Gore Magala Monster Guide for Monster Hunter Wilds

Last updated on Mar 03, 2025 at 11:05 by RathalosWatch

Learn how to defeat Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Wilds. Our Gore Magala guide covers everything from weaknesses and resistances to carves and rewards as well as a complete guide on Gore Magala's combat mechanics.


Gore Magala Introduction

Gore Magala was the flagship monster of the fourth generation in Monster Hunter 4. In previous titles, he was classified as ???, but in Monster Hunter Wilds, Capcom has finally acknowledged him as a Demi Elder Dragon. As expected from a Demi Elder, he is an exceptionally powerful monster, which is why he is exclusive to high rank and fought toward the end of the game’s storyline, right before Arkveld, the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Wilds. He is regarded as one of the more harder monsters right now in the game pre-title updates and I am here to help you out with that. Gore Magala is only available in high-rank.

Crown Sizes

  • Small Crown - 1589.3
  • Silver Crown - 1960.1
  • Large Crown - 2101.4

For a full comprehensive video guide on Gore Magala including tips, tricks and strategies, then check out the Rey Dau video guide below:

Gore Magala Fight Guide By RathalosWatch


Gore Magala Overview

Click each button to learn important aspects of Gore Magala such as weaknesses, rewards and Kinsects.

Weaknesses & Resistances Kinsects Carves & Rewards

Gore Magala Weaknesses and Resistances

Status Weaknesses

  • Poison ()
  • Sleep ()
  • Paralysis ()
  • Blast ( )
  • Stun ()
  • ( )

Elemental & Other Weaknesses

Body Part
Left Foreleg
Right Foreleg
Left Wing
Right Wing
Left Wingarm
Right Wingarm
Left Hind Leg
Right Hind Leg

Gore Magala Kinsect Extracts

Listed below are all available Kinsect Extracts on Gore Magala for Insect Glaive.

  • Red - Head, Antenna, Neck and Both Wingarms
  • Orange - Torso, Both Forelegs and Tail
  • White - Both Hind Legs
  • Green - Both Wings

Gore Magala Carves and Rewards

Materials Frequency Target Rewards Break Parts Rewards Carves Wound Destroyed
Gore Magala Wing+ 13% Left Wing (100%)
Right Wing (100%)
Gore Magala Feeler+ Antenna (100%) 11%
Gore Magala Tail 11% Tail (93%) 11%
Gore Magala Scale+ 22% 24% 38%
Gore Magala Carapce 22% 21% 38%
Gore Magala Ripclaw+ 21% 16%
Frenzy Crystal 24%
Gore Magala Certificate S 8%
Gore Magala Nyctgem 3% Tail (7%) 4%

Gore Magala Combat Guide

Let’s go over Gore Magala’s strengths, weaknesses, attack patterns, and the best strategies for taking him down. If you are looking for optimal damage and the fastest kill time, it is recommended to bring a Dragon, Fire, or Thunder elemental weapon. The only status ailment worth using against him is Blast, as he has high resistance to all other status effects. Flash Pods and Sonic Bombs are ineffective, but both Pitfall Traps and Shock Traps work against him, so bring them along if you plan to immobilize him.

Gore Magala has an extensive moveset, primarily because he gains additional attacks when he transforms into his enraged state. We’ll start by covering his normal form before discussing his enhanced attacks during enrage. One of his most common attacks involves him slowly pulling his body back before lunging forward, releasing a cloud of Frenzy Virus mist. This move is one of the easiest to recognize and can be blocked, countered, or dodged with relative ease. He also has a foreleg slam, which can be countered or offset, and a hind leg sweep that sends a wave of Frenzy Virus mist forward — avoid this at all costs, as it can quickly put you in a vulnerable state.

Gore Magala also has two types of bite attacks — a short forward charge lunge and a longer-distance charge, where he waves his head from side to side, attempting to bite everything in front of him. These can be dodged, countered, or blocked, depending on your weapon of choice.

Another dangerous move involves spitting out a massive Frenzy Virus orb straight ahead, which he may also perform while airborne. A more complex version of this attack involves spitting three Frenzy Virus orbs, first to his left, then to his right, and finally directly in front of him. Although this looks intimidating, it is actually one of his easiest attacks to avoid—simply stay near the side of his head and use the opportunity to land free damage.

If you are positioned behind him, be cautious of his 180-degree turn followed by a delayed tail whip. His tail is relatively short, but it can be severed, which not only limits his attack range but also provides valuable crafting materials, making it worth prioritizing.

Gore Magala will occasionally take flight, staying airborne for a few seconds before attempting a charging landing attack. Unfortunately, Flash Pods do not work against him, so the best way to defend against this move is to either counter with a Long Sword, guard with a shield-based weapon, or dodge out of the way entirely. While this attack is generally easy to avoid, it can catch you off guard if you aren’t paying attention.

Once you deal enough damage, Gore Magala will enter his enraged state, where he transforms, growing large horns on his head and becoming significantly faster and more aggressive. His body gains bright pinkish accents, indicating his transformation is complete. If you aren’t sure whether he is enraged, simply look at his horns—if they are fully developed, he has entered his enhanced form. The only way to knock him out of this state is to deal enough damage to force him back into his base form.

It’s important to note that mounting him and triggering a guaranteed knockdown will NOT end his enrage state. The only way to force him out of it is through sustained damage while fighting normally. This is unique to Gore Magala and a key part of his mechanics.


Enraged State

During enrage, his moveset changes significantly. He gains new attacks, while previous attacks become more powerful, often with added effects. One of his most dangerous new attacks is a two-hit foreleg slam, where he first slams one foreleg down, then immediately follows up with the opposite side. If you get caught by the first hit, the second hit will almost certainly finish you off. If you’re using a Long Sword, you will need precise counters to handle this move. If you’re using a shield-based weapon, perfect guards will be essential. If you lack confidence in blocking or countering, it is best to dodge away immediately as soon as you see the animation begin.

Another devastating attack involves Gore Magala lifting his entire body before slamming down with his full weight. While this move is incredibly powerful, it is actually quite easy to defend against, as blocking, countering, or offsetting it is very manageable with proper timing. Practising your defensive playstyle against this move will make future Gore Magala hunts much easier.

If you successfully dodge this attack, Gore Magala will be briefly vulnerable, giving you a small window to go on the offensive. Depending on your position, attack his head for maximum damage, or if you are aiming to sever his tail, focus your strikes there.

His Frenzy Virus mist becomes far deadlier in this form, immediately exploding upon impact and dealing significant damage. If you are already at half health or even 75% HP, this attack can instantly kill you, so be sure to keep your health topped off at all times.

When Gore Magala enters a fatigued state, he loses the ability to spit out his Frenzy Virus mist. This is the perfect time to go all out—stand in front of him and unleash your strongest combos while he struggles to recover. If you maximize your damage output during this window, you can drastically shorten the fight.



That wraps up how to hunt Gore Magala. Patience is key, as getting too greedy can result in chain attacks leading to a quick cart. Endgame monsters like Gore Magala can quickly capitalize on mistakes, so stay focused and play cautiously when necessary.

Overall, Gore Magala is a fantastic fight, providing a fun challenge while rewarding skilful play. You will spend a lot of time hunting him, so it’s important to learn his attack patterns and optimize your strategies. If you are still struggling, consider utilizing traps, especially the floating ice rocks in the Iceshard Cliffs, as they provide free damage and a knockdown, giving you valuable openings.

If you are hunting his Tempered version, be aware that he has roughly 20% more health than his standard high-rank variant. Tempered Gore Magala and Tempered Arkveld are currently the most important monsters to farm, as they drop high-tier Artian weapon parts required for endgame crafting.

To make these hunts as efficient and stress-free as possible, take advantage of Shock and Pitfall Traps, and bring along large explosive kegs for extra burst damage to finish him off. By following these strategies, Gore Magala will fall before you know it, and these tactics will apply just as effectively to his Tempered version.



  • 03 Mar. 2025: Monster guide added.
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