Uth Duna Armor Set, Skills and Materials in Monster Hunter Wilds

Last updated Today at 22:02 by Holster

The Uth Duna Armor Set is one of the many Armor Sets available in Monster Hunter Wilds. Read on to learn how to obtain this armor set as well as the stats and skills this set provides.


Uth Duna Armor Set Outfit Showcase

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How do You obtain the Uth Duna Armor?

In Monster Hunter Wilds, players can forge the Uth Duna Armor Set by hunting the Uth Duna a large Leviathan.

The Uth Duna can be found in the Scarlet Forest.


Materials for the Uth Duna Set

Material Quantity
Zenny 5000
Uth Duna Scale x6
Uth Duna Cilia x2
Uth Duna Hide x4
Uth Duna Certificate x1
Uth Duna Claw x3
Uth Duna Plate x1
Guardian Blood x1
Uth Duna Tentacle x2
Guardian Scale x1
Giardian Pelt x1

Skills and Slots for the Uth Duna Set

Armor Skill Description Slots
Duna Helm L1 - Peak Performance
L1 - Tool Specialist
Duna Mail L1 - Peak Performance 1
Duna Vambraces L1 - Tool Specialist 1
Duna Coil L1 - Tool Specialist
L1 - Aquatic/Oilslit Mobility
Duna Greaves L1 - Peak Performance ---

Defense and Elemental Resistances for the Uth Duna Set

Armor Piece
Duna Helm -1 4 0 -3 0 26
Duna Mail -1 4 0 -3 0 26
Duna Vambraces -1 4 0 -3 0 26
Duna Coil -1 4 0 -3 0 26
Duna Greaves -1 4 0 -3 0 26
Total -5 20 0 -15 0 130

What Group Skills and Bonuses does the Uth Duna Armor provide?

Group Bonus Skill Pieces
Uth Duna's Cover Protective Veil I
Protective Veil II
Lord's Favor Inspiration 3+

The Protective Veil I and II temporarily enhances defense when a specialised tool is in use. Protective veil II additionally increases resistance. The Skill Inspiration will increase the amount of attack when effects such as Melody are used.



  • 01 Mar. 2025: Guide added.
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