Light Bowgun Guide and Best Combos in Monster Hunter Wilds

Last updated Today at 12:49 by Jaymo

Learn everything about the Light Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds, from mechanics and best combos to new features, control schemes, and advanced techniques. This guide breaks down key mechanics such as the Rapid Fire Mode, Wyverblast, or Chaser Shot allowing you to shoot more powerful missiles.


Introduction to the Light Bowgun

Light Bowgun Art in Monster Hunter Wilds The Light Bowgun is a highly mobile, long-range weapon that excels in rapid-fire attacks and versatility. It allows you to deal consistent damage from a safe distance while switching between a variety of ammunition, including elemental, status-inflicting, and slicing rounds.

Unlike the Heavy Bowgun, the Light Bowgun trades raw power and defense for agility and sustained damage. It benefits from fast reloads, low recoil, and specialized mechanics such as rapid-fire and custom mods that enhance its performance.

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Light Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds, from its mechanics and best combos to its strengths, weaknesses, and optimal strategies.

In the event you are looking for our Light Bowgun builds, please click the link below.

Light Bowgun's Best Builds COMING SOON!

Light Bowgun Strengths & Weaknesses

Strengths icon Strengths
  • +High mobility – Easy to move and evade monster attacks.
  • +Rapid-Fire capabilities – Allows for massive DPS.
  • +Versatile Ammo selection – You have the choice between various ammo, allowing you to always have something ready for any situation.
  • +Safe playstyle – Ranged weapon so can keep a safe distance.
Weaknesses icon Weaknesses
  • -Low raw damage per shot – Individual shots tend to deal less damage.
  • -Ammo management – Requires you to constantly keep an eye on your ammo, and know which one to use.
  • -Low defense – You have no shield or any defensive option.
  • -Less stagger impact – Less effective at flinching or knocking down monsters quickly.


Light Bowgun Control Schemes

Light Bowgun Standard Mode Control Scheme Light Bowgun Rapid Fire Mode Control Scheme

Light Bowgun Standard Mode Control Scheme

Action PlayStation Xbox PC
Aim/Focus Hold Hold Hold
Focus Blast: Eagle Strike Shot Hold + Hold + Hold +
Fire Press Press Press
Reload Press Press Press
Rapid Fire Mode On/Off Press Press Press
Special Ammo: Wyvernblast Press + Press + Press +
Select Ammo Press + or Press + or Press + or
Chaser Shot Fire + Shot + Fire + Shot + Fire + Shot +

Light Bowgun Rapid Fire Mode Control Scheme

Action PlayStation Xbox PC
Fire Press Press Press
Aim/Focus Hold Hold Hold
Rapid Fire Mode On/Off Press Press Press
Burst Step Press + Press + Press /// +

Light Bowgun Mechanics


Critical Distance

Each ammo type has an optimal range, known as Critical Distance, where it deals maximum damage. For instance, Normal Ammo is most effective at medium range, Pierce Ammo at long range, and Spread Ammo at short range. While aiming, your reticle will glow orange when you are within the Critical Distance, indicating optimal positioning:

Critical Distance

Rapid Fire Mode

When you press , , or you enter the Rapid Fire Mode. This special Mode allows the Light Bowgun to fire special ammo by consuming the Rapid Fire Energy Gauge.

Rapid Fire Gauge

This gauge fills over time and when you land successful attacks. Chaser Shots refill your energy faster. You need around 9 Chaser Shots to get a full Energy bar. Activating Rapid Fire Mode you to fire powerful quick shots one after the other. While under the Rapid Fire Mode, you can also use Burst Step, which allows you to dodge while shooting. The reticle will keep its position during your dodge, making it easier to hit and not get hit.


Burst Step

Burst Step is a new Light Bowgun move introduced with Monster Hunter Wilds. It is a high-speed evasive move that allows you to reposition quickly while firing during the Rapid Fire Mode.

By pressing the dodge button right after a shot, you will dodge in a chosen direction, letting you maintain attacks while avoiding incoming hits.

Compared to standard dodging, Burst Step covers more ground and allows to keep shooting with minimal downtime.

Depending on the equipped Ammo type, the dodge animation may slightly change.

An important thing to know about Burst Step is also the aiming: your reticle will remain at the same exact spot. This means if you aim the tail for example, the reticle will keep aiming at the tail even after you used Burst Step, no matter the direction you dodged in.


Chaser Shot

Chaser Shot is a new much more powerful shot. You will have to press , , or right after Firing to launch the Chaser Shot.

The Chaser Shot will deal significantly more damage than your normal shots, however, it comes with a drawback: Your character will stand still during the time of the shot, leaving you vulnerable for a few seconds.

Chaser Shot can be used in both normal mode and Rapid Fire mode, but we recommend you use it during your normal mode, as it fills your Energy gauge faster than any other move. Keep in mind also that if can not be fired after a Focus Blast or Wyvernblast.


Focus Blast: Eagle Strike Shot

The Focus Blast: Eagle Strike Shot is a high-precision, heavy-hitting round designed for skilled marksmen. Unlike rapid-fire ammo, this shot requires careful aiming, as it deals significantly more damage when striking Wounds. When successfully landing a Focus Blast Eagle Strike Shot on a wound, the impact generates a concentrated explosion, increasing stagger and part-breaking potential. While slower than other ammo types, its massive damage makes it ideal for when a monster is knocked down or exhausted.

Focus Blast

Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

The Light Bowgun can have various Special Ammo. So far only one is known: the Wyvernblast. This move will deploy a mine on the ground. The mine will explode when attacks hit. Team member's attacks can also trigger it. It's a tricky move. You can place the mine by pressing + , + , or + .

Since the mine is not moving, we recommend you use it on downed or immobilized Monsters, as otherwise the risk of the Monster not being near the mine when it explodes is too high. On downed monsters you are sure that when the next attack hits, the mine will be able to do damage.


It is important to know that Wyvernblast received a notable nerf compared to previous games, as it now only has one Ammo at a time. While it does recharge over time, this still means you have to be very careful as to when and how you place your shot.


Ammo Types and Customization

The Light Bowgun supports various ammo types, each suited for different situations. Three of them have unlimited Ammo:

  • Normal Ammo: Standard shots effective at medium range.
  • Piercing Ammo: Bullets that penetrate targets, dealing multiple hits, best at long range.
  • Spread Ammo: Wide-spread shots ideal for close-range encounters.

All the other types of Ammo have to be crafted and placed beforehand in your Ammo pouch. We recommend you always try to have the needed materials in your inventory, in case you need to replenish your ammo quickly during a hunt by visiting a camp.

You can set up a Radial Menu just for that, and dedicate it to crafting Ammo to make it easier.

In order to switch Ammo during a fight you need to:

  • + or
  • + or
  • + or

Light Bowgun Ammo

Customization options for the Light Bowgun allow you to fit your ammo loadout based on the monster you are hunting and your combat strategy, so choose wisely. Here is a list of all the currently available Ammo types, their effect, and the total Ammo capacity possible with and without mods:

Ammo Types
Ammo Type Effect Ammo Capacity
Normal Default Ammo. Deals basic damage, best for general use. Unlimited
Piercing Shoots one bullet that penetrates through the target. Unlimited
Spread Fires 5 projectiles in a cone. Unlimited
Slicing Shoots one bullet that sticks to the target before exploding and dealing cutting damage. 12 / 42 with Mods
Sticky Shoots one bullet that sticks to the target before exploding, dealing damage regardless the body-part hit, fire damage and KO damage, but no Exhaust damage. 9 / 39 with Mods
Cluster Shoots a bullet that splits into smaller projectiles once it hits something, before exploding, dealing damage regardless the body-part hit and fire damage. 3 / 13 with Mods
Wyvern Close range explosion that deals damage regardless the body-part and fire damage 5 / 10 with Mods
Poison Deals Poison damage. 12 / 32 with Mods
Paralysis Inflicts Paralysis. 12 / 32 with Mods
Sleep Inflicts Sleep. 12 / 32 with Mods
Flaming A powerful projectile that deals multiple hits of raw and Fire damage as it pierces through the monster. Fire will scale with Raw damage. 60 / 180 with Mods
Water A powerful projectile that deals multiple hits of raw and Water damage as it pierces through the monster. Water will scales with Raw. 60 / 180 with Mods
Freeze A powerful projectile that deals multiple hits of raw and Ice damage as it pierces through the monster. Ice scales with Raw. 60 / 180 with Mods
Thunder A powerful projectile that deals multiple hits of raw and Thunder damage as it pierces through the monster. Thunder scales with Raw. 60 / 180 with Mods
Dragon A piercing projectile that deals multiple hits of raw and Dragon damage as it pierces through the monster. Dragon scales with Raw. 4 / 14 with Mods
Recover Deploys a machine that creates single time heal in a AOE. 3 / 23 with Mods
Demon Deploys a machine that creates an AoE that grants a 10 raw damage buff. 3 / 13 with Mods
Armor Deploys a machine that creates an AoE that grants a 30 defense buff. 3 / 13 with Mods
Exhaust Inflicts Exhaust. 12
Tranq Inflicts Tranq. 8

Light Bowgun Mods

In addition to the Ammo, the Light Bowgun can also be equipped with Mods. There is currently no detailed information available about the various mods, but if it is anything similar to previous games, you should be able to get modifications such as increased Ammo capacity, reduced recoil, faster reload times, or even increased damage.

This section will be updated once more information about the mods is available.


Ammo Crafting

While some ammo types are unlimited, others require crafting. Gathering materials during hunts allows you to craft specialized ammo, making sure you are prepared for various encounters. Regularly restocking and managing your inventory is essential for any hunting expeditions. For more information on how to craft Ammo for the Light Bowgun you can refer to our Crafting Guide:

Crafting Guide In Wilds COMING SOON!

Best Type of Ammo

Normal and piercing Ammo are the best ammunitions for the standard and Rapid Fire mode, as Light Bowgun allows for rapid multi-shot bursts. Piercing Ammo is especially good against large armored monsters. Light Bowgun will also be your go to weapon for Elemental Ammunitions. The Rapid Fire mode combined to elemental ammo will burst through against monsters weak to specific elements.


Light Bowgun Combos and Skills

Understanding how the Light Bowgun and its combos work is crucial if you want to maintain high DPS while staying mobile. Unlike its heavier counterpart, the Light Bowgun focuses on rapid-fire shots, quick repositioning, and smart ammo management. Mastering its mechanics allows you to weave between attacks, apply consistent damage, and control the battlefield with status effects, explosives, and precision shots. It is the perfect weapon for those who prefer an agile, fast-paced playstyle without sacrificing firepower, while staying at a safe distance since you do not have specific defense moves.


Basic Combos

Basic combos are rather easy to pull off and good for beginners or anyone just starting out with the Light Bowgun. Once you get the hang of the basics, you can easily move on to more advanced combos.


Standard Shot Combo

Aim → Fire → Reload
The basic attack sequence for the Light Bowgun.

  • Aim: Hold / /
  • Fire: Hold / /
  • Reload (when out of Ammo): Press / /


Rapid Fire Mode Activation

Toggle Rapid Fire Mode

  • Enter/Exit Rapid Fire Mode: Press / /
  • Quickly toggle during a dodge: Dodge + / /


Focus Blast: Eagle Strike Combo

Aim → Focus Blast
A high-damage precision shot that punishes monster weak points.

  • Aim: Hold / /
  • Focus Blast: Press + / + / +


Mounted Combat Combo

Unsheathe on Seikret → Aim → Fire

  • Unsheathe weapon: Press / / while mounted
  • Aim: Hold / /
  • Fire: Hold / /
  • Reload: Tap / /
  • Focus Strike: Press + / + / +


Advanced Combos

Once you got the basics down, it is time to step up to more advanced combos. They can be tricky to pull off, but if you can land them consistently, you will deal massive damage and have better control over the fight.


Burst Step Combo

Rapid Fire Mode → Move + Dodge
A mobility-focused combo that lets you reposition while maintaining constant pressure.

  • Rapid Fire Mode On: Press / /
  • Burst Step (Move + Dodge): Press + / + / , , , +


Wyvernblast Combo

Place the mine → Fire to Detonate
A high-damage setup for dealing explosive damage. Wait for the Monster to be immobile for optimal mine placement.

  • Deploy Wyvernblast Mine: + , + , or +
  • Fire to trigger: Hold / /


Chaser Shot Combo

Fire normal shots → Fire Chaser Shot → Fire normal shots
Fire additional more powerful shots after normal shots.

  • Fire normal Shots: Hold / /
  • Fire Chaser Shot right after: Press / /
  • Follow-up Attacks: Continue firing for additional damage


Mid-air Combo

Jump → Reload → Shoot → Land

  • Jumping Reload: Press / / while in the air
  • Mid-air shot: Press / / while in the air

Quick Summary

The Light Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds is perfect if you want a high-damage, long-range playstyle with strong defensive options, and a powerful Burst for sustained firepower. It requires methodical positioning, and Ammo management, but can deal Light damage no matter the monster you are hunting.

Light Bowgun Weapon Overview



  • 26 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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