Mob Type Guide for New World Aeternum
In New World: Aeternum, understanding mob types and their weaknesses is crucial for success. The in-depth guide covers every mob type in the game, from the aggressice Lost and Angry Earth to the elusive Ancients and Corrupted, detailing their specific weaknesses and where they can be found. Whether you're hunting for rare loot or completing faction missions, mastering these mob types and their weaknesses is key to dominating the game.
Mob Types Overview
Mobs in New World:Aeternum are broken down into six monster families, and each one has damage types that they are more vulnerable to. You can tell if your damage is strong against your foe because the damage number will be in yellow and there will be an upward-facing arrow next to the number. You can convert any weapon's damage type to be a portion of a specific element by socketing the associated gem in the weapon.
For a quick preview of what damage types are most effective on each mob type, reference the graph below.
These monsters are mostly found in or around ancient ruins and can be
quickly identified due to their skeletal nature. They take increased damage from
Strike, Void, and Lightning damage. This makes the War Hammer the ideal
weapon for these encounters as it deals all Strike damage. If you are using a weapon
other than the War Hammer, we recommend embedding a Topaz gem to deal additional lightning
damage, making your attacks on this mob type more effective.
There are two Expeditions that feature Ancient foes. The Starstone Barrows, located in Everfall, and the Lazarus Instrumentality, located in Reekwater, which is an endgame Expedition with a recommended level of 60.
You can recognize a Corrupted mob type due to the red theme that always accompanies
them. These enemies are fairly abundant in New World: Aeternum, and in the lore are
portrayed as the primary antagonists. There are a lot of different Corrupted
foes, ranging from mad farmers to fearsome bears or terrifying demons. As you
venture further north through Great Cleave and Shattered Mountain, you will
find new and fearsome Corrupted mobs. The city of Myrkgard sits at the
farthest north point in Shattered Mountain, and is the home base of the
Corrupted. If you venture there, expect to encounter fierce resistance.
Corrupted takes increased damage from Thrust, Nature, and
Arcane damage. We recommend using a Sapphire gem with your weapons
to maximize your damage output.
Areas of high Corruption can inflict Corruption damage to the player. When in these areas, a Corruption meter will appear on your screen and tick down over time. Once the meter reaches zero you will take damage and the meter will reset to full. The rate at which the meter depletes will depend on the level of the corruption zone and buffs on the player that help resist corruption. Corruption Tinctures and Elixirs allow you to reset your Corruption Affliction and gain resistance to Corruption for a short period of time.
There are two Expeditions filled with Corrupted foes, The Depths and Dynasty Shipyard. Be sure to review the guides for each of these expeditions befor eentering to ensure you're prepared to encounter these corrupted mobs!
Angry Earth
The Angry Earth is the land of Aeternum's answer to the Corrupted. These tree-like foes are aggressive in their defense of nature. The Angry Earth has also recently started being associated with a disease known as the Blight. Discovering why the Blight is spreading is part of the storyline for the Angry Earth zone of Edengrove. These mob types can be a bit unique, as some Angry Earth mobs are able to be chopped up for wood using a Logging Axe. Angry Earth take increased damage from Slash and Fire damage.
Areas of high Blight concentration, which are typically look like yellow clouds near the ground, can inflict the Blighted debuff on players. When entering one of these areas a Blight meter will appear and tick down over time. Once the meter reaches zero you will be Blighted which is a 3-minute affliction that does some damage over time and drastically reduces incoming healing. It is highly advisable that you avoid being Blighted at all costs. Blight Tinctures and Elixirs allow you to remove Blighted and gain resistance to it for a short period of time.
The Garden of Genesis, located in Edengrove, is a prime example of where you can find Angry Earth mob types. The Blight also plays a major role in this Expedition, so we recommend that you bring at least a few Blight Tinctures or Elixirs to cleanse yourself of the Blight. Be sure to review our guide for this expedition in case you run into any issues.
The Lost
The Lost are populated with people who have gone insane due to coming back to life one-too-many times. In New World: Aeternum, no one truly dies due to a mysterious power of the island of Aeternum, the land on which the game is set; some lose their minds during this process and become Lost. The Lost mob types feature zombie-like foes and ghosts. They are weak to Strike, Ice, and Nature damage. The ghost-type enemies can be particularly scary due to their fast movement speeds and ability to have elemental damage attacks that drain your Stamina or stun you.
The first Expedition you encounter, Amrine Excavation, features Lost-type mobs. Within the expedition you will fight zombie-like enemies, ghosts, and even large monstrosities. We recommend being at least Level 23 for your first attempt at this expedition.
Beasts are the natural wild animals that you would expect to find roaming the world in a non-magical setting. Wolves, Boars, Alligators, and Bears all fall into this category. In higher level territories you can find Corrupted versions of many Beast-type foes, these count as exclusively Corrupted-type and may behave differently than their non-Corrupted versions. Thrust type damage is most effective to beast mob types.
You will encounter a large amount of beast type mobs within the Savage Divide expedition. This is one of the end game dungeons, and it is highly recommended to ensure that at least one member of your group utilizes a DPS build with the spear.
Humans (other known as "Varangian") are the newest mob type that has been introduced to the game. These mob types will be scattered throughout Aeternum, and are weak against slash damage. With that being said, utilize weapons like the great axe, hatchet, and greatsword are great options against this mob type.
Human mob types are very abundant within the Empyrean Forge and the Glacial Tarn expeditions. These are both expeditions that you will encounter towards the end game, so be sure to utilize strong weapons and equipment when facing these mob types.
- 02 Sep. 2024: Guide updated with additional tips and tricks. New mob type "Human" added. New damage type chart added.
- 29 Sep. 2021: Guide added.
More New World Content
Savvvo is a New World Aeternum content creator with over 5,000 hours of gameplay. He specializes in developing leveling and gold-making guides, PvP builds, and discovering fun, new ways to enhance your New World experience. If you can not find him in Aeternum, he is probably somewhere on YouTube.
Additionally, Savvvo runs the Fighter Discord for Ashes of creation, which can be joined by following this link.
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