Control Glaivier Guide for Lost Ark

Last updated on Jan 09, 2023 at 12:00 by Spin 1 comment

Brandishing two weapons, a Glaive and a Spear, Glaivier offers fluid gameplay at both close and mid-range. Packed full of utility and being one of the more mobile advanced classes in the game, Glaivier comes in two playstyles, Control and Pinnacle.


Control: Skill Builds and Rotations

If you're looking for further information on the Control Icon Control build for Glaivier, the following links will provide that for you.


Control Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Excellent mobility and low cooldowns due to high Swiftness
  • +High uptime on Critical Rate synergy
  • +Relatively easy to play with a simple priority system
X Weaknesses
  • -Highly focused on Back Attack uptime to deal good DPS
  • -Lacks depth and/or options for builds and rotation
  • -Doesn't scale super high late into the endgame, lesser ceiling than Spec classes

Chaos Dungeon Skill Build


Raid Skill Builds


Control's Playstyle

Your rotation focuses around hitting Back Attacks and maintaining high uptime on your skills. With high Swiftness, you'll naturally have lower cooldowns and more mobility. This does mean you'll have a higher uptime on Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon's buff and an easier time positioning for back attacks and/or mechanics. Your priority is fitting skills within Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon's crit buff and using Judgment Icon Judgment / Conviction Icon Conviction's CDR buff to increase uptime on Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon. Damage is largely spread across Half Moon Slash Icon Half Moon Slash, Raging Dragon Slash Icon Raging Dragon Slash, Stampeding Slash Icon Stampeding Slash & Chain Slash Icon Chain Slash. Below is a sample rotation that you can adjust based on your skill selection for Conviction Icon Conviction / Judgment Icon Judgment:

Control Opener / Rotation
  1. Debuff the target with Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon and fish for a proc with Half Moon Slash Icon Half Moon SlashRaging Dragon Slash Icon Raging Dragon Slash.
  2. Chain Slash Icon Chain SlashStampeding Slash Icon Stampeding Slash are prioritized next to fit under buffs.
  3. Use filler skills Flash Kick Icon Flash KickWheel of Blades Icon Wheel of BladesThorn Jab Icon Thorn Jab before another Chain Slash Icon Chain SlashStampeding Slash Icon Stampeding Slash.


  • 09 Jan. 2023: Guide added.
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