Winston Abilities and Strategy
Table of Contents
On this page, you will find a detailed overview of the abilities that Winston has access to. We also explain how to best use these abilities.
The other pages of our Winston guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
Winston TL;DR Tips
- Communication is key; if you cannot communicate with your team, Winston may not be the best option.
- Winston cannot fit into every team composition, and he is heavily composition-dependent. If allies are choosing heroes that do not work with Winston, do not be afraid to forgo the monkey.
- Timing and positioning are two crucial factors to Winston's success. Take advantage of your team's damage/picks, and follow up when possible.
Barrier Projector can be used in midair, so do not be afraid to throw it down preemptively if you are worried about being focused.
Primal Rage is one of the best stall abilities in the game. If your team needs to regroup to take a point, Primal Rage can get the job done.
Winston Abilities
Tesla Cannon

Electric frontal cone weapon.
Winston's primary fire (and primary form of
damage) is called Tesla Cannon. Tesla Cannon is a multi-target
auto-locking beam weapon that deals consistent damage over time. The beam
reaches up to 8 meters, has a width of 6 meters from the player's
field of vision and deals 60 damage per second.
Other mechanics of this weapon include:
- Holds 100 ammo.
- Uses 20 rounds per second.
- Reloads in 1.5 seconds.
Jump Pack

- Cooldown: 6 seconds
Leap forward into the air. Landing on an enemy damages them.
Jump Pack is Winston's primary mobility
ability. Jump Pack launches Winston in whatever direction he is currently
facing, and the player's movements in midair will slightly change Winston's
trajectory. With Jump Pack, Winston can launch himself anywhere from 18 to 22
meters depending on its usage.
Although mostly used as a way to get into position, Jump Pack also deals
area of effect damage and displaces enemies who
are caught within Winston's landing zone. The landing zone is a 5 meter radius
around Winston's character model on impact. Players caught in Winston's landing
zone will receive up to 45 damage as the damage decreases the farther away the
enemy is from the epicenter of the landing zone. The ability has a 6-second
cooldown that is lowered to 2 seconds when Winston is
using Primal Rage.
Barrier Projector

- Cooldown: 13 seconds
Hold to deploy a frontal energy barrier.
Barrier Projector is Winston's main defensive ability. When used,
Barrier Projector creates a barrier dome around Winston
that can tank up to 600 damage and will disappear after 5 seconds if not
destroyed. Once the dome is placed, the ability is put on a 13-second
cooldown. The dome reaches 5 meters from Winston's
position when used, but it should be noted that larger heroes' (like
Reinhardt and Roadhog) shoulders can peek out of the dome if
they stand too close to the edge.
Barrier Projector interacts with allies and enemies in the same ways as
other barriers. Enemies cannot shoot through the barrier, and allies can
shoot out of and through the barrier. Additionally, an enemy Symmetra
can use a Barrier Projector to boost the damage of her Photon Projector
primary fire. Enemies who enter the dome can hit
enemies inside the dome, but they cannot shoot out of the dome.
It should be noted that players can drop a Barrier Projector while in
midair with
Jump Pack. This allows Winston to throw down his Barrier
early in an effort to block incoming damage.
Primal Rage

- Ultimate
Gain immense health, but you can only leap and punch enemies.
Primal Rage is a self-buffing ability that increases Winston's
hit points and instantly heals any damage he has
received (but takes away his armor), lowers the
cooldown of his
Jump Pack, increases his
mobility, and changes his
primary fire to a swinging melee attack that
damages and knocks back enemies.
Primal Rage lasts a total of 10 seconds, is an instant cast ability, and
can be used to save Winston at the last second before he is killed in action.
Primal Rage's swinging attacks deal 40 damage, can hit enemies from 4 meters
out, and can be used at a rate of 1.6 swings per second. Once Primal Rage ends,
Winston's Tesla Cannon ammo is instantly restored.
About our Author
Mournflakes is a flex Grandmaster Overwatch player who boasts a career high SR rating of 4433. His favorite heroes are Roadhog, Soldier: 76, and Ana. He has played Overwatch since its initial release, and has put over 700 hours into competitive play. When not writing guides, you can catch Mournflakes streaming on his Twitch channel.
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