Arkveld Monster Guide for Monster Hunter Wilds

Last updated on Feb 28, 2025 at 19:00 by RathalosWatch

Learn how to defeat Guardian Arkveld in Monster Hunter Wilds. Our Guardian Arkveld guide covers everything from weaknesses and resistances to carves and rewards as well as a complete guide on Guardian Arkveld's combat mechanics.


Arkveld Introduction

Arkveld is the real version of the monster unlike Guardian Arkveld who you face in low-rank, Arkveld is only available in high-rank. Arkveld has a much higher health pool. His combat moveset is quite similar to his Guardian counterpart with one additional move. Guardian Arkveld's explosions are also white and less threatening. Meanwhile, Arkveld utilizes has red explosions which are also recognized as the dragon element and they are bigger and deadlier. All the strategies discussed in this guide can also be applied to both versions of Arkveld high-rank. It's worth noting that he can appear in any of the five locales and is not exclusive to any of them. Think of him as the main invader monster of the game who will pose a threat to everyone and everywhere he goes. He is the flagship monster after all of Monster Hunter Wilds. Arkveld is classified as a flying wyvern unlike Guardian Arkveld who happens to be a Construct classification.

Crown Sizes

  • Small Crown - 1499.8
  • Silver Crown - 1916.5
  • Large Crown - 2049.8

For a full comprehensive video guide on Arkveld including tips, tricks and strategies, then check out the Arkveld video guide below:

Arkveld Fight Guide By RathalosWatch


Arkveld Overview

Click each button to learn important aspects of Arkveld such as weaknesses, rewards and Kinsects.

Weaknesses & Resistances Kinsects Carves & Rewards

Arkveld Weaknesses and Resistances

Status Weaknesses

  • Poison ( )
  • Sleep ( )
  • Paralysis ( )
  • Blast ( )
  • Stun ( )
  • ( )

Elemental & Other Weaknesses

Body Part
Left Wing
Right Wing
Left Chainblade
Right Chainblade
Left Leg
Right Leg

Arkveld Kinsect Extracts

Listed below are all available Kinsect Extracts on Arkveld for Insect Glaive.

Coming Soon


Arkveld Carves and Rewards


Materials Frequency Target Rewards Break Parts Rewards Carves Wound Destroyed
Arkveld Calloushell Left Chainblade (100%)
Right Chainblade (100%
Arkveld Scale+ 20% 30% 45%
Arkveld Horn+ 8% Head (100%) 13%
Arkveld Tail 8% Tail (93%) 11%
Arkveld Armorplate 20% 23% 43%
White Arkveld Pelt 15% 18% 12%
Monster Hardbone 18%
Arkveld Certificate S 8%
Arkveld Gem 3% Tail (7%) 5%

Low-Rank (Guardian Arkveld)

Materials Frequency Target Rewards Break Parts Rewards Carves Wound Destroyed
Guardian Scale 20% Head (100%) 50% 45%
Guardian Pelt 20% Left Chainblade (100%)
Right Chainblade (100%)
30% 43%
Guardian Blood 10% Tail (100%) 20% 12%
Nourshing Extract 30%
Tough Guardian Bone 20%

Arkveld Combat Guide

Let’s go over Arkveld’s strengths, weaknesses, attack patterns, and the best strategies for hunting him. If you are looking to maximize damage and get the fastest kill time, it is recommended to bring a Dragon elemental weapon. Arkveld is equally vulnerable to all status ailments, including Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Blast, and Stun, making him susceptible to a wide range of debuffs. All utility items such as Flash Pods, Shock Traps, and Pitfall Traps work against him, with the only exception being Sonic Bombs, which are completely ineffective. Please do note that Guardian Arkveld in low-rank is very similar to regular Arkveld, so just use this guide as a strategy against both monsters.

Arkveld is a challenging endgame monster. Some players compare him to Gore Magala in terms of difficulty, though opinions may vary based on personal experience. Tempered Arkveld and Tempered Gore Magala are key endgame targets, particularly for farming Artian weapon parts. Along with apex-tier monsters like Rey Dau, Nu Udra, Uth Duna, and Jin Dahaad, Arkveld can appear in 8-star quests, making him one of the most formidable hunts in the game. With that in mind, Arkveld has a highly aggressive moveset capable of comboing hunters to death if they are not careful. Let’s break down his attack patterns. Guardian Arkveld on the other hand is only fought once in low rank and is more dumbed down

Arkveld heavily relies on his chainblades, which have massive reach and deal significant damage. He frequently performs right and left chainblade slams, sometimes following up with a second strike, and other times stopping after one. Be sure to pay close attention to his movements to anticipate whether a follow-up attack is coming. His most devastating move is when he slams both chainblades down in front of him.

For these chainblade attacks, the best approach is to counter them if you are a Long Sword user, or block them if you are using a shielded weapon or Greatsword. If those options aren’t available, your last resort is to dive away or pre-emptively reposition. Once the chains hit the ground, immediately target them, as they are one of Arkveld’s major weak points.

Another dangerous attack in his arsenal is a massive frontal energy blast, which spreads out over time. Never stand in front of him when this happens—the blast covers a huge area. Instead, the smarter approach is to move behind him, get under his head, or position yourself slightly behind his side, then unleash as much damage as possible. While this attack is deadly, it is also one of the best openings to punish him with heavy attacks.

On occasion, Arkveld may slam one of his wings down on you. This move is quick and difficult to dodge, but easier to block or counter. He can also perform the opposite motion, where he swipes his wings outward, as if brushing a nuisance aside. Arkveld also has a head slam attack, though it is subtle and difficult to read, as he does not move his head forward much before executing it. However, if you can predict it in advance, you can counter it with a Long Sword or perfectly guard it for free damage.

At times, Arkveld will take to the air and attempt to swipe you with his chainblades as he lands. This move is not particularly effective, as it misses most of the time. Countering it is not recommended, as following up with an attack afterward is difficult due to Arkveld landing too far away. This move breaks the pace of the fight, making it one of the less enjoyable parts of the encounter.

Another annoying move he frequently uses is a forward leap followed by a chainblade slam. Your best approach is to counter, offset, or guard against it. However, if you aren’t confident in your timing, it’s safer to run away or dive to avoid the attack. Arkveld also possesses a grapple attack, where he performs a 360-degree spin and attempts to grab you with one of his chainblades. If you get caught, you will need to spam the Triangle button on DualSense (or Y on Xbox) to escape. You only get one free escape—if he lands this move a second time, you will need to use a Flash Pod or Dung Pod to break free.

As for his tail, cutting it off is not particularly beneficial, unless you need crafting materials or want to reduce his attack range. If you do target the tail, be cautious of his tail thrust, which has decent range. He can also perform a 180-degree tail whip, both of which can be countered with a Long Sword to build gauge for a Helmbreaker attack. If you are using a shielded weapon or a Greatsword, guarding is the best approach.

Another one of Arkveld’s moves involves slamming his chainblade into the ground before unleashing a delayed explosion. This attack is easy to dodge, as the explosion area is clearly telegraphed, so simply move away from the affected zone and continue dealing damage to his head or other nearby weak spots.

Finally, Arkveld has a powerful three-hit combo, where he whips his chainblades back and forth before slamming them both down simultaneously. This is essentially his ultimate attack, which he performs when he is near death (indicated by the skull icon on the radar). Guardian Arkveld does not have this particular move and it is exclusive to Arkveld only. This highly cinematic move is both visually impressive and incredibly dangerous. Do not attempt to counter this move unless you are highly skilled, as mistiming it can be fatal. Guarding is a safer option, but the best strategy is to dodge and wait for the combo to finish before retaliating.


Enraged State

When Arkveld enters his enraged state, you will know it’s happening as he lets out a roar and his chainblades start glowing red. During this phase, he becomes far more aggressive, incorporating more explosions into his attacks and relentlessly swinging his chainblades. However, do not be intimidated — many of these attacks can be countered or avoided, and some create major openings for free damage if you remain patient and read his animations correctly.



Arkveld is a challenging but balanced fight. At first, he may feel overwhelming, and carting multiple times is likely as you learn his attack patterns. However, with patience and experience, you will eventually gain full control over the fight. Stick to the weapon you are most comfortable with, and stock up on Mega Potions, regular Potions, and Ancient Potions in case you need extra healing during longer battles.

Take advantage of Pitfall and Shock Traps, as well as environmental hazards if available. If necessary, use a Luring Pod to lead him into a hazard for additional damage opportunities. One final tip — when Arkveld attempts to flee, you can use a Flash Pod to stun him mid-air, forcing him to crash to the ground and giving you a few seconds of free damage. This tactic saves time and prevents unnecessary chasing across the map. By rinsing and repeating these strategies, Arkveld will fall before you know it, and these same tactics can be used against his Tempered version as well.



  • 28 Feb. 2025: Monster guide added.
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