Void Knight Erasing Strike Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0)

Last updated on Mar 27, 2024 at 00:00 by GhazzyTV and Lavender

Welcome to our Last Epoch Void Knight Erasing Strike build guide for the Sentinel class. Here you will learn everything about the Void Knight play style, passives, skills, strengths, and weaknesses to conquer the world of Eterra.


Build Introduction

Due to the changes seen with 1.0 and the increased difficulty scaling, we can no longer suggest this build or concepts related to it. Erasing Strike has been acknowledged by the devs at EHG to be in need of a rework, and when that happens we will work as quickly as possible to bring you a new build centered around the skill.

The Erasing Strike Icon Erasing Strike build makes quick work of all enemies on them map. Using Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave and Lunge Icon Lunge to dart around the map, this build cuts down mobs and Elites alike with guaranteed Critical Strikes from Erasing Strike. Using the power of the Void, killing enemies with Erasing Strike will make them vanish from your timeline, leaving not even a trace behind that they once existed.

Strengths icon Strengths
  • +No unique requirement
  • +Amazing AoE
  • +Guaranteed critical strikes
Weaknesses icon Weaknesses
  • -Requires melee-distance to deal damage
  • -You are vulnerable during Lunge attacks

Skill Selection

Our skill selection for this build focuses on amplifying our Void damage for all of our skills and stacking Critical Multiplier damage, while ignoring Critical Strike Chance due to our spec guaranteeing a critical hit on Erasing Strike Icon Erasing Strike. This build has amazing utility for movement using both Lunge Icon Lunge and Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave to dart around the map. Void CLeave also triggers Abyssal Echoes Icon Abyssal Echoes automatically and slows any enemies we hit. Erasing Strike is our execute skill, instantly deleting any challenging any enemies or Elites we come across. Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope add a defensive layer and help to amplify our damage further as we fight, with a chance to recast a Sigil on each kill. We augment the build further by using Volatile Reversal Icon Volatile Reversal to recharge Mana and give us an 80% chance to refill our health by 60%. The combination of these skills gives us an incredibly tanky brawler that can travel through the Monolith quite quickly.

Lunge Icon
Erasing Strike Icon
Volatile Reversal Icon
Sigils Of Hope Icon
Void Cleave Icon
Skill row background

Class and Skill Passive Trees

Class Passives Skill Passives
Sentinel Void Knight Paladin
Volatile Reversal Erasing Strike Void Cleave Abyssal Echoes Sigils of Hope

Our base class is the Sentinel, which acts as a generic melee fighter. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Sentinel, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Void Knight, Paladin and Forge Guard. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For this Erasing Strike build, we will be picking Void Knight as our advanced class using the majority of our points in Void Knight passive tree. The remainder of our points will be used in the Paladin passive trees. Our passive points will focus almost entirely on increasing Void Damage, Critical Multiplier, and boosting our survivability. Each of the passive trees and their points are broken down below.


Sentinel Passive Points

Sentinel Passive Tree
  • 8 points into Juggernaut: Stat and Resistance increases.
  • 2 points into Fearless: Increases our Vitality and Health Regneration.
  • 5 points into Armour Clad: Increased Armor and Damage Reduction from nearby enemies.
  • 5 points into Valiant Charge: All movement skills have their cooldown lowered, this applies to our Lunge Icon Lunge, Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave and Volatile Reversal Icon Volatile Reversal.

Our base class is the Sentinel, which acts as a generic melee fighter. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Sentinel, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Void Knight, Paladin and Forge Guard. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For this Erasing Strike build, we will be picking Void Knight as our advanced class using the majority of our points in Void Knight passive tree. The remainder of our points will be used in the Paladin passive trees. Our passive points will be targeting augments for our Void damage and boosting our survivability. Each of the passive trees and their points are broken down below.


Void Knight Passive Points

Void Knight Passive Tree
  • 10 points into Abyssal Endurance: Increases our Health, as well as Void and Physical Resistances.
  • 6 points into Temporal Corruption: Boost our Void Damage.
  • 6 points into World Eater: Melee and Void Damage leech health.
  • 1 point into Void Corruption: Every point we have in Void Knight increases Critical Multiplier by 1%.
  • 8 points into Void Blades: Increases Melee Void Damage.
  • 8 points into Doom Knight: Strength and Health increases.
  • 4 points into Woe: Increases Melee damage and grants increased Void damage and Armor on kill.
  • 4 points into Singular Purpose: Increases Void Damage, but reduces Block Chance and Effectiveness.
  • 10 points into Eternal Form: Increases Vitality and Health.
  • 5 points into Essence of the End: Grants a chance to gain the buff Void Essence on kill.
  • 1 point into Void Well: Uses stacks of Void Essence to restore Mana if you drop below 0.
  • 15 points into Dread: Increases Void Damage and Movement Speed.

Our base class is the Sentinel, which acts as a generic melee fighter. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Sentinel, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Void Knight, Paladin and Forge Guard. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For this Erasing Strike build, we will be picking Void Knight as our advanced class using the majority of our points in Void Knight passive tree. The remainder of our points will be used in the Paladin passive trees. Our passive points will be targeting augments for our Void damage and boosting our survivability. Each of the passive trees and their points are broken down below.


Paladin Passive Points

Paladin Passive Tree

The points in the Paladin tree are quite flexible, with the main goal being to take enough points to unlock the skill Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope.

  • 8 points into Defiance: Increases Attunement and Elemental Resistances.
  • 2 points into Valor: Increases our Health and Healing effects.
  • 5 points into Blinding Light: Grants a chance to Blind enemies.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Volatile Reversal

Volatile Reversal Skill Tree

This skill is designed to be a fail safe for health as well as boost your overall damage and Movement Speed. We can rewind time and revert any major losses to our character. We have also augmented the skill to be another traversal skill, increasing our mobility. When the skill is used it will create a Void Rift Icon Void Rift and any enemies hit by the skill will take 30% more damage.


Order of Skill Points

  • 3 points into Time Sap: Chance to recover cooldown on kill.
  • 3 points into Warped Time: Increases Cast Speed.
  • 3 points into Catching Up: Increases Movement Speed after skill use.
  • 1 point into Terminal Void Rift: Creates a Void Rift on arrival.
  • 3 points into Dark Expanse: Increases our Void Rift Area of Effect.
  • 3 points into Harbinger of Dust: Increases the damage taken by enemies who are hit by Void Rift.
  • 1 point into Incipient Void Rift: Void Rift now happens at the start of the skill.
  • 2 points into Traveller's Fatigue: Increases Cooldown Recovery.
  • 1 point into Timelost Wisdom: Increases Cooldown Recovery, also removes Mana cost.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Erasing Strike

Erasing Strike Skill Tree

Erasing Strike Icon Erasing Strike is one of our most powerful attacks in this build, capable of taking out Elite enemies in a single strike. The skill tree focuses on adding an additional charge for the skill, kill threshold, loads of Void Damage increases and inflicting stacks of Armor Shred. These four augments are what make this skill devastating once fully leveled.


Order of Skill Points

  • 4 points into Merciful: Increases the Cooldown Recovery for the skill.
  • 5 points into Erasure of the Living: Grants a 10% Kill Threshold and more damage.
  • 2 points into Dust To Wind: Increases Area for the skill.
  • 3 point into Mark of the End: Adds the ability to inflict Void Resistance Shred to enemies.
  • 1 point into Twin Cataclysms: Adds an additional charge of the skill.
  • 5 points into Obliteration: Increases Melee and Void Damage.

Any additional points go into maxing out the node Prophet's Onslaught as you can see in the image.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Void Cleave

Void Cleave Skill Tree

Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave is our main spam skill that dashes towards a group of enemies, hitting in a conal AoE with a melee strike. The skill is augmented with the ability to cast Abyssal Echoes Icon Abyssal Echoes automatically after we use the skill. Another key node we have added into this skill is Obliterator which grants Erasing Strike Icon Erasing Strike a guaranteed Critical Strike. This helps with our rotational gameplay in the build, casting Void Cleave and following up with Erasing Strike, looping the two skills together over and over as we move through the map.


Order of Skill Points

  • 3 points into Dark Pathway: Increased Cooldown Recovery.
  • 5 points into Fraying Strikes: Adds Void Resistance Shred.
  • 1 point into Resonating Cleave: Casts Abyssal Echoes when you use Void Cleave.
  • 2 point into Into the Depths: Increases Damage and Area of the skill.
  • 1 point into Precognition: Void Cleave can no longer be dodged.
  • 3 points into Rift Maker: Skill applies Critical Vulnerability.
  • 4 points into Champion of the Void: Increases Critical Multiplier and grants Mana on critical hit.
  • 1 point into Obliterator: After using Void Cleave, Erasing Strike will always deal critical damage.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Abyssal Echoes

Abyssal Echoes Skill Tree

This skill is triggered automatically and adds some fantastic utility to the build. We add Slow to this ability to help boost our damage with Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave and Erasing Strike Icon Erasing Strike against Slow enemies. We have also augmented the ability to inflict Armor Shred to all enemies hit.


Order of Skill Points

  • 3 points into Crippling Waves: Adds slow to enemies.
  • 4 points into Void Supremacy: Increases Void Cleave and Erasing Strike damage against slowed targets.
  • 5 points into Deep Expanse: Increases the skill's AoE.
  • 1 point into Vorpal Reverberation: Traversal node.
  • 5 points into Rippling Corrosion: Abyssal Echoes will now inflict 5 stacks of Armor Shred to all enemies hit.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Sigils of Hope

Sigils of Hope Skill Tree

This skill has perfect synergy with this build and a single cast can last for quite a while. We use the Sigils as an extra defensive layer to keep ourselves healed and to amplify our damage for every Sigil we have applied.


Order of Skill Points

  • 5 points into Empowering Sigils: Damage increase per Sigil.
  • 2 points into Word of Alacrity: Increases Cast Speed.
  • 1 point into Last Wish: Small chance to gain a Sigil on every kill.
  • 1 point into Exigency: This makes the skill an instant cast skill.
  • 2 points into Iron Sigils: Increases our Endurance Threshold per Sigil.
  • 4 points into Enduring Hope: Increases Sigil duration.
  • 1 point into Tetragram: Increases your Sigil count by one.
  • 3 points into Decree of Flame: Adds Fire Damage per Sigil (converted to Void).
  • 1 points into Sigils of Despair: Converts the skill to Void.
Image courtesy of Last Epoch Tools

Build Mechanics and Playstyle

This build has fantastic mobility and damage with a simple rotational gameplay style. Your typical rotation starts with Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave, targeting a pack of enemies. The damage from this skill is more than strong enough to take out most of the standard mobs, as it also triggers Abyssal Echoes Icon Abyssal Echoes which will slow enemies and shred their Armor. You can easily continue to Void Cleave from pack to pack, using Lunge Icon Lunge if you need an extra jump to keep going. As you leap from pack to pack, any enemy slowed by your Abyssal Echoes will also trigger a boost in damage for both your Void Cleave and Erasing Strike. Erasing Strike Icon Erasing Strike is our combination hit that can be used after you use your Void Cleave to guarantee a Critical Strike for the skill. This combination can easily cut down elites and delivery a hearty chunk of damage to bosses.

At any point if you feel the need to ever reposition or need reset your Mana, you can use Volatile Reversal Icon Volatile Reversal. Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope will keep your survivability high and allow you to constantly be searching for the next group of enemies to attack. Overall, this build is strong enough to crush the Monolith, with fast and very effective gameplay. As long as you keep your buffs going and are playing smart with your position while using the one-two attack combination of Void Cleave Icon Void Cleave and Erasing Strike Icon Erasing Strike, your enemies will disappear into the Void.


Equipment and Gear Affixes

For this build, we will be focusing on several main affixes for each piece of non-unique gear, as well as working towards acquiring the specific Uniques needed to make this build operate correctly. Our equipment will focus on these specific affixes for the Implicits and Modifier stats.

Gear Slot Implicits Modifiers
Two-Handed Axe Apathy's Maw Icon Apathy's Maw Legendary Potential
Melee Critical Strike Chance
Head Armor
Critical Strike Multiplier
Flat Health
Health %
Chest Titan Heart Icon Titan Heart Legendary Potential
+ Level of Erasing Strike, Increased Void Damage
Gloves Armor
Needed Resistances
Increased Critical Strike Chance

Hybrid Health
Flat Health
Ring Cooldown Recovery Speed
All Attributes
Increased Physical Damage

Critical Strike Avoidance
Flat Health
Ring Siphon of Anguish Icon Siphon of Anguish Legendary Potential
Amulet Less Damage Over Time Taken Prefixes
Critical Strike Multiplier
Increased Void Damage

Elemental Resistance
Belt Shattered Chains Icon Shattered Chains Legendary Potential
Hybrid Health
Feet Darkstride Icon Darkstride Legendary Potential
Hybrid Health
Relic Melee Void Damage
Spell Void Damage
Critical Strike Multiplier
Increase Void Damage

Flat Health
Needed Resistances

A loot filter made specifically for the gear table above may be copied by pressing the button below. Once in the Loot Filter portion of the in-game menu, choose the "Paste Clipboard Contents" option to import the code.

Copy Loot Filter to Clipboard
Press the Copy đź“‹ button to copy the following text to your clipboard
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ItemFilter xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <name>Void Knight</name> <filterIcon>9</filterIcon> <filterIconColor>15</filterIconColor> <description /> <lastModifiedInVersion></lastModifiedInVersion> <lootFilterVersion>2</lootFilterVersion> <rules> <Rule> <type>HIDE</type> <conditions /> <color>0</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIGHLIGHT</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="SubTypeCondition"> <type> <EquipmentType>TWO_HANDED_SWORD</EquipmentType> </type> <subTypes> <int>8</int> </subTypes> </Condition> <Condition i:type="AffixCondition"> <affixes> <int>62</int> <int>76</int> <int>15</int> <int>6</int> </affixes> <comparsion>ANY</comparsion> <comparsionValue>0</comparsionValue> <minOnTheSameItem>1</minOnTheSameItem> <combinedComparsion>ANY</combinedComparsion> <combinedComparsionValue>1</combinedComparsionValue> <advanced>false</advanced> </Condition> </conditions> <color>5</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIGHLIGHT</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="SubTypeCondition"> <type> <EquipmentType>HELMET</EquipmentType> </type> <subTypes> <int>39</int> <int>38</int> <int>37</int> </subTypes> </Condition> <Condition i:type="AffixCondition"> <affixes> <int>501</int> <int>505</int> <int>25</int> <int>52</int> <int>1</int> <int>97</int> </affixes> <comparsion>ANY</comparsion> <comparsionValue>0</comparsionValue> <minOnTheSameItem>2</minOnTheSameItem> <combinedComparsion>ANY</combinedComparsion> <combinedComparsionValue>1</combinedComparsionValue> <advanced>false</advanced> </Condition> </conditions> <color>5</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIGHLIGHT</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="SubTypeCondition"> <type> <EquipmentType>BODY_ARMOR</EquipmentType> </type> <subTypes> <int>39</int> <int>38</int> <int>37</int> </subTypes> </Condition> <Condition i:type="AffixCondition"> <affixes> <int>568</int> <int>501</int> <int>25</int> <int>52</int> <int>1</int> <int>505</int> </affixes> <comparsion>ANY</comparsion> <comparsionValue>0</comparsionValue> <minOnTheSameItem>2</minOnTheSameItem> <combinedComparsion>ANY</combinedComparsion> <combinedComparsionValue>1</combinedComparsionValue> <advanced>false</advanced> </Condition> </conditions> <color>5</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIGHLIGHT</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="SubTypeCondition"> <type> <EquipmentType>BELT</EquipmentType> </type> <subTypes> <int>5</int> <int>4</int> <int>6</int> <int>2</int> </subTypes> </Condition> <Condition i:type="AffixCondition"> <affixes> <int>75</int> <int>330</int> <int>15</int> <int>36</int> <int>52</int> </affixes> <comparsion>ANY</comparsion> <comparsionValue>0</comparsionValue> <minOnTheSameItem>2</minOnTheSameItem> <combinedComparsion>ANY</combinedComparsion> <combinedComparsionValue>1</combinedComparsionValue> <advanced>false</advanced> </Condition> </conditions> <color>5</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIGHLIGHT</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="SubTypeCondition"> <type> <EquipmentType>BOOTS</EquipmentType> </type> <subTypes> <int>6</int> <int>8</int> <int>5</int> </subTypes> </Condition> <Condition i:type="AffixCondition"> <affixes> <int>25</int> <int>36</int> <int>501</int> <int>505</int> <int>1</int> </affixes> <comparsion>ANY</comparsion> <comparsionValue>0</comparsionValue> <minOnTheSameItem>2</minOnTheSameItem> <combinedComparsion>ANY</combinedComparsion> <combinedComparsionValue>1</combinedComparsionValue> <advanced>false</advanced> </Condition> </conditions> <color>5</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIGHLIGHT</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="SubTypeCondition"> <type> <EquipmentType>GLOVES</EquipmentType> </type> <subTypes> <int>7</int> <int>6</int> <int>5</int> </subTypes> </Condition> <Condition i:type="AffixCondition"> <affixes> <int>501</int> <int>5</int> <int>36</int> <int>25</int> <int>69</int> </affixes> <comparsion>ANY</comparsion> <comparsionValue>0</comparsionValue> <minOnTheSameItem>2</minOnTheSameItem> <combinedComparsion>ANY</combinedComparsion> <combinedComparsionValue>1</combinedComparsionValue> <advanced>false</advanced> </Condition> </conditions> <color>5</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIGHLIGHT</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="SubTypeCondition"> <type> <EquipmentType>AMULET</EquipmentType> </type> <subTypes> <int>8</int> <int>9</int> <int>7</int> <int>2</int> </subTypes> </Condition> <Condition i:type="AffixCondition"> <affixes> <int>6</int> <int>15</int> <int>0</int> <int>25</int> </affixes> <comparsion>ANY</comparsion> <comparsionValue>0</comparsionValue> <minOnTheSameItem>2</minOnTheSameItem> <combinedComparsion>ANY</combinedComparsion> <combinedComparsionValue>1</combinedComparsionValue> <advanced>false</advanced> </Condition> </conditions> <color>5</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIGHLIGHT</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="SubTypeCondition"> <type> <EquipmentType>RING</EquipmentType> </type> <subTypes> <int>10</int> <int>9</int> <int>2</int> <int>0</int> </subTypes> </Condition> <Condition i:type="AffixCondition"> <affixes> <int>501</int> <int>5</int> <int>25</int> <int>97</int> <int>15</int> </affixes> <comparsion>ANY</comparsion> <comparsionValue>0</comparsionValue> <minOnTheSameItem>2</minOnTheSameItem> <combinedComparsion>ANY</combinedComparsion> <combinedComparsionValue>1</combinedComparsionValue> <advanced>false</advanced> </Condition> </conditions> <color>5</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIGHLIGHT</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="SubTypeCondition"> <type> <EquipmentType>RELIC</EquipmentType> </type> <subTypes> <int>46</int> </subTypes> </Condition> <Condition i:type="AffixCondition"> <affixes> <int>6</int> <int>15</int> <int>25</int> <int>653</int> <int>600</int> </affixes> <comparsion>ANY</comparsion> <comparsionValue>0</comparsionValue> <minOnTheSameItem>2</minOnTheSameItem> <combinedComparsion>ANY</combinedComparsion> <combinedComparsionValue>1</combinedComparsionValue> <advanced>false</advanced> </Condition> </conditions> <color>5</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIGHLIGHT</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="AffixCondition"> <affixes> <int>36</int> <int>568</int> <int>653</int> <int>105</int> <int>107</int> <int>676</int> <int>677</int> <int>678</int> <int>679</int> <int>673</int> <int>674</int> <int>675</int> <int>710</int> <int>711</int> <int>712</int> <int>713</int> <int>714</int> <int>194</int> <int>326</int> </affixes> <comparsion>ANY</comparsion> <comparsionValue>0</comparsionValue> <minOnTheSameItem>1</minOnTheSameItem> <combinedComparsion>ANY</combinedComparsion> <combinedComparsionValue>1</combinedComparsionValue> <advanced>false</advanced> </Condition> </conditions> <color>15</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>HIDE</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="RarityCondition"> <rarity>MAGIC</rarity> </Condition> </conditions> <color>0</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> <Rule> <type>SHOW</type> <conditions> <Condition i:type="RarityCondition"> <rarity>UNIQUE SET EXALTED</rarity> </Condition> </conditions> <color>0</color> <isEnabled>true</isEnabled> <levelDependent>false</levelDependent> <minLvl>0</minLvl> <maxLvl>0</maxLvl> <emphasized>false</emphasized> <nameOverride /> </Rule> </rules> </ItemFilter>


Idol slots are gained through the campaign, unlocking small bonuses and unique affixes for the player to discover and augment their builds with. The Idol screen consists of a grid system for the player to fill out with different sized idols, eventually filling in every part of the grid. As the Idol shape increases (1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, etc.) the stronger an affix you might find for your build.

Size: 4Ă—1

  • Vitality
  • Increased Melee Void Damage

The rest of the idol slots are filled with Health and Resistances.



Blessings are permanent buffs that are permanently applied to your character. These come in two different powers, Standard and Grand. Grand blessings are significantly stronger than the Standard Blessings. In total, there are 10 Blessing Slots, one for each Monolith Timeline. When you complete a Monolith and defeat the final boss you will be awarded a choice of three blessing with a random value.

Blessing Name Affix Timeline
Grand Emptiness of Ash Icon Grand Emptiness of Ash Critical Strike Multiplier The Black Sun
Grand Light of the Moon Icon Grand Light of the Moon Mana Ending the Storm
Grand Embers of Immortality Icon Grand Embers of Immortality Endurance % Spirits of Fire
Grand Survival of Might Icon Grand Survival of Might Critical Strike Avoidance Reign of Dragons

The Blessings listed above cover the most important slots, with the remaining Blessing Slots being filled with whatever the player may be lacking for stats.



  • 27 Mar. 2024: Build retired.
  • 16 Feb. 2024: Guide added.
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