Fang River Mokoko Seeds Locations in Lost Ark

Last updated on Feb 08, 2023 at 12:00 by Lavender 1 comment

This page provides the locations for all Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark's Fang River.


Fang River Mokoko Seeds

Fang River Map Lost Ark

To get a few of the Mokoko Seeds here, you'll need to complete certain parts of the main questline, as well as have Reindeer Yuju Icon Reindeer Yuju, which can be made from Reindeer Milk Icon Reindeer Milk bought from the Cooking Ingredient Merchant in town. This drink takes a full hour to ferment, so it may be wise to buy it early upon getting to Rowen so you don't have to wait later on.

  • Mokoko Seed #1 is in a pile of dirt next to a man and woman talking on the dock.
  • Mokoko Seed #2 is inside a house at the same location on the map as the Mokoko Seed itself.
  • Mokoko Seed #3 requires the Song of Wolves Icon Song of Wolves. It's hidden underneath the golden monolith.
  • Mokoko Seed #4 is in shallow water next to a tree snapped in half/
  • Mokoko Seed #5 requires 350 Charisma, marked on map.
  • Mokoko Seed #6 requires Reindeer Yuju Icon Reindeer Yuju to enter the secret location. There's an NPC talking about alcohol outside.
  • Mokoko Seed #7 can only be accessed by doing the main questline for Rowen and unlocking the Northern portion of the map. This Mokoko Seed is found in tall grass.
  • Mokoko Seed #8 is located just South of the Potion Merchant.
  • Mokoko Seed #9 is located at the bottom of the Symael Crystal Mine. Progress through the story for access.
  • Mokoko Seed #6 requires Reindeer Yuju Icon Reindeer Yuju to enter the secret location. There's an NPC talking about alcohol outside. You'll also need to progress the story for access to the back end of the Symael Mine.

Rowen Open World Mokoko Maps



  • 08 Feb. 2023: Page added.
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