Ingot Armor Set, Skills and Materials in Monster Hunter Wilds

Last updated Yesterday at 23:49 by Holster

The Ingot Armor Set is one of the many Armor Sets available in Monster Hunter Wilds. Read on to learn how to obtain this armor set as well as the stats and skills this set provides.


Ingot Armor Set Outfit Showcase

Coming Soon!


How do You obtain the Ingot Armor?

In Monster Hunter Wilds, players can forge the Ingot Armor Set by gathering materials throughout the world.


Materials for the Ingot Set

Material Quantity
Zenny 2000
Dragonite Ore x5
Earth Crystal x2
Firestone x1
Machalite Ore x2

Skills and Slots for the Ingot Set

Armor Skill Description Slots
Ingot Helm L1 - Divine Blessing ---
Ingot Mail L1 - Windproof ---
Ingot Vambraces L1 - Stun Resistance ---
Ingot Coil L1 - Divine Blessing ---
Ingot Greaves L1 - Windproof ---

Defense and Elemental Resistances for the Ingot Set

Armor Piece
Ingot Helm -2 0 -1 3 0 16
Ingot Mail -2 0 -1 3 0 16
Ingot Vambraces -2 0 -1 3 0 16
Ingot Coil -2 0 -1 3 0 16
Ingot Greaves -2 0 -1 3 0 16
Total -10 0 -5 15 0 80

What Group Skills and Bonuses does the Ingot Armor provide?

This armor set does not provide any Group Skills or Set Bonuses.


Build Guides That Use the Ingot Armor Set

Below you can find a list of all of our builds that utilise pieces from this Armor Set. Make sure to check them out to know what pieces are used!



  • 28 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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