Heavy Bowgun Guide and Best Combos in Monster Hunter Wilds

Last updated on Mar 21, 2025 at 09:48 by Jaymo

Learn everything about the Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds, from mechanics and best combos to new features, control schemes, Igition Mode, Auto-Guard, and the various Ammo.


Introduction to the Heavy Bowgun

Heavy Bowgun Art in Monster Hunter Wilds The Heavy Bowgun is a powerful, long-range weapon that offers high damage potential with a variety of ammunition types, and also a powerful defense. It is ideal for hunters who prefer a slower but more impactful playstyle, using explosive, piercing, and elemental rounds to take down monsters from a distance.

Unlike the Light Bowgun, the Heavy Bowgun sacrifices mobility for strong firepower. It has devastating special ammo, the ability to use gun modifications for customization, and mechanics such as the ignition mode, or auto-guard.

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds, from its mechanics and best combos to its strengths, weaknesses, and various combo possibles.

In the event you are looking for our Heavy Bowgun builds, please click the link below.


Heavy Bowgun Strengths & Weaknesses

Strengths icon Strengths
  • +High damage output – Heavy damage but from a safe distance.
  • +Versatile Ammo Types – includes unlimited Normal, Pierce, and Spread Ammo.
  • +Has an Ignition Mode which can enhance your damage even further.
  • +Auto-Guard Mechanism – Gives you a defensive advantage.
Weaknesses icon Weaknesses
  • -Limited mobility - Due to the weight, the HBG makes it hard to dodge/evade.
  • -Requires Gauge management.
  • -Auto-Guard only works for frontal assaults, it will not protect you against sides or rear which requires you to manage positioning.
  • -Requires a lot of Ammo management.


Heavy Bowgun Control Schemes

Heavy Bowgun Standard Mode Control Scheme Heavy Bowgun Ignition Mode Control Scheme

Heavy Bowgun Standard Mode Control Scheme

Action PlayStation Xbox PC
Aim/Focus Hold Hold Hold
Focus Blast: Wyvern Howl Shot Hold + Hold + Hold +
Fire Press Press Press
Reload Press Press Press
Switch Ignition Mode On/Off Press Press Press
Manual Guard Press + Press + Press +
Select Ammo Press + or Press + or Press + or

Heavy Bowgun Ignition Mode Control Scheme

Action PlayStation Xbox PC
Wyvernheart Hold or Press Hold or Press Hold or Press
Aim/Focus Hold Hold Hold
Focus Blast: Wyvern Howl Shot Hold + Hold + Hold +
Switch Ingition Mode On Press Press Press
Wyverncounter Charge Charge Charge
Manual Guard Press + Press + Press +

Heavy Bowgun Mechanics


Critical Distance

Each ammo type has an optimal range, known as its Critical Distance, where it deals maximum damage. For instance, Normal Ammo is most effective at medium range, Pierce Ammo at long range, and Spread Ammo at short range. While aiming, your reticle will glow orange when you are within the Critical Distance, indicating optimal positioning:

Critical Distance

Ignition Mode

When you press , , or you enter the Ignition Mode. This special Mode allows the Heavy Bowgun to fire special ammo by consuming the Ignition Energy Gauge.

Ignition Gauge

This gauge fills over time and when you land successful attacks. Activating Ignition Mode enables the use of powerful moves like Wyvernheart Ignition and Wyverncounter Ignition. You will have to be careful when managing the energy left on your gauge as both moves require it.


Wyvernheart Ignition

Wyvernheart Ignition unleashes a very fast barrage of bullets that increase in damage the longer you maintain fire. This move is basically similar to a huge machine gun. It is ideal for sustained damage during openings in a monster's defenses, such as when a wound is visible or when the monster is on the ground. To use it, activate Ignition Mode and hold the fire button:

  • Ignition Mode: , , or
  • Hold Fire , , or

When you fire Wyvernheart, you will see the ignition gauge go down under your reticle:

Wyvernheart Ignition

As mentioned, the more you hold it, the more damage it will do. If you stop firing mid-way, for example to evade or move, the damage will be retained until you fire again, it will not reset (unless your Gauge is empty).


Wyverncounter Ignition

Wyverncounter Ignition is the other attack that will use your ignition gauge. This move is a charged attack designed to offset a monster's assault. By timing this move properly with an incoming attack, you can stagger the monster, leaving it vulnerable. Hold the designated button during Ignition Mode to charge and release this counterattack:

  • Ignition Mode: , , or
  • Hold Wyverncounter Ignition , , or
Wyverncounter Ignition

Focus Blast: Wyvern Howl

Focus Blast: Wyvern Howl is a special ammo type, similar to the ignition mode, that deals increased damage to wounded monster parts. You have a total of three charges for Focus Blast. Unlike the Ignition attacks however, its ammo replenishes over time without requiring successful hits. This is your perfect move to use in order to exploit wounds on monsters.

Focus Blast

Auto-Guard Ability

The Auto-Guard feature will automatically block any frontal attacks when you are not performing other actions, enhancing your defense. For a Perfect Guard, which offers greater benefits, you will need to guard manually by pressing + , + , or + .

Keep in mind that it is always better to manually guard, as the auto-guard also does not work from the side or rear. It is only efficient if the attack is frontal. The manual guard will also allow you to hit a Perfect Guard, meaning higher chances of triggering a Power Clash.


Ammo Types and Customization

The Heavy Bowgun supports various ammo types, each suited for different situations. Three of them have unlimited Ammo:

  • Normal Ammo: Standard shots effective at medium range.
  • Piercing Ammo: Bullets that penetrate targets, dealing multiple hits, best at long range.
  • Spread Ammo: Wide-spread shots ideal for close-range encounters.

All the other types of Ammo have to be crafted and placed beforehand in your Ammo pouch. We recommend you always try to have the needed materials in your inventory, in case you need to replenish your ammo quickly during a hunt by visiting a camp.

You can set up a Radial Menu just for that, and dedicate it to crafting Ammo to make it easier.

In order to switch Ammo during a fight you need to:

  • + or
  • + or
  • + or

Heavy Bowgun Ammo

Customization options for the Heavy Bowgun allow you to fit your ammo loadout based on the monster you are hunting and your combat strategy, so choose wisely. Here is a list of all the currently available Ammo types, their effect, and the total Ammo capacity possible with and without mods:

Ammo Types
Ammo Type Effect Ammo Capacity
Normal Default Ammo. Deals basic damage, best for general use. Unlimited
Piercing Shoots one bullet that penetrates through the target. Unlimited
Spread Fires 5 projectiles in a cone. Unlimited
Slicing Shoots one bullet that sticks to the target before exploding and dealing cutting damage. 12 / 42 with Mods
Sticky Shoots one bullet that sticks to the target before exploding, dealing damage regardless the body-part hit, fire damage and KO damage, but no Exhaust damage. 9 / 39 with Mods
Cluster Shoots a bullet that splits into smaller projectiles once it hits something, before exploding, dealing damage regardless the body-part hit and fire damage. 3 / 13 with Mods
Wyvern Close range explosion that deals damage regardless the body-part and fire damage 5 / 10 with Mods
Poison Deals Poison damage. 12 / 32 with Mods
Paralysis Inflicts Paralysis. 12 / 32 with Mods
Sleep Inflicts Sleep. 12 / 32 with Mods
Flaming A powerful projectile that deals multiple hits of raw and Fire damage as it pierces through the monster. Fire will scale with Raw damage. 60 / 180 with Mods
Water A powerful projectile that deals multiple hits of raw and Water damage as it pierces through the monster. Water will scales with Raw. 60 / 180 with Mods
Freeze A powerful projectile that deals multiple hits of raw and Ice damage as it pierces through the monster. Ice scales with Raw. 60 / 180 with Mods
Thunder A powerful projectile that deals multiple hits of raw and Thunder damage as it pierces through the monster. Thunder scales with Raw. 60 / 180 with Mods
Dragon A piercing projectile that deals multiple hits of raw and Dragon damage as it pierces through the monster. Dragon scales with Raw. 4 / 14 with Mods
Recover Deploys a machine that creates single time heal in a AOE. 3 / 23 with Mods
Demon Deploys a machine that creates an AoE that grants a 10 raw damage buff. 3 / 13 with Mods
Armor Deploys a machine that creates an AoE that grants a 30 defense buff. 3 / 13 with Mods
Exhaust Inflicts Exhaust. 12
Tranq Inflicts Tranq. 8

Heavy Bowgun Mods and Special Ammo

In addition to the Ammo, the Heavy Bowgun can also be equipped with Mods. Like the Light Bowgun, it can be customized through Mods and Special Ammo.

In order to apply or change those, you will have to visit the Smithy Gemma and select the Modify Bowgun options. This will show you both the Light Bowgun and the Heavy Bowgun, so just be careful when you select the weapon.

You can equip multiple mods of the same type, their effects will stack.

Heavy Bowgun Mods

The Heavy Bowgun has two mod slots, which allow hunters to adjust the weapon's handling, firepower, or defensive capabilities. The available mods include:

  • Recoil Suppressor: Reduces recoil for selected ammo types, allowing for more stable shooting.
  • Reload Assist: Lowers reload times, ensuring a smoother shooting experience.
  • Long Barrel: Extends the effective range of your shots, useful for precision playstyles.
  • Silencer: Lowers monster enmity generation when firing, reducing the likelihood of drawing attention.
  • Shield Mod: Adds a small shield to the front of the Heavy Bowgun, allowing you to block some attacks while aiming.
  • Power Barrel: Increases raw damage, making each shot more effective.

Unlike the Light Bowgun, the Heavy Bowgun's Special Ammo provides unique, high-powered abilities designed for massive burst damage or sustained firepower. Each Heavy Bowgun has two slot for Special Ammo, and different models may have different options. Examples of Special Ammo types include:

  • Wyvernheart: Transforms the Heavy Bowgun into a gatling gun, rapidly firing bullets for a sustained DPS burst.
  • Wyvernsnipe: Fires a single high-powered sniper shot that pierces through monsters, dealing heavy damage.
  • Wyvercounter: This is the Heavy Bongun's OFfset Attack. it will allow you to defect enemy attacks and potentially knock them down. You will charge a heavy hitting attack. The more you charge it, the more damage it will do.

Ammo Crafting

While some ammo types are unlimited, others require crafting. Gathering materials during hunts allows you to craft specialized ammo, making sure you are prepared for various encounters. Regularly restocking and managing your inventory is essential for any hunting expeditions. For more information on how to craft Ammo for the heavy Bowgun you can refer to our Crafting Guide:

Crafting Guide In Wilds COMING SOON!

Best Type of Ammo

Spread and pierce are one of the strongest Heavy Bowgun Ammo as they are both part of your base unlimited bullets, and very powerful. Explosive types of Ammo are also good to have, similar to element damage Ammunitions which can always add damage on your Monster. Try to also always have a few Demon, Armor, and Recover Ammo, as those can drastically change the outcome of a tough fight.


Heavy Bowgun Combos and Skills

Understanding how the Heavy Bowgun and its combos work is important if you want to keep up damage and stay on the offensive. The Heavy Bowgun is all about strategic positioning, managing ammo and ignition gauge, and maximizing burst damage. Mastering its mechanics allows you to unleash devastating firepower while maintaining control over the battlefield, making it a powerhouse for those who prefer a calculated yet high-damage playstyle.


Basic Combos

Basic combos are rather easy to pull off and good for beginners or anyone just starting out with the Heavy Bowgun. Once you get the hang of the basics, you can easily move on to more advanced combos.


Standard Shot Combo

Aim → Fire → Reload
The basic attack sequence for the Heavy Bowgun.

  • Aim: Hold / /
  • Fire: Hold / /
  • Reload (when out of Ammo): Press / /


Manual Reload

Reload single ammo → Reload all ammo types (Hold button)
Refilling ammo efficiently depending on the situation.

  • Reload one type: Tap / /
  • Reload all ammo types: Hold / /


Ignition Mode Activation

Toggle Ignition Mode

  • Enter/Exit Ignition Mode: Press / /
  • Quickly toggle during a dodge: Dodge + / /


Focus Strike: Wyvern Howl

Aim → Fire
Fires explosive rounds that detonate after a short delay.

  • Aim: Hold / /
  • Fire: Hold + / + / +
  • Has three charges, regenerates over time.


Mounted Combat Combo

Unsheathe on Seikret → Aim → Fire

  • Unsheathe weapon: Press / / while mounted
  • Aim: Hold / /
  • Fire: Hold / /
  • Reload: Tap / /
  • Focus Strike: Press + / + / +


Advanced Combos

Once you got the basics down, it is time to step up to more advanced combos. They can be tricky to pull off, but if you can land them consistently, you will deal massive damage and have better control over the fight.


Wyvernheart Ignition

Ignition → Fire
A strong machine gun firing forward at the monster.

  • Activate Ignition Mode: Press / /
  • Fire the Machine Gun: Hold / /


Wyverncounter Ignition

Ignition → Charge → Release at the right time
A counter move that allows you to parry, repel the attack, and deals damage.

  • Activate Ignition Mode: Press / /
  • Charge Wyverncounter: Hold / /
  • Release at right time: Release the charge button when the monster is about to attack to counter it


Guard & Perfect Guard

Manual Block → Perfect Guard → Power Clash
Minimizes your knock back compared to the Auto-Guard and allows you to perfect guard and enter power clash.

  • Manual Block: Press + / + / +
  • Perfect Guard Timing: Block right before impact
  • Counter: If executed properly allows you to enter Power Clash


Mid-air Combo

Jump → Reload → Shoot → Land

  • Jumping Reload: Press / / while in the air
  • Mid-air shot: Press / / while in the air

Quick Summary

The Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds is perfect if you want a high-damage, long-range playstyle with strong defensive options, and a powerful Burst for sustained firepower. It requires methodical positioning, and Ammo management, but can deal heavy damage no matter the monster you are hunting.

Heavy Bowgun Weapon Overview



  • 02 Mar. 2025: Updated Mods and Special Ammo.
  • 20 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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