The Best Ways to Farm Gold in New World
Welcome to the ultimate gold-making guide for New World: Aeternum. Regardless of if you're a newcomer or a seasoned veteran, this guide has something to offer you. In this guide, we'll explore effective strategies, tips, and tricks to help you accumulate gold quickly and efficiently.
Gold-Making Guide for New World: Aeternum
As you venture through the lands of Aeternum, you'll quickly realize that the one currency that you can never truly have enough of is gold. With gold, you have the power to purchase everything you need. Whether it's weapons, gear, consumables, raw resources, or anything else, if you have a surplus of gold, you have the freedom to play the game in a more flexible, effective way.
However, it can be a bit challenging for some to gather a lot of gold, especially if they are constantly pending it!
In this guide, you'll learn a handful of unique, effective strategies on how to quickly make gold. These are just a few examples of how you can make gold - there are many others out there, and the more unique they are, the better, as that means there's likely less players doing the same strategies, leading to more gold-making opportunities for you.
Video Overview
For a quick overview on a range of gold-making strategies, view the video above. If you're interested in taking a deeper dive, take a closer look at the full guide of strategies below.
Farming Resources
One of the most common (and obvious) ways to make gold in New World: Aeternum is by gathering raw resources, then selling them to other players. If your goal is to make as much gold as possible, it's worth reviewing the prices of every raw resource on the Trading Post in your server, and then choosing to farm the one that is the most expensive.
This will allow you to gather the most sought-after resources by other players on your server, and also allow you to sell it a bit faster (due to the high demand).
To learn more about the most effective farming routes, view this map resource.
Crafting Satchels
One of the most sought-after items in this game are high-quality satchels. With satchels, players can increase their overall encumbrance, allowing them to hold more items within their inventory.
Crafting satchels are most effective in fresh start and young servers, as most players will not have high-quality satchels, ultimately increasing the overall demand for them.
The most sought-after perks to have on satchels are Extra Pockets,
Luck, and
Lasting Consumption. When crafting, you should always make sure
you use a
Sliver of Adderstone in order to lock the
Extra Pockets perk, as that is definitely the most desirable perk on satchels.
Armor, Weapon and Jewelry Matrices
When players reach max level, they will be at the point of the game that they can upgrade certain weapons and armor (specifically artifacts) to max gearscore (725).
One of the required materials in order to make this upgrade is either a Armor Matrix,
Weapon Matrix, or
Jewelry Matrix, which makes these three
items extremely sought-after.
In order to actually craft these materials, you will need to have certain trade skills (such as Armoring) maxed out at level 250 (which is NOT easy to do). If you are one of the few players on your servers to reach this level, you should mass-produce these materials and resell them to players to generate massive revenue.
Playing the Market
One of the best things about New World: Aeternum is that the economy is entirely ran by the players. All players will have access to the global Trading Post, where you can buy and sell items.
Within the Trading Post, there is an option to post "buy orders", which is a major opportunity to flip certain items to make fast, easy gold. By posting a buy order, you are agreeing to purchase a specific amount of items for a specific price per unit.
In most cases, these buy order prices will be lower than the actual selling price. For example, Iron Ore might be on the Trading Post for .5 gold each, but the highest buy order for Iron Ore is only .2 gold. In these cases, you would submit a new buy order for .21 gold, making your buy order the most desirable. You should try to purchase as much of this Iron Ore as possible, and then repost all of them on the Trading Post for .49 gold each.
In this example, you would essentially double your gold based on how much Iron Ore you would be able to collect from buy orders. Please note: This statement about Iron Ore is just an example. Depending on your server, certain items will be more profitable than others through this technique.
The items that have the largest difference between the buy order and the current selling price has the highest gold-making potential.
In order to craft certain furniture items in this game, it is required to first learn the schematic for it. Once you learn the schematic, your character permanently learns the "recipe" on how to craft the item, and you can craft as many as you want (as long as you have the required materials).
One schematic is specifically a major gold-making opportunity due to how valuable it is - and that’s the Schematic: Golden Steel Storage Chest. With this chest, players will be able to
craft the
Golden Steel Storage Chest once they have level 200 Furnishing.
These chests are so valuable because once they are placed within a player's house, it increases their storage by 1,000 weight in that specific town, allowing them to hold a larger amount of
items within their storage.
Another very sought-after type of schematic are Gorgonite schematics, which allow players to craft Bind-on-Equip (BoE) 725 gearscore items, which can be considered as "end game" gear for players. Players have reported selling these types of schematics from anywhere between 200,000 to 600,000 gold, based on the schematic and the server. In order to get your hands on one of these schematics, you will have to complete the Hive of Gorgons 10-man raid (where you will get a VERY small chance of obtaining a scroll after defeating the last boss).
The younger your server is, the higher the value this schematic will be. Based on whether or not you plan on leveling up your furnishing or not will be the primary decider on whether or not it's best for you to just sell the schematic itself, or learn it and start crafting these storage chests to sell them yourself.
- 02 Jan. 2025: Guide updated with new gold-making opportunities.
- 11 Oct. 2024: Guide added.
More New World Content
Savvvo is a New World Aeternum content creator with over 5,000 hours of gameplay. He specializes in developing leveling and gold-making guides, PvP builds, and discovering fun, new ways to enhance your New World experience. If you can not find him in Aeternum, he is probably somewhere on YouTube.
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