Hammer Low Rank Builds for Monster Hunter Wilds

Last updated Today at 17:07 by Neviriah

This page covers everything you need to progress through early to mid game in Monster Hunter Wilds. We detail the best Low Rank Hammer builds—including top weapons, armor, and skill suggestions—to help you knock out monsters with plenty of power.

Welcome to our Monster Hunter Wilds build guide for the Hammer. Listed below you will find the best Low Rank Hammer builds in Monster Hunter Wilds with several suggestions for various Hunter Ranks.

No matter if you are already an experienced hunter or completely new to the game, our build guides will provide you with everything you need to know regarding the best Low Rank builds in Monster Hunter Wilds. On this page, we will cover a build path that will comfortably keep up with every hunt you are going to encounter during the main story.

To understand more about the Hammer or to see our High Rank builds, please check the guides below.


Hammer HR 1-7 Weapon Crafts

The first thing we learn as hunters, is that keeping our weapon updated is one of the most important things! So, in this section, we cover a comfortable build path that will easily get you through Low Rank hunts all the way to the later stages of the game, without having to farm everything you come across.


Low Rank Hammer Weapon Build Path

Chata Clobberer ➜ Bone Bludgeon II ➜ Rompo Wrecker I ➜ G. Veldian Malleus I
These 4 upgrade steps will take you from early to late Low Rank while making sure that you have enough power to keep monsters at bay.

    Chata Clobberer I - Click for Materials
    • Chatacabra Scale x3
    • Chatacabra Hide x2
    • Chatacabra Jaw x1
  1. The Chata Clobberer I comes with high raw damage and great stun buildup through its Charge Up Level 1 skill, making it a great entry weapon. You also unlock it rather fast after the start of the game.
  2. Bone Bludgeon II - Click for Materials
    • Sturdy Bone x2
    • Monster Fluid x1
  3. Bone Bludgeon II offers high raw damage with built-in Focus Level 2 —ideal for powerful KO blows early on. It also comes with an extra Attack Boost, making it a powerful weapon you can keep for a long time.
  4. Rompo Wrecker I - Click for Materials
    • Rompopolo Hide x3
    • Rompopolo Claw x2
    • Poison Sac x1
  5. Rompo Wrecker I adds Poison element for extra damage over time while maintaining high raw attack. Additionally, we have Focus Level 2 again (or rather; still).
  6. G. Veldian Malleus I - Click for Materials
    • Tough Guardian Bone x2
    • Guardian Blood x1
    • Guardian Scale x3
    • Guardian Pelt x3
  7. G. Veldian Malleus I, crafted near the end of Low Rank, delivers massive raw damage and also retains Focus Level 2, which will help you crush monsters before transitioning into High Rank. It is also the first hammer with Dragon elemental damage, making it a perfect choice for the upcoming monsters, as most of them have Dragon Weaknesses.

If you are struggling with hunts, consider alternate Hammer builds that emphasize status (e.g., paralysis) if raw damage alone is not enough. This, of course, always depends on the monster you are going to fight or struggle with.


Key Skills for Hammer

Hammer builds have great K.O. potential! To get started, however, you will mainly want to prioritize Focus (to speed up charge attacks), Marathon Runner (to reduce stamina drain), and later on Weakness Exploit (to increase damage on monster weak points).


Hammer HR 1-5 Armor Set

Gear Decorations
Head Bone Helm N/A
Chest Bone Mail N/A
Gloves Doshaguma Braces N/A
Waist Bone Coil N/A
Legs Doshaguma Greaves N/A
Talisman Leaping Charm I N/A

This is a very good starting set. Bones are not very hard to find, and you can obtain them rather early. The set emphasizes Marathon Runner for minimal stamina drain, Powerhouse for more attack power after a successful Offset attack, and basic defense, letting you charge your Hammer quicker so you can bonk faster.


HR 1-5 Armor Set Skills and Set Bonuses

  • Marathon Runner - Level 3
  • Free Meal - Level 1
  • 2-Set Bonus: Powerhouse - Level 1
  • Focus - From weapon bonuses

Hammer HR 5-7+ Armor Set

Gear Decorations
Head G Rathalos Helm N/A
Chest Xu Wu Mail N/A
Gloves G Rathalos Vambraces N/A
Waist Xu Wu Coil N/A
Legs Xu Wu Greaves N/A
Talisman Sheathe Charm I N/A

This late Low Rank set is great for a lot of weapon builds because it provides Stamina Surge and Weakness Exploit, which work very well against most monsters. In this build, we want to take the listed items for the improved power potential and extra damage on weak spots. The Sheathe Charm rounds up the build by providing a quick way for us to move faster thanks to sheathing our weapon quicker in case of emergency.


HR 5-7+ Armor Set Skills and Set Bonuses

  • Stamina Surge - Level 3
  • Weakness Exploit - Level 2
  • Intimidator - Level 1
  • Maximum Might - Level 1

Happy bonking! May your hammer strikes always land a KO.



  • 08 Mar. 2025: Added character planner embeds.
  • 04 Mar. 2025: Guide created.
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