Bow and Rapier PvP Build for New World

Last updated on Feb 26, 2025 at 12:00 by Savvvo 6 comments

The Bow and Rapier are one of the most frequently seen weapon combinations in New World: Aeternum. You are an elusive ranged-damage assassin with an arsenal of tools to help you escape in case your enemy gets a little too close for comfort. Take a close rlook at this guide to learn everything you need to know to master the Bow and Rapier.


Bow Rapier - PvP

The Bow is an incredibly strong PvP damage weapon that can be played in any content. It is an easy weapon to learn, but it is difficult to master its techniques properly. This is by far one of the strongest weapon combinations there is.


Bow Build

  • Rapid Shot Rapid Shot — High damage cooldown that launches three quick shots and staggers targets which opens up a vulernability window to secure kills or interrupt casts.
  • Penetrating Shot Penetrating Shot — High damage ability that can be weaved into another heavy shot. This will go through multiple targets. Try to finish off kills with this ability.
  • Explosive Arrow Explosive Arrow — Great damage option that can be weaved into another heavy attack to potentially one shot squishy targets. This shot fires off quickly and can be used as a source of empower or an execute.

Rapier Builds


Flourish and Finish

Use this if you prefer to have a burst damage option. At times, this can be significantly better for players using Dexterity builds. It acts similarly to Riposte Riposte by staggering the target, and it has a follow up ability that can deal damage or be quick mobility. This can be a great way to pick up quick kills on low health targets.



Use this if you prefer to have a survivability option with Riposte Riposte. This ability can be easily at times if used incorrectly. Nonetheless, it will give you a moment of invulnerability and will certainly save your life at times.



For this build, it is most optimal to use 350 Dexterity, 100 Constitution, 150 Intelligence. This mix of attributes allows you to not only maximize damage output with these weapons, but also support your survivability and cooldown reduction.

Once you are more comfortable with this build, you can transition more and more Constitution towards Intelligence (which allows you to dish off more damage through elemental damage with your bow).





Slot Perks Gem Weight Attribute Source
Bow (Hoplite Bow Hoplite Bow) Runeglass of Arboreal Amber Runeglass of Arboreal Amber - Dexterity Crafted/BoE
Rapier Runeglass of Ignited Opal Runeglass of Ignited Opal - Dexterity Crafted
Helmet Elemental Damage Runeglass or Sighted Runeglass (Moonstone or Onyx) Light Dexterity Crafted/BoE
Chest Elemental Damage Runeglass or Sighted Runeglass (Moonstone or Onyx) Medium Dexterity Crafted/BoE
Gloves Elemental Damage Runeglass or Sighted Runeglass (Moonstone or Onyx) Light Dexterity Crafted/BoE
Pants Elemental Damage Runeglass or Sighted Runeglass (Moonstone or Onyx) Light Dexterity Crafted/BoE
Boots (Tumbler Feetwraps Tumbler Feetwraps) Elemental Damage Runeglass or Sighted Runeglass (Moonstone or Onyx) Light Magnify Artifact
Amulet (Ankh Ankh) Cut Pristine Moonstone Cut Pristine Moonstone - Magnify Artifact
Ring Cut Pristine Emerald Cut Pristine Emerald - Dexterity or Constitution Crafted/BoE
Earring Cut Pristine Emerald Cut Pristine Emerald - Dexterity or Constitution Crafted/BoE

The goal of this build is to maximize the overall damage output with your bow. Regarding artifacts, you may consider replacing the Hoplite Bow with either the Boltcaster Boltcaster or Aconite Aconite if you prefer. Additionally, you can utilize the Featherweight Featherweight light chest artifact paired with two pieces of the Heavy Frigid Dawn set to increase your overall survivability.

This build works very well for those of you that are good at dodging, and that's primarily due to the additional health regeneration and buffs gained after succesfully dodging an enemy's attack.


Gem Optimization

For more specific information on optimizing your gems in PvP and PvE please refer to our dedicated guides.



When playing with a Bow you have great damage output, as such, use a defensive Heartrune. Either Stalwart Heartrune of Stoneform Stalwart Heartrune of Stoneform or Cunning Heartrune of Stoneform Cunning Heartrune of Stoneform are great options that will keep you alive through defensive buffs and crowd-control immunity.


Heartrune Usage

Your Heartrune will be used similarly in PvP and PvE scenarios. As such, please refer to our Bow guide or Rapier guide for tips on how it can be used most effectively.


Rotation and Priority List

  • Open on a target with a heavy shot into a Explosive Arrow Explosive Arrow immediately after.
  • Use Rapid Shot Rapid Shot to do damage quickly or potentially stagger a target.
  • Weave a heavy shot into a Penetrating Shot Penetrating Shot when trying to finish a target.
  • Shoot heavy or light Bow shots at low health targets to secure kills, or to apply damage pressure.
  • Use Flourish and Finish Flourish and Finish to secure kills on targets who are pushing you.
  • Use Evade Evade, Fleche Fleche, and Riposte Riposte as ways to escape danger and reposition.

Gameplay Tips

When using the Bow or Rapier in PvP and PvE there are many similar aspects that go into gameplay decisions and rotations. To learn more about how you can improve your gameplay, use certain secondary weapons, or additional information on specific abilities, please refer to the Gameplay section of the Bow page or Rapier page.



For more information on the most frequently asked Bow or Rapier questions please refer to the FAQ section of the Bow, or Rapier, for answers on PvP and PvE topics!



  • 26 Feb. 2025: Guide updated with additional perk and artifact suggestions.
  • 22 Oct. 2023: Guide updated for expansion.
  • 23 Feb. 2023: Guide added.
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