Spellblade Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.1)
This is the perfect leveling guide for new players wanting to start with Spellblade! This page will cover everything and anything you could need to know about leveling the class, including which skills to use, what stats to prioritize, and what uniques are useful early in the game.
This version of the Spellblade's leveling build is focused around high damage and Ward generation. The build is extremely beginner friendly and can be used all the way to level 70 without any issue. It is very possible to leave this guide earlier for an end-game build guide if proper equipment is picked up. However, it is recomended to wait until level 70.
This build uses Shatter Strike as it's main damage skill; this is used in conjunction
Firebrand to ensure massive Critical Strike Damage in a large AoE.
Surge is taken
for our Traversal skill, gaining ward as you tear through packs while invulnerable.
There is automation in the build with
Enchant Weapon, as it will auto cast when off cooldown.
Flame Ward is is scaled to give two charges and will automatically trigger if you receive a stun.
Defensively, this build relies on the EHP received from Resistances, Armor, and stacking flat HP. We will also generate enough Ward to be comfortable. It is important to note this class is known for being a glass cannon, although we mitigate this very well with the affix selection in our gear and passive selections. 1.1 brings some changes that changed the way ward decays, as well as new ways to gain it. We take advantage of it in the build where we can by stacking mana.

Spellblade Leveling Passive Trees
Mage passives are mostly used to provide a defensive boost to our character with Fire and Lightning Resistance. These nodes will increase our melee attack speed with Mage Flurry. Defensively, we rely on Warden to start to push our Ward Retention.
Plan to only invest 20 points in this tree, as that's the minimum requirement needed to unlock the Spellblade passive tree.

Mage Passive Tree
- 8 points into Arcanist: This will start our Intelligence base stat, which is needed for our Ward Retention, as well as adding some resistance.
- 2 points into Reactive Ward: This is a get out of jail node, as we gain a massive kick to ward, when we drop below 70% HP.
- 5 points into Mage Flurry: This node gives us a kick to our Attack Speed.
- 5 points into Warden: This node further progresses our Ward Retention.
This build will not utilize Runemaster passives at all. Instead, we prioritize most points into Spellblade and 5 into Sorcerer.
It is best to invest the 5 points into the Sorcerer before investing at all into the Spellblade, with those 5 points we immidiately
use it defensively, as we begin to scale our mana. 1.1 brings new life to some classic nodes, such as Frozen Steel, Prismatic Blade. We also capitalize on a large portion of Melee Attack Speed with Essence Duel. We also utilize our stacks of Firebrand stacks (four of them) which gives a massive kick of damage to our
Shatter Strike with Blade Weaver. These our are targets in this tree.

Spellblade Passive Tree
- 8 points into Arcane Warden: We gain Ward when we hit an enemy. We also build on out Intelligence stat, which now gives us Ward Decay Threshold, per Intelligence we have.
- 3 points into Infused Weapon: This adds base cold damage to our Cold attacks and Fire to our Fire attacks.
- 4 points into Frozen Steel: This further gives us base damage for our cold attacks, and we do 6% more damage to chilled or frozen enemies.
- 5 points into Arcane Shielding: We gain Arcane Shield when we hit an enemy. This buff gives us 10% Damage Reduction and Ward per second.
- 5 points into Shattered Aegis: We can now gain Stacks of Arcane Shielding, up to a maximum of 4, at a reduced value. We also gain 20% Increases Armor per stack.
- 5 points into Essence Duel: We gain an increase to our attack speed, and gain 15 ward whenever we hit and enemy with an elemental melee attack.
- 1 point into Gemini: We can now hold a weapon in each hand, but take increased damage.
- 5 points into Mana Reaver: We gain base HP, and have a 100% chance to Gain 3 Mana when We hit and enemy with a melee attack.
- 5 points into Prismatic Blade: We gain Dexterity, base melee damage, and attack speed.
- 6 points into Volka's Razor: We gain more elemental damage with melee skills that cost 10 or more mana.
- 4 points into Blade Weaver: We gain stacks (up to 4) of Blade Weaving when we use a melee attack that costs less than 10 mana. When using a Melee attack that costs more than 10 mana, we expend the stacks, gaining 15% more elemental damage per stack.
- 5 points into Mental Fortitude: We gain Intelligence and Ward per Second from this node.
- 2 points into Prodigy: We get Ward per Second, based on how much Intelligence we have.
This Sorcerer tree is only take in order to utilize some new tools from 1.1. This node will allow us to utilize our mana as a Ward generator.

Sorcerer Passive Tree
- 5 points into Mana Shell: We gain Base Mana, Ward per Second. We also gain Ward per second based on our maximum mana.

Shatter Strike
Our main damage skill used for this build is Shatter Strike.
This skill has a massive AoE that can clear from side to side, and even behind you at the correct angle.
Shatter Strike will hit incredibly hard once scaled, with even mediocre weapons. However,
it will rely on
Firebrand to do what we need it to do. Typical skill rotation will be four strikes of
Firebrand into
Shatter Strike. This should clear almost any pack in the campaign, and will make short
work of any boss you run into as well.
Order of Skill Points
- 2 points into Lingering Chill: This gives you more Global Cold Damage and Freeze rate, if you use Shatter Strike in the last 4 seconds. (including Shatter Strike).
- 3 points into Breadth of Cold: This node gives us a large boost to Damage and Area of Shatter Strike.
- 2 points into Whiteout: This node allows Shatter Strike to automatically recast twice, allowing you to attack
Firebrand in between the Shatter Strike attacks.
- 2 points into Shiver: This adds area and Cold Penetration to Shatter Strike.
- 4 points into Cold Steel: We gain a massive boost to Shatter Strikes Critical Strike Multiplier per sword.
- 4 points into Absolute Zero: This node adds a huge portion of damage to our Shatter Strike.
- 3 points into Cold Presence: We gain more damage for generic packs of 30%, this value is doubled for any enemies that are above 65% HP, or 60% damage.

Firebrand is the build up booster for our
Shatter Strike, and they will always be
used interchangibly. Although
Firebrand may clear very low end enemies, don't rely on this for most encounters.
Order of Skill Points
- 5 points into Pyroshielding: We gain ward when we hit an enemy.
- 2 points into Wildfire: This allows us to gain 2 more stacks of Firebrand.
- 1 point into Incineration: This allows either
Shatter Strike or
Surge to consume the stacks. Be aware of this, although Surge can clear, its best used for Shatter Strike.
- 3 points into Illuminating Fire: This all but guarantees that the melee skill used to consume the stacks of Firebrand, not only critically strike, but hit significantly harder.
- 3 points into Fulmination: Firebrand attacks faster, the more stacks it has.
- 3 points into Warding Flames: You gain Ward per Second, per stack of Firebrand.
- 3 points into Fading Flame: If you consume or the stacks of Firebrand expire, you gain ward per stack.

Enchant Weapon
Enchant Weapon is a massive boost to our DPS, as it gives a massive increase
to our Melee Attack Speed and base increase to our base Cold Damage. We also take the singular point in Overloaded
so that once we build up the four stacks of
Firebrand. We can attack twice with
Shatter Strike, the first
being free, the second will cost Mana. This is just to mitigate Mana issues we may run into.
Order of Skill Points
- 4 points into Concentration: Allows the effects of Enchant Weapon to last longer.
- 3 points into Efficacy: Reduces the mana cost, and increases Melee Elemental Damage.
- 1 point into Kindling Blade: This automates Enchanted Weapon, to be automatically recasted when it is off cooldown. NOTE: Some players may opt out of this effect, and prefer to control when it is active. This is completely up to you, as I find some players do better with less buttons to manage. If you choose to skip this node, take 1 additional in the previous node Kindling Blade.
- 5 points into Celerity: This node adds massive attacks speed while Enchant Weapon is active.
- 2 points into Shivering Blade: We add a chance to chill enemies while Enchant Weapon is active.
- 5 points into Frostbrand: Enchant Weapon now adds both base damage and increased damage when active.

Surge is our movement skill. We will use it to traverse in and out of combat. However, it can also
be used to avoid danger, as you are invulnerable why you are Surging. You gain large amounts of ward when
Surging into packs, which will help us start a fight safely.
Order of Skill Points
- 2 points into Shocking Blows: We add base Lightning Damage to our Surge. This damage will be converted to Cold later in the tree.
- 3 points into Lightning Rush: We do more damage, based on our movement speed.
- 1 point into Shielding Advance: We are invulnerable while surging.
- 3 points into Storm Aegis: We gain ward if we use Surge and hit an enemy.
- 1 point into Glacial Assault: All Lightning damage and scalers are now converted to Cold.
- 5 points into Shielding Efflux: We gain ward for EACH enemy hit with surge.
- 5 points into Longstrider: The distance covered by Surge is now increased dramatically.

Flame Ward
Flame Ward is our major defensive skill. It will keep us protected from hits that can stun us and will give us
a large boost of Ward and Damage reduction upon activation. We scale this to be even more effective, with added Damage Reduction,
more ward, and protection from elemental damage.
Order of Skill Points
- 3 points into Dilation: We increase the duration and mana efficiency of Flame Ward.
- 2 points into Stalwart Defense: We gain more ward when we cast Flame Ward.
- 1 point into Desperate Defense: We gain ward based on our missing HP, when we cast Flame Ward.
- 1 point into Astonish: If we are stunned, we automatically cast Flame Ward.
- 2 points into Fuel The Flames: We gain 20% more ward, but increase the Cooldown of Flame Ward.
- 1 point into Dual Aegis: We gain an extra charge of Flame Ward.
- 5 points into Barrier: We gain an additional 40% reduction from hits, totalling now to 70%.
- 3 points into Prismatic Buffer: We will also take 30% less damage from elemental damage, when Flame Ward is active.
- 2 points into Shrewd Shielding: We gain more mana efficiency to Flame Ward, further reducing its mana cost.
Damage Rotation
Clearing and Bossing will follow the same approach. The only difference would be positioning
and the avoidance of high damage mechanics. Open up with four attacks of Firebrand and one or two
strikes of
Shatter Strike. As you progress, you will learn the packs that may or may not need a
stack of
Firebrand to die. The approach is direct and easy to execute as you make your way through
the campaign.
Gearing and Affixes
The Shatter Strike leveling build utilizes dual wielding with one handed swords. Ideally, this
will eventually be Crystal Sword, as their implicits are too good to pass up. Understand that
Dexterity is extremely important, as each point provides 1 added damage per Dexterity. Intelligence is secondary,
as it adds increased Cold Damage and Ward Retention.
Below is a list of Affixes you should aim for to better suit the playstyle of this build. Spellblade scales very well with Dexterity, thus it can be used on gear pieces if possible for damage and look to Intel for survivability.
Attributes | Offensive | Defensive |
Intelligence Dexterity |
Increased Melee Attack Speed Mana Critical Strike Multiplier Shred Armor on Hit Cold Penetration Increased Cold Damage |
Increased Health Resistances Flat Health Increased Armor Health on Melee Hit |
Useful Uniques
Early on, if you happen to find a Prism Wraps, this chest piece will give you an immense amount of Elemental Damage
Leech, as well as a strong reduction to elemental damage taken.
Prism Wraps can be used as early as level 5.
Likewise, Avarice is a unique glove that can be dropped from the campaign quest early in the game. These gloves
can be used through the entire campaign if needed.
If you don't have luck finding these items from a natural drop, you can instead opt to use a Rune of Ascendance on any
normal drop you find and hope for the best!
Progressing to Endgame
This build will carry you all the way to the start of the Monolith, where you will need to decide on an Endgame build to follow. Below are the options available for Spellblades.
- 06 Jul. 2024: Updated for 1.1, minimal changes. Added functionality for mana stacking for ward gain.
- 30 Nov. 2023: Guide added.

EMP1241 is a Marine veteran who is currently pursuing higher education in Aerospace Engineering. He spends much of his time outside of his studies playing ARPGs, Builders, and MOBAs. He is frequently seen on his Twitch channel discussing science, space, or video games.
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