Overwatch 2 General Information from BlizzCon 2019

Last updated on Nov 01, 2019 at 23:30 by Blainie 1 comment

Overwatch 2 is a sequel to Overwatch 1, but both games will operate at the same time, with updates to heroes and maps going out to both games.

The game itself introduces a heavy PvE focus to the universe, as well as more lore and story elements.



This page will be updated as more information becomes available throughout BlizzCon and beyond.


What is Overwatch 2?

To put it in the words of Jeff Kaplan, Blizzard wanted to "redefine" the idea of a sequel.

Overwatch 2 will function as an add-on of sorts, where players will have an upgraded version of the visual styling, along with a variety of PvE missions and story options.

Players that are still playing the first Overwatch game will still be able to play the new maps and new heroes, but will not be able to play the new PvE content.


What happens to Overwatch 1 collections?

All of the collected skins and cosmetic items will be brought forward into Overwatch 2.


Push — New Game Mode

Push is a new core game mode that will feature a robot that pushes a payload between two points, with the direction depending on which team currently has control of it.

You can read more about it on our Push game mode overview.


New Maps

Overwatch 2 will introduce new maps. The following maps have currently been announced.


Character Talents

Players will be able to unlock talents for their chosen character, unlocking more as they level up.

You can see more on our Talents Overview for OW2.


Story Missions

These missions are explicitly added to showcase the lore of the Overwatch universe and are fully PvE.

New threats have popped up around the world and, after the shutdown of Overwatch, the organisation has once again started up to save the world from the new danger.

Each mission will feature 2 cinematics, one intro and one outro, that help to showcase the new lore.


Hero Choice

You can only play certain heroes in Story Missions, as only some will make sense in the context of the story for that scenario. The choice depends on the mission you are currently doing.

For the mission in Rio de Janeiro, you can choose between Mei, Reinhardt, Tracer, and Lucio.



Story Missions will allow players to pick up items that can help them in the mission, such as the Healing Station, which heals players.

You can find a full list of the known items found at BlizzCon in our dedicated items page.


Hero Missions

These are meant to be replayable, with a huge amount of variety in them.

These were compared to Adventure Mode in Diablo or World Quests in World of Warcraft. Players can essentially battle against different groups of enemies across the world, with a variety of heroes available. You can use these to level up heroes that you do not normally play.

The objectives of each mission will change, as well as who you are fighting and the map.


New Heroes

Sojourn, who was first seen in an event in Overwatch 1, has been confirmed as a new hero.

Overwatch 2 will introduce plenty of new heroes, which will be playable on both games.


UI and Cosmetic Updates

The UI and the cosmetic appearance of the game will change with Overwatch 2, with the appearance of characters changing to showcase not only the time that has passed, but also to display the capabilities of the new systems.


Icy Veins Coverage



  • 03 Nov. 2019: Moved Push and Items sections to new pages.
  • 01 Nov. 2019: Page added.
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