Control Glaivier Skill Guide for Lost Ark

Last updated on Jan 09, 2022 at 12:00 by Spin 1 comment

Brandishing two weapons, a Glaive and a Spear, Glaivier offers fluid gameplay at both close and mid-range. Packed full of utility and being one of the more mobile advanced classes in the game, Glaivier comes in two playstyles, Control and Pinnacle.


Control: Skill Descriptions, Tripods, Gems and Runes

As Control Icon Control can only use the skills from Flurry stance there's a limited pool of skills to choose from. Still, you'll have a selection that provides valuable Synergy, Stagger and Weak Point damage. Glaivier's tripods are important but with your DPS % being more evenly distributed across skills; you should prioritize getting them all leveled rather than just a select few. Cooldown gems and tripods are highly valued to make your rotations feel better, having micro-downtime between skills.



Below is a table consisted of recommended tripods for each skill. For DPS skills, their damage is evenly spread so you'll want to level all of them to maximum when you can. Cooldown tripods are prioritized to smoothen your rotation.

Skill Name Tripod 1 Tripod 2 Tripod 3
Shacking Blue Dragon Quick Prep Icon Quick Prep (High) Blitz Icon Blitz (N/A) Critical Spear Icon Critical Spear (N/A)
Half Moon Slash Flurry Expertise Icon Flurry Expertise (Medium) Final Decision Icon Final Decision (Medium) Blade of Tornado Icon Blade of Tornado (Medium)
Raging Dragon Slash Quick Prep Icon Quick Prep (High) Quick Slash Icon Quick Slash (Medium) Awaken Icon Awaken (Medium)
Chain Slash Brilliant Spear Icon Brilliant Spear (Medium) Final Decision Icon Final Decision (Medium) Brilliant Spear Icon Brilliant Spear (Medium)
Stampeding Slash Flurry Expertise Icon Flurry Expertise (Medium) Enhanced Strike Icon Enhanced Strike (Medium) Ripping Blades Icon Ripping Blades (Medium)
Wheel of Blades Excellent Mobility Icon Excellent Mobility (N/A) Weak Point Detection Icon Weak Point Detection (Low) Consecutive Spin Icon Consecutive Spin (Low)
Windsplitter Concussion Icon Concussion (N/A) Final Decision Icon Final Decision (Low) Down Strike Icon Down Strike (Low)
Flash Kick Excellent Mobility Icon Excellent Mobility (Low) Final Decision Icon Final Decision (Low) Corkscrew Icon Corkscrew (Low)
Thorn Jab Excellent Mobility Icon Excellent Mobility (N/A) N/A N/A










  • 09 Jan. 2023: Guide added.
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