Doomfist Guide “Only through conflict do we evolve.”
Table of Contents

Real Name: Akande Ogundimu, Age: 45
Occupation: Mercenary
Base of Operations: Oyo, Nigeria
Affiliation: Talon
Role in the Current Meta
Doomfist fits very comfortably into the incredibly powerful dive compositions that are currently being run at every level of the game. He synergises perfectly with the two favoured tanks, Winston and D.Va, and heavily counters one of the most favoured defense picks, Reinhardt. You will often see him picked in the traditional 2-2-2 composition, replacing one of the former DPS picks, such as Tracer or Genji, especially on attack.
For defense, Doomfist is less likely to be picked due to this need to extend into the enemy team to properly be able to take out targets. Given the risky style of play, he will often find himself dying too soon without the full support of his team and allowing an opening for the enemy team to push in.
Doomfist Synergies
Doomfist is an extremely dive-centred hero and, given how fragile he can
become when caught in the wrong spot, he looks to combo with heroes that can
protect him and help him to retreat or secure kills. With her long-range healing
and Biotic Grenade, Ana is a perfect aid to Doomfist when he
dives in for his combo. Doomfist works well with any of the "dive" tanks, since
they ensure the backline is harassed while Doomfist singles out a target and
finishes them off or, in the case of Zarya, simply feeds her charge by
diving in with her
Projected Barrier.
Doomfist Counters
Doomfist struggles heavily when he cannot catch the target he is aiming for
and, given that Soldier: 76 will often take the high ground, he is likely
to take a huge amount of damage before even reaching him to engage. Pharah and
her ability to stay airborne is also a huge problem for Doomfist since he simply
cannot catch her in his combo. Another ideal counter to Doomfist is being able
to use Sombra's Hack on him, completely shutting down his
mobility and damage and essentially making him a large training target.
Orisa works incredibly well against Doomfist given her ability to shut
down his combo by simply using
Fortify, as well as slowing him down with
Doomfist Is Strong Against
Doomfist is an excellent counter to both Genji and Reinhardt given that their
survivability depends on the use of their Deflect and
Barrier Field
abilities respectively, but Doomfist can ignore both with his attacks. He excels
against heroes that simply cannot move away when engaged and, once Ana has used
Sleep Dart, she becomes an easy pick off for him.
Doomfist TL;DR Tips
- Comboing abilities in any order is the most efficient way of finishing off enemies that you face. See our combo section on the abilities page for more details on this.
Rocket Punch can be used as an efficient gap closer to put pressure on an enemy, regardless of the amount of damage coming from it.
- Overextending as Doomfist can be incredibly dangerous, especially when trying to engage an entire team. Focus on a target and bring them down before deciding if you need to retreat or not.
- If a fight is turning against you, use one of your mobility abilities to simply disengage and heal up. Doomfist has a huge hitbox for his health pool and can find himself being targeted down quickly.
- Use
Meteor Strike to focus a single enemy, such as a backline support that can be quickly removed from the fight, rather than wasting it and trying to hit the whole enemy team.
- You can only use
Meteor Strike to move to higher ground if there is a physical wall to climb up to it. If there is not one, you will move under it.
About our Author
Blainie is a Grand Master Support and Tank player, with a focus on analysis of gameplay and the meta surrounding Overwatch. He regularly streams his ranked games on Twitch, where he can answer any questions you may have about the game or guides.
Reading Further for Doomfist
To take things further, we have 2 more pages that you can read:
- Abilities and Strategy: an overview of your hero's abilities and how to use them;
- Synergies and Matchups: where we detail your synergies, your counters, and the heroes you work well against.
- 13 Aug. 2017 (this page): Guide added.
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