Rapier and Spear DPS PvE Build for New World
The following is a PvE damage build focused on maintaing many debuffs, primarily bleed damage over time effects, to provide consistent DPS while also contributing burst damage cooldowns. It has many debuffs to maintain and has many sources of damage empowerment. This build has many actions per minute, but can have some of the highest DPS in the game in the correct setting.
Rapier Spear DPS - PvE
In PvE combat a player can use both of these weapons to apply a wide range of debuffs and damage over time effects to provide consistent damage output that complements each weapon's burst damage options. The Spear also provides crowd-control, and the Rapier supplements with AoE damage output.
Video Overview
One of the most effective DPS builds in the game uses the Spear and Rapier in a very unique way. With this build, players use
the Spear for crowd control abilities and debuffs, and the Rapier for massive bleed and burst damage. All of these builds that
primarily utilize the Rapier should be using the Finisher artifact to capitalize on the Rapier's true damage potential.
The video below highlights one of the most effective builds using these weapons. An additional build highlight the usage of Evade
can also be found below within the guide. Enjoy!
Rapier PvE Build (with Evade)
Tondo — Stacking DoT that will deal incredibly damage when paired with
Omnidirectional Evade, and can be easily maintained.
Flurry — High damage cooldown with AoE potential.
Evade — Low cooldown ability that will constant provide a massive overall damage increase. This should be used constantly, especially right before an ability is used.
Spear PvE Build
Sweep — This provides an AoE crowd-control ability that knocks a enemies down, allowing them to be clumped together and killed quickly.
Perforate — This is a major source of damage that aplies the highest amount of Rend. It is important to use this on cooldown.
Skewer — This is a high damage ability that also applies a bleed to increase critical hit chance and apply extra damage pressure.
It is commonly debated as to whether or not you should take Sweep or
Vault Kick. Having
the AoE crowd-control for trash packs with a
Sweep is typically better than single-target stuns.
In PvE you want to play with as little Constitution as possible. As such, it is best to play around 50-100 Constitution.
Your primary attribute distribution depends on the content you are in. It is generally best to solely focus on putting points into Dexterity, but this is up to you and whether or not you primarily like to use the Rapier. Nonetheless, it is most optimal to scale Dexterity for the sake of both weapons.
Slot | Perks | Gem | Weight | Attribute | Source |
Spear | ![]() |
- | Dexterity | Crafted/BoE | |
Rapier | ![]() |
- | Strength | Crafted/BoE | |
Helmet |
Elemental Damage Reduction Gem (Mutator Specific) | Light | Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution | Crafted/BoE |
Chest |
Elemental Damage Reduction Gem (Mutator Specific) | Medium | Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution | Crafted/BoE |
Gloves |
Elemental Damage Reduction Gem (Mutator Specific) | Light | Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution | Crafted/BoE |
Pants |
Elemental Damage Reduction Gem (Mutator Specific) | Light | Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution | Crafted/BoE |
Boots |
Elemental Damage Reduction Gem (Mutator Specific) | Light | Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution | Crafted/BoE |
Amulet |
Elemental Damage Reduction Gem (Mutator Specific) | - | Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution | Crafted/BoE |
Ring*** | Elemental Damage Reduction Gem (Mutator Specific) | - | Dexterity | Named Drop*** | |
Earring | Elemental Damage Reduction Gem (Mutator Specific) | - | Strength or Constitution | Crafted/BoE |
**: The only ability perks that you need for the spear is Enfeebling Skewer. All others are moreso "nice
to have". You may want to consider adding
Keen Vault Kick if you use this ability. The optional perks you can take are
Leeching Flurry,
Bleeding Sweep, and
Fortifying Perforate.
***: Heart of Anhurawak is a
Thrust Damage drop that also has
Keen Awareness, this
perk combination cannot be rolled organically, so this is very strong.
Overall with gearing, this is the ideal loadout of perks for a best in slot build. With that being said, be sure to refer to the Spear Perks guide or Spear Perks guide or Rapier Perks guide or Rapier Perks guide to have a better understanding of other flexible perk options to fit into your build. You can decide what you are most comfortable with.
Gem Optimization
For more specific information on optimizing your gems in PvP and PvE please refer to our dedicated guides.
Use Brutal Heartrune of Detonate in PvE for maximum damage output.
Brutal Heartrune of Grasping Vines and
Stalwart Heartrune of Stoneform are secondary utility
Heartrune Usage
Your Heartrune will be used similarly in PvP and PvE scenarios. As such, please refer to our Spear guide or Rapier guide for tips on how it can be used most effectively.
Rotation and Priority List
Single Target Boss Rotation
- Use
Perforate and follow it with
- Use
Evade and then use
- Light attack with Rapier until
Evade is available again.
- Use
Evade and then use
- Light attack with Rapier until
Evade is available again.
- Use
Evade and then use
- Light attack with Rapier until
Evade is available again.
- Use
Evade and then use
- Light attack with Rapier until
Evade is available again.
- Use
Evade and then use
- Maintain Spear debuffs
- Use your Rapier for light attacking and maintain all bleeds. Continue using the combo listed above.
AoE Trash Rotation
- Use
Sweep on clumps of enemies.
- Use
Evade and then use
- Light attack with Rapier until
Evade is available again.
- Use
Evade and then use
Flurry on cooldown.
- Light attack with Rapier until
Evade is available again.
- Maintain as many
Tondo stacks as possible.
- Repeat
Gameplay Tips
When using the Spear or Rapier in PvP and PvE there are many similar aspects that go into gameplay decisions and rotations. To learn more about how you can improve your gameplay, use certain secondary weapons, or additional information on specific abilities, please refer to the Gameplay section of the Spear page or Rapier page.
For more information on the most frequently asked Spear or Rapier questions please refer to the FAQ section of the Rapier, or Rapier, for answers on PvP and PvE topics!
- 23 Oct. 2024: Guide updated with additional insights and new video overview.
- 22 Oct. 2023: Guide updated for expansion.
- 29 Mar. 2023: Updated gear.
- 23 Feb. 2023: Guide added.
Savvvo is a New World Aeternum content creator with over 5,000 hours of gameplay. He specializes in developing leveling and gold-making guides, PvP builds, and discovering fun, new ways to enhance your New World experience. If you can not find him in Aeternum, he is probably somewhere on YouTube.
Additionally, Savvvo runs the Fighter Discord for Ashes of creation, which can be joined by following this link.
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