Melahoa Alpha (α) Armor Set, Skills and Materials in Monster Hunter Wilds

Last updated Today at 22:02 by Holster

The Melahoa α Armor Set is one of the many Armor Sets available in Monster Hunter Wilds. Read on to learn how to obtain this armor set as well as the stats and skills this set provides.


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How do You obtain the Melahoa α Armor?

In Monster Hunter Wilds, players can forge the Melahoa α Armor Set by unlocking Great Hibiscus which can be traded with Ren in Sild. It can also be potentially found with the material gatherer Rysher. Furthermore, you will want to hunt the GuardianSeikret a small artificial creation to obtain a Guardian Seikret Feather +.

The Guardian Seikret can be found in the Ruins of Wyveria.


Materials for the Melahoa α Set

Material Quantity
Zenny 20000
Great Hibiscus x5
Guardian Seikret Feather + x5
Lightcrystal x4
Novacrystal x1

Skills and Slots for the Melahoa α Set

Armor Skill Description Slots
Melahoa Hat α L3 - Survival Expert
L2 - Poison Resistance
Melahoa Jacket α L3 - Tool Specialist 1
Melahoa Branch α L3 - Recovery Speed
L2 - Paralysis Resistance
Melahoa Folia α L3 - Recovery Up
L2 - Bleeding Resistance
Melahoa Roots α L3 - Mushroomancer 1

Defense and Elemental Resistances for the Melahoa α Set

Armor Piece
Melahoa Hat α 0 1 0 3 0 44
Melahoa Jacket α 0 1 0 3 0 44
Melahoa Branch α 0 1 0 3 0 44
Melahoa Folia α 0 1 0 3 0 44
Melahoa Roots α 0 1 0 3 0 44
Total 0 5 0 15 0 220

What Group Skills and Bonuses does the Melahoa α Armor provide?

Group Bonus Skill Pieces
Imparted Wisdom Forager's Luck 3+

The Forager's Luck skill enhances the chances of the hunter locating rare gathering points across the world.



  • 13 Mar. 2025: Guide added.
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