Bow Guide and Builds for New World
Welcome to our guide for Bow, a weapon in New World. Within these pages, you will find everything required to understand how best to play with this weapon in both PvE and PvP.
Bow Overview
The bow is an extremely useful weapon for both PvE and PvP content, and it's also a lot of fun to use. Once you master the art of the bow, your opponents will quickly learn how powerful this weapon truly is. Although this weapon does have a bit of a learning curve, it's easy to use and after playing it for a bit, you will quickly catch-on the most effective abilities, combos, passives, and more.
In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about the bow. That includes the strenths and weaknesses of the weapon, the best abilities and passives, most effective builds, recommended perks, artifact options, gems and consumables to use, and much, much more.
Bow Strengths and Weaknesses
High damage potential
Very mobile
Useful at any distance
Can be used in PvP or PvE
Typically low CON (squishy)
Requires you to aim at targets
Not as effective as other weapons in close-range
Not utilized as much in wars
The "Getting Started" Bow Build
The collection of abilities above illustrate a great build for new players trying out the bow. This build can be effective in both PvE and PvP content, and will provide you the chance to get a better look and feel of this weapon. As you progress your character further, you will very likely adjust this build to be more PvE or PvP oriented. More information on these builds can be found further down in this guide.
The abilities used in this balanced, "getting started" bow build includes the following:
Rapid Shot — High damage cooldown that launches three quick shots and staggers targets which opens up a vulernability window to secure kills or interrupt casts.
Penetrating Shot — High damage ability that can be weaved into another heavy shot. This will go through multiple targets. Try to finish off kills with this ability.
Rain of Arrows — Great damage option that can provide single target or AOE burst.
Please note: Once you start engaging in more PvP-oriented content, you may want to consider replacing
one of your abilities with Evade Shot, which grants you more mobility in case your enemy gets too close.
Secondary Weapons
As a bow user, you have a wide range of secondary weapons to choose from. In most cases, you will want to ensure that your secondary weapon also scales with the Dexterity attribute. This will ensure you're getting the most out of our attributes, as you will need to be adding a lot of points into the Dexterity already. The most common secondary weapons to utilize are the Rapier, Hatchet, Spear, and Greatsword. Additional information on each secondary weapon (and the recommended abilities) can be found below.
Burst DPS
This is likely one of the most popular PvE builds, as it provides a very large amount of burst damage. In most cases, you will want to add some Intelligence into your attribute mix in order to provide some more DPS for your rapier, and also gain an overall buff to elemental attacks (which has a positive impact on both weapons).
For this build, it's recommended to use the bow to bring mobs/enemies to you, then bring out your rapier to deal burst damage and take them down.
The "Second Chance"
This build is probably one of the most common builds in New World: Aeternum for bow users. In this build, the
rapier is used primarily as a way to quickly escape and get away from your enemy if they get too close. By using
the Riposte ability, you will be able to counter your enemy's attack, as well as stagger and stun
them for 2s. After that, you will be briefly invulnerable, providing you the perfect opportunity to get away and have
your "second chance".
Infect and Run
This is one of the standard build options in PvP when using a bow and hatchet. This build provides survivability
and crowd control escape options with Berserk and
Social Distancing. Additionally, you can utilize the
Infected Throw ability to exhaust targets and get away easier. This mastery tree is considered the "Infect and Run"
combo, as you'll be able to not only inflict a good amount of debuffs on your opponents, but also gain a handful of viable options
of creating more distance from them.
For a thorough breakdown on the Hatchet and how it can be used, please refer to our Hatchet guide.
The Stunner
This build utilizes the spear whenever your enemy gets too close to you. With these abilities and passives, you will have a range of options to either stun, stagger, or knock down your enemy, giving you the opportunity to back up and reset as you get your bow back out to dish off more damage. This build also utilizes a range of stamina-related passives, ensuring you will have additional dodges during your excape.
The Sweeper
The Sweeper build is commonly used when using the bow in PvP-related activities. can complement the Bow with its close-ranged crowd-control and ability to easily take down anyone pushing you.
For more detailed information on Spear usage and other aspects of its gameplay, please refer to our Spear guide.
The Great Greatsword (PvP)
The Greatsword can pair perfectly with your Bow with this build when it comes to PvP-related activities. This build has a combination of crowd-control abilities, mobility, and the opportunity to even counter potentially deadly blows.
Big Boy Swinging (PvE)
This build is typically used for PvE-related activities, as it allows you to dish off a great amount of damage to a large clump of enemies. This is typically used in PvE, as the agro of the mobs will for the most part by focused on your tank, allowing you the opportunity to drop these abilities behind them for some close-combat action.
Artifact Options
In most cases, bow users will want to use either the Boltcaster or
Aconite artifact bows as their weapon artifact. These are arguably
the most powerful bow in the game, and can be utilized to dish off major damage. If you plan on using your bow as a secondary,
or picking up some additional unique buffs, there are some additional artifact weapons that could work well with the bow. These
can be found below.
- Primary Bow Options:
Boltcaster or
- Secondary Bow Option:
Hoplite Bow
- Secondary Weapon Option:
- Secondary Weapon Option:
- Secondary Weapon Option:
Within your build, you will have the opportunity to use one piece of artifact armor. You have to ensure you choose this wisely, as this could make or break your whole build. Below are a few of the best options for bow users.
There are multiple options when it comes to artifact jewelry, but the Endless Thirst and
Justice earrings tend to be
the most effective, as it provides an additional empower bonus after consuming a potion.
When it comes to the overall attribute mix of your build, it really depends on how you plan on using your secondary weapon. If you are planning on using the Bow as your primary damage-dealing weapon, and using your secondary weapon as a way to create further distance between you and your enemy, then you will want to put approximately 100 attribute points in Constitution, and then the rest in Dexterity.
If you plan on utilizing your secondary weapon as an additional source of DPS, it is strongly encouraged to invest into attributes that scale further with that weapon. For example, if you are using the rapier with your bow, you will likely want to invest some attributes into the Intelligence attribute too, as it will provide more weapon damage on your rapier, and could also potentially grant your bow with an additional buff towards elemental attacks if you invest 150 points into it.
It is very important to ensure that your attribute mix sets you up for success based on what your secondary weapon scales off of.
Please note: As you become more and more comfortable with the bow, feel free to reduce the amount of Constitution your character has. For PvE content, you can likely get away with 50 Constitution or less if you're experience.
Important Perks
Ability Perks
Refreshing Penetrating Shot — This will reset this ability when securing a kill.
Penetrating Rapid Shot — Large damage increase on this ability and should be used in PvP and PvE.
Empowering Explosive Arrow — This does not necessarily need to be used because of empower cap, but if you would like to use this you certainly can.
Weapon Perks
Enchanted — This will add significant damage to every basic Bow shot.
- Attunement Perks — This adds a great burst of damage to every attack.
Keenly Jagged — This will not only add a dot, but a potential spike of burst damage. When this procs, it will instantly deal damage along with the DoT on your Runeglass, and Attunement. All of this comes together for one quick burst of damage, and then leaves its DoT effect to secure kills.
PvP Perks
Enchanted Ward — This perk provides additional protection against light and heavy attacks, making it extremely helpful in most situations.
Shirking Heals — Incredible source of self-healing and allows for great survivability regardless of build.
Health — This provides free damage reduction against all sources and is one of the most beneficial PvP options.
Freedom — This will allow you to play more aggressively by reducing the duration of crowd-control. You should play with around 4 stacks.
Elemental Aversion — Use this perk for elemental damage reduction from weapons like the Fire Staff.
Refreshing — This can be an optional third perk when you want a source of cooldown reduction in your build.
- Harnessing Perks — Stack these for increased damage if you chose to forgo defensive options.
PvE Perks
Refreshing — This can be an optional perk when you want a source of cooldown reduction in your build.
Enchanted Ward — This perk provides additional protection against light and heavy attacks, making it extremely helpful in most situations.
Elemental Aversion — This perk is a viable alternative in PvP as well, but is overshadowed by other PvP options. It provides great defensein mutated expeditions to help mitigate magical effects.
- Harnessing Perks — Stack these for increased damage if you chose to forgo defensive options.
Jewelry Perks
Health — This is the standard pick for all builds, it is free health that will add to the defensiveness of your kit.
Stamina Recovery — This is a backpocket save when being focused and taking heavy damage. You will receive a burst of stamina that will allow you to potentially get a quick dodge that can save your iife and continue the fight.
Thrust Protection — This acts as a third perk slot that provides more defensiveness against other Dex and ranged weapons.
- Elemental Protection — This can be a PvE replacement for
Thrust Protection. Use whatever elemental type you need for the mutator being ran.
Hearty — This is a requirement. By utilizing this perk, you will gain additional stamina, which is critical for survival.
Thrust Damage — This is one of the best ways to maximize your damage output with your bow.
Refreshing Toast — This will alllow you to use potions at a faster rate.
Nimble — This increases your stamina regeneration rate.
Refreshing — This is always a good perk - just be aware that you aren't using more than 5 stacks in your build.
For Bow players in PvP-related activities, you will typically already have plenty of burst damage, so your
best heartrunes focus on survivability (and support in case you need it). Using Minor Heartrune of Stoneform allows you to
break out of crowd-control effects, remove debuffs, and provide defensive buffs.
Stalwart Heartrune of Stoneform provides one defensive buff and a significant healing
over time effect.
In PvE content (and sometimes PvP once you master the bow), you can use either Brutal Heartrune of Detonate for extra DPS, or
Brutal Heartrune of Grasping Vines to clump enemies together (or help you escape if needed).
Heartrune Usage Tips
When using Cunning Heartrune of Stoneform, or other variants, you should save this for times where you are stunned
or affected by other forms of CC. Alternatively, you can use this right before pushing through a doorway or chokepoint to
negate the potential of being affected by CC.
As a Bow player, you should be using your Cunning Heartrune of Stoneform, or other variants, if you have been
hit by another ranged player and have taken significant damage or have a
Crippling Powder Burn on you. Otherwise, use this
whenever you are being pushed or are affected by crowd control effects.
Use Brutal Heartrune of Grasping Vines when 3+ targets are stacked together. You want to use this on as
many enemies as possible. It can also be used on single-target fights for free damage, or to apply additional Rend.
If you're using Brutal Heartrune of Detonate, try not to use it while you have low health or are being focused on.
The goal is to start the ability and wait a short duration and attempt to dive in right as
the ability detonates so you can catch enemies off guard and not be bursted down.
Save your detonate for when there are multiple targets stacked on top of one another. Preferably the targets will
already be under some kind of CC effect, or exhausted and unable to dodge out of them. It is best paired with something
like Gravity Well or
Shockwave, so if an ally throws one of these abilities to clump up your opponents,
it could be the perfect time to use your detonate.
Take advantage of down time to charge your heartrune. For instance, if you are far away you might as well continue to try hitting targets or structures to build additional charge.
Your heartrune will charge fast. While it is obviously beneficial to hold for times where there are large clusters of enemies. Do not wait too long and continue to waste your cooldown when you would have had the time to get another one recharged. Get familiar with how quickly you can get it back fully charged, and do not hesitate to use it to secure high priority kills.
Weapon Gems
Dexterity players will often use an elemental damage gem that matches the Attunement perk on their weapon. This will still deal significant damage because of the primary scaling with base weapon damage. The gem will then split that value by 40% and scale with Intelligence or Focus (Nature). Since you then use an elemental damage Runeglass and perk on your Ring, this will increase the elemental damage dealt by the weapon, its Attunement, and its DoT effect. This also avoids some players increased resistances to Thrust and Physical damage sources.
In PvP combat, it is highly recommended to use a specific elemental Runeglass, such as Runeglass of Arboreal Amber.
You could also use something like
Runeglass of Arboreal Opal.
In PvE, you will see the most damage from using Cut Pristine Diamond.
PvP Gems
In PvP combat your optimal resistances will focus on a mix of Slash and Thrust damage. Since you
are playing farther back your only real threats are Musket, Bow, or
a melee who has Slash damage. While you will also be pressured by elemental damage, you will have
Elemental Aversion to compensate. This makes your optimal gem setups use Runeglass variants of
Cut Pristine Moonstone or
Cut Pristine Emerald.
When determining if you should use Runeglass of Arboreal Moonstone (Or other elemental damage) or
Runeglass of Sighted Moonstone, it depends on empowerment cap and your skill level. Technically,
if you have a maximum 15 stacks of
Mortal Empowerment, then you reach empower cap due to passives.
The elemental damage bonuses on Runeglass count toward this cap. As such, only when you are at 15 stacks,
it is a damage increase to use Sighted Runeglass, such as
Runeglass of Sighted Emerald, since this is a
flat damage increase. This is a very marginal top end damage increase that applies when you are at very
high stacks. For all purpose content, it is better to pursue elemental variants.
Additionally, you should always have either Thrust Protection or
Slash Protection on your
PvE Gems
In PvE combat, more specifically mutators, elemental resistance is the main concern.
You can use the following gems in your gear:
Cut Pristine Diamond (Weapon) + Elemental Resistance Gem x8 + Amulet Protection Perk (Based on mutator elemental effect)
If you would like, you can change your gem setup to counter specific mutator elemental damage,
such as a Cut Pristine Ruby. But, if you use only
Cut Pristine Opal it will counter mixed
elemental damage across a mutated expedition.
For more information on how to manage your cooldown hotbar, what consumables to use, what foods should be eaten, or tips on how to be more effective with your consumables in PvP and PvE, please refer to the Bow consumables guide.
Rotation and Gameplay
In PvP, a Bow will be focused on trying to kill squishy targets, or healers. In PvE, it will likely be used to help gather mobs or hit powerful bosses from afar (with limited risk of dying).
Below is an example of a typical rotation for the standard bow build listed above.
- Open on a target with a heavy shot into a
Explosive Arrow immediately after.
- Use
Rapid Shot to do damage quickly or potentially stagger a target.
- Weave a heavy shot into a
Penetrating Shot when trying to finish a target.
- Shoot heavy or light Bow shots at low health targets to secure kills, or to apply damage pressure.
Secondary Weapon Priority List and Build Rotation
To learn how to use your second weapon properly (including it's unique rotation), please refer to our PvE and PvP build guides below.
Gameplay Tips
Arrow Weaving
Many abilities, such as Explosive Arrow or
Penetrating Shot, can be weaved together with a
heavy attack to deal two separate large bursts of damage almost simultaneously. You should try to Arrow Weave
as much as possible. To do so, charge a heavy shot, and as soon as it leaves your bow use your ability and fire
Be careful, if you use your ability too early it will cancel your heavy shot even if it looks like it is fired.
Dodge Rolls
It is important to consistently dodge roll before firing basic shots or abilities. This will apply an empower effect, and provide you with a guaranteed critical hit every 10 seconds due to one of your passive abilities.
Aiming for headshots is the best way to increase DPS in both PvP and PvE. At times this can be difficult, if you are not confident in your aim you can focus on hitting targets in the chest and you will still deal high damage. Do not aim for the head if you are not confident, you will miss significantly more shots and not secure kills.
Choose Your Targets Wisely
As a Bow player, it is important to focus on squishy backline targets, like healers. While these targets can be more difficult
to hit at times, you should always be looking to kill them unless another target is low health and it is a free stack of
Mortal Empowerment that you can obtain. As such, do not be a "Clump Pumper" and waste abilities on packs of medium
bruisers simply to deal damage and pad your stats. This is not effective Bow play and you will be shunned by the Bow community
if you do so.
Rapier Usage
This weapon pairing makes for incredibly mobile PvP builds that are difficult to catch. The Rapier has unmatched mobility with quick damage options and supplemental crowd-control.
To learn more about ability usage and the intracies of the Rapier, please refer to our Rapier guide.
Hatchet Usage
The Hatchet is commonly used for Berserk to break out of crowd-control, and for
Defy Death to provide incredible survivability.
To learn more about ability usage and how to use the Hatchet, please refer to our Hatchet guide.
Spear Usage
The Bow can be an option to pair with the Spear. While this combination lacks mobility, it does have great crowd-control and damage potential for anyone who is trying to pressure you.
Please refer to our Spear tips for how to use it properly.
FAQ - Bow
Why Should I Dodge So Much?
The Bow has many passives tied to dodging. When you dodge, you will receive a guaranteed critical hit
every 10 seconds, an damage empowerment, and haste. It is advantageous to dodge often. As such, it makes
Refreshing Evasion very valuable for cooldown reduction.
What Armor Weight Should I Be?
In almost all cases it is best to play a Bow in light armor to maximize damage and have better mobility.
Medium armor can be an option to help with being more defensive to counter other Dexterity players and still have great damage output.
What Should I Use For Cooldown Reduction?
Generally, in all Bow builds you will be dodging frequently. This makes Refreshing Evasion
a valuable source of cooldown reduction.
What Gems Do I Put In My Gear?
In PvP combat your optimal resistances will focus on a mix of Slash and Thrust damage. Since you
are playing farther back your only real threats are Musket, Bow, or
a melee who has Slash damage. While you will also be pressured by elemental damage, you will have
Elemental Aversion to compensate. This makes your optimal gem setups use Runeglass variants of
Cut Pristine Moonstone or
Cut Pristine Emerald.
When determining if you should use Runeglass of Arboreal Moonstone (Or other elemental damage) or
Runeglass of Sighted Moonstone, it depends on empowerment cap and your skill level. Technically,
if you have a maximum 15 stacks of
Mortal Empowerment, then you reach empower cap due to passives.
The elemental damage bonuses on Runeglass count toward this cap. As such, only when you are at 15 stacks,
it is a damage increase to use Sighted Runeglass, such as
Runeglass of Sighted Emerald, since this is a
flat damage increase. This is a very marginal top end damage increase that applies when you are at very
high stacks. For all purpose content, it is better to pursue elemental variants.
It is suggested that you should be around 30% Thrust resistance. You can decide what is best for you and what other resistances you prefer.
In your weapon you will often want to use an elemental damage gem that matches the Attunement perk on their weapon. This will still deal significant damage because of the primary scaling with base weapon damage. The gem will then split that value by 40% and scale with Intelligence or Focus (Nature). Since you then use an elemental damage Runeglass and perk on your Ring, this will increase the elemental damage dealt by the weapon, its Attunement, and its DoT effect. This also avoids some players increased resistances to Thrust and Physical damage sources.
What Magic Damage Should I Use For Runeglass, Attunement, and Chain Damage?
It is best practice to use a magic damage type that is the least likely to be countered. While most players tend not to focus on a specific magic damage type like they do for physical damage, it is still possible. In most cases, players may use extra Ice damage protection due to the Ice Gauntlet, or Fire due to the Fire Staff or Blunderbuss. As such, Nature, Arcane, or Lightning damage can be beneficial options. Nature specifically is beneficial because it will always work in PvE environments because it is never weak to any enemy types.
- 29 Jan. 2025 (PvP builds page): Guide updated with additional artifact recommendations.
- 29 Jan. 2025 (PvE builds page): Guide updated with additional artifact recommendations.
- 29 Jan. 2025 (perks page): Guide updated with additional perk suggestions.
- 29 Jan. 2025 (this page): Guide updated with additional perk and artifact suggestions.
- 10 Oct. 2024 (PvP builds page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 10 Oct. 2024 (gems page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 10 Oct. 2024 (perks page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 10 Oct. 2024 (abilities page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 05 Oct. 2024 (PvE builds page): Guide updated with additional up-to-date build information.
- 27 Sep. 2024 (this page): Guide updated with new builds, best practices, artifacts, and more.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (PvP builds page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (PvE builds page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (gems page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (perks page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (abilities page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023 (this page): Guide updated for expansion.
- 29 Mar. 2023 (gems page): Updated PvE Gems.
- 28 Mar. 2023 (this page): Perks, gems, and heartrune updated.
- 23 Feb. 2023 (PvP builds page): Guide added.
- 23 Feb. 2023 (PvE builds page): Guide added.
- 23 Feb. 2023 (gems page): Guide added.
- 23 Feb. 2023 (perks page): Guide added.
- 23 Feb. 2023 (abilities page): Guide added.
- 23 Feb. 2023 (this page): Guide added.
Savvvo is a New World Aeternum content creator with over 5,000 hours of gameplay. He specializes in developing leveling and gold-making guides, PvP builds, and discovering fun, new ways to enhance your New World experience. If you can not find him in Aeternum, he is probably somewhere on YouTube.
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