Sorcerer Overview for Last Epoch (Patch 1.1)

Last updated on Nov 08, 2024 at 00:00 by EMP1241

Welcome to our Last Epoch Sorcerer build guide for the Mage class. Here you will learn everything about the Sorcerer playstyle, passives, skills and strengths or weaknesses to conquer the world of Eterra.


Introduction to Sorcerer

"A master of the arcane who wields unprecedented power to devastate his foes from a distance. Unearthly lightning erupts from his fingertips, flaming meteors rain from the heavens by his will, the very fabric of reality reshapes itself in his presence."

Mage Class Icon Last Epoch

The Sorcerer is one of three Mastery classes that can be chosen from the base class of Mage. This caster's control over the elements is that of legend, bending them to his will as he wields their power on the battlefield. This powerful wizard keeps his distance in combat, manipulating the very air around him to attack his enemies and strike fear into anyone who dares to stand against him.

Gain access to the best Sorcerer builds below!


Sorcerer Skills

Upon unlocking the Sorcerer Mastery, you'll gain access to your Mastery-specific skill, Meteor Icon Meteor. While Static Orb Icon Static Orb and Ice Barrage Icon Ice Barrage are not specific to the Sorcerer, the Mastery Tree itself comes with four skills total that are unlocked by placing a certain amount of points into the Tree itself. All three Mage Masteries can use two of the four skills as long as they hit the requirements to do so. Only the Arcane Ascendance Icon Arcane Ascendance and Black Hole Icon Black Hole skills are reserved for the Sorcerer.



Description Call a meteor from the sky that deals a large amount of damage upon landing. Added damage is applied at 900% effectiveness.
Scaling Tags Fire, Spell, Area, Intelligence
Minion Scaling Tags N/A
Possible Damage Types Fire, Lightning
Base Cooldown N/A
Base Mana Cost 56 Mana

Static Orb

Description Casts an orb in a target direction that deals lightning damage and pull enemies that it hits towards it as it travels. At the target location it explodes, dealing lightning damage to enemies surrounding it and also striking up to 5 enemies further out. The further it travels the higher the damage and area of effect of the explosion, up to 100%.
Scaling Tags Lightning, Spell, Area, Intelligence
Minion Scaling Tags N/A
Possible Damage Types Cold, Lightning
Base Cooldown N/A
Base Mana Cost 38 Mana

Ice Barrage

Description Opens a rift that repeatedly shoots a barrage of ice shard in a target direction for 5 seconds.
Scaling Tags Cold, Spell, Intelligence
Minion Scaling Tags N/A
Possible Damage Types Cold
Base Cooldown 3 seconds
Base Mana Cost 50 Mana

Arcane Ascendance

Description Toggle to prevent movement and drain 25 mana each second. Mana drain increases by 1 mana per second. All spells cost +5 mana to cast. 100% increased spell damage and 50% increased cast speed. Also deals lightning damage over time to surrounding enemies.
Scaling Tags Spell, Buff, Instant Cast
Minion Scaling Tags N/A
Possible Damage Types Lightning
Base Cooldown 5 seconds
Base Mana Cost 1 Mana

Black Hole

Description Summon a powerful black hole at target location that aggressively pulls enemies and deals cold damage over time to enemies within its reach.
Scaling Tags Cold, Spell, Damage over Time, Area, Intelligence
Minion Scaling Tags N/A
Possible Damage Types Fire, Lightning
Base Cooldown N/A
Base Mana Cost 56 Mana
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