Monster Hunter Wilds: The Ultimate Guide to Collecting Badges

Jaym0's Avatar by Jaym0

In the Monster Hunter Wilds community, earning badges is a testament to a hunter’s dedication and skill. These badges, often displayed on the Hunter Profile, serve as valuable markers of various in-game achievements. For those aiming to complete their collection, here are some essential tips to guide your badge-hunting journey!

Those tips and tricks have been shared by player JhanzKun on the following Reddit post:

Tips and Tricks to Badge Hunting

Here is a short breakdown of the tips and tricks mentioned in the Reddit post that will help you get some of the hardest badges in the game:

  • Smallest and Biggest Monsters: Use the Rest feature to reset all the areas to get a respawn of new monsters every time. After you reset, just pin them on the map and go to their areas and simply look at them via Binoculars to see whether they are worth hunting or not.
  • Rarity 6 Items: While looking for Sized Monsters, be on the lookout for special gathering spots too so you do not waste any research points when you reset. There is a total of 11 Rarity 6 Items, but you only need 10 of them in order for the badge to count.
  • 50 Apex Predators Hunt + 100 Coop Missions + Capture Badge: Go to your handler and to the SOS Signals tab. Then click on investigations and join ongoing ones. You will want to pick one of the 4 Apex Predators (Rey Dau, Uth Duna, Jin Dahaad, Nu Udra). In order to not waste any time, you can choose ongoing hunts that are started since 6-8 minutes. This means that once you join, the monster is already near death or literally just dead the moment you enter. It will still count if you do that. Ideally, you want to capture them too in order to get the Capture Badge.
  • 100 Palico Missions: Do not bother too much, just do some Low Rank quest and breeze through them.
  • 30 Whooper Fish Badge: For this you need to catch 30 Huge Fishes, which can be annoying. However, you can do this easily by using the Outdoorsman Gem. It is a level 1 Gem that gives you the ability to Fish better. This just makes the fishes grow tired faster, and your line break less easily.
    • The ideal fishing spot would be in Scarlet Forest Area 17 and the Day and Weather should be Plenty-Morning. Go near the coast, and you will see like a massive Gajau and 3 pieces of Gastronome Tunas for the taking.
    • You can also head to Scarlet Forest Area 10, in a river shaped in a Y. Some Whooper fish spans there.
  • Extra Tip: If you feel low on Guild points, set up a camp behind the waterfall in Scarlet Forest Area 8. Set the weather and day to Plenty-Morning and you will see around 10 pieces of Platinum Fishes in there. Then just change area and come back, and you will get another 10 more without needing to Rest.