Long Sword Low Rank Builds for Monster Hunter Wilds

Last updated on Mar 02, 2025 at 18:49 by Wordup

Learn everything about the best builds for Low Rank in Monster Hunter Wilds including the best skills to focus on as well as the best weapons, best armor all to help you progress through Low Rank.

Welcome to our Monster Hunter Wilds build guide for Long Sword. Listed below you will find the best Low Rank Long Sword builds in Monster Hunter Wilds with several suggestions for various Hunter Ranks.

Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting out in wilds, our build guides provide you with everything you need to know for Low Rank. On this page, we will be covering a build path that will comfortably keep up with every hunt Monster Hunter Wilds will throw at you during the main story.

To understand more about Long Sword or for High Rank builds, please check the guides below.


Long Sword HR 1-7 Weapon Crafts

The first thing every hunter knows is keeping their weapon up to date for each hunt is the best path to success. You don't want to get caught in a dangerous hunt with an old one, so here we will cover a comfortable build path that will get you through low rank without needing to farm everything that shows up.


Low Rank Long Sword Weapon Build Path

Hope Edge III ➜ Rey Tonitrus ➜ Windclaw Blade I ➜ G Veldian Ensis
With these 4 steps you will comfortably keep up with the curve of monsters that come up through the main story, and cover some elemental weaknesses for some of the more dangerous fights that show up.

  1. Hope Edge III - Click for Materials
    • Dragonite Ore x 3
    • Machalite Ore x 2
    The Smithy should give you materials to upgrade this a couple of times, and with its high raw damage and Green sharpness it will cover all of the early game fights.
  2. Rey Tonitrus I - Click for Materials
    • Rey Dau Scale x 3
    • Rey Dau Wingtalon x 2
    • Rey Dau Thunderhorn x 1
    Thunder will cover a lot of the dangerous fights in the lead up to the end of Low Rank, and this comes with ample sharpness and raw damage as well. This is also right around the point in the story you might be looking for something a little stronger, making it perfect.
  3. Windclaw Blade I - Click for Materials
    • Hirabami Scale x 3
    • Hirabami Tail Claw x 2
    • Frost Sac x 1
    Ice also counters the few fights that Thunder isn't suited to, making this a good pairing to reach the end of Low Rank with that might give you trouble, and this is right around the point in the story you might be looking for something a little stronger.
  4. G Veldian Ensis I - Click for Materials
    • Guardian Scale x 3
    • Guardian Pelt x 3
    • Guardian Blood x 1
    • Tough Guardian Bone x 2
    Right as you come toward the end of the main story, this is an excellent craft for the final fight and to bridge you into High Rank comfortably. This is also the first Dragon weapon available as well, which is generally a good all round element.

Remember though, if you are struggling to deal with monsters and you have parts lying around for a weapon that looks better, don't hesitate to craft it. You can always go back and farm those parts again later if you need them for something else!


Key Skills for Long Sword

The Long Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds is a weapon type that does benefit from rushing a specific skill for gameplay reasons. What you will want to keep an eye out for is a set that contains Quick Sheathe.

Ordinarily this is a quality of life skill for other weapons, but for Long Sword this speeds up the rate you put your weapon away when using Special Sheathe. This is an extremely valuable change, letting you weave it in between more monster attack patterns to counter with Iai Spirit Slash. Making sure to build a set that grabs this early is a great way to improve your combo flow, damage, and safety all in one package.


Long Sword HR 1-5 Armor Set

Below is the earliest set that can be put together with Quick Sheathe active. If you actively upgrade it, it should cover all your needs all the way through low rank.

Gear Decorations
Head Alloy Helm N/A
Chest Balahara Mail N/A
Gloves Balahara Vambraces N/A
Waist Balahara Coil N/A
Legs Alloy Greaves N/A
Talisman Blessing Charm I N/A

The Head, Chest and Legs will give you the three points needed for Quick Sheathe which is the most important part. The other pieces - Gloves and Waist - are items you can upgrade along your journey more easily, but Evade Extender gives a bit more room dodging while you learn monster patterns. It also comes with the Master Mounter skill that, while not hugely important for Long Sword does net an extra mount or two on tougher monsters.

When you unlock the parts to craft a Sheathe Charm I, you can also craft and swap over to this and open up another Armor slot, ready for High Rank.

When it comes to decorations, it is pretty limited how many you have access to early on, so I would recommend putting anything in that sounds like it would make combat more comfortable such as Gobbler or Brace if you are lucky enough to get some.


HR 1-5 Armor Set Skills and Set Bonuses

  • Quick Sheathe - Level 3
  • Evade Extender - Level 3
  • Divine Blessing - Level 1
  • Master Mounter - 3-piece

Long Sword HR 5-7+ Armor Set

Once you are deeper into the story and more parts are unlocked, you can move some of these early game comfort options around to pick up some of the desirable offensive skills.

Gear Decorations
Head Alloy Helm N/A
Chest Balahara Mail N/A
Gloves G Rathalos Vambraces N/A
Waist Balahara Coil N/A
Legs G Rathalos Greaves N/A
Talisman Sheathe Charm I N/A

Looking toward High Rank, moving out some of the weaker parts to pick up two Weakness Exploit points from the Guardian Rathalos set is your first step toward improving damage, and will be a skill you look for throughout. It still maintains Quick Sheathe through earlier crafts and a talisman swap, so remember to keep upgrading them!

When it comes to decorations, it is pretty limited how many you have access to early on, so I would recommend putting anything in that sounds like it would make combat more comfortable such as Gobbler or Brace if you are lucky enough to get some.


HR 5-7+ Armor Set Skills and Set Bonuses

  • Quick Sheathe - Level 3
  • Weakness Exploit - Level 2
  • Evade Extender - Level 1
  • Rathalos's Flare - 2-piece


  • 02 Mar. 2025: Guide added.
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