Greatsword PvE Builds for New World

Last updated on Jan 30, 2025 at 12:30 by Savvvo 2 comments
General Information

Welcome to our PvE builds page for Greatsword. Here, we provide builds for use in PvE encounters.


Great Axe PvE Builds

In PvE the Great Axe is known for its AoE damage output and ability to clump enemies together with its pulls and roots. It is most commonly seen as a "Trash Clearing" weapon as it shines when there are large packs of enemies to hit. It has very impactful cooldowns and can reset them very quickly. Its damage on single-target can still be great, but it is not typically needed for boss fights. Its PvE builds will play to its strengths in most cases and pair it with a strong single-target weapon for bosses, and use the Great Axe for everything else.

Please note: When it comes to PvE, it is best practice to use the Serenity Serenity Greatsword artifact, as it provides a handful of amazing perks that will help you maximize your overall damage.


Greatsword and Great Axe DPS

This is a great build for having all aspects of DPS covered. You can deal some of the highest damage in New World with the Greatsword for single-target fights, and the Great Axe can be used to clear trash packs, deal AoE damage, or it can be used to CC and group enemies together.




Great Axe


Greatsword and Hatchet DPS

This is a great build for having the most damage output possible. The Greatsword can be used as the primary damaging weapon and the Hatchet can be kept for Berserk Berserk burst windows and survivability. Or a player can focus on Hatchet for single-target, and use the Greatsword for AoE settings and its abilities.






Greatsword and War Hammer DPS

This is a great build for having a crowd-control option on trash packs, and still having high burst damage for boss fights.




War Hammer



A tanking secondary is up to the Tank's preference of weapon. While a Greatsword can be a great option, it is best to refer to the Sword and Shield guide to understand how to be a Tank.

To learn how to use the Greatsword as a secondary, please refer to the Greatsword guide.



  • 29 Jan. 2025: Guide updated with additional tips.
  • 11 Oct. 2024: Guide updated for expansion.
  • 22 Oct. 2023: Guide updated for expansion.
  • 16 Feb. 2023: Guide added.
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