Mimiphyta Alpha (α) Armor Set, Skills and Materials in Monster Hunter Wilds

Last updated Today at 22:02 by Holster

The Mimiphyta α Armor Set is one of the many Armor Sets available in Monster Hunter Wilds. Read on to learn how to obtain this armor set as well as the stats and skills this set provides.


Mimiphyta α Armor Set Outfit Showcase

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How do You obtain the Mimiphyta α Armor?

In Monster Hunter Wilds, players can forge the Mimiphyta α Armor Set by completing the quest Kut-Ku Gone Wild and obtaining a Mimiphyta Ticket.

The Yian Kut-Ku is a large Bird Wyvern and can be found in the Scarlet Forest and Iceshard Cliffs.


Materials for the Mimiphyta α Set

Material Quantity
Zenny 3000
Mimiphyta Ticket x2
Kut-Ku Scale + x4
Congalala Pelt + x2

Skills and Slots for the Mimiphyta α Set

Armor Skill Description Slots
Mimiphyta α L1 - Ambush
L1 - Entomologist

Defense and Elemental Resistances for the Mimiphyta α Set

Armor Piece
Mimiphyta α -3 2 2 -2 2 44
Total -3 2 2 -2 2 220

What Group Skills and Bonuses does the Mimiphyta α Armor provide?

Group Bonus Skill Pieces
Fortifying Pelt Fortify 3+

The Fortify skill increases the amount of attack and defense the hunter has after fainting whilst on a quest which can be used a maximum of 2 times.



  • 13 Mar. 2025: Guide added.
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