Sword and Shield PvP Builds for New World
Welcome to our PvP builds page for Sword and Shield. Here, we provide builds for use in PvP encounters.
Sword and Shield PvP Builds
In PvP the Sword and Shield is notorious for its strong crowd-control combinations that allow for a player to stagger and stun an enemy in a manner that will prevent them from moving, and almost always end in a free kill. While it does not have extremely high single target damage, and lacks AoE damage, it will perfectly set up its second weapon for huge windows of burst damage. Additionally, it has some of the best tools to initiate a fight, and can be highly mobile. In PvP, it is mainly a backline dive assassin, but it can also be played in medium builds as a bruiser, or even a point tank.
Leaping Greatsword Assassin
This is a great option for setting up quick suprise engagements, stunning a target or putting them in a loop of crowd-control abilities, and then swapping to your Greatsword to pick up some quick kills. It is highly mobile and is great for focusing priority targets.
Sword and Shield
Sword and Shield Backline Assassin (Light or Medium)
This is a highly mobile dive assassin that takes advantage of the Sword and Shield's crowd-control. It is heavily focused on single-target damage and being able to lockdown one target at a time and escape.
Sword and Shield
Sword and Shield Dive Bruiser
This is another great build for diving into backlines and being able to setup clumps of enemies and then follow it up with high burst AoE damage. It excels with its single-target crowd-control thanks to the CC chains you can take advantage of on the Sword and Shield. You can be an absolute menace to healers or other priority targets, and you have many options for mobility. While it does not have the highest burst damage, it can still be used to pick up quick kills and chase down anyone who has low health.
Sword and Shield

Great Axe
Spear Dive Assassin
This capitalizes on the crowd-control effects of both weapons to dive into backlines, pick one target, and hit them with crowd-control effects while using windows of opportunity for quick bursts of damage. This is for players who like having a high level of control in a fight.
Sword and Shield

War Hammer Dive Bruiser
This is another build that relies heavily on crowd-control to lock targets in a combo that prevents them from moving and most likely a death. It is focused on killing one target at a time, but as long as you can land your opening ability, it should be easy to finish an enemy off.
Sword and Shield

War Hammer
- 25 Nov. 2024: Guide updated for expansion.
- 22 Oct. 2023: Guide updated for expansion.
- 16 Feb. 2023: Guide added.
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Savvvo is a New World Aeternum content creator with over 5,000 hours of gameplay. He specializes in developing leveling and gold-making guides, PvP builds, and discovering fun, new ways to enhance your New World experience. If you can not find him in Aeternum, he is probably somewhere on YouTube.
Additionally, Savvvo runs the Fighter Discord for Ashes of creation, which can be joined by following this link.
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