Affliction Warlock Leveling Guide From 1 to 70 for TBC Classic
On this page, you will find our Affliction Warlock leveling guide for TBC Classic, with tips on talents, rotation, and everything else you may need to know about the leveling process.
For those of you that wish to level with another specialisation, you can always check out our Demonology Leveling guide instead.
Make sure to use the slider to adapt the guide to your current level.
Level-by-Level Rotation and Talents for Warlocks in TBC Classic
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Leveling Talent Tree & Build
Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.
Affliction Talents from 10-19
Improved Corruption makes your
have no cast time, providing great value.
Suppression will help you
gain the most important stat, Spell Hit, for a modest talent point investment. It is suggested to put
at least 2-3 points into
Suppression and no more, as fighting enemies at your level
or lower requires very little Spell Hit.
Improved Life Tap is very helpful while leveling,
as it provides you with more Mana return from your
Life Tap, resulting in less downtime
sitting and drinking to regen your health and Mana.
Affliction Talents from 20-29
With the changes to Improved Drain Soul,
this talent is actually really good for leveling and we dare say is a must have. It
provides you with some much needed Mana return, while at the same time
Soul Siphon
is bringing you really good Health returns on your
Drain Life.
Amplify Curse
is a strong spell that you should use on cooldown partnered with
Curse of Agony, making
your next
Curse of Agony extremely strong. Lastly, putting five points into
Fel Concentration gives you a 70% chance to avoid any pushback on your
Drain Life, allowing you to drain tank successfully.
Affliction Talents from 30-39
Putting two points into Improved Curse of Agony
increases your
Curse of Agony damage by 10%. Mix that with
Empowered Corruption
and your DoTs will be hitting very hard.
Nightfall is important as it will give you
many chances at free
Shadow Bolts since it procs off of
Corruption and
Drain Life, which are constantly on the target. At Level 39,
Siphon Life
becomes available and with it comes even more damage and decent heath return, leading to your
targets dying faster and you needing to sit less and less.
Destructive Reach extends the
range of your Affliction spells by 6 yards. This gives your enemies 6 more yards to reach you.
Affliction Talents from 40-49
This is where Affliction starts to really take off.
Shadow Mastery and
Contagion both provide you with a massive
damage boost to your most important DoTs, meanwhile
Dark Pact gives you an
insane boost to your Mana regen, allowing you to take your pets Mana.
Affliction Talents from 50-59
The new Warlock spell Unstable Affliction
will provide you with a massive power boost, giving you a new and quite powerful DoT to keep
up on your target. Next, we suggest that you put one point into
Shadow Embrace. While
at first glance this looks like it would not help much, and you are right, the bonus from the talent
does not help you much, however it counts as an Affliction effect, meaning you get 4% more healing
from your
Soul Siphon talent. If you are playing on a PvP Server and expect to see
some PvP action, then it is also suggested that you put a point into
Curse of Exhaustion,
as it can really help with slowing enemies down. After that, put both points into
Improved Howl of Terror, which will make your
Howl of Terror instant
cast, making you much harder to kill. Lastly, it is time to put the rest of your points into Demonology,
picking up
Demonic Embrace, which will provide you with a huge boost to your Stamina.
As you imagined, it is suggested to put the remainder of your points
into Demonology for the utility. Improved Healthstone helps when you need that instant
health return from your
Create Healthstone. Both
Fel Stamina and
Fel Intellect will provide you with 3% more maximum Mana and health, leading to
even less downtime to recover both resources.
Demonic Aegis is a very powerful
talent that is a must with pretty much any build. This greatly buffs your
Fel Armor,
resulting in 26% increased healing(rather than 20%) and 130 Spell Power(rather than 100). Lastly,
to round it all up,
Fel Domination allows to summon a new demon in pretty much half
the time and it costs half the Mana. This is very good if you ever need to quickly get another pet
Leveling Rotation
There are two suggested builds for Affliction Warlocks to choose from. Which you choose will
depend largely on your playstyle, as well as your current Gear. The first build is the Unstable
Affliction build. The second build is the SM/DS build, which utilizes Demonic Sacrifice
to sacriice your demon for Health regen or more damage. It is widely suggested for those with weaker
gear to go with the Unstable Affiction build to allow
Unstable Affliction to help carry
your damage and other talents like
Contagion to boost your
Curse of Agony, while your demon feeds you Mana with
Dark Pact.
Unstable Affliction Build
Unstable Affliction Leveling Rotation 10-49
- Send your demon to attack your target.
Immolate is only used if you can afford the Mana and also only until you get
Unstable Affliction at level 50.
Curse of Agony
Siphon Life
Howl of Terror and
Fear if you are in danger. It is easy for these fears to get out of hand and they can pull many more mobs. Be careful and be ready to use
Curse of Recklessness on any enemies that look like they are going to pull more.
Drain Life if you need any Health and, if you do not need health, then
Shoot your wand.
Drain Soul for the killing blow ONLY if you need a Soul Shard or if you need the Mana back from
Improved Drain Soul.
Unstable Affliction Leveling 50-70
Nothing drastic changes in your rotation once you hit level 50, you just get to add the
new and very powerful DoT Unstable Affliction. Unlike most of your other DoTs,
Unstable Affliction has a cast time, so you must hold still to cast it. Due to
that, it is suggested that you use it as your first cast on the target(s), then continue to put
your DoTs up as you have been thus far. Once you get to Level 64, it is suggested that you use
Incinerate instead of
Shadow Bolt. Incinerate has less of a cast
time, less Mana, and goes well with
Unstable Affliction Leveling Rotation 50-70
- Send your demon to attack your target.
Unstable Affliction as many targets that you are trying to kill. Do this to eliminate pushback once they reach you
Curse of Agony
Siphon Life
Howl of Terror and
Fear if you are in danger. It is easy for these fears to get out of hand and they can pull many more mobs. Be careful and be ready to use
Curse of Recklessness on any enemies that look like they are going to pull more.
Drain Life if you need any Health and, if you do not need health, then
Shoot your wand.
Drain Soul for the killing blow ONLY if you need a Soul Shard or if you need the Mana back from
Improved Drain Soul.
Shadow Mastery/Demonic Sacrifice Affliction Build
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
This alternative Affliction build is another very powerful Affliction build that is suggested
for anyone who has a some gear to back them up. This build is rather slow starting out at the lower
levels, so it is suggested that you respec at or around 60 to the build linked above and then use
your extra points while leveling to continue down the Affliction tree, starting at Fel Concentration.
This build utilizes
Shadow Mastery, which exceptionally increases your DoT damage,
and then using
Demonic Sacrifice to sacrifice either your
Summon Voidwalker
for some insanse health regen, or
Summon Succubus for the massive increase to your
overall damage. As always, base your
Suppression points on your current gear.
If you are running this build, it generally means that you have some gear and if there is hit on that
gear, do not worry about
Suppression. This build is less focused on drain tanking,
and more on sustainability, with the goal to go as long as you can without stopping to regen. This
build is also less focused on single-targetting enemies down and more about mass pulling as many
as you feel comfortable, while easily surviving due to the massive health regen from
Demonic Sacrificeing your
Summon Voidwalker, the tankiness you get from
Demonic Embrace, and of course all the incoming healing from talents like
Soul Siphon,
Siphon Life, and
Demonic Aegis.
SM/DS Leveling Rotation 1-60
- Send your demon to attack your target.
Immolate is only used if you can afford the Mana.
Siphon Life
Curse of Agony to keep
Amplify Curse on cooldown.
Howl of Terror and
Fear if you are in danger. It is easy for these fears to get out of hand and they can pull many more mobs. Be careful and be ready to use
Curse of Recklessness on any enemies that look like they are going to pull more.
Drain Life if you need any Health and, if you do not need health, then
Shoot your wand.
Drain Soul for the killing blow ONLY if you need a Soul Shard or if you need the Mana back from
Improved Drain Soul.
SM/DS Leveling 60-70
Nothing really at all changes with your rotation, besides the fact that you get to finally
Demonic Sacrifice one of your demons. As said above, which you choose will depend
largely on your playstyle. You can sacrifice either your
Summon Voidwalker
for some insanse health regen or
Summon Succubus for the massive increase to your
overall damage. Once you get to Level 64, it is suggested that you use
Incinerate instead of
Shadow Bolt if you are looking
to burst an enemy down. Incinerate has a shorter cast time, consumes less Mana and goes well with
SM/DS Leveling Rotation 60-70
Demonic Sacrifice either your
Summon Voidwalker or your
Summon Succubus. Make sure one is always sacrificed.
Immolate is only used if you can afford the Mana.
Siphon Life
Curse of Agony to keep
Amplify Curse on cooldown.
Howl of Terror and
Fear if you are in danger. It is easy for these fears to get out of hand and they can pull many more mobs. Be careful and be ready to use
Curse of Recklessness on any enemies that look like they are going to pull more.
Drain Life if you need any Health and, if you do not need health, then
Shoot your wand.
Drain Soul for the killing blow ONLY if you need a Soul Shard or if you need the Mana from
Improved Drain Soul.
List of Trainer Skills to Buy
Warlocks do not just have spells to buy, but we also have grimoires. Grimoires are special books that
containt certain spell ranks for your demon. For example, to teach your Summon Voidwalker
to Taunt, you must buy the Taunt grimoire that will then teach your
Summon Voidwalker
how to do it. At first glance, it might seem like there is an endless amount of skills and grimoires to buy.
It is only important that you keep the spells and abilites that you use in your rotation at max
rank, as well as any utility abilites that you find yourself using. As for the demon grimoires, you do not
have to buy them all. Instead, if you are short on Gold, just only keep your leveling demon fully ranked and
do not worry about the other demons until your leveling journey is complete. For example, if you decide to
go with your
Summon Succubus, then only purchase her grimoires as you will not be using the
other demons much while leveling.
- 22 May 2021: Page added.
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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