Pinnacle Glaivier Guide for Lost Ark

Last updated on Jan 09, 2023 at 12:00 by Spin 1 comment

Brandishing two weapons, a Glaive and a Spear, Glaivier offers fluid gameplay at both close and mid-range. Packed full of utility and being one of the more mobile advanced classes in the game, Glaivier comes in two playstyles, Control and Pinnacle.


Pinnacle: Skill Builds and Rotations

If you're looking for further information on the Pinnacle Icon Pinnacle build for Glaivier, the following links will provide that for you.


Pinnacle Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Easy to pick up with rotation structured gameplay
  • +Has decent Stagger, Weak Point and burst DPS
  • +Flexible builds allow you to have something for any situation
X Weaknesses
  • -Punishing if you fail to land skills, lacking meter gain
  • -Diminishing returns on some options given various bonuses to Critical Damage & Rate, Attack & Move Speed
  • -Doesn't really have big damage numbers with a lot of skills being multi-hit

Chaos Dungeon Skill Build

Your eigth skill doesn't really need to be leveled, we take Flash Kick Icon Flash Kick as a mobility skill. With Excellent Mobility Icon Excellent Mobility, you'll be able to cover a large amount of distance.


Raid Skill Builds

Glaivier has several different builds dependent on how many Blue and Red skills you invest in. These all have different damage ceilings and slight variations in playstyle. Within builds are also various setups to use Conviction Icon Conviction / Judgment Icon Judgment with minor benefits from consistency to slightly more DPS:

All raid skill builds are located within the section of the page pertaining to their rotation in an effort to make it easier to find the information.


Pinnacle's Playstyle

Glaivier's rotation is based around building meter and swapping at maximum level for Pinnacle Icon Pinnacle's buff. Within Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon's crit buff you'll also want to cycle through as many red skills as you can to further capitalize on the increased Critical Damage within Focus stance. Proccing Conviction Icon Conviction / Judgment Icon Judgment helps upkeep your Magick Addiction with the increased MP regeneration. Using additional skills to build your meter results in higher MP usage and going into Boundless Mana is a massive DPS loss. Given the amount of different skill builds, as well as Conviction Icon Conviction / Judgment Icon Judgment setups, rotations require several adjustments on top of the volatility of Legion Raid content. Priorities and base rotations can be followed to an extent; however class and raid knowledge should always be applied to whatever situation you come across to deal more DPS.


Opener and Rotation Variants

Assuming you don't have meter at the beginning of an encounter, you can use the following sequence below. This assumes you run the more common build of 4/3 and have Conviction Icon Conviction / Judgment Icon Judgment on Half Moon Slash Icon Half Moon Slash and Wheel of Blades Icon Wheel of Blades.

  1. Use Red Dragon's Horn Icon Red Dragon's HornStarfall Pounce Icon Starfall PounceSpiraling Spear Icon Spiraling Spear.
  2. Raging Dragon Slash Icon Raging Dragon Slash has high innate Critical Rate, so it's used before Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon.
  3. Cycle Half Moon Slash Icon Half Moon SlashWheel of Blades Icon Wheel of Blades then use either Awakening Skill.

4/3 Rotation and Build

Note: The opener above is shown before the rotation below, so filler skills are used while waiting for cooldowns to come up again. If you already have meter, then doing the exact sequence below will actually have your red skills fit under Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon.

  1. Raging Dragon Slash Icon Raging Dragon Slash has high innate Critical Rate, so it's used before Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon.
  2. Cycle Half Moon Slash Icon Half Moon SlashWheel of Blades Icon Wheel of Blades to fish for a Conviction Icon Conviction / Judgment Icon Judgment proc.
  3. Use Thrust of Destruction Icon Thrust of DestructionRed Dragon's Horn Icon Red Dragon's HornStarfall Pounce Icon Starfall Pounce under Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon's buff.
4/3 Rotation

3/4 Rotation and Build

Note: The opener above is shown before the rotation below, so filler skills are used while waiting for cooldowns to come up again. If you already have meter, then doing the exact sequence below will actually have your red skills fit under Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon.

  1. Raging Dragon Slash Icon Raging Dragon Slash has high innate Critical Rate, so it's used before Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon.
  2. Cycle Half Moon Slash Icon Half Moon Slash and swap to Focus stance. Wheel of Blades Icon Wheel of Blades is a filler Judgment Icon Judgment skill and it's not a priority.
  3. Use Thrust of Destruction Icon Thrust of Destruction4-Headed Dragon Icon 4-Headed DragonRed Dragon's Horn Icon Red Dragon's HornStarfall Pounce Icon Starfall Pounce under Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon's buff.
3/4 Rotation

Entropy 4/3 Rotation and Build

  1. Raging Dragon Slash Icon Raging Dragon Slash has high innate Critical Rate, so it's used before Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon.
  2. Cycle Half Moon Slash Icon Half Moon SlashWheel of Blades Icon Wheel of Blades to fish for a Conviction Icon Conviction / Judgment Icon Judgment proc.
  3. Use Red Dragon's Horn Icon Red Dragon's HornStarfall Pounce Icon Starfall PounceThrust of Destruction Icon Thrust of Destruction under Shackling Blue Dragon Icon Shackling Blue Dragon's buff.
Earth's Entropy Specific Rotation


  • 09 Jan. 2023: Guide added.
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