Icy Veins Podcast #40 — WoW & Hearthstone Fiesta

In this episode:
- [04:00] WoW: Patch 8.2 unexpected stuff!
- [19:00] Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows fun decks and Ignoble Garden event
- [30:00] Overwatch: Storm Rising event
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Zadina for helping us discuss World of Warcraft and other games.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
3 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #39 — Diablo's Lovely Head

In this episode:
- [04:00] WoW: Patch 8.2 details, Warcraft 1 & 2 on GOG
- [19:00] Diablo: Patch 2.6.5 details and Season 17
- [30:00] Heroes: The Caldeum Complex event
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Deadset for helping us discuss Diablo 3.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #38 — Don't Topdeck Schemes

In this episode:
- [04:00] WoW: Patch 8.1.5 is live! Derek & Jaina cinematic, WoW Classic content plan
- [16:00] Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows keywords and mechanics
- [30:00] Heroes: Currency changes, new hero roles, character reworks
- [40:00] Overwatch: Baptiste is live, balance changes, Overwatch league in 2020
- [46:00] Diablo: Season 17 delay, Diablo on GoG
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Zadina for helping us discuss World of Warcraft and other games.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #37 — Year of the Dragon

In this episode:
- [05:00] WoW: Patch 8.1.5 release, loot, professions... and MDI
- [20:00] Hearthstone: Year of the Dragon details, and new eSports structure
- [40:00] Overwatch: New hero details, and Overwatch League news
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Zadina for helping us discuss World of Warcraft and other games.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #36 — Games and Layoffs

In this episode:
- [03:00] WoW: Patch 8.1.5 news roundup! Allied races, raid, Wintegrasp and more
- [14:00] Overwatch: Paris map live, Overwatch League Season 2 has started
- [21:00] Heroes: Currency changes, new event live
- [23:00] General news: Layoffs and future games
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
3 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #35 — When Pigs Fly

In this episode:
- [02:00] Talking with Kat about her double rank 1 legend
- [08:00] WoW: Patch 8.1.5 Mount and heirloom changes, race to world first Mythic Jaina kill
- [23:00] Hearthstone: Lunar event card back, new nerf round
- [31:00] Overwatch: New Paris map on PTR, Overwatch League coming back soon
- [37:00] Heroes: New skins on PTR, (Neo President) Anduin leak, Kevin Johnson leaves the team
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Kat for helping us discuss Hearthstone.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
2 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #34 — Tides of Grandeur

In this episode:
- [02:00] WoW: Patch 8.1 part II is live
- [21:00] Overwatch: Lunar New Year event
- [23:00] Diablo: Season 16 details
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Deadset for helping us discuss Diablo 3.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #33 — Blizzard Adjacent

In this episode:
- [02:00] WoW: Patch 8.1.5 details
- [10:00] Overwatch: Bastet short story, armor nerf patch
- [17:00] Heroes: Imperius reveal
- [21:00] Hearthstone: eSports survey question, Second Dinner announcement
- [29:00] Diablo: The Darkening of Tristram returns
- [30:00] General news: Bungie and Activision part ways, Bungie keeps Destiny
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #32 — Bad News, Heroes...

In this episode:
- [03:00] Heroes: No HGC and development slow down
- [26:00] Hearthstone: Rumble Run and Rastakhan meta
- [39:00] WoW, Overwatch, Diablo, and general news
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Zadina for helping us discuss World of Warcraft and other games.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #31 — Winter Patches Galore

In this episode:
- [03:00] WoW: Patch 8.1 is live! Community reaction, features, etc.
- [24:00] Overwatch: Winter Wonderland is live! Features, nerfs and buffs, etc.
- [29:00] Heroes: The Winter Event is live! Characters and XP reworks, toy theme, etc.
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #30 — Rastakhan's Rumblings

In this episode:
- [02:00] Hearthstone: All about Rastakhan's Rumble
- [25:00] WoW: A few things about 8.1
- [32:00] Overwatch: Nerfs for Brigitte and Doomfist
- [35:00] Heroes: Wonder William and Orphea prices
- [37:00] StarCraft 2: Patch 4.7.1
- [38:00] Diablo: Patch 2.6.4 and the Kotaku article
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Zadina for helping us discuss World of Warcraft and other games.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #29 — Post BlizzCon Briefing

In this episode:
- [02:00] Diablo: Diablo Immortal, Deadset's impressions after the initial shock
- [30:00] WoW: Sylvanas, WoW Classic expansions, WCIII Reforged custom maps, 8.1 XP nerfs
- [40:00] Hearthstone: 100 million players!
- [42:00] Heroes: Three importants changes announced at BlizzCon
- [49:00] Overwatch: Ashe is out, Paris is Eternal
- [51:00] General News: Activision Blizzard investors call
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Deadset for helping us discuss Diablo 3.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #28 — BlizzCon 2018

In this episode:
- [07:00] WoW: Warcraft III Reforged, WoW Classic, Patches 8.1 to 8.2.5
- [17:00] Hearthstone: Rastakhan's Rumble
- [27:00] Heroes: Orphea and 2019 gameplay rework
- [40:00] Overwatch: Ashe
- [48:00] Diablo: Diablo Immortal
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Deadset, Aleco, and Straften for helping us discuss Diablo, Hearthstone, and Heroes of the Storm.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
3 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #27 — Wait (for BlizzCon) and see...

In this episode:
- [02:00] WoW: Azerite improvements and Patch 8.1
- [18:00] Hearthstone: Card nerfs, Fall Championship, and Global Games drama
- [36:00] Overwatch: Halloween Terror and Torbjörn rework, speculation on the future of the game
- [46:00] Heroes: Mal'Ganis is live, Dabiri leaves the team
- [54:00] General news: Morhaime retires, J. Allen Brack is the new president
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco for helping us discuss Hearthstone
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #26 — Third Person Diablo

In this episode:
- [02:00] WoW: WoW Classic on Virtual Ticket, Azerite Gear issues
- [25:00] Overwatch: Torbjörn (and Pharah) rework, Halloween event, World Cup Paris stage
- [33:00] Hearthstone and Heroes quick tid bits
- [36:00] Diablo: Season 15, BlizzCon announcement speculation
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Deadset for helping us discuss Diablo 3.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #25 — Last Minute News Fiesta!

In this episode:
- [00:03] WoW: Patch 8.1 "Tides of Vengeance"
- [00:17] Hearthstone: "What's Coming Next" update
- [00:37] Heroes: "Fall of King's Crest" event, Garden of Terror rework
- [00:45] Overwatch: Busan map, Paris team
- [00:50] Diablo: BlizzCon hints
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco for helping us discuss Hearthstone
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #24 — The God of Nothing

In this episode:
- [00:03] WoW: Endgame is starting!
- [00:19] Hearthstone: Comic, Quest Rogue, EU playoffs
- [00:33] Heroes: Hanamura rework live
- [00:36] Overwatch: Dva challenge and Watchpoint on Twitter
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco for helping us discuss Hearthstone
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #23 — Levelling for Azeroth

In this episode:
- [00:03] WoW: Battle for Azeroth levelling impressions
- [00:17] Hearthstone: Puzzle Labs
- [00:24] Diablo: Diablo 3 Switch, Diablo Comic
- [00:30] Heroes: Mephisto overview and Hanamura changes
- [00:34] Overwatch: DVa cinematic and new Busan map
- [00:44] John Staats interview
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco for helping us discuss Hearthstone
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #22 — #MaybeMyWarchief...?

In this episode:
- [00:03] Hearthstone: The Boomsday Project is out!
- [00:18] Overwatch: Overwatch League Season 1 finals and Summer Games
- [00:26] Diablo: Quick announcement of an announcement
- [00:28] Heroes: Sally Whitemane and Viper skins
- [00:31] WoW: War of Thorns lore and Sylvanas characterization
- [00:50] StarCraft 2: Season 3 Warchest
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco for helping us discuss Hearthstone
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #21 — The Daughter of the Sea

In this episode:
- [00:03] Hearthstone: The Boomsday Project cards revealed!
- [00:13] WoW: Stinkrot Smasher, Warbringers: Jaina, Pre-patch is live and more
- [00:28] Overwatch: Wrecking Ball live, nerfs and buffs, Overwatch league finals
- [00:38] Heroes: New hero teased
- [00:42] StarCraft 2: Eigth anniversary
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco for helping us discuss Hearthstone
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #20 — Cows on Dragons

In this episode:
- [00:02] Hearthstone: The Boomsday Project
- [00:16] Heroes: Warchrome, Azmodan and Raynor reworks
- [00:23] Overwatch: Wrecking Ball
- [00:33] WoW: Pre-patch info, Dueler's Guild, Uldir Sets, Multiboxing in PvP
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco for helping us discuss Hearthstone
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #19 — WoW pre-patch extravaganza

In this episode:
- [00:02] WoW: All the details about the pre-patch
- [00:28] Overwatch: New hero coming and latest patch available
- [00:30] Hearthstone: Dev blog and HCT Summer
- [00:33] Heroes: New comic and Volskaya disabled
- [00:36] Diablo: Deadset's season 14 compendium is available
- [00:37] StarCraft: Patch 4.4.0
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Zadina for helping us discuss World of Warcraft and other games.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #18 — Angry Stan Isn't Angry

In this episode:
- [00:28] Overwatch: New social features (endorsements and LFG), Symmetra rework
- [00:19] Hearthstone: Taverns of Time event, patch 11.2 issues
- [00:19] Heroes: Echoes of Alterac event: Yrel and Alterac Pass
- [00:02] WoW: New comic, Mage Tower, Azerite Powers, Before the Storm
- [00:19] Diablo: Themed Seasons (season 14) and unannounced Diablo project
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco and Deadset for helping us discuss Diablo 3.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
3 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #17 — Short & Sweet

In this episode:
- [00:02] WoW: Mythic+ seasons, more Azerite traits, Brutosaur mount, comics
- [00:19] Heroes: 3 year anniversary, loot box drop rate issues, Chromie rework
- [00:28] Overwatch: Petra map and Free for All season, skin buyers guide, stop motion short
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #16 — Dapper Gentlemen

In this episode:
- [00:02] Hearthstone: Nerfs for May, HCT decks
- [00:10] WoW: PvP ranking and talents, new Azerite traits
- [00:20] Heroes: Nexomania, Lunara and Diablo reworks, Sombra
- [00:27] Overwatch: Second anniversary event, Rialto map and Hanzo rework live, Pink Mercy
- [00:35] StarCraft 2: Balance changes for TvP
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda for helping us discuss Hearthstone and Overwatch.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #15 — Turn On War Mode

In this episode:
- [00:02] Hearthstone: Monster Hunt, Shudderstock animation, Ben Brode leaves Blizzard
- [00:12] WoW: BfA beta, War Mode details, Island Expedition changes, Before the Storm novel
- [00:23] Heroes: Nexus comic and lore
- [00:29] Overwatch: Brigitte in ranked, changes to Hanzo, Lucio and Symmetra
- [00:41] StarCraft 2: Premium arcade maps
- [00:44] Diablo: Console patch 2.6.1
- [00:45] General News: Lootboxes are illegal in Belgium
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco for helping us discuss Hearthstone
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
3 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #14 — Even The Odds

In this episode:
- [00:02] Hearthstone: Witchwood release and meta
- [00:17] WoW: Battle for Azeroth release date, Warfronts testing, Island Expeditions details, Battle for Lordaeron scenario
- [00:35] Overwatch: Retribution event, 6v6 elimination competitive season 1
- [00:40] Heroes: Deckard Cain revealed, lore coming to the Nexus
- [00:47] General News: BlizzCon dates and speculation
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda for helping us discuss Hearthstone and Overwatch.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #13 — Unusual Heroes

In this episode:
- [00:03] Hearthstone: The Witchwood cards reveals!
- [00:16] Overwatch: Archives event, Reaper buffs, "Avoid as team mate" option
- [00:24] Heroes: Fenix is live (and a bit OP?), "unusual hero" announcement coming
- [00:29] WoW: Stormsong Valley (and more) zone added to the beta, Xirev gets all the achievements in the game
- [00:33] StarCraft 2: Support Nation Wars, Fenix is a gift for all
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda for helping us discuss Hearthstone and Overwatch.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #12 — Interesting Decisions

In this episode:
- [00:02] Hearthstone: The Witchwood announcement and details
- [00:15] WoW: Island Expeditions in the BfA alpha
- [00:25] Heroes: Fenix preview (and ranked mode distribution)
- [00:31] Overwatch: Brigitte is live
- [00:36] Diablo: Diablo 3 coming to the Nintendo Switch? (again)
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco for helping us discuss Hearthstone
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
3 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #11 — ALL Blizzard Games

In this episode:
- [00:03] Hearthstone: Year of the Raven announcements and Arena changes
- [00:15] WoW: Seething Shore battleground and Zandalari druid forms
- [00:21] Heroes: voice chat available and new heroes rumors
- [00:26] Overwatch: Brigitte on PTR and player distribution in ranked
- [00:33] StarCraft: StarCraft 2 still attracts players, what's on the site,Warcraft III Remastered?
- [00:40] Diablo: Diablo 3 comming to the Nintendo Switch?
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda and Wardi for helping us discuss Hearthstone, Overwatch, and Starcraft 2.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #10 — There's Still Hope

In this episode:
- [00:03] Hearthstone: balance changes, ranked play changes, year of the Mammoth pack
- [00:13] WoW: BfA pre purchase and alpha details, player dings 60 killing boars
- [00:23] Overwatch: Year of the Dog CTF and skins, PTR balance changes
- [00:29] Diablo: season 13 details and Haedrig's Gift
- [00:35] Heroes: Maiev available, brawl, opening moves series complete
- [00:39] StarCraft 2: live on Icy Veins!
- [00:43] General: Activision Blizzard earnings, Icy Veins recruiting writers, WarCraft III remastered?
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda and Deadset for helping us discuss Hearthstone, Overwatch, and Diablo 3.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #9 — esports... esports everywhere!

In this episode:
- [00:03] Hearthstone: HCT World Championship, Tavern Brawl: Hall of Champions
- Matches to watch:
- Surrender vs Shtan Udachi QuarterFinal Game 4
- All of Sintolo vs Fr0zen Quarterfinal
- [00:15] WoW: Legion epilogue, world scaling and Recruit-a-friend XP, Uuna
- [00:26] Overwatch: Overwatch League begins!, new items in regular loot boxes
- Matches to watch:
- LA Valiants vs London Spitfire from January 21st
- [00:38] Heroes: Opening Moves series, meta tier list, Heroes of the Dorm 2018
- [00:45] Diablo: Druid class rumors, Bone Ringer bug fixed
- [00:50] General: StarCraft 2 section (almost) live on Icy Veins!
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda for helping us discuss Hearthstone and Overwatch.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #8 — 7.3.5 on the Horizon

In this episode:
- [00:04] WoW: 7.3.5 is coming! Level scaling, legendary tokens, allied races...
- [00:13] Hearthstone: free card packs, world championship decks and meta
- [00:32] Overwatch: Yule Log with Jeff Kaplan, Junkrat and Mercy nerfs, Overwatch League
- [00:30] Heroes: Blaze is live!
- [00:34] Diablo: The Darkening of Tristram returns
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda for helping us discuss Hearthstone and Overwatch.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #7 — The Spirit of Winter Veil

In this episode:
Unlike the usual shows where we cover the news, this is a special where Patrick, Stan and Lorinda discuss their year in Blizzard games (and make some really cheesy jokes, which they really hope you'll forgive them for).
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda for helping us discuss Hearthstone and Overwatch.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
2 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #6 — The Hearthstone Esports Thing

In this episode:
- [00:02] Diablo: Patch fallout, new game rumors, Challenge Rift
- [00:10] Hearthstone: What pros think of the expansion, Dungeon Runs, and HTC revamp
- [00:24] Heroes: Hanzo is live, Winte Veil event, Foundation bundle
- [00:32] Overwatch: Winter Wonderland, competitive changes, OWL preseason
- [00:39] WoW: Mythic Argus is difficult, new additions to 7.3.5
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda for helping us discuss Hearthstone and Overwatch.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #5 — Kobolds and Catacooombs

In this episode:
- [00:03] Hearthstone: Kobolds and Catacombs, cost and choice debate
- [00:20] WoW: Antorus is available! And BfA tidbits, Solo KJ kill
- [00:33] Overwatch: Moira is live, Blizzard World on PTR, Reinhardt short commentary
- [00:38] Heroes: Hanzo no PTR, and massive support rework on PTR
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco for helping us discuss Hearthstone
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
4 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #4 — Diablo seasons are fun too!

In this episode:
- [00:04] WoW: Antorus dates, world PvP changes, patch 7.3.5
- [00:13] Diablo: Season 12, and what are seasons?
- [00:23] Hearthstone: Expansion date, death knights removed from arena
- [00:29] Heroes: Alexstraza is live, details on performance based MMR, bundles for gems only
- [00:39] Overwatch: Moira is on PTR, free to play week end, videos from BlizzCon
- [00:46] General news: StarCraft 2 is free to play!
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to Aleco and Deadset for helping us discuss Diablo 3.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
1 commentIcy Veins Podcast #3 — BlizzCon 2017

In this episode:
- [00:04] WoW: The Battle for Azeroth
- [00:24] Hearthstone: Kobolds and Catacombs
- [00:34] Overwatch: Moira, Blizzard World, Reinhardt short
- [00:44] Heroes: Hanzo and Alexstraza, 2018 gameplay update
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda for helping us discuss Hearthstone and Overwatch.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
5 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #2 — Halloween Loot

In this episode:
- [00:02] WoW: Argus the Unmaker encounter, trinkets, legendaries
- [00:12] Heroes: Junkrat, Hallow's End
- [00:19] Diablo: Patch 2.6.1, Challenge Rifts
- [00:26] Hearthstone: Patch 9.2, Nemsy Necrofizzle, HCT
- [00:32] Overwatch: Halloween Terror, Mercy nerf
- [00:37] General: Appear offline, Groups beta, BlizzCon goodies, Muse
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda for helping us discuss Hearthstone and Overwatch.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
2 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #1 — Welcome to Our New Icy Veins Podcast!

In this episode:
- WoW: Expansion at BlizzCon, Antorus Raid
- Heroes: Ana, Volskaya Foundry
- Diablo: No announcement at BlizzCon
- Hearthstone: State of the expansion, next expansion, esports
- Overwatch: Mercy too powerful, esports
- General: Groups coming to Battle.net, MMO RTS in the works
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- Thanks to L0rinda for helping us discuss Hearthstone and Overwatch.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
3 commentsIcy Veins Podcast #0 — The Intro

This first episode is just the introduction of the show that we used to kickstart things on iTunes.
More information on the episode:
- For more news and guides, please visit https://www.icy-veins.com.
- The hosts are Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) and Stan Duris (@heroespwn).
- You can find Patrick's podcasts at frenchspin.com.
- The opening is from Daniel Beja (@misterdanielb). His music is free of rights on MusicInCloud.fr.
You can download the MP3 file and subscribe through iTunes or RSS.
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