Monster Hunter Wilds - Cooking Explained

Last updated on Mar 21, 2025 at 09:34 by Jaymo

Cooking is an important part of Monster Hunter Wilds. No Hunt can be achieved properly without a good meal taken beforehand! In this guide, you will learn everything about the various ways you can cook food, the different meals available, and the benefits they can grant you!


Cooking Guide for Monster Hunter Wilds

Cooking in Monster Hunter Wilds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, cooking is a vital mechanic that provides hunters with essential buffs and advantages during their quests, hunts, or exploration. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the details of the cooking system, from preparing meals to understanding the benefits they grant you.


What is Cooking in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Cooking in Monster Hunter Wilds is more than just a way to enjoy nice food and satisfy your character's hunger; it is a strategic tool that can significantly impact your hunting. By preparing and consuming meals, you can acquire temporary boosts that enhance various attributes, making challenging hunts more manageable.

Food has always been part of Monster Hunter: not only do you get buffs, but you also get to enjoy wonderful time with your fellow hunters, and heartwarming meals cooked by your Palico friends! With Monster Hunter Wilds, this tradition does not stop.


How to Cook in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Monster Hunter Wilds allows you to cook through various methods: Camp Cooking, Portable BBQ Grill, and Feasts. Which one you decide to use will depend on your location when you are in need of food!


Camp Cooking

At any Base Camp or in your Pop-Up Camp, you can enter your tent to access the cooking menu. Within the tent, select the Grill a Meal option from the BBQ Menu to prepare any dishes using available ingredients. This method has the benefit of being a safe environment free from monster interruptions.

Cooking in Monster Hunter Wilds

Once you are in the cooking menu, you will have three choices:

  • Recommended Meal
  • Custom Meal
  • Favorite Meals

The recommended meal will more or less tailor itself to your current equipment. These suggestions optimize buffs that align with your immediate needs and the ingredients you have. It will propose a specific meal and show you the benefits you can gain from it. Recommended meals are a good option for beginners who are still learning how cooking works.

You should always choose the Cook only with rations option in this section, as it will provide increased health and stamina, along with small buffs depending on the ration used. This allows you to have a good basic buff food while saving your other ingredients for bigger meals later on.

Recommended Meals in Monster Hunter Wilds

Custom Meals

Custom Meals are your go-to option when you are looking for very specific buffs. Similar to the recommended meals, you can combine up to three ingredients to create personalized dishes. However, with Custom Meals, you have complete control over each ingredient, allowing you to create various unique meals. This lets you target particular attributes or resistances based on the upcoming hunt.

You can also pick a Finishing Touch ingredient that will grant you an additional Food Skill.

Custom Meals in Monster Hunter Wilds

Favorite Meals

As the name suggests, the Favorite Meals tab is where you can save your most useful meals. Once you have created a few Custom Meals, you might find that one meal is especially helpful and you would like to re-use it in the future. You can save it in this tab, and whenever you need it, you can go back to the Favorite Meals tab to find your recipe.

You can save up to 40 meals this way. Additionally, these meals can be renamed, allowing you to label them according to the boost they provide.

Favorite Meals in Monster Hunter Wilds

Grill Meat Cooking

This is another way of cooking that involves a mini-game. You can use the Grill Meat option when you want to cook raw meat in order to increase your stamina.

This one will open a mini-game:

  1. Pull out a piece of meat
  2. Fry it: be careful, you have to keep an eye on the meat. Be aware of the colour of the meat, it is truly like a steak, you need to wait long enough so it gets the perfect colour, but not too long or it will be too much done.
  3. Follow the Tempo and the meat properly.
  4. If you get a Tasty result, it means you did it all right!

A Raw Steak will increase your Stamina by 25% while a Well-done Steak will increase your Stamina by 50%.

Grill Meat in Monster Hunter Wilds

Portable BBQ Grill

For on-the-go hunters, the Portable BBQ Grill allows meal preparation in the field. To use it, you need to:

  1. Find a safe location (or as secured as possible in the wilds) away from hostile creatures
  2. Go to your inventory, select the Portable BBQ Grill
  3. Deploy the Grill
  4. Pick your meal: The system functions the same as Camp Cooking. You can take the recommended meal, custom one, or cook one of your favorite foods!

The Portable BBQ Grill is really useful during extended Hunts, when you do not have the possibility to go back to a camp or set up a Po-Up Camp, but still need some food.

Be aware that you can get attacked by monsters while cooking on the Portable BBQ Grill!


Feast Cooking

Feast are large meals that will grant you long-lasting buffs. You can participate in those once you reach a Village. Villagers will gather with you and provide a huge feast. Those offer powerful buffs that last longer than the usual ones. They also change depending on the village you cook it in, as each one will have their unique meals.

The more you increase your reputation with a village, the better the food options will be.

Make sure to get a feast before your biggest hunts, as they will give you the most significant buffs.


What are the Benefits of Eating Meals in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Meals are an important part of your Hunts. They will provide you with various buffs or defenses that you will need, especially for harder hunts! Here is an overview of all the various enhancements you can get from consuming meals:

  • Health and Stamina Boosts: Meals can increase your maximum health and stamina, allowing you to live longer in battles, take more hits before needing to heal yourself, and perform more actions without getting tired.
  • Attack and Defense Enhancements: Certain dishes provide boosts to your offensive and defensive capabilities, making your attacks more powerful and reducing the damage taken from monsters.
  • Elemental Resistance: By selecting specific ingredients during Custom Meals, you can enhance your resistance to various elemental attacks, which is crucial when facing monsters with elemental affinities. For example, you can eat a Meal with Thunder resistance if you plan to face a Monster dealing Thunder damage.
  • Special Food Skills: Meals can also grant unique skills, such as reduced stamina consumption during evasion or increased healing effects. These skills can be the difference between success and failure in challenging hunts. These are obtained by adding a Finishing Touch to your custom Meal.

Ingredient Effects

Understanding the impact of each ingredient is essential for crafting meals that provide the buffs you want and need. Combining different food items can yield various effects:

  • Meat: Attack, Health, and Stamina.
  • Fish: Defense, Health, Stamina.
  • Vegetables: Defense, Elemental Resistances, health, Stamina

Here is a list of all the ingredients available for Cooking in Monster Hunter Wilds:

Ingredient Name Location Food Effect
Meat Can be grabbed from the supply pouch of bought at the Provision Master in the Windward Plains Base Camp. Ration. Grants Health, Stamina and Attack Boosts for 30min.
Fish Can be grabbed from the supply pouch of bought at the Provision Master in the Windward Plains Base Camp. Ration. Grants Health, Stamina and Attack Boosts for 30min.
Veggies Can be grabbed from the supply pouch of bought at the Provision Master in the Windward Plains Base Camp. Ration. Grants Health, Stamina and Attack Boosts for 30min.
Airy Egg Traded from Sekka in the Suja Peaks of Accord. Additional Ingredient. Activates temporary attack boost at random intervals.
Fluffy Egg Traded from Sekka in the Suja Peaks of Accord. Additional Ingredient. Activates temporary attack boost at random intervals.
Delishroom Traded with Musharpeye at the Wudwud Hideout in the Scarlet Forest. Additional Ingredient. Greatly Reduces stamina depletion when evading or doing anything that consumes stamina.
Droolshroom Traded with Musharpeye at the Wudwud Hideout in the Scarlet Forest. Additional Ingredient. Greatly Reduces stamina depletion when evading or doing anything that consumes stamina.
Kunafa Cheese Traded from Kilama in Kunafa Village in the Windward Plains. Additional Ingredient. Decreases damage taken.
Sharp Kunafa Cheese Traded from Kilama in Kunafa Village in the Windward Plains. Additional Ingredient. Decreases damage taken.
Mud Shrimp Traded in the Oilwell Basin. Makes you invulnerable longer after evading.
Turbid Shrimp Traded in the Oilwell Basin. Makes you invulnerable longer after evading.
Sild Garlic Traded with Ren at the Keeper's Vigil in the Ruins of Wyveria. Prevents fainting one time when damage taken exceeds your remaining health.
Specialty Sild Garlic Traded with Ren at the Ruins of Wyveria. Prevents fainting one time and heals you when damage taken exceeds your remaining health.
Eastern Honey Gathered from Honey nodes or Giant Vigorwasp captured with a Capture Net. Can also be traded with Ren at the Keeper's Vigil in the Ruins of Wyveria Increases the amount of health recovered when healing.
Jeweled Mullet Roe Traded with Gawdygog at the Wudwud Hideout in the Scarlet Forest. Increases your attack when you are wet.
Monster Chili Traded from Kilama in Kunafa Village in the Windward Plains or Aida in the Oilwell Basin. Useful in Cold and Hot climates as it negates the effects and increases your defense in those areas.
Truffle Du Conga Can drop from Gastronome Tuna or Congalala or traded from Rove in the Iceshard Cliffs. Increases the number of resources you gather per nodes.
Wild Herb Gathered from Herb nodes or traded with Musharpeye at the Wudwud Hideout in the Scarlet Forest. Decreases ailments effects.
Wild Seed Oil Traded from Yabran in the Oilwell Basin. Increases status effects potency.

You will also receive most of the ingredients at least once from various side quests.

Additionally, each village will offer you specific Meals:

NPC Location Meal Effects
Y'sai Kunafa Village in the Windward Plains.
  • Duration: 60 min
  • Health + 50
  • Stamina + 150
  • Attack + 5
  • Defense + 10
  • Element Resistances +10
  • Lucky Meal
  • Insurance Meal
  • Defender Meal
  • Riser Meal
  • Hardy Meal
  • Iron Carver Meal
  • Piping Hot Meal
Azuz Maki in the Oilwell Basin.
  • Duration: 60 min
  • Health + 50
  • Stamina + 150
  • Attack + 5
  • Defense + 10
  • Element Resistances +10
  • Carver Meal
  • Insurance Meal
  • Tumbler Meal
  • Fortune Hunter Meal
  • Fisher Meal
Tasheen Sild the Keepers' Vigil in the Ruins of Wyveria.
  • Duration: 60 min
  • Health + 50
  • Stamina + 150
  • Attack + 5
  • Defense + 10
  • Element Resistances +10
  • Capture Pro Meal
  • Insurance Meal
  • Moxie Meal
  • Riser Meal
  • Bulldozer Meal
The Allhearken Suja Peaks of Accord.
  • Duration: 60 min
  • Health + 50
  • Stamina + 150
  • Attack + 5
  • Defense + 10
  • Element Resistances +10
  • Exploiter Meal
  • Insurance Meal
  • Caprice Meal
  • Bulldozer Meal
  • Break-time Meal


  • 02 Mar. 2025: Guide updated, cooking ingredients and meals updated.
  • 16 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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