to
a good amount of
Maelstrom swirling constantly around us, boosting our Cold Damage.
With all these triggers going off, we can leap around the map with lots of utility to keep our
Health high and remove any crowd control attacks that might slow us down. Once your
is off cooldown, simply cast it again and keep moving. Simple and easy.
Equipment and Gear Affixes
For this build, we will be focusing on several main affixes for each piece of non-unique gear. Our equipment will focus on these specific affixes for the Implicits and Modifier stats.
Gear Slot | Implicits | Modifiers |
Main Hand | Melee Damage Spell Damage Levels to Elemental Skills |
Prefixes Cold Damage Critical Strike Multiplier Suffixes Shared Cold Penetration Freeze Rate Multiplier or Chance to Chill |
Head | Armor Health Damage Leeched as Health |
Prefixes Attunement Vitality Suffixes +% Armor +% Health |
Chest | Armor Spell Damage Minion Spell Damage |
Prefixes +4 Level of Maelstrom Increased Spell Damage Attunement Suffixes + Health +% Health |
Gloves | Armor Armor mitigation applies to Damage over Time |
Prefixes Attunement Increased Critical Strike Chance Suffixes +Health Hybrid Health +% Armor |
Ring | Cooldown Recovery Speed All Attributes |
Prefixes Cold Damage Increases Critical Strike Chance Suffixes Endurance Needed Resistances |
Ring | Cooldown Recovery Speed All Attributes |
Prefixes Attunement Increased Mana Regen Suffixes Flat Health Needed Resistances |
Amulet | Less Damage Over Time Taken | Prefixes Critical Strike Multiplier Cold Damage Suffixes Needed Resistances |
Belt | Armor Potion Slots |
Prefixes Increased Cold Damage Increases to Mana Regen Suffixes Hybrid Health Health % |
Feet | Armor Increased effect of Haste Movement Speed |
Prefixes Attunement Movement Speed Suffixes Hybrid Health Increased Cooldown Recovery Sealed Affix Minions teleported around you after Traversal skill |
Relic | Spell Cold Damage Chance to cast ![]() |
Prefixes +4 Levels to Avalanche Increased Spell Critical Strike Chance Suffixes +Health Endurance Threshold Sealed Affix Needed Resistances |
A loot filter made specifically for the gear table above may be copied by pressing the button below. Once in the Loot Filter portion of the in-game menu, choose the "Paste Clipboard Contents" option to import the code.
Copy Loot Filter to Clipboard
Idol slots are gained through the campaign, unlocking small bonuses and unique affixes for the player to discover and augment their builds with. The Idol screen consists of a grid system for the player to fill out with different sized idols, eventually filling in every part of the grid. As the Idol shape increases (1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, etc.) the stronger an affix you might find for your build. The biggest component you need to take care of in this build initially is your Mana supply. Focus on Mana Regen and a high overall Mana pool to begin with. However, Mana is an 'all or nothing' stat, meaning that once you feel like you are regenerating enough Mana to cast everything you need to, you don't need any more of the stat. At that point you will want to work towards casting Maelstrom more often for extra stacks instead. The Idols listed below are assuming you are no longer having Mana issues.
Size: 1×3
- %Health
- Needed Resistances
- Shared Spell Damage
- Critical Strike Avoidance (just one to cap avoidance)
Size: 1×2
- Increased %Health
- Increased Health
Blessings are permanent buffs that are permanently applied to your character. These come in two different powers, Standard and Grand. Grand blessings are significantly stronger than the Standard Blessings. In total, there are 10 Blessing Slots, one for each Monolith Timeline. When you complete a Monolith and defeat the final boss you will be awarded a choice of three blessing with a random value.
Blessing Name | Affix | Timeline |
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Void Resistance | The Black Sun |
![]() |
Increaes Cold Damage | Ending the Storm |
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Chance to Shred Cold Resistances | The Age of Winter |
![]() |
+Armor | Spirits of Fire |
![]() |
Increases All Resistance | Reign of Dragons |
- 09 Mar. 2024: Updated for 1.0
- 30 Nov. 2023: Guide added.

Lexyu is a professional content creator focused on theorycrafting and playtesting many ARPGS. He is also known for his skillful gameplay, such as playing Bazooka Wizard in Diablo 3. Since 2013, he has been creating in-depth guides to teach gamers how to succeed. Check out his social platforms through Discord to join the discussion in the community!
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